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Irresistible You

Page 17

by Barbara Boswell

  His lips closed over her right nipple, and he suckled gently, erotically.

  Brenna gasped.

  “Did I hurt you?” he asked, raising his head, instantly solicitous.

  “No.” She somehow remembered to breathe. “I just saw fireworks in my head again.” Her body was humming, her mind floating.

  “Now let’s try for a Zambelli International Finale,” kidded Luke, pulling her over him.

  He cupped her, positioning her to receive him, and her moan of anticipation urged him to slide in farther.

  He moved and she rocked back and forth, tentatively at first, then with more confidence and power, matching her rhythm to his.

  His pace became hot and feral, and she kept right up with him, her head tilted back, her eyes closed in ecstasy. His hands were everywhere, on her belly and her breasts, her thighs, between them.

  Brenna was overwhelmed with sensation. He was so deep. Deeper and deeper. She lost the rhythm she’d been carefully keeping and abandoned herself to the exhilaration of Luke moving within her. White-hot pleasure rocketed through her, sending her soaring.

  She could feel the climax building, her body tensing.

  “Let go,” Luke rasped. “Let it happen. I’ve got you, sweetheart, you’re safe with me.”

  And she knew she was and always would be. She let go and went tumbling into a glittering, perfect, oblivion. Luke was with her all the way.

  They sent out for pizza around ten o’clock, a late dinner but the happiest, most romantic one either had ever had.

  Later Luke called his parents.

  “Good news, Ma,” he said exuberantly. “We’re engaged. Sure, I’ll tell her. But, here, why don’t you tell her yourself?” He handed the receiver to Brenna.

  She clutched it, a little nervously. After all, she’d pretty much kicked her future mother-in-law out of her house only hours before. “Hi, Mrs. Minteer.”

  “Call me Rosemary and welcome to the family, Brenna, darling. You’re perfect for our Luke. It’s as if you were special-ordered for him.”

  “Now that you mention it, I was, kind of. And he was for me, too.” Brenna’s eyes sparkled. “By the Cambria County Jury Commissioners.”


  It snowed on Christmas Eve, just a light coating of white on the ground to make it the traditional, nostalgic white Christmas of movie and song. Brenna and Luke saw the snowfall because they were up twice that night. Little Jack Morgan Minteer demanded milk every four to five hours around the clock.

  After his 4:00 a.m. feeding, baby Jack decided not to go back to sleep and remained wakeful in his parents’ bed, gazing at their faces with his big, serious dark eyes. The infant clutched his father’s big finger tightly.

  “Hey, little guy, Santa Claus doesn’t come until the kids are sleeping, you know,” Luke said softly.

  Jack seemed unconcerned. There was a pile of wrapped presents under the Christmas tree, many with his name on them. Who needed Santa Claus?

  “He’s growing so fast.” Brenna sighed with wistful, maternal pride as she stared down at her son. “Look how well he fits into this little red suit that was too big for him only two weeks ago.”

  “Good thing he’s got a closetful of sharp new clothes to grow into.” Luke leaned down to smooth a lock of hair from Brenna’s cheek. “He’s so beautiful, Brenna. Everybody says he’s the most beautiful baby they’ve ever seen, and they aren’t just saying it to be polite—they really mean it!”

  Brenna smiled. “All babies are beautiful to their family, Luke.”

  “Yeah, yeah, but Jack is extra special. He looks just like you, Brenna. The dark eyes, the hair, even the shape of his little ears. They’re yours. Are you sure you didn’t have yourself cloned in Philadelphia?”

  She chuckled and snuggled back against him. “Your mom and grandma told me Jack is the spitting image of you when you were a baby. Except your eyes were blue, of course. They plan to dig up the old photos to prove it.”

  Brenna and Luke exchanged amused glances.

  He kissed her gently, his arms encircling her and the baby. “Jack’s mine, Bren. I couldn’t love him more if I’d been there the day he was conceived.”

  “I know. And you were the one to give him his name. Jack Morgan. You said I should call him after my father. I hadn’t considered it till then. After I lost him, it hurt so much to think of my dad, I wouldn’t let myself.”

  But building her new life and a family with Luke had allowed her to access those good memories from so long ago. To honor the late Jack Morgan with a namesake.

  Luke himself had filled in the baby’s birth certificate.

  Child’s Name: Jack Morgan Minteer. Father: Luke Minteer. Mother: Brenna Morgan Minteer.

  They were a family, now and forever.

  ISBN: 978-1-4592-1079-0


  Copyright © 2000 by Barbara Boswell

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