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The Pirate Wench

Page 5

by Melinda Barron

  "I thought this boat was attached to the dock.” She took another bite of her bagel after lapping up a bit of the cream.

  "It is, but we have others. At least three of them can be manned by two people."

  She laughed. “I know absolutely nothing about sailing."

  Royce's eyes narrowed. He moved the bagels and cream cheese to the bedside table. Then, Melani gasped and laughed when he pushed up and launched himself across the bed at her.

  He pushed her back onto the bed and kissed her greedily, his tongue plundering her mouth as his hands massaged her breasts.

  Melani sighed, then moaned when he took the last bite of her bagel, ran his tongue through the cream and then sucked her nipple into his mouth. The cold, creamy treat coated her nipple and he sucked it dry.

  Melani cradled his head as he suckled her, closing her eyes and marveling at the sensuous feel of his tongue and the gentle pull of his teeth. He pushed her breasts together and took both of her nipples into his mouth.

  She arched into him, moaning out his name as feelings of warmth and need crept down her body and centered in her wet pussy.

  "Royce. Fuck me."

  She'd said the word fuck more this week than she had in her whole life. In this context, though, she loved it.

  "I like those words,” he teased, seeming to read her mind as he trailed his tongue over her breasts and up her neck. “Will you sail with me tonight, wench?"


  "Will you stay with me the rest of the week, without looking for excuses to leave?"


  He kissed her, then leaned back to the bedside table where she heard the familiar sounds of a condom wrapper.

  "Let me."

  He turned to her, his brows raised in question. Then he laughed and handed the open packet to her. He scooted to the middle of the bed, lying on his back with his head cradled in his hands.

  Melani had never put a condom on a man before, but she was eager to try. She took the latex out of the package and examined it as if studying a new species of animal.

  She trained her eyes to his and their gazes locked. Chills ran up her spine and she leaned over and placed the condom on his cock, which seemed to be pulsing with energy. She gently traced her fingers over the vein that ran the length of him, marveling at the shiver that ran through his body.

  Then, she slid the condom on, stretching it over his girth and lightly teasing the skin as she covered him. She felt powerful and wicked as she stroked him. He quaked under her touch and she lifted her eyes to his face. His eyes were closed and he was biting his lower lip, as if fighting to control his actions. She loved that her touch did that to him, put him on the edge of pleasure.

  "Melani.” His voice was rough, his breathing ragged. “You fuck me. Straddle me, baby. Take us both for a ride."

  He bucked his hips and it was all the invitation Melani needed. She centered herself over him, her hand still firmly grasping his rigid length. She placed the tip of his cock at her wet opening, sliding down just enough to send them both into pleasurable tremors.

  With her hands on his stomach, she gently lowered herself down, fighting the urge to make the descent in one swift stroke. She didn't want the fantastic feeling of fullness to happen so quickly. She wanted to savor every inch of him, every part of his hard maleness, every pulse of his hungry cock.

  "Royce. You feel so good."

  "Oh baby, you're killing me. Please.” He pushed his hips up, but Melani did the same, keeping just enough of him inside her to tease them both.

  "Mmmm, I love it. You're begging for me."

  "Yes, I am. Begging for your warmth, for your sweet, tight pussy. Faster, baby, faster."

  She pushed down a bit more, loving the fact that he was now growling, actually growling for her.

  "Melani. Baby, please!” He grabbed her hips in an effort to bring her down more but she stilled them.

  "No. I want to relish this. To savor the feel of you sliding inside me. I want to take it slow."

  He dropped his hands from her hips, clenching them into fists and moaning as she pushed down another inch.

  She put her hands on his hips to steady herself as she lowered down, fighting the urge to do as he wanted and rush through this delicious moment. Finally, when he moaned and began to wiggle under her, she dropped down, feeling him scrape against her womb as she began to move.

  She leaned back and thrust her breasts out, bracing herself against his thighs as she rode him. She shivered and moaned as his hands found her breasts, tweaking her nipples and then gently squeezing each mound before his fingers again found the puckered, straining tips of her breasts.

  They didn't talk; there was no need. Their bodies and hands said it all. He continued to caress her breasts as she kneaded his thighs, bouncing on him, the movement sending little shockwaves of pleasure to her clit.

  When she came, she bit her lip and clamped down on his cock with her inner muscles, pounding herself down onto him over and over. She felt his orgasm hit, his cock jerking inside her as he abandoned her breasts and grabbed her hips.

  As soon as they came down from their climax, she toppled onto him, shivering as his hands caressed her sweaty back. When she'd recovered enough, she lifted her head from his chest. “Sailing, huh?"

  "Yeah. With sails, and a boat and wind. Moonlight on the water. You'll love it."

  "You're just trying to get me away from everything so you can take advantage of me."

  "Damn straight."

  She laughed and tried to move off him, but his arms held her firmly in place.

  "Just stay there for a while before we have to face the real world. I want the memory of your softness to carry me through to tonight."

  "Sweet talker,” Melani said, even as his words sent a flutter through her body.

  "Yeah, I said the same thing to the last Texas journalist who came through the park, and then rode me into oblivion."

  "Was she prettier than me?"

  "Nobody's prettier than you."

  "Now I know you're just a sweet talker. Maybe I should ask the park ladies about Captain Royce's exploits. What would I find out if I did?"

  "That Captain Royce had only one lady, until now. And that was the sea."

  His words echoed in her mind. Until now. Until now. Until now...

  She swallowed and kissed his chin. “I need to get to work,” she said softly.

  "Me too,” he answered. “I have a pirate ship to attack, again. Meet me back here around ten tonight."

  It wasn't a question, so Melani didn't answer. She'd already told him that she would go sailing with him. She just hoped that by letting herself stay with Royce this week, her heart wouldn't go adrift, and become lost in the ocean.

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  Chapter Eight

  "So, Ms. I-don't-sleep-with-men-I-just-met, where have you been all night?"

  Melani turned from the mirror where she'd been adjusting her blouse to find Ellie in the doorway of her bedroom, rapidly tapping her foot, a huge smile on her face.

  "Where do you think?” She blushed and decided at that point, Royce was right. She did blush a great deal.

  "I'm so proud of you. Did he fuck you good?"


  "Well, did he? Come on, enquiring minds and all that."

  "I'm smiling, aren't I?"

  "Yes you are. Oh, I can't believe this, it's just so perfect.” Ellie clapped her hands together and turned round and round. “My maid-of-honor and Russell's best man, together."

  "I'm staying with him the rest of the week. We're going sailing tonight.” Melani grinned, then stopped. Maybe Ellie wanted her company, so they could talk wedding plans. “I mean, if that's OK with you. If you want me to stay here..."

  "Are you kidding? I want you to go have wild monkey sex with Royce. And I want some details of the wilder stuff. Maybe I can get some ideas for my honeymoon.” Ellie stuck her tongue out in a panting fashion and Melani laughed.

Like you need any help. You could write ten books on lovemaking and never once touch on a subject featured in past books."

  "Yeah, you're probably right.” Ellie shrugged her shoulders, her grin firmly in place.

  "Where am I working today, boss?"

  "Back out front,” Ellie replied. “I put you with Jaynie again. She's the best of our sellers. Then, after that, I thought you could take a turn through the Swashbucklers School. Kids can take it and learn how to fence. Well, they fence kiddie-style."

  "Cool. That will make for some great photos."

  "Great. So, Ms. Cantor. Do you need anything for your story at the moment?"

  "No, Ms. Winton. I believe everything is under control for now."

  "Good. Then get to work."

  * * * *

  Seconds after she entered the ticket booth, Melani knew that something was up with Jaynie. The older woman smiled at her, but it wasn't the same. Melani wanted to ask what was wrong, but felt that she might be intruding into something that was none of her business. They talked for a few minutes, then Jaynie turned her attentions to the crowd of people who were flocking to get into Ahoy, Matey.

  There was none of the jovial banter from the day before, and as the day progressed, Melani felt that something was seriously wrong with the woman. And she wanted to know what it was.

  Finally, an hour before she was scheduled to go to The Swashbuckler School, there was a short lull in the line. She laid her hand on Jaynie's arm. “What's wrong? Tell me."

  The woman burst into tears and Melani let out a soft exclamation. She grabbed a tissue and handed it to her, then pushed past her to wait on a customer who wanted to buy advance tickets for the following day.

  Melani completed the transaction under Jaynie's watchful, yet tearful, eyes. When he was gone, Jaynie sniffled.

  "I'm sorry. Please don't tell Ellie that I'm bawling on the job."

  "Are you kidding me? Ellie's human, too. Tell me what's wrong."

  "It's my ex. The bastard."

  Melani nodded in encouragement, wanting Jaynie to continue.

  "We've been divorced for about six months. We had a lot of money because he's a successful guy. He had a great lawyer, though, and kept most of it. I happened to get one of the things he really wanted. A beautiful yacht that we'd bought and refurbished together. It's where I'm living now, since I lost the house. I'm trying to save up enough money to put a down payment on something decent."

  "That sucks."

  "It's not so bad. I love that boat. But...” Jaynie's voice cracked, then she swallowed back tears.

  Melani put her hand on the woman's arm. “What?"

  "I had some jewelry that my grandmother left me: a pearl necklace, a matching ring, and a pair of earrings. They were absolutely stunning family heirlooms that have been handed down for generations. The bastard stole them while I was at work yesterday."

  "You're kidding!"

  "I wish. It's quite easy for him to get onto the boat. I found a note lying on the counter when I got home from work. It said, ‘I'll give them back, in exchange for you know what.’”

  Melani shook her head.

  "He knows that the jewelry is my most prized possession."

  "You should go to the cops."

  Jaynie shook her head. “Why? He didn't sign the note. It was typed, probably printed on a public computer. He's a lawyer and knows what the cops would look for."

  "Royce is a lawyer. Take it to him. Threaten to sue."

  "I can't prove anything with just a note. It doesn't even say ‘give me the boat,’ it just says, ‘give it back.’ He'd say that I'd stolen something from a new lover and we were fighting."

  Even though she didn't want to believe her, Melani knew that Jaynie was right. There was little proof that her ex had done the crime.

  "We could try to frame him somehow."

  "No, I just want my jewelry back. I'm thinking about just making the trade."

  "You can't do that,” Melani said forcefully. “If you do, then he wins. And it leaves you with what? Nothing. Where will you live?"

  "It leaves me with the jewelry my grandmother gave me,” Jaynie said, sniffling. “That's the most important thing to me right now. And I can always rent an apartment."

  She blinked back tears, then plastered a smile on her face to wait on customers that had come up to the booth.

  Melani marveled at the woman's resilience. If the same thing had happened to her, she would be blubbering in the corner right now.

  When the customers were gone, Jaynie turned to Melani.

  "He knew exactly where to strike. If my mother finds out those pearls are gone she'll blame me, and it will cause even more trouble. So I'll trade him the boat, and he'll get everything. I'll end up with a big old goose-egg."

  Anger seethed inside Melani. She knew that people like Jaynie's ex-husband existed, but she'd yet to come across one. It wasn't right that the jerk should get everything and Jaynie should end up with nothing.

  A dangerous plan took root in her mind. She pushed it aside, but it crept back in. She straightened her back and handed Jaynie another tissue.

  "Don't do anything until I talk to Royce, OK?"

  "No. I want them back, tonight."

  "Jaynie, listen to me. You do this and you'll get the pearls, yes. But you'll lose part of yourself, and I'm not talking about the boat. I'm talking about the fact that you let him push you around. Self-confidence. Let me talk to Royce."

  Jaynie let out a loud sigh.

  "OK. But one night only. Tomorrow I make the exchange and sign the deed to the boat over to him."

  "No, you won't,” Melani said. “We'll get your pearls back, and leave him with egg on his face. Trust me."

  * * * *

  The Swashbuckling School was a great deal of fun. Melani took a lot of pictures and talked to parents and children alike. Some parents agreed to sign release forms and have their child's photo used with the articles.

  She'd gathered e-mail addresses and promised to send out photos to different parents. By the time it was over she knew that the school itself would make more than just a paragraph in the story. It would be a nice little sidebar to the main story, and a great attraction for potential park guests.

  When it was over, she glanced at her watch and saw that the last show on the pirate deck was about to end. She gathered her skirts and hurried toward the ship, hoping to catch the end of the act, and get a chance to talk to Royce before they set sail later that night.

  She shivered as she thought of the midnight sail. Her body still tingled from their early morning lovemaking, and she longed for what was going to happen.

  Would he make love to her on deck, out under the stars with the moon high overhead? It would be perfect, and highly erotic.

  But first, they had things to talk about. She wondered what he would say about her idea. She wondered what Ellie and Russell would say about it. She thought it was perfect because not only would it get Jaynie's pearls back, it would be a fitting way for it to happen.

  The clatter of steel blades fighting for dominance reached her ears long before she walked the gangway onto the ship.

  Royce and Russell were fighting, both of them thrusting their swords at each other and expertly dodging the blows. After a few minutes, Royce tumbled onto the deck and Russell put the tip of his sword near Royce's throat.

  "Do you yield?” His cry was met with applause from the audience, who yelled for Royce to “Walk the plank ... walk the plank ... walk the plank!"

  When Russell nudged him toward his fate at sword point, she caught his eye. He calmly walked to the edge of the plank, saluted in her direction and took a step off the end. The splash threw the crowd into a frenzy. Russell announced that the ship was his, and always would be.

  Seconds after the end of the performance, Royce appeared from below deck and headed straight for Melani. He stopped along the way to shake hands and pose for pictures and she marveled at the way that he handled the crowds. Everyone seeme
d to love him, even though he was “the bad guy."

  "Bravo,” she said as he pulled her into a hug. “You're very talented."

  "You can tell me that again later tonight,” he said into her ear.

  She giggled like a schoolgirl, then laughed nervously when someone asked to take their picture. Royce kept her snug at his side, his arm slung down her back with his hand resting possessively against her hipbone.

  "I need to talk to you about something."

  "You just can't wait, huh?” He wiggled his brows at her.

  "No, I mean yes, but this is about something different.” She bit her lip and rushed ahead before she lost her nerve. “And I want Ellie and Russell to be included in the discussion."

  Royce's eyebrows shot skyward.

  "So now you're a kinky wench? I like that idea."

  "I'm serious.” She playfully slapped his chest. “This has nothing to do with sex."

  "Oh.” She laughed at his disappointed look. “OK. We can all eat dinner at the restaurant. It'll cut into our sailing time, though."

  "I'll make it up to you."

  "You'll take a midnight skinny dip with me?"

  "In the ocean?"

  "Yeah. It'll be fun."

  Staid Melani balked. Wench Melani grinned in agreement.


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  Chapter Nine

  "I think you're out of your mind.” Russell leaned over the table and shook his head. “I have no desire to spend my wedding night in jail."

  "We won't get caught,” Melani said, trying to sound confident.

  "Who are you?” Russell shook his head. “You're not the Melani I've met before, that's for sure. That Melani would never suggest breaking and entering as the solution to a problem that should be taken to the police."

  Russell turned an accusing look at Royce, who shrugged, then cleared his throat as Jess approached the table with a basket of bread.

  "Your food should be out anytime now,” Jess said. “Y'all want more drinks?"

  "Yes,” Russell said. “Huge ones. Tell Kenny to use the extra-large mugs."

  Jess laughed and left to fill the order.

  Melani shook her head. “This is the perfect plan."


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