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Jarick: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Warriors of Orba Book 2)

Page 7

by Zara Zenia

  "I've heard of angels," I said as I looked around the room. "I read about them in a book Benzen brought back to the apartment."

  "Angels? What are they?" Victorinth was flicking through one of the children's books and smiling as she looked at the pictures of the animals.

  "They are human in form and sentiment but are special."


  "Yeah … like they have powers. They guard over the humans and make sure they don't get hurt. They protect them from bad people. They save lives."

  "Is Madison an angel?"

  "Maybe," I flopped down on one of the beds.

  It was so comfortable I felt myself begin to drift off again. Looking out the window I saw that the sun was setting, sinking down into the nearby trees.

  "It's beautiful here, isn't it?" Victorinth asked as she leaned against the window. "There's nothing around but pure nature. Rather like the palace back home."

  Outside a pigeon was cooing, soothing me with its voice.

  "It's very nice," I said as I looked up to her. "Just like Madison."

  I closed my eyes and felt the back of my head against the soft pillows. I felt Victorinth remove my shoes and pull the covers up over me.

  There was a knock on the door and I opened my eyes.


  It was Madison, her voice was tired but happy.

  "Dinner's ready."

  I looked over to the other bed and saw Victorinth rubbing her eyes and sitting up.

  "Come in," she grumbled sleepily.

  Madison stepped in with a smile on her face.

  "I guessed you two would have fallen asleep. You must be exhausted. There's pizza downstairs."

  "Pizza!" Victorinth jumped up. "My favorite!"

  Since we landed on Earth she'd really developed a taste for junk food.

  "It's my favorite too," Madison wrapped an arm around her and led her down the stairs.

  I lagged behind, tired and weary but my senses perked up when I smelled food. In the moment it was the best thing I'd ever smelled in my whole life. We dashed into the kitchen and saw steaming plates of hot food. Taking our seats, I knew the human, polite thing to do would be to wait until everyone was seated and ready, but I was too hungry for that. I pick up a slice of pizza and chowed down on it, the melted cheese burning my lips.

  "So good!" Victorinth mumbled with a full mouth.

  "Here, there's garlic bread and fries too," Madison placed down some other plates and bowls on the table.

  I ate until my stomach was sore and I felt awake and revived for the first time in days. Yet when I looked across the table at Madison, I saw that she was not enjoying her food as much I was.

  "What's wrong?" I asked.

  She nibbled delicately on the crust of her pizza, stopping every few seconds to stare into space.

  "I'm just so sorry," she said, her eyes still fixed on the oven in the distance.

  "Sorry for what?" I asked, confused. "You saved us!"

  "But…" she looked away and placed her pizza down, "It's my fault you're here in the first place. It was me who noticed you and alerted the company of your whereabouts."


  "I swear I had NO idea they were going to hurt you, though. I promise! I started work at the Trojan Group because I wanted to learn all about extra-terrestrials. I wanted to study you, learn everything about alien planets and I never once thought of hurting you. Never," she shook her head. "I'm shocked by everything I've witnessed. The Trojan Group are not the people I thought I was working for," she gulped down tears. "You know," she leaned back in her chair and took a sip of water. "When I was a kid, I would have killed for the chance to have an evening like this."

  Victorinth picked up a slice of garlic bread and shoved it into her mouth.

  "What do you mean?"

  "Aliens … outer space, science! They were all I lived for. Still are actually. It's like my dreams have come true but … it's a horrible nightmare. I just feel terrible. I can't believe they hurt you. Jarick, from the bottom of my heart I'm so sorry. On the behalf of humankind, you have to believe that I'm sorry."

  I was taken aback by how candid she was being. Her eyes were open and honest, and her hand was clutched to her chest.

  "It's ok," I reached across the table and took her hand. "I know it's not ALL humans that are cruel. It's just some of you. We have violent Orbans back home too…"

  "Thank you for understanding," she nodded. "But there's something else … I didn't know that we had Orbans working within the company. Something's really insidious about that, it terrifies me."

  "It's very scary," Victorinth said as she patted her bloated stomach. "There was so much going on that we didn’t know about."

  "There is," Madison squeezed my hand before pulling away. "When I alerted them to your position, I thought they'd find you and bring you to safety. I thought we could meet you, study you and learn about your home planet. I thought we could advance human civilization, gather knowledge about your technology, but you were beaten instead. It was all a great big betrayal."

  "Don't torture yourself, please," I said. "There was no way you could have known. You were brought up thinking one thing and then were shown that the reality was the opposite of what you always knew. Victorinth and I can relate to that. Back home on Orba, we had our own betrayals."

  She narrowed her eyes.

  "What happened?"

  "Palzu happened. An evil, tyrannical leader who took over the planet and killed many people. We were raised to believe that the Orban race centered on freedom, love and community spirit but now it's about power, greed, and violence."

  "You two must have been through so much."

  "I guess we have," Victorinth started fidgeting with the cuff of her sweater. "But I love it here on Earth."

  "How can you?" Madison gasped. "After all that has happened to you!"

  "But there is so much to love—kind people like you, friendship, candy, books, animals and the sea. The sky changes colors here and is filled with peaceful clouds that float by like a steady stream of pleasant thoughts. There are shops here that sell everything you could ever think of and chocolate. I really like chocolate."

  I looked over and saw that Madison had tears in her eyes.

  I was lying on my bed but I couldn’t sleep. Across the room, Victorinth was snoring softly, tossing and turning occasionally beneath the covers before settling once again. I looked over at her vague, silhouetted outline in the dark, a bump beside the window. Through the glass I could see the moon high in the sky with stars dotted around it. In the city, we never got to see the stars, especially not in the apartment. Whenever I'd look up to the sky all I could see was the murky, orange haze from the street lamps. Now I could see the stars in their glittering glory, like jewels punctuating the sheer blackness of outer space. I wondered which star was closest to Orba.

  Giving up on trying to sleep, I flung back the covers and made my way to the window. Leaning my forehead against the glass, I felt the cold, smooth texture against my skin. It calmed me as I think about all that had happened in the last few days. I thought about that place I had been kept in, the dark room where those two men—those treacherous Orbans had held me captive. They must have been sent by Palzu, there was no doubt in my mind, but I didn’t want to think about them any more. Though that was easier said than done. Every time I moved, I could feel the burning pain in my side that reminded me of their faces the moment before they connected their knuckles with my body. Every time I tasted blood between my teeth, I was reminded of the Taser gun and the way it had been pressed against my skin.

  Then I glanced down at Victorinth and knew that I at least owed her the safety and calmness that came from not dwelling on all the pain. I didn’t want her to know what I suffered. Now, all I wanted to do was focus on getting her to safety and making a new life for us.

  Looking out at the fields below, I wondered what animals were lurking in the tall grass. At times I was sure I could see the reeds
and bushes sway and not just with the wind, but with the sentient movement of a living creature. I remembered Alison telling us all about foxes and how they thrive in the night. Maybe there was one out there now, glowing orange beneath the moonlight and looking up at me from the safety of its den.

  I yawned and rubbed at my eyes and laid back on the bed. Closing my eyes, I tried my best to fall asleep but nothing happened. There were too many thoughts whirling in my mind, a thousand visions of being in that place, the strong memory of being saved by Madison.

  Madison, our guardian angel. I had no idea how to thank her but there must be a way. I didn’t know what would have happened to us if she hadn’t been there to rescue us. Who knows what horror Victorinth would have suffered after me. What if those men succeeded in killing me? What would they do when they grew tired of me refusing to answer their questions? Would they have tortured Victorinth?

  Madison … there had to be a way I could show my appreciation.

  Yet as I cast my mind back over all the time I had spent on Earth, I thought about all the things I had learned about humans. They were a strange species and had so many different traditions and customs that it was hard to keep track of all their social conventions.

  I laid there and looked into the darkness, thinking about all the things we had learned. When Benzen wanted to be nice to Alison, he would share his food with her but I had nothing to share with Madison. Humans were prone to hugging each other when happy, maybe I could do that. But somehow it didn’t seem like enough. Humans also took part in all sorts of activities like watching movies together and going out to dinner. Benzen and Alison used to spend endless hours together in his bedroom watching movies, talking, giggling, bonding.… But I don't know if that's what Madison would want.

  Think, Jarick, think. You must do something for her to show that you are grateful!

  I rolled over and stared up at the ceiling. The moon outside was making shapes against the light fixture, casting shadows across the walls. The shape of the tree outside was cast against the wardrobe, its branches looking like long tendrils creeping out of the night to capture me. I shivered and rolled over again.

  Outside the door, I could see an electric light shine through a paper thin crack beneath the door, a sign that Madison was still awake. I strained my ears to hear her. If I wasn’t mistaken there was the sound of a floorboard creaking and of water running. Then came the squeak of a door hinge. She began humming to herself.

  She's awake, Jarick! Go tell her that you are grateful! Tell her! Say thank you!

  But I stayed rooted to the spot, my limbs growing heavy and sinking into the mattress. I was at a loss as to what to do.


  Then something came to me, a thought that flashes through my mind.

  Got it!

  Humans … with all their traditions … it seems so obvious now! Why hadn't I thought of this earlier? Ethazol and Draygus, they had learned everything they could about the humans, spending day after day perusing the shelves of the mall's book stores. The mating ritual … they told us all about it. They said it was far more complicated on Earth than it was on Orba but that it was seen as more of a pleasurable experience, one that, if done properly, could bind two people for life. I didn’t know if I want to be bonded with Madison for life. Well, I don't think I did anyway, but I want to show her that I appreciated everything she had done for us. I had to say thank you, and this seemed like a deeply logical way of doing so.

  I leapt from the bed and pulled off my clothes. Standing naked in the dark, I took a deep breath and stepped out into the hall.

  Chapter 12


  They were going to kill me. It was the only thing that could possibly happen after what I'd just done. I leaned forward and pressed my head into the cold tiles of the shower. There were tears in my eyes but I wasn’t quite sure why. The stress of it all, the sudden realization that the Trojan Group were not what I thought they were, that Gibson wasn't what I thought he was! Jesus, I must be tripping. I had to be imagining all of this.

  Down the hall, there were two aliens in my spare bedroom. What the fuck? This was crazy. I turned the temperature of the water up as high as it would go. Steam enveloped me, making me feel safe. I couldn’t see outside of the shower and in my weakened, childish state of mind, I thought that maybe nobody would be able to see me either.

  "Safe," I whispered into the hot water. "I feel safe."

  For now…

  Looking down I saw that my skin was turning pink from the heat and I was exhausted, my feet were hurting as I leaned against the wall, but I didn’t want to move. There was so much I needed to process from the day. I thought about everything that had happened and one thing keeps floating in my mind, lingering, refusing to let go. The sensors, the dots on the radar. I shouldn't have told Gibson anything, it was my fault that Jarick is hurt. I alerted everyone to his whereabouts. But … I thought I was doing the right thing.

  The tears fell again, merging with the water on the floor of the bath and joining the steam.

  "What have I done?"

  Then I thought of Bradley. He was probably wondering where the hell I was. No doubt everyone had heard that the aliens were missing and that I was the one who had escaped with them. He was probably more confused than I was. I imagined him sitting in my office with his coffee, a look of youthful superiority on his face. Then I cried for him too. I cried for the loss of a normal life. Nothing would ever be the same again. I wouldn’t be able to return to the Trojan Group, the place I had dreamed of working since I was a little girl, and I wouldn’t be able to spend a silly lunch with Bradley as we ridiculed each other playfully. I wouldn’t even be able to see the family photos I had pinned up in my office or smell the potpourri I had in my little favorite ceramic pot.

  But Jarick and Victorinth … they are my priority now. The unknown creatures that were in my niece and nephew's bedroom. I wondered what they'd think if they knew an alien was staying in their room. A part of me wanted to invite them over to show them. I smiled. It was a fun thought.

  I yawned while turning the dials on the shower. The water stopped running and all that was left was the jasmine scented vapor of my shower gel. It hung in the air like a cloud. Beyond the steam, there was a noise. Footsteps, purposeful and heavy. My heart thudded, I felt as though it was beating in my ears. Gibson and Johanssen—they were finally here to kill me. I reached for my towel, a futile gesture to protect my body from an oncoming attack.

  "Shit!" I scrambled back inside the shower and slammed the door shut.

  If this is my last moment alive I at least wanted to encase myself, feel the safety of the Plexiglas in front of me and the sturdiness of the tiled wall against my back. Grabbing the shower head from its holder, I wield it in front of me like a weapon. I looked ridiculous, I knew I did. My eyes frantically searched every surface for more weapons. There was a bar of soap, a toothbrush, a razor, a magazine by the toilet, and a loofah! The razor … that would have to do but as I picked it up and pressed my finger against the blades to assess how sharp it was, I saw it was as useless as the bar of soap with its blades protected by a strip of aloe vera coated padding. I looked again, there must be something. There's the toilet brush, some make-up wipes and then … the bathroom cleaning spray, the stuff that's so strong it makes my eyes sting every time I use it. I jumped out and grabbed it before shutting myself back inside the shower. The door knob trembled in front of me, then opened a few inches.

  "Who is it?" I screamed, my voice sounding almost maniacal.

  "It's me," I heard the faint voice of my new alien friend.

  Then I saw his foot and his muscular calf as he stepped into the room. The steam covered his body for a moment as he walked in. I dropped my makeshift weapons and laughed at my own paranoia.

  "Jarick, everything ok?" I asked as I gripped the towel around me tighter.

  As the steam floated out the door and Jarick was finally revealed, I gasped, took a step back, slip
ped on some foam and stumbled before regaining my balance.

  He was naked.

  "What are you doing?" I shrieked.

  "I just wanted to say thank you," he said as though that was a perfectly reasonable explanation.

  "Thank you?"

  "Yes, for saving my life."

  I was so embarrassed I looked at the floor, my arm pulled up over my face just in case I may accidentally glimpse something I shouldn't.

  "You are hiding," he said as he took a step forward.

  I didn’t know what to say, I just kept looking at all the items strewn about the bathroom. Looking at the can of spray cleaner I tried to focus on the names of all the hazardous chemicals that were written on the back, spelling out all the names in my head to stall for time.

  "Perchloroethylene," I mumble under my breath. "P, e, r, c, h...."

  He wasn’t moving, he was still standing there completely unaware of how awkward I felt.

  "I didn't mean to startle you," he suddenly said. "I come with pleasurable intentions."

  "Pleasurable?" the word seemed almost laughable as I heard myself say it.

  Finally, I looked up. I could see his whole body. To my surprise I find myself reacting to him. He's buff and muscular and definitely attractive. Of course, there are some differences. His skin is blue, and from where I'm standing, I can see the tip of a tail poke around from his back. I found myself cocking my head to the side to see more of it. He noticed me staring.

  "Humans don't have these," he said, wiggling it. "I keep forgetting how peculiar it is on Earth."

  He turned around and shows me it close up, but all I could focus on was his muscular buttocks above his thick thighs. I wanted to reach out and touch him but … what exactly was going on here?

  "You said you came with pleasurable intentions," I said.

  "I did."

  "What exactly do you mean by that?"

  "I have heard about the humans and their mating practices. I am aware that the act of intercourse is most pleasurable and I thought it would be a way for me to say thank you."


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