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Hells Angel

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by Kim Faulks

  Hells Angel by Kim Faulks

  Copyright © 2011 by Kim Faulks 2011


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  This book is dedicated to my best friends Rob, Nikki and Tiffany. For listening to me and my constant dribble and for helping when I needed it the most.

  Chapter 1

  The seedy city streets of Red Valley were no place for a lady at two in the morning. So, it was lucky for Kellah that she was no lady.

  She was a demon, a real one. Cast out from the fiery pits of Hell that she called home, sweet home, and into the land of mortgages, low-employment, a declining stock market, and wretched creatures. Here there were more low lives out at two in the morning than you'd see hanging outside The Suicide Blonde's Nightclub back home on a Friday night. Yes, if you are wondering, it was filled with Suicide Blonde's.

  Kellah walked along the rain soaked streets towards the dump where she lived, feeling more pissed off than she usually felt. She kept to the shadows, slamming the thick heel of her boots into the sidewalk as she swerved in and out of the pathetic breed called humans.

  Many still roamed the streets this time of the night, the deep-seated desire evident in their eyes caused her to snarl at the sight of them. Desperation stared back at her from the street corner whores who rubbed their arms, desperate to feel the sting of a needle, and from the men who drove in a crawl along the street, needing their own fix of flesh. She was not a part of this world, only a visitor, one who would serve her time and return home.

  This place ... Earth, was her jail and she was serving hard time. But it wasn't a death sentence, no. All she had to do was bide her time and wait for her Father to bring her home again. Until he called, she would tread the same streets, the same path, and look at the same disgusting mortal vermin. She survived by remembering that she was not one of them, she was different.

  Revulsion was her only company as she walked past a rowdy bar, attempting to push past a group of men as they laughed and stumbled, spilling out onto the pavement before her. One of the men lurched sideways, holding onto his glass and righted himself without spilling so much as a drop, his focus turning to her as she side-stepped this act.

  "Hey! Howzabout a kiss?" he stammered, reaching out to grab her as he stepped in front of her. "It's my birfday."

  His friends howled with raucous laughter. Cheering him on with an elbow in his stomach and following his suit by stepping in front of her, they stopped any effort she had at getting past without an incident.

  She slowed then paused at the wall of male human flesh, their penetrating gaze staring at her with a mixture of drunkenness and stupidity. Underneath that pretense of laughter and fun was a river of need. She knew this longing. It ran through each and every mortal she had ever known.

  Their sickly desire leaked from their pores and oozed like a vein of life blood. It didn't matter what they wanted. Each one was different, but in the end all the same, seeking money, fame or power. To be something different than they weren't at this very moment, to have fast cars and fancy clothes and get by in life a little better than the next person.

  She wasn't like this, she was different. She neither desired nor wanted anything this human world could give her. She only wanted to go home.

  Decades in her home were torture for a spirit, but it was a torture that grew on you until it is all you ever needed or wanted. Pain was a way of life and became your way of life, the fuel to sustain your very existence. Her family was all she needed, her Father and the endless supply of brothers and sisters, ready to share their afterlife called Hell.

  "Hey you! Well, whatcha gonna do?" One of them said as he reached down and rubbed along his groin, a wet patch spreading out in the middle where he rubbed. Either he just pissed himself or ... oh shit, she didn't want to even fucking think about that. He stared at her with a bewildered gaze, trying best to look seductive with piss all over the front of his clothes.

  Humans. They were all the fucking same. These ones seemed to feed off each other, pushing and laughing, their coos of "Fuck yeah, go Donny," and "She's fucking gorgeous," melting into one long fucking chorus.

  She kept her eyes down, hoping their enthusiasm would quickly wear off or turn elsewhere, and they’d just let her past. That is until one of them reached out and placed his hand over her breast, squeezing her nipple so that it pained and throbbed. It looked like she was wrong.

  "Let me go," she said, disgusted that she had to interact with them. Her voice was barely a whisper behind her gritted teeth, but it was loud enough so they heard it.

  "Just one kiss and then you can go," said the one who stopped her and then belched loudly.

  "Just one kiss?"

  "Sure, sure," he said answering with a wink, elbowing his friends as they sniggered and chuckled. "One kiss for each of us."

  She looked up now, meeting each of their eyes and letting them feel the weight of her gaze. They all looked the same to her, even though their physical description may change from one to the other: short, fat, tall, balding, muscled, white, tanned. To her they all looked the same. They looked like greed and she cursed her human body.

  Long legs, swollen breasts and soft brown eyes were not something one would choose when trying to stay hidden from the human world. This was just another thing she was made to endure here on Earth.

  "Sure, one kiss. That seems fair," she said slowly, then proceeded to pucker her lips and open her mouth so that they saw the row of razor like teeth that lined the inside. She gnashed at the air, puckered and smacked her lips together, then smiled coldly. "Who wants to go first?"

  She had never really developed a taste for human flesh. Her first attempt at sharing her flesh and blood with a human lover, and his with her had ended so badly she had given up and remained celibate. But when the opportunity to make another human bleed was given so freely, like this one, she could hardly pass it up.

  "What the..." now cried the chorus, their intoxicated state sobering very quickly with the sight of her mouth as they stared wide-eyed at her. Two of the men stumbled backwards, the one that had expertly righted himself without spilling a drop only moments before cried out and splashed the frothy amber liquid all over his white T-shirt as he fell to the ground.

  What? She thought, raising her finger to caress the enamel blades in her mouth. Did she have something stuck in her teeth?

  "So, I take that as a no?" she said, waiting for an answer. A harsh laugh escaped her as she stepped over them, continuing on her away. "Pity, human lips are so tender."

  Yep, the streets of Red Valley were just one long fucking party.

  Humans didn't know what she was. If they did they would be a lot more cautious. Yeah, she thought, a lot fucking more. Some viewed her as just some weird human with a nice big nasty streak. Others saw her as their pet project; something to poke and prod while they hooked up her brain to all sorts of electric machines. She had fun, oh yes she did. Dissociative Sociopathic Disorder one of the white coats announced one day as he signed her committal papers as never to be released. Well, she didn't blame them, after all that was after she had orchestrated the flames that ate away the building and sent her to the institutions Catholic priest. Can I get a halleluiah anyone?

  The red neon sign flickered randomly and sometimes illuminated only half of the Murkill unit's sign, which is the
reason Kellah chose to live here. Everyone knew that no one stayed long at Killer Place, alive or dead. So, for her it was perfect, because it was usually quiet.

  Her mood should have lightened after playing with the humans outside the bar, but it didn't. All she needed to think about was the money.

  She was mad as hell that she had almost been busted tonight, having to dump the gold down some storm drain to keep from spending the next three to five locked-up. Detective Hunter was more than just a pain in her arse, he was living up to his name and becoming more resourceful than she had previously given him credit for.

  There was something else that bugged her, though. Some sense of change inside her that seemed to be making its presence known, niggling like a festering disease. She knew from the cold empty feeling in the pit of her stomach that if she didn't get back home soon, she was going to be in some seriously deep shit.

  This overwhelming fever had come only once before in her existence, but the result had been cataclysmic. The after effect had found her standing before her Father on trial for her actions. By rights, her flesh should have been ripped from her bones repeatedly for the rest of her existence, the most tortuous punishment there was. But her Father, The Accuser, had done something she hadn't expected ... he had sent her here.

  She had resigned herself for the punishment of living a shadowed existence, desperately seeking what little there was that reminded her of Hell in this wretched mortal world. Ten years here felt like a thousand, and if given the chance she would have opted for the floggings. When she had stumbled upon the ramshackle shelter of animals destined for destruction, she felt those febrile convulsions once again plague her thoughts and actions.

  Get the money to the shelter and be done with it, she negotiated with her own mind. Then I can focus on getting home before this shit happens again.

  The animal shelter was slowly going broke. With no one to fund the ever increasing supply of last years presents that whined and cried, it wouldn't be long before it was closed for good and all the animals destroyed. That's why her plan had been simple. Give them money from the heist and walk away, simple.

  But, she hadn't planned on Detective Hunter showing up to ruin the party. His involvement meant she would need to wait for the heat to die down before she could go back and retrieve the bag of gold and jewels.

  She kicked open her apartment door and stepped inside, her eyes darting around the room before slamming it closed. You never knew who wanted to turn up unannounced here, and it was always best to be careful, even for a demon.

  At first Earth had been fun, toying and twisting every living soul she could. That quickly grew old, and more than a few times she had found herself sitting in a padded cell, talking to some shrink with round glasses and a vacant expression. She had always turned it around though, her lies flowed just as smooth here on Earth as they did in Hell, and for that she was thankful.

  She had been no one of importance in both her human and her demon life, not even a blip on the radar of existence. It seemed as though she was still destined to go down in Hell's history books to be the only demon who had ever broken the unbreakable rule. For that her Father's wrath was swift and destructive. He had sliced through the vein of existence between Hell and Earth, and now forced her to do something that no demon had ever done before. Live here on Earth.

  She had not only been forced to live in exile for breaking the number one rule, but was made to live for eternity amongst the reason she had been cast out.

  Let's see how you like them after a few hundred years, her Father said as he cast her from the sweet torment of home, stumbling around until she found the piece of paradise she now lived in.

  Kellah hated it here. Hated the needy humans who only saw what they didn't have, instead of what they did have. Their determination to get the next best thing that was quicker, faster, and easier didn't appeal to her. Actually, thinking about it, very few things about this world appealed to her.

  There was a time when she had been a part of life here on Earth, before she had made the steep descent into the abyss of Hell. It seemed so long ago now that she could hardly remember her former life at all. As usual when she thought about that time, only fragments came back to her, their murky images escaping just as quickly as they arrived.

  She had once been a quiet girl growing up in the rural area of Charlville, the only child to a Mother and Father she never understood, let alone loved. Her childhood was one filled with a detachment that usually only the movies gave, and her adult life was just one big blur. But, she wouldn't force herself to remember something that was just not important anymore. All that was important at this moment was getting the money and getting back to Hell.

  She lifted the window and looked out into the night, peering down the street to where the dark sedan sat and waited. "Fuckin’ cops," she muttered, and walked back inside. It would be at least a day before she would be able to get back to the Northside and retrieve her stash of diamonds and gold. Until then, money would be scarce for her.

  Her apartment was not much of anything. A rolled up mattress sat in the only corner of the room where the floor hadn't yet given away into the apartment below, and an old microwave. To her it was cozy, a lot more than what she'd had back home.

  Movement from the window caused her to spin and watch as an animal made its way towards her. "What do you want?"

  It said nothing as usual, and even though she tried to ignore it she found she was drawn to the scrawny animal. Its scarred ears and quick eyes seemed to conjure that same feeling of change within her. "There's no food here. I've told you that before."

  It sat in front of her purring softly, although Kellah knew if she approached it, it would hiss and swipe out at her. She had the scabs on the back of her hand to prove it. She kicked off her boots and tugged the band from her hair, scratching wildly at her head. "Fuckin’ fleas."

  The presence of the animal didn't soothe her this time. It only seemed to heighten the urgency she felt. She needed that money, so she needed to get the gold, it was simple. The microwave sat on the top of an old television cabinet, it had been left behind from the previous tenant and still worked, sometimes. She would have asked the landlord for the television as well, but the lock was broken and anything of value was taken before the blood stain had even dried. Oh well, she didn't want to get to comfortable here anyway.

  She needed to make a plan to get the gold and, more importantly, to get Hunter off her back. Well, that's what she told herself anyway. The microwave door scraped as she opened it and placed the container of noodles inside, waiting for the ping. It was out of a desire to be hungry that she ate just enough to sustain her and left the rest on the ground for the cat, which it lapped at furiously.

  She unhooked the bedroll and lay the thin mattress out, lying on top. Even though the night headed towards morning, it was still filled with the screams of sirens and, if she was lucky, of humans as well. It was to this sweet sound that Kellah closed her eyes and drifted off, dreaming of a place where the horrors of this world were a prime time enjoyment.

  Chapter 2

  Darrion Hunter sat in the unmarked blue sedan outside a derelict apartment building. He was watching for any sign of movement through cracked windows and filthy blinds.

  He knew she was in there enjoying her freedom, reveling in the fact that she had gotten away with her crimes once again. He searched every window, focused on every movement, hungry for the chance to ease his crippled mind. Crippled, diseased, wired wrong ... that's what he was. But he was slowly changing that, he was using her constant presence in his mind to catch her.

  Thinking of her up there made his pulse throb painfully in his temple and his heart race. He reached up, rubbing his thumbs in slow circular motions, trying his best to ease the tension just so he could think. Kellah Slater was not behind the bars she so richly deserved, and there wasn't a damn thing he could do about that now. All he could do was plan for the future, for the next time she faltered, and wh
en she did he would be there.

  The tension in his forehead eased slightly and he could once again go over the events of the night, racking his brain for where she could have hidden the jewelry. He had started his shift as usual, driving past her apartment, turning left to make his way into Sin Alley when the call came over the radio at about seven o'clock, right when the alley was starting to come alive. It was a simple call for persons on premises over on the Northside, and given the rich houses that lined the streets, it was her perfect MO.

  The engine of his unmarked had screamed as he gunned it, making the call in record time. He knew that it was her, his gut instinct was working overtime, screaming at him that she was here somewhere. The call had come in from a maid huddled in her lower floor unit, listening to the sound of breaking glass and the siren of the alarm system before it had been ripped from the wall. That's when he had known instantly it was her. A badass attitude carried Kellah Slater everywhere, everywhere except behind bars.

  Darrion had been following her for long enough to know her methods. She tended to target rich houses with complex locks and security, knowing too well that the owners would be more inclined to leave their belongings out in the open, relying on modern technology more than common sense.

  He had been the third officer on the scene. The fresh faced Constable had looked at him with bright eyes and a nervousness that would quickly dull given time, and his overweight Senior Constable, who decided he was the commanding officer even though Darrion outranked him. They made a spectacle of themselves, their flashing lights and loud voices called for attention that would only push her further away.

  Frustrated, he left them and walked along the streets, turning right towards Stoddard's Chrysler Dealership and the high-end jewelry stores that lined this part of the city.

  He could feel she was here and ... close. He closed his eyes and concentrated, feeling the unmistakable jolt of electricity as he breathed deep and sucked in the night air, calming his racing heart. Her image came to him instantly, clear and unwavering. She possessed a gravitational pull, and he turned slowly in a circle until his mind told him to stop. She was close, very close, and he moved quietly, slipping into the shadows and ignoring the calls from his police radio for his location.


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