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Power for Life: Keys to a life marked by the presence of God

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by Matt Sorger

  Power is defined in Webster’s dictionary as “supplying a force to operate; to drive or push; to inspire, sustain; to conduct electricity; and the ability to do or act.”

  Power for life is about having the internal force and ability to live life to it’s maximum potential. The power of God will be conducted in and through our lives as the fruit of the Spirit are cultivated and grown within us.

  When I was a young person in school, I can remember another student using fruit to conduct electricity for a science project. I found it fascinating how a lemon could be used to light a light bulb. Fruit is a great conductor of electricity or power, and spiritual fruit will be a conductor of God’s power in your life.

  Let’s Get Back to the Basics

  Spiritual fruit are the qualities of God’s nature you possess in your life. Galatians 5:22–23 states, “But the fruit of the [Holy] Spirit [the work which His presence within accomplishes] is love, joy (gladness), peace, patience (an even temper, forbearance), kindness, goodness (benevolence), faithfulness, gentleness (meekness, humility), self-control (self-restraint, continence).”

  Many relegate the fruit of the Spirit to a Sunday school lesson, but it is much more than that. It’s the very essence of God’s power in us. While it is foundational, it is not trivial. It’s a deception to think fruit is for the immature. The very proof of our maturity is our ability to walk in each of these qualities. It’s one thing to know them, but it’s another thing to live them. We learn about fruit as kids, but as we grow up, many times they’re left unattended. Unattended fruit becomes rotten.

  I was traveling on the road in ministry and was given a basket of fruit in my hotel room, but the fruit was rotten. As a result the fruit was swarming with fruit flies that eventually filled my entire hotel room. I had to throw the fruit out and clean my room. Rotten fruit attracts flies. The same thing happens in our lives when we neglect the basic yet profound principles of God’s way to live. Our lives become rotten and attract darkness.

  Many times people separate fruit from power. They think they are unrelated. They fail to realize that a lifestyle of fruit actually releases God’s power in extraordinary ways.

  Unleashing the Power Within You

  Remember Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther, Kathryn Kuhlman, Oral Roberts, and Billy Graham? They lived lifestyles that demonstrated the fruit of the Spirit. They were conductors of the power of God. Where are the heroes like that?

  As we stand on the brink of social reformation and societal transformation, in a world where darkness clashes with light, people are in desperate need of something and someone to believe in—leaders, friends, and pastors with integrity and truth.

  They want to know, who is standing for the lost, hurting, wounded, poor, and needy? Who is standing in truth and love? Is it you?

  I was a very imaginative child growing up. I loved the thought of flying through the air and leaping over tall buildings in a single bound. In the classic story of Superman, Clark Kent was an unassuming reporter by day but had superhuman strength and ability hidden beneath the surface of his calm demeanor. In a moment, a transformation would take place, enabling Clark Kent to become Superman. He had the ability to overcome the greatest obstacles with superhuman strength, but many couldn’t see it on the surface.

  The same is true for you. You may not be able to literally leap over a tall building, but your power far exceeds that of Superman. For you have the Greater One living on the inside of you, enabling you to do the unimaginable. But you must first see and know the hero God has created you to be, and that starts by knowing the Hero who already lives in you.

  The Power of Three

  I have divided this book into three power-filled sections to help you get in position to live a life that is marked with the supernatural presence of God.

  In the first section, “Plugging Into the Power Source,” you will learn how to plug into God’s power. God’s power is granted to us so we can live true, authentic, overcoming lives filled with victory and freedom every day! This power is not just for a momentary experience. It’s for life! His power is there for you on Monday morning when you have to get up and go to that job you dislike. His power is there for you when you are facing a difficult trial and circumstance. His power is there for you when you wake up in a bad mood and feel discouraged and defeated. His power is there for you when you face that same struggle and temptation you have fought before. His power is there for you when an unexpected crisis hits your life. His real, authentic, supernatural power is there to help you live your life every day in His fullness and abundance.

  Once you plug into God’s power, you will then move on to section two, “Harnessing the Power,” where you will learn how to see God’s power harnessed and sustained in your life for the long haul. Harnessing enables us to sustain, protect, nurture, and mature God’s power in our lives.

  You will be challenged to ask yourself the question, “Can God trust me?” This is why the harnessing process to develop strong, godly character is so important. The more He can trust us, the more He will give us because He knows we will be able to carry, sustain, and then release His power through our daily lives without endangering ourselves or those around us.

  In the third section, “Releasing the Power,” not only will you learn how to plug into and sustain God’s power, but you will also be equipped to see that power supernaturally released through your life. The power of God is not just for you; it is for everyone you will come in contact with. God infuses you with His power so you can live a triumphant life and then pass that victory onto others. You must release His power in order for it to stay fresh and alive within you.

  Biblically, there is a law of release. When you endure life’s processing and challenges, release is imminent. Job was released into a double portion. Joseph was released into the palace. Israel was released into the Promised Land. David was released into kingship. Jesus was released into divine power and ministry. The disciples were released into apostleship. The one hundred twenty in the Upper Room were released into power. Paul was released to the Gentiles. And each one of you reading this book right now has promises and a destiny over your life God is waiting to release you into.

  The Choice Is Yours

  One thing you need to know is that power for life is a choice! God has created us all with free will—your ability to make choices. Choices are containers for power. Make the right choices, and your life will be transformed! True power comes from the life you live. Your hidden lifestyle will either release God’s abundant blessings or bring you into low-level living. The choice is yours.

  No trumpets sound when the important decisions of your life are made. Destiny is made known silently.1


  Make the decision to not live one more second beneath the fullness of everything God has for you. No more defeat. No more depression. No more negativity. No more fear. No more complacency, apathy, or lethargy. This is your life, and you only have one, so live it to the full.


  Don’t Squeeze My Fruit

  A PASTOR WALKED INTO his church on a Sunday morning and shared with his staff before the service started how he wanted to quit the ministry and was going to tell the people that day. Rather than sitting on the platform as he normally did, he chose to sit on the front row. During worship he sat there with his arms folded with a blank look on his face. He made no attempt to worship God. He was stone cold in his spirit. Right before he got up to preach, he whispered to his assistant, “Watch me preach. The people won’t know the difference.”

  As he stood at the pulpit to preach, he opened up his mouth and spoke with the same eloquence he spoke with every Sunday. The words sounded great. In fact, they were impressive. When he finished preaching, he closed his Bible, walked off the platform, and disappeared into a back room. No one was the wiser. They clapped and applauded as usual. They left the service that day hearing a great message, but they were untouched and uncha
nged by the Spirit of God. They had fallen for charismatic hype. Things looked great on the outside, but there was no fruit on the inside. There was no power. No lives changed. Just empty ritual.

  One day Jesus was walking down the road, and He spotted a fig tree up on the embankment. Jesus got excited because He was hungry and saw that the fig tree was full of lush, green leaves. I imagine He hoped to find it full of ripe figs. But He got a little closer and saw that there was not one fig on the whole tree! There were all those leaves and no figs. With a single word He cursed the fig tree, and it instantly withered up and died. The disciples marveled at Jesus’s power and authority, that even fig trees obeyed His command (Mark 11:12–14).

  Jesus used the experience to teach them a lesson on faith that if they would just believe, they too could speak to even a mountain and it would have to move out of their way. But I believe this passage was designed for us to learn a few other things.

  The first lesson has to do with us. Just as the fig tree looked lush and fruitful from a distance, there are many of us who look good from a distance. We smell good, sound good, and speak well. Surely there is spiritual fruit hidden in between all those leaves of gifts and talents.

  Even some preachers, who can whip a crowd into a frenzy knowing just the right words to say to get a reaction from the people, can fool us into thinking there is fruit there. But I have come to learn that eloquent speech cannot always be equated with the true power of God. In fact, if you look a little closer, what you often find is form of godliness that lacks the true power of God to transform people’s lives. Whooping and hollering are not the power of God. Shouting and dancing are not always the power of God.

  We must long to have more than an exterior that looks good from a distance. We can polish ourselves up with fancy suits and ties, and hats and dresses. We can say all the right words and be stellar actors or actresses. But when Jesus comes closer, He doesn’t want to see just leaves. He wants the fruit. He wants something deeper. He wants His hunger to be satisfied. God longs for people who won’t just look good on the outside but will be true and genuine deep down in the fiber of their being, people who are truly living what they are portraying and who live in the pure authentic power of the living God. It’s not enough to look good from a distance. Jesus is looking for fruit in the lives of His people.

  The other lesson taught from the story of the fig tree has to do with our natural talents and spiritual gifts. Natural talents are abilities and strengths you are born with. For example, some are naturally gifted public speakers. Others have amazing musical abilities and can sing people to goose bumps and tears. Some are born with outstanding athletic inclinations, while others have a genius IQ. These are natural God-given talents and look great from a distance.

  Then there are the supernatural gifts of the Spirit found in 1 Corinthians 12:8–10. These include “[the power to speak] a message of wisdom, and to another [the power to express] a word of knowledge and understanding according to the same [Holy] Spirit; to another [wonder-working] faith by the same [Holy] Spirit, to another the extraordinary powers of healing by the one Spirit; to another the working of miracles, to another prophetic insight (the gift of interpreting the divine will and purpose); to another the ability to discern and distinguish between [the utterances of true] spirits [and false ones], to another various kinds of [unknown] tongues, to another the ability to interpret [such] tongues.”

  From a distance the operation of the gifts of the Spirit in our lives can also look great. The gifts are given to imperfect vessels by God’s grace and are without repentance (Rom. 11:29). As a person is seeking relationship with God, he or she can start off right and begin operating in gifts of the Spirit. But it’s not enough just to start right; we also have to finish right. It’s possible to begin strong but then ride on the gifts and abilities God has given and stray from Him in your heart. This is the danger of seeking talents and gifts apart from fruit.

  Jesus made it very clear: “Therefore, you will fully know them by their fruits” (Matt. 7:20). What truly marks us as people who live a Spirit-empowered life is the fruit we produce.

  Pruned if You Do and Pruned if You Don’t

  If you are a gardener or have a green thumb and grow plants in your home, you know that one of the best ways to get good fruit or full blossoms from your favorite bush is to prune or even cut it back completely during the right season. In John 15:2 Jesus compares us to branches. He says that if a branch does not produce fruit at all, it is to be cut off. And the branches that do produce fruit, He prunes and cuts back. You don’t have to be doing something wrong to be pruned. It’s actually when you are doing things right that pruning takes place. So look, you are pruned if you do and pruned if you don’t. You might as well deal with it and let God produce His fruit in you. But there is one sure thing: it’s better to be cut back than to be cut off.

  So how does God prune us? Well, He does it in two major ways. First we know that His Word prunes us.

  You are cleansed and pruned already, because of the word which I have given you [the teachings I have discussed with you].

  —JOHN 15:3

  As we read His Word, our true condition is revealed and our hearts are exposed. Hebrews 4:12 says that the Word of God is “active and full of power...penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and [the immortal] spirit, and of joints and marrow [of the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart.” Through His Word, God shows us where we have missed it so that we can begin to live in a way that truly pleases Him. Also as we read and think on His Word, His Word contains a cleansing power that works in us, causing us to be the person He has destined us to be. His Word lights our paths and gives us the right direction for all aspects of our lives. His Word gives us the power to live a life that produces fruit.

  Every Scripture is God-breathed (given by His inspiration) and profitable for instruction, for reproof and conviction of sin, for correction of error and discipline in obedience, [and] for training in righteousness (in holy living, in conformity to God’s will in thought, purpose, and action).

  —2 TIMOTHY 3:16

  God’s Word puts before us the image of Christ, who perfectly lived out the fruit of the Spirit and walked in the power of God. By beholding His Word, we are pruned, groomed, corrected, and encouraged to be like Him.

  Our relationships with others are also used to prune us. That’s right. God puts all those “fruit testers” around us to make sure we are producing the right fruit. He creates all these people, each with different personalities. Some He creates strong-willed. Others He creates meek and mild. God creates all these different types of people and throws them all together. It’s one big fruit salad! But it’s really as these people interact with each other that true fruit is produced or the lack of it is exposed.

  You know, there are two spiritual beings trying to kill you. “What?” you may ask. “Kill me?” Yes, kill you. God and Satan. Satan comes as a thief to steal, kill, and destroy for your harm. Satan comes to try to destroy God’s plan and purpose for your life. God comes to kill our carnal and fleshly ways so we can experience His resurrection power! That kind of death is for our good. He allows every area of our life to become crucified with Christ so we can experience His power in those areas. Paul said, “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me” (Gal. 2:20, NKJV).

  Before we can receive resurrection power, we have to first experience His death. As we die to self, His power is released in us, enabling us to be who He has called us to be. And what better way to die than by all the interactions we have with people around us on a daily basis? Every time one of our buttons gets pushed and we choose to respond with love and grace, we die. When we are by ourselves, we are all little angels. There we are in prayer enjoying the presence of God. We a
re floating on a cloud. Everything is peaceful and perfect! Then the wife, the husband, or the kids come home. Shoes are left everywhere, clothes are thrown on the floor, or dishes are left in the sink. Suddenly the halo disappears, and the horns come out. Where did the little angel go? Buttons of the flesh start to get pushed, and the internal fruit start to be seen on the outside. This kind of reveal can only happen through our interactions with people. It’s those closest to us who will really see what kind of fruit we have.

  Picture this scenario with me. There you are at home having a “discussion” with your husband or wife or kids. It’s a bit heated. Voices are raised; emotions are flared. Then the phone rings. “Hello,” you say with a perfectly calm, relaxed voice. It’s the pastor. “Well, hello, Pastor, so good to hear from you. Oh, yes, I am so excited about the bake sale on Saturday. For sure, I will be there with my cookies. Amen. God bless. Praise the Lord. I’m saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Ghost! Talk to you later, Pastor.” Once the phone hangs up, the yelling picks up right where it left off.

  It seems that we can have full control over what fruit we display and produce depending on who is around. Our family tends to see the worst in us. Why? We feel the most comfortable, and also because family is family. They can’t leave you. Your parents are your parents, your kids are your kids, and your mate is your mate. Once you get married, it’s till death do you part. God will use your closest relationships to produce your greatest fruit.

  So rather than trying to constantly change them, you may be better off just accepting them for who they are. You will probably enjoy your journey a lot more if you pray for God to change you rather than the people around you. If you are able to produce fruit under trying circumstances, then eventually what bothered you about that person will no longer irritate you. As you die to yourself, you will get victory over those irritating emotions and will be much happier as a result. Always remember, when you are praying for someone else to change, God is looking for you to change. You might as well as die and get it over with.


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