The Needed (The Magic of the Jin Book 1)

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The Needed (The Magic of the Jin Book 1) Page 5

by Nikki Hunter

  Groggily, Zayn appeared at the top of the stairs. “Guys, come on,” he complained. “What's going on down here?”

  “Hell if I know.” Yehven shot Camila a dirty look walking past her seat on the couch and up the stairs.

  When Yehven was out of eye sight, Zayn turned to her. Something in his eyes flashed dangerously. Each step he took down the stairs was long and drawn out, his gaze never leaving Camila’s face.

  Knowingly, a lazy smile broke her lips. The tension between the two this morning, when they had gotten to touch for only a second of time, was ready to burst. Greedily, Camila took in his image. From the messy tousle of his hair down to the plaid boxer shorts he wore.

  As he stepped off the bottom step, Camila zapped herself in front of him. His breath picked up as he peered down at her. Without a word, her manicured nails curled around the hoodie she wore pulling it over her head in a casual movement. Her chest in a black lace bra was exposed, causing Zayn to blow out a long breath as he ran his fingers through his dark hair.

  “Shit,” he whispered before reaching down and taking her face in his hands.

  Softly, his lips pressed into hers. His kiss was much different than Yehven’s. Where Yehven’s was hungry and needing, Zayn’s was soft and appreciative. She leaned into him, wrapping herself around his lean frame.

  A moan escaped his lips, sending a warmth straight to Camila’s sex. His hands grabbed her legs, pain and pleasure sinking into her as he picked her up and walked with her back to where she had been on the couch.

  Sitting down with her legs on either side of him, Camila purred into him as she felt his hard length press against her through the clothing. His tongue darted out, mingling with hers as she ran her fingers over his hard chest and into his hair. Gingerly, she pulled at the silk strands creating a deep feeling of need that passed through them.

  Her hips began to roll against his, bliss spiking between her legs. A pleasant rumbling passed over his lips, his mouth leaving a trail of kisses down her neck. His large hands cupping her breasts, thumbing over her nipples that had pebbled with desire.

  Just as her hands had roamed over the hard plains of his body to lift the band of his boxers, Zayn froze. His hands pulling away from her to cup his chest as pain darkened his features.

  “What's wrong?” she asked gently placing her hands over his.

  “We have another job.” He grunted.

  “Why does it hurt you?”

  “It’ll pass. It’s just a tug on the magic of our agreement to guard the tear between realms.” Zayn patted her legs from where she sat still straddling him. “To be continued.”

  “Okay.” Camila smiled, something like butterflies warmed her insides. Had she ever felt this way? Such an attraction? Something that just felt so unfinished between her and him. All of them really, she thought. Never had she cared so deeply for her bonded so quickly. She mused that perhaps it was just lust. She hadn’t ever had such an attractive bunch to be bonded to.

  Zayn stood, turning to find Kade and Lance standing dressed in the same black uniforms as the day before staring down at the pair. Zayn’s erection was evident through his thin boxers. He coughed adjusting his dick, bowing his head and jogging up the stairs past them.

  “Really, Zayn?” Kade called over his shoulder as he passed.

  Camila hoped this was just the beginning of them opening up to her. An even smaller piece of her hoping it was the beginning of something that would satisfy the need that swirled inside her.

  Chapter Ten

  A New Friend

  Together they sat around the island in the kitchen. Lance leaned over the counter, watching as the others fussed with their weapons and clothing. “If we asked you to stay behind, you would just ignore us, wouldn’t you?” he asked.

  “Yup.” She grinned, jumping up to sit on the counter by Zayn. Her thigh inched toward his hand.

  His sexy smirk only teased her emotions. Yehven caught the exchange, his lips falling into a frown.

  “Yehven…” Kade’s voice sounded a warning that had the group turning to look at Yehven.

  Even though he could feel the heat of the room’s gaze on him, he kept his eyes locked on Kade, taming the emotion that rallied inside of him. Finally, his eyes slid to meet Camila’s. A sadness residing within them.

  Clearing his throat with a rasping cough he spoke, “Let’s leave. We have work to do.”

  Lance ignored the awkward tension, glancing back at the resident genie. “We will meet with the informer before we begin the mission, again. Can you give us five minutes before you follow?”

  “I tell you what,” she said, hopping off of the counter and walking to where he stood, “no.”

  “Oh, come on, Camila.” Zayn gave her a playful look, “The informer isn’t going to fill us in on what we need to do if you are standing there hanging out. Most likely, he will try and kill you.”

  She stuck out her tongue, rolling her eyes. “Then I’ll just regenerate. I don’t ‘die’.”

  “Every time you roll your eyes, I want to choke you.” Yehven scowled.

  “Oh, don’t threaten me with a good time.” She winked.

  “For the love of...” Kade mumbled under his breath, “I’m out. See you all on the other side.”

  His image faded, blurring into nothingness. Zayn and Yehven following behind him, leaving Lance and Camila alone.

  “Camila, please.” His voice hushed.

  Reaching up, she ran her touch over the rough sandpaper of hair that was growing over his jaw. Pushing herself up on her tiptoes, she pressed a soft kiss to the corner of his jawline.

  “You get five minutes, no more, no less.”

  “Thank you.” The scent of pine met her nose as he leaned down placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.

  “Be safe.”

  His worn boots shuffled on the floor as he pulled away, flickering until his image was gone.

  Heavy against her side, her sword hung, merely as decoration. She didn’t even know how to use it. She fiddled with the hilt as she stood waiting, her mind wandering back to the boys.

  Zayn had warmed up to her, clearly. Lance even seemed like he was beginning to enjoy her presence. Maybe he was experiencing some form of nightingale syndrome, since she saved his life and all.

  Yehven and Kade, on the other hand, were a different story. Apart from the one weird moment she had with Yehven, he was a prick. Rude and distant at best. What was his story? Camila mentally noted to make it her mission to pull the stick out of his ass that evening.

  While Kade had talked to her, it was more of an interrogation. He was only using his magic to get a feel if she was a good person or not. Camila reassured herself that she was indeed a good person. Apart from her overly flirtatious attitude, she was here to serve them.

  Maybe she just needed to find the right way to break Kade out of his shell. Though, she didn’t have a single clue how she might even go about that.

  Camila glanced up to the clock that was on the microwave, it had been almost ten minutes now. She cursed herself for getting lost in her thoughts. The bond was easier to find today, as she closed her eyes, she felt that imaginary rope that tied them all together. This time, they were not together. Close, within ten feet of each other, but they were scattered. What had happened in the past ten minutes without her? Guilt began to eat away at her. What if someone got hurt again?

  The stark white of the kitchen faded away, instead she found herself inside a warehouse of sorts. She had tugged on Kade & Zayn since they were the closest together. Loud shouts were rattling through the building, the two men following the sounds. Camila ran up behind them, hot on their heels.

  “Wait! No, stop,” an unfamiliar voice rang out.

  Zayn’s palms lit up, sparks striking out like lightning at the figure that was coming into view.

  Her steps faltered as she watched Zayn’s magic strike the man. The electricity absorbed into his body, while he remained unflinching, his hands up in surrender.<
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  “What in the hell?” Zayn cursed under his breath, his palms lighting up for a second go around.

  “No, no, please.” The man waved his hands above his head. “You have to listen -”

  Before he could finish, Zayn threw another dart of electricity at him. Again, the sparks flying into his form.

  “Really?” The stranger yelled, dropping his hands. “Look, they told you I was a prisoner, right? I’m not, I wasn’t.”

  From behind him, Yehven and Lance jumped out, their swords slicing right through his image. He wasn’t hurt though, if anything he was getting pissed.

  “You have got to be kidding me!” he shouted pulling at his shoulder length blonde hair.

  Suddenly, Camila felt it. That tug. The need to protect, the need to help him. She screamed as she felt the bond snap into place, running down the aisle through the crates pushing past Zayn and Kade. Their shouts of protest fell behind her as she came to a halt in front of the man.

  With her arms held out in front of her, she locked eyes with Kade. “Can you feel that? Did you feel it snap into place?”

  He only stared back at her, his eyebrows wrinkling in confusion.

  “Don’t touch him. We are bonded. He needs me.” Her words were slow, careful.

  Holy shit. Bonded to five men. How in hell will I be able to help them all? Especially when it’s currently four against one.

  “Kade?” Lance questioned, lowering his sword.

  “I mean... As far as I can tell... She is telling the truth.” He blinked.

  “Of course, I’m telling the truth, you idiots!” she snapped. Well maybe her earlier thought that she was being nice hadn’t been quite on the money.

  “Thank you.” The man breathed.

  “Don’t thank me yet, they are a hard bunch, not sure if we are out of the woods yet,” she muttered back.

  “Can I… Are you going to try and attack me again?” His question hung in the air, none of the guys willing to answer.

  “Okay, let's hear what he has to say.” Lance slid his weapon back into its sheath. “You have the floor for five minutes before we try and kill you again.”

  Slowly, they each followed his lead. Camila turned to him when she was satisfied they weren’t going to lunge and attack.

  He sighed, his figure becoming tangible again. Camila reached to squeeze his arm in assurance but she pulled back quickly as her fingers sparked against the touch. His eyes widened, looking up at her, he had certainly felt it, too. It was like the feeling she got when she touched Yehven, Kade, Lance or Zayn only magnified by one hundred. As if he was the missing piece to the puzzle that Camila had been presented with.

  His eyes stayed on her and she marveled at their color. The darkest shade of the night resided within his iris. It looked just like the night when the clouds choked away the light of the moon and stars.

  “Well, get on with it.” Yehven grunted.

  “Uh... it’s actually quite complicated. Perhaps, you have somewhere... Not quite so in the open we could go?” he asked.

  “Hell no,” Yehven responded, too quickly.

  “Yehven!” Camila ground out. “Quit being an ass, just like you’re stuck with me, you are going to be stuck with him until our bond has been fulfilled.”

  “I’m sorry… What is a bond?” The stranger pushed.

  “Oh, we have a lot to explain. First, what is your name?”

  “My name?”

  “Your fucking name. Are you deaf?” Yehven growled, earning another glare from Camila.

  “Ignore him.” Her voice softened. “What will I call you?”

  “Bekket,” he answered, “Bekket Kingsley.”

  Chapter Eleven


  Back in the house, Camila changed from her black uniform back into the jeans and a hoodie. She perched herself on the arm of the couch next to Zayn as she picked at a bag of Cheetos she had found in the cabinet. This being bonded to five guys thing was already exhausting, she thought as she listened to them argue.

  They each spoke over each other, frustrated that she had jumped in to save the day and kept Zayn from making another failed attempt to blow up Bekket, who had explained that his gifts were intangibility and absorption. So basically, he was going to be able to throw Zayn’s magic back in his face at some point.

  “Would you all just shut up?” Bekket yelled over their argument.

  They quieted, though Yehven looked as if he might reach out and strangle the man. Kade tossed Camila a sideways glance as she loudly chomped down on a Cheeto.

  “The queen. The queen is doing a terrible thing,” Bekket started.

  Zayn stood up, shaking his head, “Oh no... no… no…I already do not want anything to do with this.”

  “Oh, sit down you big baby.” Camila waved a cheesy hand in his direction. “I didn’t know you guys had a queen! Is she pretty? I bet I’m much more gorgeous.” She flipped her hair over her shoulder, smacking Zayn in the face with it as he sat back down.

  “Just the queen? Where is King Reynold?” Lance sat forward, eyeing Bekket suspiciously.

  “He fell ill, for the past year he has been shut away. No one has seen him.” Bekket’s blonde hair fell forward over his black eyes.

  “Well what is she doing that is so awful?” Zayn practically whined. While he was sexy as hell, Camila could do without his pathetic attitude.

  “At first when she brought her prisoners to me, she told me they were traitors to the crown. She had me assist her in pulling their powers from them, making them human. But then as time went on, she brought me more and more. I thought it was strange because there is no large rebellion in Treteauh.” He paused, “When I questioned it, she dubbed me a traitor to the crown as well.”

  “Why would she be turning our people human?” Kade asked.

  “I have suspicions she is keeping the power for herself.” Bekket shot a glance around the room.

  “Wow, this is getting good,” Camila interjected, crunching another Cheeto between her teeth.

  “The last fae I tried to help escaped through the tear. I was told your team had eliminated the threat.” His face was downcast, the weight of sadness pulling at his features. “His name was Deemo, he was kind. He will be missed. Even if it’s only by me.”

  Camila yearned to reach out to him, to comfort him, however, the cheese lining each of her fingertips held her back. The proper sound of his voice caught her off guard and yet it intrigued her.

  “Kade?” Zayn turned towards where Kade had leaned back into the couch, his arms crossing.

  “Truth,” he sighed.

  The truth. Yes, indeed it was. Camila felt it in her bones, too. Bekket and the information he carried was truly yet another piece of this puzzle. Maybe this was what they needed from her? Maybe they needed her to help resolve this problem within their people.

  “Well, now that that’s all cleared up.” She dusted her hands off against her pants, leaving orange streaks behind. “What do we say we make some plans to go out tonight?”

  The room froze, all of them giving her an odd look. Their faces all different ranges of confusion, curiosity, and annoyance at the statement.

  “Okay, come on, just hear me out. You all just got hit with some pretty big news aaannnddd it was a pretty fucking big bummer. Can’t we just all let loose tonight?”

  “No.” Yehven answered first.

  “Please, oh, please. For me? I’ve only been free a few days and all you have done for me is exhaust me with all this fighting and fae nonsense. I want to be somewhere that is more my element.”

  “I could use a night out…” Zayn added.

  Bekket looked lost, unsure of what to do with himself. He pursed his lips tightly, letting the house decide what should be done next.

  “Promise, first thing in the morning, I will do everything I can to help you with this queen issue you seem to be having. Scouts honor,” she said raising three fingers.

  Kade raised his eyebrows glancing at Lance. La
nce shrugged, “You know what. Screw it.”

  “I’m not going, and neither is he.” Yehven pointed at Bekket.

  “Oh, I’m fine to stay here. I’m not sure what you have in mind but I’m more of a homebody anyway,” he responded, leaning back into the chair he was residing in, the fullness of his frame overwhelming the seat.

  “Yehven, you have to go,” she pleaded.

  “Fuck no.” Hard refusal flashed within his eyes. He was clearly not a man who would bend easily.


  “This shit blows.” Yehven frowned.

  “I can’t believe she actually dragged us here.” Zayn laughed as they walked into the crowded club.

  People had already gathered together in front of the DJ, their bodies glowing under the neon lights that flashed. The beat of the music vibrated through the floor until it pounded within each one of their chests.

  Camila’s face lit up, her smile spreading wide showing the pearly whites of her teeth in the black lights. As if possessed by the music, she began swaying. Her shoulders rolling in a smooth slow circle that mimicked the graceful swirls of her hips. Kade’s mouth watered as he watched her make her way onto the dance floor. Yehven glared, crossing his arms and looking away from Camila and the crowd that parted for her.

  “Well, you two can be party poopers all you want. But, I think I am going to enjoy myself tonight.” Lance grinned, smoothing his chestnut hair down.

  “Oh yes. Shots!” Zayn whooped. In response, a small crowd of girls cheered to his declaration.

  The two departed, heading to the already crowded bar, Zayn eyed a few half naked women shimming just on the edge of the dance floor.

  “This is trouble,” Yehven grumbled. “I don’t like it.”

  Kade nodded but no matter how hard he tried, his eyes kept flicking up to Camila. She had no dance partner but she didn’t look alone as she swirled among the masses.

  An amused look managed to work it’s way on his normally stern features. She looked free. She looked happy. He marveled at the thought that none of those feelings were forced. Something churned in his gut, a feeling he would rather push down. The feeling too foreign to his body to be so easily welcomed.


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