The Needed (The Magic of the Jin Book 1)

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The Needed (The Magic of the Jin Book 1) Page 6

by Nikki Hunter

  Lance was now working his way back through the crowd where Yehven and Kade stood against the wall, drinks in his hand.

  “Here we go, lads. Courtesy of that lovely bartender.”

  The two glanced behind the bar where a blonde waved flirtatiously.

  “No thanks.” Yehven turned the drink down.

  Kade smirked, waving for Lance to hand over the drinks. Even though it burned on the way down, Kade grabbed the drink meant for Yehven and took that, too, earning curious looks from his friends. “Excuse me boys. I’ve decided today that I’m going to go be a man.”

  He pushed his way through the throngs of people, peeling off the drunken hands of women waiting to be taken home for a good time. Camila had her back turned to him, the thin red of her dress falling into a low dip revealing the toned muscles. His eyes flared a bit as they traveled down the length of her body. Her dress cut just right under her rounded rear.

  He reached down adjusting his dick as it hardened under his jeans. Kade began to sway with the beat as he wrapped himself around her. Camila didn’t startle or try to pull away, rather she leaned into his chest, sending him a cheeky look over her shoulder. Her smell. The ever-sweet scent of honeysuckle drifted over him, leaving him feeling more drunk than the shots he just took.

  She turned to face him, her eyes shining. “I didn’t know you could dance, my mystery man.”

  “You never asked,” Kade answered, touching his forehead to hers. His fingers ached to touch the red strands of her hair. Had they hurt since the moment they saw her? Internally he nodded in confirmation. Something in him had been drawn to her the second they found her and it scared the shit out of him. But tonight, he decided he wasn’t going to let that fear dictate the rest of his life.

  His hands ran up the length of her body from their spot along her hips, grazing along her breasts before he tangled them in her locks. Pulling her close, as close to him as she could get.

  Together they rocked back and forth to each cadence the DJ played, Camila’s hips grinding against the throb of Kade’s length. Heat ran through her body, that feeling she loved, ran straight to her sex.

  “So this is how I get to know you? Since you aren’t so fond of chatting?” she said over the music, her lips brushing against his earlobe.

  Kade fought the happy shiver that threatened to run down his spine. He didn’t answer, only grabbed her face firmly between his hands, bringing his lips to hers. She smiled briefly against the demanding need of his mouth before she melted into it. His tongue devilishly exploring against hers.

  Before the kiss was finished, Kade stumbled back as two hands grabbed at his shoulders. He spun around, fists clenched to find his friend, Yehven, his face bitterly scrunched, his chest quickly rising in heavy pants. Kade could feel it, every ounce of Yehven’s anger that was boiling off of him. It reminded him of the feeling Yehven had earlier when they had been in the kitchen. A possessive feeling.

  “Don’t touch her.” Yehven ground out, his jaw ticking in restraint.

  Kade blinked at him. “Why do you care?”

  Yehven growled at him.

  Camila had stopped dancing, her face blank as she watched the spectacle. Slowly she placed her hand on Kade’s shoulder. “Kade, just calm him down. He’ll make a scene.”

  Yehven didn’t miss the touch. His eyes narrowed as his nostrils flared.

  Kade listened. He was happy to release some of the magic that was built up from lack of use throughout the night. Tendrils of the power reached up, surrounding his friend.

  Before them, Yehven physically calmed, his shoulders falling away from his ears. His breaths came in more even winds. His face flushed red and he looked away from Kade and Camila, finding something on the ground obviously much more interesting than them only to turn and walk off the dance floor.

  “What in the hell is that about?” Camila asked, pulling Kade away from the sway of half-naked bodies.

  “I… I don’t know. He feels some sort of possession over you.”

  “Even though I serve you and them.” She waved gritting her teeth, “It is by my will. I am owned by no one.”

  “Camila, we don’t own you. He knows that. It’s more complicated than that. I’m not sure what happened. He has had a hard past, he isn’t trusting. So for him to feel so strongly for you...” Kade paused thinking about his own feelings that had rapidly grown in the short amount of time they had been together. “I just… don’t know.”

  “What happened in his past?” she asked a bit softer before she huffed, “He is an outright ass. Possessive can be added to the list of things I don’t really like.”

  With calloused hands, Kade pulled her farther from the dance floor, finding a seat at a table sticky with drink. “Have you ever noticed the gem Yehven wears around his neck?”

  “Yeah, the orange one?” She blinked.

  “That’s the one. It’s called an ortega. Yehven’s magic… it’s different than ours. We can wield ours easily, it just seems to flow from a never-ending pit of magic within us. Yehven’s… his is like Like a stampede of horses. Wild, strong, and free. You can’t control it, he can’t control it without that gem. It’s a rare stone, very expensive among the rathook. “

  “Rathook?” Camila cocked her head in curiosity. This was the most she had gotten to hear about Yehven.

  “That’s what we call the fae who require something to channel their powers into.”

  “Okay, but that doesn’t explain why he is so angry.”

  “Years, many, many years ago.” He spoke loudly over the music. “Yehven met another fae. She was gorgeous, kind, generous and very good for Yehven. He loved her. He had thought that she was born magic free. It does happen on occasion, that a fae is born with no magical abilities. Turned out she was also a rathook… and a thief. I don’t know why she strung him along for so long. But she left one night, with his ortega.”


  “Yeah, so not only did she unleash the wrath of Yehven’s power for him to struggle to contain… she broke his heart.”

  “That bitch,” Camila hissed.

  Kade bowed his head in agreement. “What happened between you two?”

  She glanced around to make sure no one was watching, “I did this.” She rolled her wrists to reveal the fae form she had taken in front of Yehven. “And he went batshit crazy.”

  Kade’s eyes grew wide, his back stiffening. Camila’s eyebrows scrunched together in question, but before she could speak the other three were at her side, Yehven looking about three seconds from exploding.

  She glanced at the group, Lance’s mouth parted in a look of awe. Zayn’s eyes burned within an intense desire. Startled, Camila snapped returning to the human body.

  Slowly, they each relaxed a bit.

  “What in the holy hell you guys?” she stammered.

  “Did you feel that, too?” Lance whispered, the group barely making out his words over the thump of the base.

  In turn they each nodded, Yehven releasing a breath that felt as if he had been holding it for centuries.

  “We are leaving. Now,” Zayn bit out grabbing Camila’s hand before disappearing from the club.

  Chapter Twelve

  Secrets Don’t Make Friends

  Returning home, all four of the men left her alone in the living room with a bewildered Bekket. The four of them pushing her away from the group, demanding that they needed to talk in private. After hovering for a bit, hoping they would change their minds about it and include her in the conversation, she gave up and sat by Bekket. Sinking into the brown leather of the couch her bare leg fell against Bekket, heat searing up the length of her.

  “So… what happened?” Bekket asked quietly, not bothering to shift away from her touch. After working with the queen, he quite enjoyed the pleasant touch of someone kind.

  “I’m really not sure to be honest.” She pouted. “Maybe after they get done discussing whatever it is they will fill me in.”

they sat in silence, leaning into one another. That was the one good thing about the bond for Camila. It was always comfortable for her, she came in feeling like they knew her and needed her. But these weren’t humans. She was dealing with the fae, an entirely different ball game.

  Her head dropped against his shoulder, she sighed. “What was it like? Working for the queen?”

  “Well…” he began, “At first it was nice. I was given a room within the castle and a lab to work in. I never worried about food, they fed me… stuffed me full really, three times a day. She only asked that I assist with removing the powers of the traitors perhaps once or twice a month. Once it got to where she was bringing our people in everyday... I got suspicious.”

  Camila nodded, urging him on. His eyes darted, and held against the floor as he continued to speak.

  “I tried to push off doing it, knowing there was no way that many of our people, my people, would rebel. That’s when they stopped feeding me. She assigned a guard to me at all times, he hovered, never allowing me to drift far from my room, much less leave the castle. Eventually, I was able to start helping them escape. Many told me they had just been ripped from their homes. From their families…”


  “It was sad. It is sad,” he agreed. “So, if you aren’t fae, what are you? You have magic, yes?”

  Her head nodded against his shoulder, the fabric of his loose navy shirt soft against her temple. His hand gingerly moved across his lap until his fingers brushed hers. Camila stared down at their hands so close to intertwining. Before she could speak, her roommates jogged down the stairs, tensing as they saw her leaning into Bekket.

  Lance was the first to speak, “Camila. Please, do us all a favor. Stop touching him.” His words came out as if it was painful to speak.

  She rolled her eyes, but did as he said, pulling away from Bekket who raised his hands in surrender. The muscles in his hands were tight as he clenched and unclenched his fists at his sides.

  “Cover up. Please.” Kade breathed.

  “You have got to be kidding me.” Camila stomped. “You are all acting like lunatics. Now I can’t wear what I want?”

  “We will explain it in the morning. It’s just a lot to take in right now.” Lance wrapped his arms around him like he was hugging himself.

  “At least you get to know what it is you should be taking in.” She snapped her fingers, annoyance tinting her features as she put on black leggings and a white t shirt. “Better, you assholes?”

  The group nodded in unison.

  “This is fucking weird,” Bekket whispered from behind her.

  “Well get used to it. Nothing with this bunch is normal.” Camila growled in anger. “If you are all going to keep me in the dark, then I’m going to my room.”

  She wanted to storm past them, slam herself into their shoulders on the way, but they parted faster than a whore’s legs on Valentine’s Day, giving her more space than she needed to exit the room and jog up the stairs.

  Tears built along her eyelids, begging to freefall down her cheeks. But Camila held them back as she slammed her door closed. If they were going to act like childish brats then she could play that game, too.

  She didn’t bother to turn the light on in the room, only stumbling through the darkness until she met the old quilt on her bed. The fabric was worn, smelling of home. Was that part of the bond, too? The sense of home she had when she was here.

  Her face fell into the pillow, Kade’s scent left behind on its case. The first night with it, it had been a comfort, but now it only pissed her off. Suffocating herself against the fabric, she screamed in anger.

  The soft knock on her door made her sit up quickly. As she did, she managed to smack the top of her head against the dark metal frame of the bed that loomed over her.

  “Motherfucker. Come in,” she yelled.

  “That’s quite the welcome,” Zayn whispered as he opened her door, the light from the hallway creating a dim glow that lit the room.

  “What do you want?” she snapped. Unless he was there to tell her what in the hell was going on, she didn’t want him here.

  Zayn chewed his lip, sending a cascade of butterflies through Camila’s stomach.

  No. No. No. He isn’t getting off easy because he is beautiful.

  “I, uh, need something…” he said quietly, glancing over his shoulder to make sure no one else could see him.

  The bond between them tugged at Camila’s magic. Of course, the first time they truly need me and I’m too pissed off at them to want to help.

  “What do you need?” She ran her palm over her face, pushing away the strands that fell forward.

  “I can’t sleep.”

  “Do you want me to use my magic to help you?”

  Zayn studied her face, his gaze locked on hers. The attention he gave her caused her nerves to spark throughout her body.

  “No, will you just lie with me?” His gaze fell to the floor as if he was embarrassed to even ask.

  The anger that she felt towards them began to melt away, her heart skipping a beat at the thought that one of them had admitted to needing her. The air between them heated, his gaze lifting from the floor. The blue of his eyes drilling into her, pleading.

  With a graceful ease, Camila pulled her legs from underneath the quilt. Sitting on the edge of the bed, one side of her smile twitched higher than the other.

  “Yes, the answer is yes.”

  Rough hands met hers, pulling her to stand. For a second they stood toe to toe. Heartbeats in sync, as he pulled her close to him.

  “Thank you…” he whispered into her hair.

  Together they walked hand in hand, slow steps until Zayn paused at his door. He pulled her forward until her back was pressed against it, his body flush to hers. He could feel the intake of each breath as her breasts rose against his chest. Tentative fingers reached up stroking her bottom lip.

  “You’re so beautiful.” He breathed.

  “I thought you wanted me to just lie with you?”

  “I did, I do. Just taking the time to admire.”

  She grinned, turning the knob and stumbling backwards with a laugh. Zayn flipped on the light as he walked with her. A sly smirk spreading on his lips. Camila jogged away, jumping on his bed with a bounce.

  “I almost forgot!” Zayn started. “I got you a present.”

  “It's about time you all start appreciating me.”

  “It’s not much…” he continued.

  “Well get on with it, I’m about to burst with excitement!” Camila exclaimed, pulling herself under his black comforter.

  Zayn held up one finger, telling her to wait, as he pulled open a drawer of his dresser. Camila watched, leaning forward to try and get a glimpse of her surprise over his shoulder. Out of the drawer, he pulled a black rectangle gift box, tied with a red ribbon and bow.

  “I would like to take credit for the wrapping… but I ordered it on the human’s internet with the option to come pre-wrapped. I hope you like it.”

  Like a child begging for a sucker, Camila reached out towards the present, clasping and unclasping her hands as she did. Zayn’s carefree laugh floated through the room as he handed her the box.

  Camila shook it with a smile, the gift thudding inside the wrapping. “I haven't actually received a gift from my bonded in over a hundred years. My bonded bought me a ticket to the opening of Weeghman Park, you probably know it as Wrigley Field though.” She breathed. “This is… very exciting.”

  Zayn’s shoulders rose in a shrug as he sat on the edge of the bed, the springs creaking against his weight. “Open it!”

  She wasted no more time, pulling at the ribbon she glanced up at him, the excitement glowing in her eyes. The black lid lifted easily, revealing white tissue paper that she peeled away. Camila laughed, the noise a genuine rumble erupting from her chest. Inside the box was a medium, red vibrator, the tip slightly curved to reach all the good spots, the length of it ribbed.

  “Red seems
to be your signature color,” Zayn said in a hushed voice. “It’s for you, until you’re ready to see that you don’t need it when I’m around.”

  “You know,” Camila answered with another laugh, “You are more romantic than you look.”

  She leaned over the bed, setting the gift against the floor before curling under the covers. “Come,” she beckoned.

  His steps padded against the white tile floor, the site of his appealing figure disappearing as the lights were turned back off. He crawled in next to her, scooping her up in his arms. His calloused fingers tentatively pushed back the red strands that had begun to fall over Camila’s face. He lifted her chin for a better view of what he considered the most beautiful being he had ever encountered.

  “I feel like you’re holding back,” he whispered.

  “Holding back?” She chuckled. “What do you mean?”

  “I don’t actually know a lot about you.”

  Camila leaned forward, brushing her lips against his before speaking, “You know some of the most vulnerable parts of me.”

  “I may have just gotten to know the curve of your body, the soft caress of your lips, and the warmth of your being against mine. But there's more to a person than that.” He squeezed his arms around her, tugging her closer yet, until there was no room left between them.

  “You know I’m a sexual being.” She winked, snuggling against his chest.

  Now it was his turn to laugh. “Camila…”

  “There isn’t anything else to talk about.” She shrugged.

  “I’ll get it out of you one day.” He spoke against her neck, his lips warm and soft where they touched, sending a spark through Camila’s core.

  In the dark, their breathing slowed as their tired eyes closed, sleep overtaking their bodies in the blissful comfort of each other's arms.


  Camila had snuck out of Zayn’s room when she had woken, sad to have to peel away from him. His features soft as he dozed, black hair hanging down over his forehead, his lips parted. She closed the door softly to not wake him.


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