Book Read Free

Strip Tease

Page 10

by Karen Erickson

  She didn’t want that, though the more he talked, the more frightened she became. This was serious. The man who spoke to her had been a genuine threat. Not some off-chance loser looking to spook her.

  “I can’t have my work know about this.” She swallowed hard. The idea of Marnie or anyone else at the Women’s Cancer Center discovering the truth about her sister, about her own past, was enough to freak her out. “The minute my boss finds out I’m a former stripper with a drug user for a sister, I’m sure she’d fire me.”

  “She couldn’t fire you, it would be discrimination.” Ah, the voice of logic. She found it rather irritating.

  “Well then, she’d make up some other excuse, but I’d know the truth. She’d never look at me the same again. No one would. They respect me there. I don’t want to lose that.” It was important to her, their respect. She’d never been respected by anyone her entire life.

  Nate watched her with those intense dark brown eyes, his gaze wandering over her face, dipping below her neck to linger on her chest. Her skin warmed at his blatant perusal, remembering the equally blatant and carnal way he touched her last night and her nipples hardened.

  “Your job is important to you, isn’t it,” he finally said, his gaze flicking back up to meet hers once more.

  Nodding slowly, she noticed the subtle shift in the air. This should not be happening. She shouldn’t have called him. She should’ve called the police like a normal person and made a standard report.

  Instead, she had the man she wanted more than anything standing in the middle of her living room, undressing her with his eyes. Looking as if he wanted to devour her where she stood.

  Ah God, she should hate herself for this, but she wanted it too.

  “My job is very important to me.” She cleared her throat, ashamed of the tremor in her voice. Damn it, she did not want to appear vulnerable.

  Or turned on. No, no, that was a big mistake.

  “Why do you think no one has ever respected you?” He took another step closer and she could smell him. Fresh and clean, like soap with a hint of heated, spicy man. She wanted to close her eyes and inhale deeply, savor it.

  “I don’t know.” She lifted her chin. He was getting under her skin, looking at her with tenderness in his eyes, asking questions no one usually bothered asking. “Growing up, my life wasn’t all rainbows and butterflies. Quite frankly, it sucked.”

  “I know.” He paused and her eyes widened, wondering exactly how much he did know. “Remember? I did a little investigating once I discovered exactly who you were.”

  “Of course, you did.” How could she forget? So he knew all of it. The non-existent father and the mother never around, who’d been arrested a couple of times and didn’t know how to support her girls. The trouble her sister had gotten into from junior high on.

  “Did you know I started working at the age of fifteen so I could make sure there was enough money to buy food? How I forged my mom’s signature and got a worker’s permit? Did you find out about our mom ditching us when we were sixteen and how Ginger dropped out of high school?” She may as well throw those bits of her past out there, instead of being ashamed of her life.

  “You’ve taken care of yourself for a long time.” Shoving his hands in his pockets, he watched her, his penetrating gaze seeming to see right through her. “You’ve had a lot of responsibility since you were too young to even realize it.”

  Janelle waved a hand in front of her face, suddenly uncomfortable. “That was in the past. I’m over it.”

  “I don’t think you are.” This time he reached out and made connection with her arm, slowly stroking his fingers along her skin, causing gooseflesh to follow in his wake. “I think you’re resentful of your sister and your mother. The things you’ve had to do for them your entire life have always gone unappreciated.”

  “I haven’t talked to my mother in three years. I have no idea where she is.” She shivered, wishing he would take his hand off her.

  Wishing he would touch her more, everywhere.

  “And that bothers you, doesn’t it? You might try to act tough and pretend you don’t care, but you do. You worry about her. You worry about Ginger too, though she drives you crazy.”

  He was one hundred percent right. She told herself she needed to be tough, to not care about them, since they clearly didn’t care about her yet she still did. She always did. Her mother told her when she was five she was a little mama, a nurturer. At that age, it had made her proud. When she grew into a teenager, the nickname “little mama” only pissed her off.

  “What if I told you the only reason I’m doing this is because I want to take care of you and keep you safe. Would that please you or make you angry?” Sure fingers curled around her upper arm and brought her to him. So quickly, she braced herself, palms flat against his muscular chest.

  Big mistake. She could feel the unmistakable pounding of his heart beneath her palms, a sure indication he was as aroused as she was.

  This wasn’t supposed to happen.

  “I’d say thank you for your concern. But it’s only temporary. The moment you catch Billy or my sister, you’ll be gone.”

  “You don’t have a lot of faith in men, do you?” He slid his arms around her waist, splaying his hands across her back. She closed her eyes, lost in his touch.

  “I don’t have a lot of faith in people in general,” she murmured against his chest.

  “Believe in me when I say I want to take care of you, Janelle. I want to make sure you’re safe. That’s why I’m putting a tail on you but I swear, no one will find out. He’ll be so discreet you won’t realize he’s there.” Dipping his head, his mouth brushed hers, just once, as soft and fleeting as a butterfly’s wing. And then he was gone, halfway across the room in a matter of seconds.

  Looking as shaken up as she felt.

  “Okay.” Janelle tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, trying to control her trembling fingers.

  He smiled, the sight of it doing strange, twisting things to her insides. The man was too gorgeous for his own good. “Trust me, no one will see him. And it’ll make me feel better knowing he’s there.”

  His words made her heart swell.

  Glancing at his watch, he headed for the door. “I’m still on duty and I have a few things to check on. Do not, I repeat, do not open this door for anyone. Stay home tonight. I’ll let you know when the undercover guard starts, probably sometime later tonight.”

  “Hey, Nate.” She hurried toward him when he opened the door and he stopped, turning to look at her.


  She smiled tentatively. “Thank you. Thank you for everything. I may act ungrateful sometimes, but I do appreciate it.”

  His eyes warmed, the smile still lingering on his lips. “You’re welcome, Janelle.”

  Nate shut the door behind him and she plopped onto the couch, throwing her head back with a sigh. Her heart pitter-pattered and her nipples still tingled. Her sex throbbed with a slow, incessant beat.

  He played havoc with her senses and her emotions. Rough and demanding one minute, sweet and thoughtful the next. Handsome, considerate, good in bed, he was freaking ideal. Too perfect to be true.

  There had to be a quirk, right? There always was. She didn’t believe in true love or two people being perfect for one another. Nobody had it that good, despite what some said. She was too much of a cynic.

  Something about the way Nate looked at her, though. A faint possessive gleam in his eyes, as if he really wanted to take care of her. Cherish her. Make sure she was protected, happy and safe.

  Not even her own mother had bothered to do that when she was a small child. No one had ever protected her.

  A few days with Nate and he wanted to be her savior. And she wanted to let him. Though she knew she was risking her heart.

  For once, she almost didn’t care. For once, she believed someone might be worth the risk.

  * * * *

  Rage consumed Nate as he drove south on the f
reeway, toward Billy D’s nightclub. The mere thought of something happening to Janelle at the hands of that monster made him want to scream. Tear something apart. Beat the shit out of somebody.

  Like Billy himself. It would give him complete and utter satisfaction to pummel that asshole into a bloody pulp. Laugh in his face. Kick him in the balls. Watch the normally smug bastard squirm on the ground.

  It would also garner him an instant leave of absence and ultimately get him fired. Billy wouldn’t waste any time reporting his ass.

  Nate didn’t know how many times he’d been tempted to go kick the crap out of him but thank God, he’d always resisted. Also thanks in part to the good sense of his partner Greg, who always talked him out of his irrational behavior.

  He’d ditched Greg earlier when he left for Janelle’s. He needed to call him.

  As soon as he was finished with Diaz.

  Pressing his lips together, Nate took the freeway exit, turning right in the direction of Billy D’s. Since he’d stopped frequenting the place, he’d heard rumors Billy was back, hanging around as if nothing had happened. Funny how the entire time he’d been there, he’d never seen the guy. Only Ginger and a few of his other henchmen would run the joint.

  As if Diaz had known all along Nate was casing the place. Keeping a low profile so Nate wouldn’t catch him involved in any of the nefarious doings that went down at the club.

  Ginger hadn’t been spotted at Billy D’s lately. None reported at Temptations either, he’d check both sources he had.

  It was as if Ginger went up in smoke.

  He secretly worried something serious may have happened to her. He didn’t tell Janelle, didn’t want to worry her more than she already was.

  Sighing, he gripped the steering wheel so tight, he white-knuckled it. The woman made him crazy. He wanted her. He didn’t know why he denied it. Being at her apartment for those few scant minutes had consumed him with need. His dick had leapt to attention at first sight of her and when he touched her, he thought he would lose it.

  But he’d kept himself under tight control. Had asked her questions she didn’t want to answer. Caused her to reveal bits of herself that made some of it come together in his mind.

  The too-brief kiss still lingered on his lips, made his entire body buzz with want.

  He still didn’t know much about her, but at least had a firmer grasp. Though she didn’t realize it yet, she needed someone to take care of her. Treat her like the sweet and sexy woman she was, appreciate her. It scared the shit out of him, but he wanted to be that man.

  Would she let him? She’d never let anyone get close before, she’d admitted that. And would he allow himself? He wasn’t one for relationships either. He hadn’t been in one for a few years, too busy with work. Then becoming too consumed with his partner’s death.

  No one had wanted to be around him. He’d turned into a complete asshole. Janelle had…changed him.

  Nate grimaced. He was thinking like a complete sap when he needed to focus. Like that he was pulling into the club parking lot and was pretty sure he caught a glimpse of Billy’s car.


  Parking his car, he headed for the front doors, surprised at how many other cars filled the lot at two in the afternoon.

  There were a lot of stripper joints in the greater Los Angeles area. It just so happened, Billy owned one of the more successful ones, which made him a bigger target.

  Of course, if he was also using this place as a filter for his drug business, then that explained the crowd. Users went looking for more drugs at all hours of the day.

  Nate entered the dim-lit building, blinking slowly, his eyes adjusting from the bright sun to the near black room. Glancing at the stage, he saw a woman dancing, clad in a neon pink string bikini, her lush body a little past limit for such revealing clothing.

  Either the quality of the dancers had gone about twenty notches down, or Billy didn’t care what happened in the middle of the day.

  “Can I get you something?” The bartender was tall and chubby, had a gleaming bald head. Beady little eyes watched Nate as the man wiped down the bit of counter in front of him. Nate had never seen him before, and he’d hung out at this crappy club for a while.

  “No thanks. Is the owner of this establishment in?”

  “Who’s askin’?” The man tossed the dirty rag into the sink behind him.

  Nate reached into his pocket and flashed his badge. Forget the anonymous bullshit. He wasn’t coming back to this place undercover again. “Police, asshole. Go get your boss.”

  “Don’t worry, Frankie, I’ve got it handled.” The amused voice of Billy himself sounded from behind Nate and he turned to find the man he hated more than anyone in the world standing before him.

  Billy’s gold colored eyes fairly sparkled, as if he found Nate showing up here rather amusing.

  Which he probably did. The sick fuck.

  “Well, well, well, we finally meet after you’ve been skulking about my club for weeks on end,” Billy drawled with a smug smile.

  “Well, you’re out in the open so I’m out in the open. I thought I’d play fair.”

  “Touché.” Billy’s grin widened and he indicated a small table and two chairs with a wave of his hand. “Please, sit. Tell me what brought you here and why you want to talk.”

  “What I have to say won’t take long.” Nate breathed deep, fire filling his lungs. Having Billy this close made him angry. Damn tempted to pull out his piece and plug the asshole, once and for all.

  Then get tried for murder and thrown in the slammer for the rest of his life.

  Not the way to do it, Banks.

  “If it’s about Ginger, I’m as confused as you. I have no idea where she is. I wish I did.”

  The longing in Billy’s voice didn’t slip by Nate. His eyebrows rose in question.

  “It has nothing to do with Ginger. It’s about her sister. Call your goons off Janelle and leave her alone.”

  “Ah, so here’s the heart of the matter.” Billy sat at the table but Nate refused, preferring to stand. “You want to protect the precious sister, hmm? So interesting. I’ve heard you and Janelle spent some quality—time together.”

  Nate’s eyes narrowed and his nostrils flared. He hated hearing the slime ball say Janelle’s name. Had Billy or one of his men been following them all along?

  Damn it, he was totally falling down on the job.

  “Leave her alone, Diaz. She has nothing to do with this.”

  “She has everything to do with this. That’s why you’ve been spending so much time with the beautiful Janelle, to get to Ginger. You think the minute you find her, she’ll squeal. Trust me, it won’t happen.” Billy sipped from the glass the bartender had set in front of him, a satisfied expression on his face.

  “Don’t you think Ginger has gone into hiding to get away from you?”

  Billy’s features hardened, anger making his mouth draw tight. Interesting. Just as Billy had discovered his weak spot, it appeared Ginger was Billy’s own Achilles’ heel. “I told her to go underground. She was getting too nervous. So let this be a warning—stay out of my club.”

  “Well, let this be a warning to you. Stay away from Janelle. If you’re the one who sent Ginger into hiding, then go find her and leave Janelle out of it. You got it, asshole?”

  “Fuck you, Banks. Get out.” Diaz stood quickly, overturning his chair. Two men appeared out of nowhere to stand in front of Billy. The both of them towered over Nate and he was no slouch in the height department.

  He got the hint. But so did Billy. His work here, for now, was done.

  Chapter Seven

  “Thanks for inviting me.” Janelle smiled, leaning in closer to her coworker and new-found friend Theresa. “I really think I needed a drink tonight.”

  Theresa laughed, waving at the bartender to come their way. “I know honey, that’s why I asked you. We’ve been going here every Friday after work for almost a year and you’ve yet to join us.”

/>   “I didn’t know I was invited.” The words left her mouth and she immediately wanted to take them back. She’d been so busy taking care of her family when she was younger, she never made much time for friends. It still came hard for her, acting casual around people, loosening up.

  “Anyone and everyone from work are always wanted. It’s a standing, open invitation.” Theresa smiled at the bartender who smiled in return. “Hey Bud. Me and my friend here, we want one of your special butterscotch martinis.”

  “Don’t you wanna experience a real drink, Theresa? Not some frou-frou crap?” The bartender leaned in close, his expression flirtatious and he clearly had eyes only for her.

  Theresa batted her eyelashes. “I like frou-frou and so does Janelle. So come on, hook us up.”

  He rolled his eyes and walked away, presumably to go fix their drinks.

  “His name is really Bud?” Janelle giggled, shaking her head.

  “Yeah, he’s so sweet. I think he has a little crush on me.” Theresa smiled, looking a bit smug. “It’s okay. I have a little crush on him too. Never thought I’d fall for a guy named Bud. It doesn’t hurt he makes my favorite drink like no one else.”

  “I love martinis but I’ve never tried a butterscotch one before.” Janelle remembered the chocolate martini from Temptations. Which of course made her remember Nate and the way he’d kissed her, how he’d touched her and told her he didn’t share.

  The tail was still on her. She’d gotten quite used to the nondescript dark blue car following her everywhere. It sat outside of the restaurant at this very moment. Always watching, always there, yet always discreet.

  She wished it was Nate who was always there for her.

  “Mmm, well a butterscotch martini is like a decadent taste straight from heaven, trust me. You’ll love it.” Theresa sighed, glancing around the room. “There are not a lot of people here for a Friday night. Usually there are more guys.”


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