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The Angel Conspiracy (The Angel Cronicles Book 2)

Page 4

by Jason Chapman

  ‘I suppose you’re wondering what this is all about.’ Chambers said.

  ‘I must admit when the Prime Minister gave me the invitation last week I was a little intrigued. How an earth did you manage to contact Mr Churchill?’

  ‘My grandfather left some instructions behind after he died.’ Chambers indicated to the projector screen along with a few other things.’ He walked over to the projector, the lights were turned off and Chambers flicked a switch.

  The screen lit up and a short message appeared.


  Frederick stared intensely at the screen as it displayed events played out two years earlier in the North Sea during operation Mainbrace. Frederick found himself back on the deck of the HMS Illustrious. He stared across the ocean at the USS Roosevelt as the three unknown craft hovered over its flight deck. After a few minutes the screen went dark and the lights were turned back on.

  Frederick found himself smiling at the thought of his old friend. He looked at the twelve young men sat in the dormitory and glimpsed a future.

  ‘As you can see my grandfather kept records of your encounters with Unidentified flying objects.’ Chambers produced a thick case file and handed it to Frederick.

  Looking through the case file Frederick suddenly realised how meticulous Malcolm had been documenting everything he had seen over the last two years. He closed the case file, handing it back to Chambers. ‘So you know more or less everything.’

  Young William Chambers nodded. ‘My Grandfather wanted to ensure we know what’s going on and also a plan for the future.’

  ‘Plan?’ Frederick said.

  ‘We are aware that the Americans have full control over the Angel Committee and that they are manipulating events.’ Frederick nodded.

  ‘All of us in the room Professor want to create a new committee.’

  ‘A new committee.’ Frederick remarked. ‘You’re only students at the moment.’

  ‘At the moment yes.’ Chambers replied. ‘But in time, and when the opportunity is right we can regain control.’

  Frederick nodded and smiled at Chambers. ‘Your grandfather would be proud of you William for taking such a bold step. I will do whatever I can to help. Although you must realise this could take years. The Americans have a tight grip on everything.’ Chambers nodded. ‘We understand Professor and we are fully aware how long this will take. But we are committed and we have sworn an oath of secrecy not to reveal ourselves until the time is right.’

  Frederick swept a glance across the room at the eleven other young men. ‘So be it William, this is the new Angel Committee.’

  Chapter 13


  Hackney – London – 7:23pm

  Monday 3rd January 1938

  Jane Price lay curled up in a ball on the floor. Her nose was broken and blood diluted with tears ran down her face.

  ‘You stupid fucking cow!’ Stephen Price screamed at her. ‘You can’t do anything right, why did I marry such a useless fucking bitch!’ He kicked his wife hard in the back.

  Jane screamed in agony. ‘Stephen, I’m sorry, I had no money. I had to borrow scraps from Jean next door.’

  ‘Do you think I give a shit you fucking useless cow!’ Price kicked his wife again.

  Pain surged through Jane’s body as she tried her best to shield herself.

  Price stooped over and grabbed his wife by her dark brown hair. He wrenched Jane to her feet and dragged her into the hallway and up the stairs.

  Jane was thrown onto the bed. She looked on in terror as her husband took his belt off. ‘Steve please!’ She begged.

  Price wasn’t listening, rage dictated his actions. He gripped his belt looking down at his wife. ‘Perhaps this will improve your cooking you pathetic bitch!’

  Jane braced herself as best as she could.

  Price began to swipe violently at his wife with his belt.

  Jane screamed in agony. ‘Please no!’

  After a few minutes Price stopped, out of breath from his physical abuse. He put on his belt again and grabbed Jane by the hair. ‘I’m off down the fucking pub, I can’t stand to be in the same room as you!’ He shoved his wife back onto the bed and left the bedroom.

  Jane listened as her husband stomped down the stairs. Finally the door slammed and the house plunged into silence. Jane rolled over onto her back and screamed at the top of her voice. ‘Please god make him stop! Please!’ She sobbed hysterically coughing up blood. Dark thoughts plagued her. She thought about ending her life, slashing her wrists or stabbing herself with a large kitchen knife. Suddenly Jane became aware of a strange tingling sensation. She touched her hair and recoiled from a static shock. The pain her husband had inflicted suddenly dispersed and she felt at piece, was she dying? Had her husband delivered the final blow and ended her life? Jane felt unable to move, and a bright light suddenly filled the room. She looked towards the end of the bed. Three strange looking beings were stood watching her. Are these angels coming to take me to heaven? An intense burst of light filled the room for a brief moment. The darkness returned, but Jane and the strange beings were gone.

  Chapter 14

  Whitehall – London – 12:31pm

  Wednesday 17th November 1954

  General Stacy slid a newspaper across the table. ‘Take a look at this.’

  Frederick picked up the newspaper and read the headline.

  Talented girl thrills local crowds with her psychic abilities.

  ‘You’ve been assigned to go and visit this girl and find out more about her. Doctor Forbes will be accompanying you.’

  ‘I don’t understand, what has this got to do with flying saucers?’ Frederick asked.

  ‘Majestic has expanded its directive which includes cases like this.’

  Forbes looked at the article shaking his head. ‘It’s a carnival trick, people have been doing this for years. The Victorians loved all this mumbo jumbo.’

  ‘That may well be Doctor.’ Stacy said. ‘But we’d like you to look into this anyway.’

  ‘Exactly what for General?’ Frederick asked. ‘Is this girl of some significance?’

  ‘Right now Professor Frederick your job is to investigate these kind of cases, not question them.’ Stacy got to his feet. ‘You will meet her tomorrow and find out if she’s genuine.’ Stacy made eye contact with Forbes. ‘Or if this is just a load of mumbo jumbo.’ As he was about to leave he turned to face the two men. ‘That reminds me Senator Barnes is flying in the day after tomorrow, you are to extend him every courtesy.’

  ‘Huh, courtesy my backside.’ Forbes mocked, making sure the general had left the room

  Frederick stared at the article. ‘So, the Americans have got us chasing after fortune tellers now.’

  ‘It’ll be fairies at the bottom of the garden next.’ Forbes added.

  ‘I wonder what Barnes is flying over for?’ Frederick asked.

  ‘Probably to tell us what a marvellous job we’re doing.’

  Frederick thought about the meeting he had with the Cambridge Apostles a few week earlier. He glanced at Forbes and for a fleeting moment he was tempted to reveal Malcolm’s plan. He got to his feet shaking off the thought.

  Chapter 15

  Hackney – London – 12:37pm

  Thursday 18th November 1954

  ‘Not exactly Mayfair.’ Forbes commented as he looked up and down the Victorian terraced street. Kids played football in the middle of the road. A car approached and sounded its horn scattering the children who shouted obscenities at the driver as the car drove by.

  Frederick knocked loudly on the door. Several seconds passed before it opened revealing two men. One of the men stepped out of the door and faced the other.

  ‘Thank you for your time Mr Price your daughter has a remarkable gift.’ He glanced at Frederick and Dr Forbes. ‘Looks like you have more customers.’ He said staring at Frederick. ‘Professor Ralph Frederick, we met a few years back. I interviewed you after you appear
ed on television regarding the matter of flying saucers.’

  ‘Hello Mr Rayman.’ Frederick replied feeling unsure what to say next.

  ‘Curious onlookers or are you here for scientific research?’ Rayman asked.

  ‘Just a couple of sightseers.’ Forbes said.

  ‘If you have time Professor I would love a quick interview regarding Miss Price.’ He gestured towards the house. ‘You won’t believe what she can do.’

  ‘Perhaps another time Mr Rayman I’m rather busy.’ Frederick replied.

  Rayman tipped his hat. ‘Another time it is Professor.’ He said before walking away.

  ‘Mr Price.’ Frederick smiled at the man standing in the doorway.


  ‘I’m Professor Ralph Frederick from Cambridge and this is my colleague Dr Henry Forbes. We’re very interested in meeting your daughter.’

  ‘Cambridge men eh.’ Price said. ‘In that case it’ll be two quid.’

  Forbes exchanged glances with Frederick. ‘Very well Mr Price.’ He grinned taking out his wallet and handing over the money.

  George Rayman had already taken two pictures of the two men who stood at the front door unaware that he had lingered. He put his camera into his bag before heading off down the street.

  Price invited Frederick and Forbes in and led them through to a relatively small kitchen. A young girl sat at a kitchen table. She looked up as Frederick and Forbes entered the room.

  ‘You have some more visitors.’ Her Father barked. ‘I suggest you get busy with your voodoo magic trick.’

  The girl nodded and looked down at the table in front of her.

  ‘Well put a smile on girl!’ Her father raised his voice. ‘These gentlemen have paid bloody good money to see you.’

  The girl forced half a smile.

  Frederick turned to her father. ‘Mr Price perhaps it would be better if we could speak to your daughter alone.’

  ‘Why, what are you going to say to her?’ He glared at Frederick and Forbes.

  Frederick produced his wallet and took out a pound note. ‘Please.’ He insisted offering the money.

  Price looked at the money for a few moments before snatching it away. ‘I’ll be in the living room.’

  Frederick watched as Price left the kitchen then focused all his attention on the girl. He smiled at her. ‘Jessica isn’t it?’

  Jess nodded.

  ‘I’m Ralph.’ He greeted. ‘This is my colleague Henry. Do you mind if we sit?’

  The girl shrugged, and then eventually nodded.

  ‘We’ve read about you in the papers.’ Forbes said. ‘And we’re really eager to see what you can do.’

  Jess just stared at the space in front of her.

  ‘Are you ok Jessica?’ Frederick asked.

  The girl took a deep breath, a tear trickled down her cheek. She nodded before reaching out for a mug sat in the middle of the kitchen table placing it directly in front of her.

  Frederick and Forbes looked on.

  Jessica stared intensely at the mug. After several seconds it began to slide towards Frederick who sat opposite.

  Frederick’s heart began to race as he watched the mug move towards him.

  ‘Astounding!’ Forbes declared.

  The mug stopped moving, Frederick looked on in awe as Jess focused her mind more intensely on the object. The mug suddenly moved in a vertical direction.

  Frederick felt breathless as he watched the mug float several inches above the kitchen table. The mug then descended gently settling back down on the flat surface. It began to move again back towards Jess.

  Forbes stared at the girl. ‘You have a remarkable gift young lady, I’m sure you’re aware of this.’

  Jess stared at the mug and nodded.

  Frederick looked at the girl. It was clear to him that she wasn’t happy with being paraded in front of everybody. ‘Jessica, myself and Dr Forbes would like to take you away from here. You don’t look very happy.’

  Jessica shook her head. ‘No.’ She whimpered, wiping away tears.

  ‘She’s not going anywhere!’ Her father growled suddenly appearing in the doorway.

  ‘Mr Price, your daughter is remarkable. We would like the opportunity to study her.’ Forbes explained.

  ‘She’s my bread and butter!’ Price argued aggressively. ‘I’ll be buggered if you two are just going to march in here and take her away. How do I know you aren’t a couple of charlatans?’

  ‘Mr Price you must see reason.’ Frederick said. ‘You cannot keep parading your daughter in front of everybody like some sort of freak show.’

  ‘Get out!’ Price ordered. ‘Get out or I’ll give you a bloody good hammering.’ Price threatened.

  Frederick and Forbes were frogmarched through the hallway and through the front door which slammed behind them.

  ‘Well there goes that idea.’ Forbes said looking up at the house.

  ‘We cannot just leave that girl to the mercy of her tyrannical father.’

  The front door to the house next door opened and a woman appeared. She stared at the two men her arms folded stiffly. ‘More sightseers eh.’ She said mockingly.

  ‘I beg your pardon madam.’ Frederick stated.

  The woman looked at him and Dr Forbes. ‘Rather posh for a couple of sightseers.’

  Forbes took off his trilby. ‘I can assure you madam, we’re not sightseers.’

  ‘What can you tell us about the girl who lives here?’ Frederick asked.

  ‘Only that she should be burned at the stake.’ The woman replied.

  ‘A bit harsh wouldn’t you say.’

  The woman shook her head. ‘She’s been able to do things since she was a tot. No wonder her mother left.’

  ‘Do you know where she went?’

  The woman shook her head. ‘Wherever she is she’s better off without them, especially him.’


  ‘Her husband of course.’ The woman rolled her eyes, then looked towards the front door of the house. ‘Used to beat her black and blue he did.’ Frederick and Forbes exchanged glances.

  ‘I wouldn’t bother coming back if I were you, she might put a curse on you.’ The woman turned and walked back through her front door.

  Frederick noticed the symbol etched on the woman’s door. A three armed spiral pattern which was made up of individual circles. ‘I’ve seen this symbol before.’ He said.

  Forbes looked at the symbol. ‘Old cow is probably superstitious.’

  ‘No this very same symbol was displayed on Sir Williams Ingles’ door and also on the device Vannevar Bush demonstrated.

  ‘How is it here?’

  Frederick knocked on the neighbour’s door. ‘There’s only one way to find out.’

  ‘What do you want now?’ The woman complained wrapping a thick shawl around her.

  Frederick pointed at the glyph. ‘Why is this on your door?’

  ‘Protection against the evil witch next door.’ The woman pointed to a house opposite. ‘A few of us have them.’

  Frederick looked across the street and noted that four other houses has the same glyph marked out on their front doors.

  ‘You won’t catch me being put under her spell.’ The woman said. ‘Now if there’s nothing more I suggest you leave.’ The door slammed shut again.

  Chapter 16

  Whitehall – London – 2:06pm

  General Stacy listened as Frederick and Forbes described the girl’s abilities.

  ‘It’s absolutely astounding what she is capable of. The mug levitated above the table.’ Forbes said with wonder in his voice. ‘I’ve seen all kinds of people who claim to have psychic abilities, most of which turned out to be frauds.’

  Stacy looked at Frederick. ‘Could it be possible that this girl could have been abducted and changed somehow?’

  ‘I suppose but there’s only one way to tell. The Roswell device Vannevar Bush demonstrated last year. That would be able to prove without a doubt if she has been in contact
with extraterrestrials.’ Frederick explained. ‘There is also the matter of the glyph on the neighbour’s door. It can’t be a coincidence that the symbol happens to be present in London.’

  ‘Any thought on how this is possible?’ Stacy asked.

  ‘The symbol is of some significance, however without more information I cannot tell you anything that is useful. Sir Ingles said that the symbol originates from Jerusalem, during the crusades.’

  ‘And it was also evident on the Roswell device.’ Stacy pointed out.

  Frederick nodded. ‘Which would suggest that the symbol is alien on origin.’

  Stacy nodded. ‘It happens that Jacob Barnes is bringing the Roswell device with him. So we should be able to shed some light on this. Until then we sit tight.’

  Chapter 17

  The Kremlin – Moscow – 7:23pm

  Nikita Shinski marched into the room and saluted when he reached the desk Pavel Vladimir sat behind.

  ‘Comrade Shinski.’ Vladimir greeted staring down at a document.

  Shinski glanced at what Vladimir was looking at.

  ‘I have been going through your service record. It seems you are well thought of by your superiors. Colonel Konev speaks very highly of you.’

  ‘Thank you Comrade Vladimir.’

  ‘We have an important mission for you. Our Washington contact just got wind that Senator Jacob Barnes will be flying into Britain in the next few days. We would like you to follow him. Our operatives have informed me that he will have a piece of technology with him. You are to fly to England and try to acquire this piece of technology.’

  ‘With respect Comrade Vladimir, shouldn’t Colonel Konev be attending this briefing. He is project leader on Orion. Any information regarding Jacob Barnes must go through him.’

  Vladimir stood. ‘I know you are loyal to both Colonel Konev and Comrade Bulganin. However times are changing. Comrade Khrushchev will be replacing Bulganin. He feels that a new direction is needed if we are to keep up with the Americans in matters of flying saucers. Jacob Barnes presents a perfect opportunity for us to level the playing field, as the Americans say. Security surrounding the senator will be light so you won’t have any problem getting your hand on what he possesses. You will show restraint with this mission. I don’t want another Paris incident on my hands.’


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