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The Angel Conspiracy (The Angel Cronicles Book 2)

Page 34

by Jason Chapman

  Frederick found himself being impressed by the man’s guile.

  Cones took the glass and followed Frederick and Gabriel back to the cluster of armchairs at the centre of the room.

  Frederick stared at the man for a few seconds. ‘You knew we were coming?’

  Gabriel nodded. ‘It is my business to know everything Professor.’

  ‘Are you part of this Fourth Reich?’

  Gabriel shook his head. ‘Good heavens no, however I do have to conduct business with them from time to time along with other organisations, Odessa, the Order of Galileo and the Brotherhood of the Holy See, and the Collective.’

  ‘The Collective?’

  Gabriel smiled. ‘An organisation you have yet to encounter. What I can tell you is that the wheels are already to turn. You and Agent Cones are about to become part of something much bigger. But your paths are different.’

  ‘What the hell is that supposed to mean.’

  ‘It means Agent Cones that you will travel a path that Professor Frederick will be unable to walk.’

  Frederick stared at Gabriel for several seconds remembering something Janus had said to him. ‘You are the same as Janus.’

  ‘Good heavens no, I am as human as you.’

  ‘Then how do you know so much?’

  ‘Let’s just say I am a very unique perspective on life.’

  ‘What have you done with the skull you stole from the British Museum?’ Frederick asked, recalling the incident with Chambers and Thornton.’

  ‘It is safe.’

  ‘Is Gabriel your real name?’

  The man shook his head. ‘My name is Marshall Abbot.’

  ‘I find it difficult to believe that you are just going to reveal to us your real name.’

  ‘I have nothing to lose Professor. We will be encountering each other in the future.’

  Frederick looked about the room at some of the art and sculptures. ‘Some of these art treasures and books are worth a fortune.’

  Abbot smiled. ‘I am a lover of beautiful things Professor, although I have to deal with some very ugly people to acquire them.’

  ‘Why don’t we cut to the chase.’ Cones interrupted. ‘We’re looking for Hans Kammler and Bernard Schroder. We have reason to suspect that you might have aided in their escape to South America.’

  Abbotl took a sip from his Brandy glass. ‘No, I have not aided them, they did not have anything to trade.’

  Frederick stood. ‘Then we are wasting our time, and that is one thing we don’t have.’

  ‘You’re right to be concerned about time Professor.’ Frederick glared at Abbot.

  ‘The red matter that Kammler is carrying can be very unpredictable.’

  ‘Then you do know where they are.’

  ‘You need to go to Rome, there you will find answers to a great many things.’ Abbot reached into his pocket and produced a small piece of paper with an address scrawled on it.

  ‘Is that where Kammler has gone.’ Cones asked.

  ‘There you will find answers.’

  Frederick took the piece of paper and walked towards the door.

  ‘Professor!’ Abbot called out.

  Frederick turned. ‘When you next encounter Janus, and you will. Tell him I said hello.’

  Cones turned and faced the building they had just exited. ‘I don’t get it, who the hell was that guy?

  ‘I have no idea.’ Frederick answered. He walked back up the steps he had just descended and knocked on the door, this time no one answered. Frederick pushed the door which opened inwards. Both Cones and Frederick stepped into the hallway.

  ‘I don’t understand.’ Cones stated. ‘We were just here and now this place is completely empty.’

  Frederick looked around the area in which they were stood. Every piece of art and furniture was now gone.

  ‘What the hell just happened?’ Cones’ voice echoed around the empty house.

  Frederick reached into his pocket and pulled out the piece of paper Abbot had given him.

  He turned on his heels and headed for the door. ‘We must get to Rome immediately.’

  Chapter 134

  Rome – Italy – 2:13pm

  Wednesday 13th March 1956

  Frederick and Cones stood across the road from the address that Abbot had given them. Cones seemed agitated as he stared at the apartment building.

  ‘Are you alright Agent Cones?’ Frederick asked.

  ‘The last time I was in a spot like this waiting for Schroder was when Jack was killed.’ Frederick nodded.

  ‘Why haven’t we gone in guns blazing?’

  Because we have no idea what kind of trap we’ll be walking into.’ Frederick replied.

  ‘You think that this Abbot guy was jerking us around.’

  Frederick shook his head. ‘No.’

  ‘You don’t suppose that was Janus?’

  ‘No, Janus would not toy with us by pulling the wool over our eyes. He has always been direct in his actions.’

  Cones glanced at his watch. ‘How long are we going to stand here?’

  Frederick pondered Cones’ question. ‘We may as well go and see if it is a trap.’

  Cones grabbed Frederick’s arm. ‘We have no backup.’

  ‘I don’t think we’ll find Kammler or Schroder in the apartment on this piece of paper.’

  Both Frederick and Cones climbed the stairs of the apartment block. The room they were looking for was located five floors up. By the time they reached the right floor Frederick felt out of breath. The door to the apartment was slightly ajar.

  Cones drew his weapon and gently pushed the door open.

  Frederick Followed Cones through the doorway. The apartment was completely empty devoid of any furniture.

  ‘I don’t understand.’ Frederick said looking around at the empty space. ‘Why give us the address to an empty apartment.’

  ‘Because someone wants to see you Professor.’

  Cones swung around to face three men standing in the doorway of the empty apartment building.

  ‘Please Agent Cones put the gun down.’ The man asked.

  Cardinal Marcus Portis stepped forward. ‘Professor time is running out if you want to stop Kammler and Schroder.’

  Frederick looked at Cones and nodded.

  Both men were escorted to the back of the apartment block and hauled into the back of a waiting van.

  ‘Put these on please.’ Portis instructed handing Frederick and Cones two blindfolds.

  Frederick looked at him.

  ‘My superior insists that you do not know where we are going.’

  Cones reluctantly took the blindfold and put it on.

  Chapter 135


  Frederick and Cones were helped from the back of the van and led through a courtyard which was the centrepiece for an ancient Roman fort which stood on a mountain top.

  Frederick blinked as he became accustomed to the light.

  Cones looked round the room which was filled with expensive furniture and tapestries along with rare pieces of art. ‘Where the hell are we?’

  ‘You are in good company Agent Cones.’ A voice reassured.

  ‘You got to be kidding me!’ Cones stated as Pope Pius walked through the door.

  ‘Professor Frederick, good to see you again.’

  ‘I don’t understand.’ Frederick said with growing frustration. ‘Why all the theatrics, how do you know Abbot?’

  ‘I know you have many questions Professor, but time is of the essence.’

  ‘We are looking for Kammler and Schroder. By holding us here you are wasting time.’’

  ‘We have been tracking the movements of Kammler and Schroder since the accident at the facility on the Austrian German border.’

  ‘Then you know that it’s imperative that we apprehend these men. They have a substance that is extremely dangerous.’ Frederick Warned.

  ‘Yes the red matter.’

  ‘You are familiar with the substance?’ Frede
rick said.

  ‘Yes.’ The Pope admitted.

  Cones studied the expression on his face. ‘It was you who supplied them with the red matter in the first place wasn’t it?’

  Pius hesitated before nodding

  ‘In exchange for what exactly?’ Frederick asked.

  The Pope rubbed his brow taking a deep breath. ‘When Italy sided with Germany during the war I was given a choice. Either hand over artefacts that could aid Nazi Germany, or goose stepping troops would march in and strip the Vatican of every piece of art.’

  ‘So you just handed over the red matter.’ Cones said.

  ‘We had no choice!’ Pius snapped. ‘There was much more at stake than just the treasures you see on display here Agent Cones. Over two thousand years of History would have been wiped out and the Nazis would have seized everything in the secret Vatican archives. And let me assure you gentlemen that there are more devastating artefacts that have been kept hidden away for centuries. If the Nazis would have got their hands on some of these relics then they would have been unstoppable.’ The Pope removed his glasses and cleaned them on his robe. ‘I want to show you something, please follow me.’

  Both Frederick and Cones stood and followed the Pope. They were led through a maze of corridors until they came to what appeared to be a cellar door. The Pope produced a single key and unlocked the door.

  The three men descended a narrow stairway. Pope Pius shone his torch directly in front of him. Frederick could make out that the stairway was extremely worn.

  ‘Where the hell are we?’ Cones asked.

  Pius smiled. ‘I suppose your colourful language could describe this place as hell.’

  In the torchlight Frederick could make out markings in the wall as they made their way down. Roman numerals were scrawled on the walls as well as other symbols and drawings of creatures similar to the ones he had encountered at Mildenhall a few years back.

  Finally they reached the bottom. Frederick suddenly found himself standing in running water which cascaded over his feet.

  ‘Do not be alarmed it’s just an underground brook.’ The Pope reassured them.

  Frederick tried to peer through the darkness. He had the impression that they were walking through a cavernous space deep underground. Finally they reached their destination. The Pope shone his torch on an object directly in front of them.

  Frederick stepped towards a glass vile approximately six feet tall. The vile hovered above a cylindrical base unit which emitted a soft blue aura. Frederick stared at the contents in the vile. A red liquid swirled around. Frederick stared at the substance. ‘My god! It looks alive.’

  Pius nodded. ‘There are those of us who believe it is.’

  ‘Where an earth did you get it.’ Frederick reached out and touched the vile. The liquid seemed to react to his touch, making him snatch back his hand.

  ‘This object has been here for the last two thousand years.’ The Pope revealed. ‘This cave was discovered and it was decided that this substance should be kept here. The path we came down is the only entrance to this cave.’

  Frederick looked at Pius. ‘Is this part of the secrets the Vatican has been keeping for the last two thousand years?’

  The Pope hesitated before eventually nodding. ‘This is just a small part of a vast archive of information and artefacts we have in our possession.’

  ‘When exactly are you planning to reveal what you have?’

  ‘Unfortunately Professor we are past the point of no return. We cannot just reveal things like this.’ Pius indicated towards the vial. ‘We are a primitive people Professor. Until recently we have been a god fearing people believing in creationism. When Darwin released his Origin of Species it rocked our world. For the first time we could not stop the coming of the new age.’

  ‘New age?’ Cones said.

  ‘Science Agent Cones.’ Pius replied. ‘For centuries we have held back the ideology that there is more to the universe then written down in our religious teachings. Galileo was one of many scholars who pushed the boundaries. Many before him had tried to make their voices heard.’ Pius took a deep breath. ‘But were silenced.’

  ‘So the bible, it’s just a load of baloney?’ Cones stated.

  ‘Not exactly.’ Pius replied. ‘More of a guide to events that occurred.’ He looked at the vile. ‘When this fell out of the sky it was recovered by a Roman general, who’s name has been lost to history. He witnessed its destructive power and decided that it should be hidden away from everyone. He knew of this cave so he built a fort and hid this down here. The fort was guarded by ten thousand of Rome’s best soldiers. Even as Rome crumbled their orders were to guard this.’

  ‘You say that this Roman general witnessed its destructive power. Where exactly?’ Frederick asked.

  ‘Are you familiar with the tale of Sodom and Gomorrah?’

  Frederick thought for a moment before nodding. ‘According to the bible a city destroyed by the wrath of God.’

  ‘Several cities actually.’ Pius replied. ‘An object descended from the skies and exploded causing devastation for hundreds of miles. This Roman general witnessed the event and spoke of a sky which burned for a week and ash that fell from the sky for months after the disaster. He went to the devastated area and found thousands of people dead and dying. Their symptoms not unlike the devastation caused by the atomic bombs which were dropped on Japan in the closing stages of the war.’

  ‘And now Kammler and Schroder plan to use this against the United States.’ Cones said.

  ‘Eventually.’ Pius replied but first they will test it.’

  ‘Test it?’ Frederick quizzed.

  Pius nodded. ‘When Great Britain stood alone against Nazi Germany and the battle of Britain was won Hitler was furious.’ Pius looked at the vile. ‘He vowed revenge on the British empire. But as the tide started to turn leading to Nazi Germany’s defeat. Hitler entrusted Kammler to carry on the fight.’

  ‘And England is where they will test this device.’ Frederick said.

  Pius nodded.

  ‘Where exactly?’

  ‘At the very heart of British defiance during the war.’

  Frederick thought for a moment. ‘St Pauls Cathedral.’

  ‘Why not Parliament?’ Cones asked.

  ‘When Germany began its bombing campaign over London the Prime Minister ordered that St Pauls should be saved at all costs.’ Frederick explained. ‘It stood out like a beacon in the darkness.’

  ‘And now Kammler and Schroder plan to blow it up.’

  ‘Not just St Pauls.’ Pius revealed. ‘They have enough red matter to wipe out London and the surrounding towns.’

  Cones turned on his heels. ‘We need to get back to London fast.’

  ‘A plane is waiting at a nearby airstrip.’ Pius said.

  Frederick looked at the Pope and then at the vile. ‘You have revealed much.’

  ‘Times are changing Professor Frederick. The church is starting to recognise this change and has decided that it will not stand in its way. Men like you will lead the way in a new understanding.’ Pius handed Frederick a piece of paper. ‘I had a choice, I didn’t have to reveal this information, but I will not stand by and let millions more die.’

  ‘What about the women you have taken away over the past few years. The children the Vatican has butchered because they were products of extraterrestrial beings.’ Cones pointed out.

  Pius nodded and gestured back the way they came. ‘There’s something you should see.’

  A few minutes later Frederick and Cones found themselves in a spacious garden. Dozens of nuns mingled with Children. The playful cries of children at play drifted across the Roman fort. Pius pointed to a young woman sat on a bench smiling at three children.

  ‘The woman you and Agent Cones encountered a few years ago.’

  ‘Rosemary Smith.’ Frederick said.


  Frederick took a deep breath. ‘I was told that the Vatican disposed of these children.

  ‘For a time we did.’ Pius replied. ‘But over the centuries we have come to regret our past actions. We now protect the women and their children who have been abducted by visitors from another world. When the children are old enough they are allowed to leave. The role of the Vatican is to educate them, teach them that they should not be afraid of who they are.’

  ‘I hate to bust up this little reunion but we have to stop Kammler and Schroder.’ Cones said.

  Pius nodded. ‘A car will take you to the airstrip.’

  Cones turned and marched away.

  Pius waited until the American was out of earshot. ‘Agent Cones has a long road to travel.’

  ‘In what way?’ Frederick quizzed.

  ‘Your encounter with Marshal Abbot is no accident.’

  ‘Who is he?’

  ‘A very dangerous individual who has tried on many occasion to alter the cause of history. Marshall Abbot is able to travel back and forth in time.’

  ‘A time traveller!’

  Pius nodded.

  ‘Hey Professor are you coming!’ Cones shouted.

  ‘Agent Cones will be history’s protector.’

  Frederick looked down at the piece of paper Pius had given him. ‘Thank you.’

  ‘You must hurry.’

  Chapter 136

  London Airport – 9:01am

  Thursday 14th March 1956

  Frederick yawned and stretched out his tired legs.

  ‘No time for a nap Professor we need to get to St Pauls before it’s too late.’

  The plane touched down on the runway and Frederick and Cones climbed into a waiting car.

  ‘You realise that General Stacy and Majestic have no idea where we are and that we are now acting on a tipoff from the Vatican.’ Frederick said.

  Cones stared out of the window watching the passing landscape. ‘Believe me Professor I have had my fair share of incidents over the years I have yet to reveal to Majestic.’

  ‘Really!’ Frederick remarked.

  ‘I’m a patriot to my country, but not to Majestic. I have often wondered if Majestic serves the interests of the American people or Jacob Barnes’ pockets.’

  Frederick glanced at the piece of paper that Pius had given him. ‘They plan to detonate the weapon at ten O’clock.’


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