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Paint The Rainbow

Page 8

by John Harris

  “Damn, you’re amazing,” Mason said, still breathing deeply as the last wave of his orgasm passed through him. He sat up to pull Ryan closer to him. “And you got endurance. We’re going to make a fine couple, but give me a few seconds to recover.”

  “Sure” Ryan stoked his cheek tenderly. “Why don’t we have a glass of champagne?”

  “Good idea.”

  Ryan walked over to the table and filled both glasses and brought them back to the sunbed. Both Mason and Ryan looked at one another.

  “To the cutest painter in the whole world.”

  Ryan laughed. “To the sexiest movie star in the whole world.”

  “To us.”

  “How far are we going to take this?” Ryan asked.

  “As far as you like.” Mason drained his glass. He gave the bottle of champagne a furtive glance. “It appears we’re all out.”

  “Yeah.” The fact that he’d had Mason’s cock in his mouth barely an hour ago did not lighten his apprehension. Not even their light banter from before made him feel easier.

  “We can slow down if this is going too fast for you.”

  Ryan shook his head, “Just be gentle with me.”

  Mason chuckled, “Don’t worry, Ryan.” He stood up and offered his hand. “Let’s go inside. He watched his friend closely. “I need to unwrap you… I want to see you naked again.”

  Ryan ran his hands over the soft and fluffy fabric of his dressing gown. Looking up again, he swallowed. The need was etched on Mason’s face. Ryan took his hand and let him pull him up. They walked in silence past the double doors to their living room and continued to the bedroom.

  Ryan was still amazed at how tastefully decorated it was. In the dim lighting the room looked even more enticing than in the sunlight. A large double bed stood against the far wall. Mason directed him toward it and sat him down. Lying on the bed, Ryan watched him rummage in his case and pull something out of it.


  “Oh, um…” Ryan stared at the condom packaging.

  “I’m clean, but I want you to feel really comfortable.”

  Ryan nodded. Of course, he’d seen a rubber before, but not one held out in the hand belonging to another man. “Are we… what’s going to happen now?”

  Mason smiled, “Would you like to be inside me, Ryan?”

  Ryan swallowed deeply. “Like nothing else.” He blushed upon hearing the certainty in his voice.

  Mason’s smile grew exponentially. He moved closer, clambering onto the bed. He lowered his head until his lips brushed Ryan’s. Soon, their tongues touched, flickering and slithering in a circular motion. This soon had them both hard as hell.

  Mason ripped the packaging open, removing the condom. Slowly, he reached lower, parting Ryan’s dressing gown. With a serious expression incised onto his features, he worked the condom down Ryan’s length. “Fuck, I can’t wait to feel that inside of me,” he said. His voice rasped and hissed. Mason got to his feet and walked back to his case where he took out a bottle of lube. Before he returned to the bed, he removed his dressing gown and chucked it on the floor. Ryan soon followed suit. Moments later, Mason pumped a generous amount of the lube onto his hand then started to slather Ryan’s length with it. Once he was done, he straddled Ryan’s thighs with his cock standing up in front of him.

  The hungry expression on his face and the sight of his erection made Ryan harder still. This was even sexier than having Mason’s cock in his mouth. He reached out and took Mason’s sex in his hand. He began to rub it, enjoying the sight of Mason’s lips as they pressed together.

  “Let’s do this nice and slow,” Mason suggested.

  Ryan didn’t say anything. He had trouble finding any words as a primal drive took over his senses. Closing his eyes, he let himself go, allowing Mason to massage his cock while he did the same to his. Everything came so naturally to him. It was as if he had been doing this all of his life. Mason was everything he wanted in a guy and more.

  Ryan’s eyes snapped open when he felt himself enter Mason. He groaned as his tip buried itself in the warm hole. Ryan watched Mason positioning his cock with his hand, lowering his weight onto it. He had to control himself not to thrust upwards lest he hurt Mason.

  Mason bit on his lower lip when Ryan’s length inched deeper inside of him. Ryan’s girth stretched his crack to the limit, making him groan in pleasure and pain. Mason relaxed his muscles some more, dropping inch by inch until he sat on Ryan, who grabbed his ass, needing something to get a hold of.

  Despite his desire, Ryan thrust slowly. When he saw that Mason could handle him, he began to pound harder, returning Mason’s downward movements with violent upward thrusts. Ryan felt like an animal as he released years of sexual frustration. It felt so good to finally do what nature had ordained for him. He was lost in another dimension. It was a place where he belonged, where he was one with the person he most wanted to be with. He removed his right hand from Mason’s ass and stroked his cock while fucking him.

  Mason let out a continuous howl as Ryan’s hard cock hit his prostate just right.

  “This is the best—I don’t believe it,” Ryan gasped.

  With determination, he jerked Mason off while he pillaged his ass with carnal intent. It did not take much longer, and Mason shot jets of cum onto Ryan’s chest. With a feral moan, Ryan exploded inside of him, holding onto his cock as if it were the last rung of life itself.

  Melting on top of Ryan, Mason fell forward. Ryan slid his fingers through Mason’s hair. “My God, I never felt so right.”

  Mason smiled. “Me too… you were incredible.”

  Still stroking Mason’s hair, Ryan was spellbound by what had happened. He had just had the two most incredible orgasms of his entire life. If he had only known what it was like to be with a man, he would not have wasted as much time as he did. He inhaled Mason’s scent which was musky from their lovemaking. He was so happy that Mason was his first man, and he knew he would never again question his desires. Something that felt so right could never be wrong.

  With a yawn, Ryan woke up… exhausted. He smiled when he felt Mason’s naked body lying in the bed next to him. The past months had been a whirlwind of turbulent emotions. Starting with an amazing vacation in Bora Bora that had ended far too quickly, they had tried to see each other as often as possible since.

  Just as they did back on the island when Ryan had first discovered the pleasures of another man, they indulged in each other with reckless abandon. Ryan wondered how he could have been gay all of his life and not known. It was like a part of him was alien and had only recently been awakened… by Mason. A part of him that had been missing the whole time. It explained why he had never felt right with any of the women he had been with.

  Ryan lifted the covers so he could look at Mason’s nakedness. He lay facing him. His cock hung loose between his legs. Ryan licked his lips. Seeing it, he couldn’t believe that such a harmless looking body part could elicit so much enjoyment. He smiled when he thought of their frenzied lovemaking the night before. He could still feel the stickiness in his crack.

  Both Ryan and Mason had medical checks, making the use of protection superfluous. Ryan had the uncontrollable urge to feels Mason’s erection buried inside of him again. Ever since Mason had first fucked him, Ryan could not get enough of it. To be able to feel him move about inside of him while he jerked him off was the best he’d ever felt. Ryan stroked Mason’s cheek. They had indulged in so much sex that Mason was wrecked.

  By the time the final spurt of coffee shot into the carafe, Mason strolled into the kitchen in Ryan’s new apartment which he could now afford thanks to the meteoric success of his paintings. Life had never been better.

  “Hey, sex god.” Mason planted a kiss on Ryan’s lips. He wore one of Ryan’s t-shirts and boxers, looking good enough to eat.

  Ryan chuckled, “Yeah, that was pretty amazing last night.”

  Mason nodded, a smile playing across his lips.

  “You want s

  Mason arched his eyebrows suggestively, “Sure, when don’t I?.”

  Ryan laughed, “I meant coffee.”

  Mason winked. “Sure.”

  Ryan poured two cups, adding sugar and cream to his own and leaving the other one black, just the way Mason liked it. “I don’t know how you drink this without any sugar or cream.”

  “You’re all the sweetness I need in my life.”

  “I can’t get enough of you, either. Is it getting to be too much for you?”

  “Naw, I could never have enough of you. So, how do you feel about all this—about us?” He had been asking the same question lately. It was as if he thought Ryan still had doubts.

  “Perfect, but you know that. Amber and Juan have accepted me for who I am. Even Mom’s cool with the whole idea of me being gay.”

  “What about your dad?”

  “I’m going to tell him this weekend when you come around for dinner at my folks’ place. I’m going to introduce you to my parents. Would you believe that Dad still thinks I’m bringing a girl?” His mirth soon faded as a new thought came to mind. Ryan drew a little circle with his finger on the table. “You’re still coming right?”

  Mason shrugged, “I think that it might be a problem.”

  “Why?” he snapped.

  “Because I’ve got to be with my wife and kids this weekend. My constant absence has made her suspicious.”

  Putting a hand on Mason’s arm, Ryan said, “You’ve got to tell her at some point.” He took another sip from his mug. “It was difficult for me at first. I was terrified of what people would think, and now I don’t even care if my dad disowns me. I just want to be with you, and I’m proud to tell everyone about it.”

  Mason snorted.


  “Do you think that telling Amber and Juan was a big deal? Fuck, I bet if you told them that you were into having sex with animals, they’d accept it.”

  “Maybe. I know that I’m lucky to have such a cool sister and a great friend. Still, telling my dad won’t be easy no matter how comfortable I feel about my sexuality.” Ryan played with his spoon while he thought. “I understand that your wife will most probably go ballistic when she finds out, but you’ve got to do it… for both of our sakes.”

  “Don’t tell me what I’ve got to do, Ryan. You have no idea what I have arranged with my wife.” Mason tensed when he realized he had said too much.

  “What do you mean?” Ryan’s face hardened.

  “Oh, nothing.”

  “It sure didn’t sound like nothing. What are you not telling me?”

  Mason sighed. The cat was out of the bag. He had no choice but to tell Ryan his little secret. “My wife knows I like guys.”

  This was the first true confirmation Ryan had heard of it. “Go on,” he said, suspicion lacing his voice.

  “Well, it’s like this. When Clarice caught me having sex with one of the guys who worked for us a few years back, we made a deal.” Mason ran his fingers around the rim of his mug. “She promised to let me have my fun under the condition that I keep a low profile. Clarice never wanted my gayness coming out and becoming public knowledge.”

  Ryan sighed. “I guess it was a good solution before we—um, do you love me, Mason?”

  “Yeah, sure I do.”

  Ryan smiled at Mason’s confident and fast response to the question. “Then I don’t see why you should keep up the pretense.”

  “Well, I do. First there’s the promise I made to Clarice; and then there’s my career.”

  “Let me stop you right there, Mason.” The tone in Ryan’s voice was harsh. “Many famous people are gay.”

  “Not action movie stars.”

  “Bullshit, Mason. You’re just looking for any excuse to worm your way out of it. Your fans wouldn’t give a shit if they found out you’re gay. I think your problem is with your wife. I understand that a divorce would be expensive, but do you really want to live the rest of your life hiding in the shadows? Because I don’t. I need somebody who stands by me and is proud of it.”

  “And you deserve that, Ryan. It just can’t be me. Not yet, that is.”

  “What! After all we’ve done together. You said that you loved me…”

  “And I do, but I can’t disappoint my kids and Clarice by abandoning them.”

  “You wouldn’t abandon anybody - except me, if you follow this path.” Ryan felt the tentacles of desperation creep up his spine. He had never been so in love in his life, and the thought of losing Mason made him sick to the core.

  “Look, Ryan, can’t we keep this going a while longer and then we’ll see what happens?”

  Ryan thought it over for a while. He was tempted to agree to Mason’s proposal, but his better judgment took hold. “I just can’t, Mason. Would you have me skulking around in the shadows? What happens when you have to go on holiday with your wife, huh? Do I come along too and stay in another hotel alone so that you can come around for a fuck?”

  Mason shrugged. An impish grin spread across his lips. “That could be one solution.”

  “You’re an asshole, Mason. This is all some game to you, isn’t it? How could you do this to me? Did you think that I was only going to be one of your flings—like one of those men from the gay bars?”

  “I did at first, but I fell in love with you, and that changed everything.” Mason looked at Ryan hopefully.

  “What you’re offering is not love. I spent my entire life hiding in the closet because I was too afraid to come out, and now you want me to continue that life? No, Mason, I just can’t do it. Not even for you.”

  Mason frowned. “Well, I guess that’s it, then.”

  “Yeah.” Ryan could’ve burst into tears, but he wasn’t going to show such weakness in front of Mason. He knew that if he started crying, his resolve would weaken, and he’d end up as Mason’s plaything. There was no way that he was going to let Mason treat him as such—no matter how much he still loved him. “I think it’s best if you left.”

  “Sure.” Mason stood up and walked out of the kitchen. Ten minutes later, he came back, and Ryan was still slumped in his chair. “I guess this is goodbye, then.”

  Ryan didn’t look up or say a word.

  “Bye, Ryan. We did have it good, didn’t we?”

  “Just go, Mason. Luckily, I think your movies suck, so I won’t ever need to

  see you again.”

  Taking a deep breath, Mason walked over to Ryan and planted a kiss on his head. “Bye, Ryan,” he said again.

  When Ryan heard the front door shut, tears streamed down his face. Wracking sobs soon followed as the suppressed sadness found release. The bitter harshness of a love found and so quickly lost plagued his brain and heart like a fever. He couldn’t believe how callous Mason had been. Ryan knew that he could never be like him. He promised himself then and there that he would never hide his sexuality from anyone. If Mason chose to live his life in the shadows, then so be it.

  “So, where’s this girl of yours?”

  Ryan exchanged brief looks with Juan and Amber. They were both present for moral support. “It’s over.”

  Ryan’s dad laughed, “Well, that was quick.”

  “Dad, how can you be so heartless?” Amber snapped.

  “What else am I supposed to say, huh?” John took a large slug from the beer bottle in his hand.

  “Well, let’s see, you could’ve said, ‘I’m sorry, Ryan.’ Or maybe, ‘Don’t worry. The right person will come into your life soon.’”

  “What do you think I am? Some kind of faggot?”

  Ryan and Juan exchanged glances. John didn’t know that Juan was gay. If he had, Juan wouldn’t be welcome standing in the backyard.

  “Why do you always have to make such terrible comments about gay people, Dad?” Amber hated whenever he behaved like an insensitive troglodyte.

  “Who cares, and besides, homos are an abomination against all things Godly.”

  “Yeah, right. As if you’re so fucking
pious. I bet you haven’t seen the inside of a church since you were baptized.”

  “Language, language, Amber,” Helen said, stepping outside with a plate full of dates wrapped in bacon. She placed it on the table and went back inside the house.

  It had been four days since Mason had walked out on Ryan. He hadn’t called Ryan once. It was as if he didn’t care that their relationship was over. Ryan never expected him to be so hard and void of emotion. He, on the other hand, still suffered. It was only thanks to Juan and Amber’s support that he didn’t succumb to total despondency. Also, his work had helped. Thanks to Liam, his list of clients grew on a near daily basis. On the professional front, at least, things couldn’t be better. Ryan’s dream of becoming an artist had finally come true.

  “So, how’s work going?” John asked. He still had trouble believing that his son was earning a living by painting.

  “Great, Dad. I’m flying to New York next week to present my work.”

  “Yeah, Ryan’s really taken the art world by storm. I bet one day he will be as famous as Jeff Koons,” said Amber proudly.

  “Who the hell is that?” If it didn’t have to do with football, politics, or the military, nothing mattered to John.

  “Oh, he’s just one of the most famous living artists. His work fetches millions of dollars at auction.”

  With a grunt, John stormed into the house, only to return with another beer. He devoted all of his attention to the grill. He took great care to douse the steaks with olive oil before seasoning them. “How do you like your steak, Juan?”

  Ryan jumped in, “Don’t bother answering… you’ll only get it bloody anyway. It took me over twenty years to convince my father that I like my meat well-done.”

  “I bet Juan likes his steak bloody. Right, Juan?”


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