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Dakota's Discipline [Portraits of Submission 4] (Siren Publishing Sensations

Page 12

by Tara Rose

  “They feel as you do. Both of them. And they’ve seen your emotion toward them. All three of you are afraid to admit the truth because of past events, but you needn’t fear those. What you feel for them, and what they in turn feel for you is true, and it will last.”

  She didn’t dare glance at anyone else right now. Sweat pooled at her hairline and goose bumps broke out along her arms. It could have simply been a guess, but her gut told her it wasn’t.

  “You also needn’t worry about Jared or Mark.” What the fuck? “I sense their concern for you, but remember that both men recognized the magick in the frame of the portrait. I believe they understand you have passed from one plane to another, and are safe, even if they can’t identify the specifics. I feel their peace at knowing you are all right and have survived your journey.”

  Dakota swallowed hard as tears trickled down her cheeks. She’d never told Bramwell or Kelton about Jared and Mark. She hadn’t told anyone at this table about them, so there was no way Keira could have known about them from someone else.

  “Were those boyfriends of yours?” asked Bramwell, reaching over to wipe her face gently.

  Dakota shook her head. She’d explain later. “Thank you,” she whispered, her gaze on Keira’s dark eyes. “Thank you so much.”

  Keira gave her a quick hug and a bright smile, and then she turned her gaze on Brenna. “Would you like to know what gender your child is?”

  “No!” Brenna, Jaxon, and Parker all shouted at once, and the levity their reaction provided was welcomed. Everyone laughed, including Keira, and then Abigail said she wanted to know.

  Keira moved her chair next to Abigail and placed her hands on the woman’s abdomen, and then smiled. “You will give birth to a son.”

  “Yes!” Jarrett pumped his fist in the air and pointed toward Colton. “You owe me twenty pieces of gold!” They all laughed again, and then Keira answered a few questions from Chelsea, Roland, Archer, and Denver, while Dakota quietly explained to Bramwell and Kelton who Jared and Mark were.

  Once Keira left the table, Dakota told the others as well, and they were stunned. “So you never mentioned them before?” asked Abigail. “There’s no way anyone could have told her about them?”

  Dakota shook her head. “No. She’s the real deal.”

  “What was that she said where you three are afraid to admit the truth to each other?” asked Brenna, grinning at her, Bramwell, and Kelton. “What’s that all about?”

  Kelton put an arm around her shoulder and pulled her close. “That is private.” He winked at her, and everyone at the table chuckled. Dakota was more anxious now than ever to get away from the group and tell her princes that she loved them.

  * * * *

  Finally, they were back in their suite. She went into her room and let Penelope help her undress, then donned her prettiest nightgown and matching robe. She asked Penelope if she would tell Bramwell and Kelton that she would like them to come to her room, and then she waited.

  It took what felt like forever, but finally her princes came into her room, both dressed in their pajama bottoms and robes. It didn’t matter what they wore. They were both so damn sexy that one look at them made her forget her own name. But tonight, she had to say this or she’d burst.

  “I have to tell you both something.”

  “And we have something to tell you,” said Kelton.

  Her heart hammered in her ears. “I love you. Both of you.” She took a deep breath. That hadn’t been too hard, except for the sudden urge to throw up. “I’ve never said that to any man. I’m so in love with you both I can’t stand it. I wanted to tell you but I was afraid because I wasn’t sure how you felt.”

  They both tried to pull her into an embrace at the same time, and the soft laughter helped break the tension. She sat on the edge of the bed and they sat on either side of her, each taking a hand.

  “Oh, Dakota,” said Kelton, stroking her face with his free hand. “I love you, too. I have since the first night.” He cut his gaze toward Bramwell. “I believe I’m safe in saying that goes for both of us.”

  “It does,” said Bramwell. “I love you, too, sweetheart. We’ve both been reluctant to say anything because the possibility of you returning home one day has hung over us now for two weeks. Until tonight, we thought it might still be possible, and that you would choose to leave us.”

  “Never,” she whispered. “I couldn’t do that. My only wish is that I could let them all know I’m okay, but Keira has given me assurances that do they already know. So I have everything I need now, right here.” She squeezed their hands. “I don’t want to leave you two, even if the sorcerers and seers figure out one day that I can go back. This is where I belong.”

  Kelton pulled her close and held her tightly. Tears slipped down her face and her body trembled. When he released her, he kissed her tenderly, and then Bramwell gathered her in his arms.

  “We wouldn’t let you leave anyway,” he said in a gruff voice. “We’d follow you and stay in your world with you before we’d let you leave us.”

  Her heart overflowed with love as she clung to Bramwell’s warm body. When he released the embrace, he kissed her, and then the men eased her robe and nightgown off. Her reaction to the men tonight was different, more romantic. They loved her! She’d been afraid for nothing, but in the end, it didn’t matter. They were the first men she’d ever felt this way toward, and they’d be the last. She was here forever, and didn’t want to be anyplace else.

  They took turns kissing her and holding her, and then she undressed them, slowly, the way they loved for her to do. She savored each taste of them and tried to pour her love into each caress.

  They took their time with her, kissing her and licking her more slowly than usual, until she was begging them to fuck her. She knew they loved it when she begged, and it never took much to get her to that point with them. Once look and she wanted them.

  When they slid their dicks into her, one in her mouth and one in her pussy, she closed her eyes and let the sensations wash over her. This time it was more intense, and she knew that had to do with everything Keira had said tonight, but also because they had confessed their love for her, and she had done so for them.

  She was overjoyed that they knew she loved them, too. It was incredible to be able to say it, and now she whispered it over and over as they took turns fucking her in every hole. This was what she loved. To be with her men, tasting them and giving her body to them completely. She was truly happy now.

  They wrapped her in their arms when they both finally came, and Kelton whispered in her ear, but she’d been half asleep and hadn’t quite heard him. She asked him to repeat what he said, and he chuckled softly. “I said, why don’t you stop taking your potion?”

  “That’s a good idea,” said Bramwell.

  Dakota sat straight up, and then she reached over and turned the nightstand lamp back on. “What?”

  They both sat up as well and gazed at her with a combination of trepidation and desire. Kelton cupped her face gently. “Watching Chelsea, Brenna, and Abigail tonight…the way they all looked so damn happy…we want that, too. We both do. With you.”

  “We don’t care if you have sons or daughters,” said Bramwell. “We just want to have children with you. We’ve never really discussed it, but we need to now. How do you feel about that, Dakota?”

  “Oh my goodness…I would love to. Are you sure?”

  Bramwell kissed her neck. “I’ve never been more sure of anything.”

  Kelton gazed into her eyes with love. “Neither have I.”

  Dakota thought her heart would burst with joy. “Then I’ll stop taking it.”

  They pulled her close and kissed her again, and she sank back into their arms once more.

  Chapter Fifteen

  During the next three weeks, Houston, River, and Penelope brought daily reports, and sometimes twice daily, of everything going on with Dearth and Enfield. Wythmail had sent delegates and sorcerers to the castle as well
, since this concerned them as much as it did Dearth.

  Keira was still in the castle, and she met with the other sorcerers and seers every morning. She also spent a lot of time in the hall of portraits with them, and River swore one day during the second week that he’d heard a guard relating a story about seeing Keira toss something into a painting. He said the guard told them it fell right into it and disappeared, the same way Dakota had experienced falling into the portrait in her condo.

  “But what does that mean?” asked Dakota, after River had told them that story. “Does that mean it went to my world or someplace else? How does she know where it went, even if it did go to my world?”

  River shrugged, clearly unable to answer her questions. Dakota apologized even though that earned her a frown from Kelton. They’d both told her before that she didn’t owe the servants apologies. “I know you’re only relaying the story,” she said, “but it’s just so frustrating. I wish she’d give us a definitive answer.”

  Kelton and Bramwell exchanged a glance over her head, and she knew she needed to shut her mouth. They’d admonished her before about expressing such personal sentiments to anyone but them.

  She felt edgy this morning, and she thought she understand why. Keira had been in the castle for weeks now, and seemed no closer to the truth about the portraits than when she’d first arrived. Nothing had been done about Enfield, either. The gossip was that Keira was still asking Dearth to be patient and not invade Enfield just yet, but that they were getting tired of it.

  What if she was a fake, after all? What if she were playing all of them? When Dakota was finally alone with Bramwell and Kelton, she expressed her concerns.

  “Why would she do that?” asked Kelton. “To what end?”

  “I don’t know, Sire. I just feel out of sorts and impatient for something to happen already.”

  “She is working on that,” said Kelton. “I can assure you that if Atheron felt for one second Keira was playing us, he’d send her right back where she came from and offer our army in support of Dearth’s original plan.”

  She sighed. “You’re right, of course. He’s too sharp to be fooled.”

  “To be fooled again, you mean,” said Kelton. “Jarrett and Jaxon both told me how angry he is still that so many of our Council members and guards were in league with Enfield for years and no one knew, including him.”

  “So now he’s taking extra precautions to make sure it can’t happen again?” she asked.

  Kelton grinned. “Let’s just say he made sure Keira wasn’t a spy before he agreed to let her come here, and that he still has people watching her closely.”

  * * * *

  At the start of the fourth week Keira had been living at the castle, guards came to the suite Dakota shared with Bramwell and Kenton early one morning to request their presence in the ballroom. Houston and River told them that Keira had news for the entire kingdom, but they hadn’t been able to ascertain what it was. As Penelope helped Dakota dress, she told her she was concerned about her.


  “Well, Miss, to be quite blunt, your skin is too pale, and you look as though you haven’t slept for days. When I clear your dishes, I can see that your appetite isn’t what it used to be. You barely eat.”

  Dakota made a face. “Nothing tastes right anymore. I think the stress of all this must be getting to me.”

  Penelope frowned. “Perhaps, Miss.”

  Dakota watched Penelope choose a comb for her hair to match her dress, and then stood straight up, toppling her chair, as the most horrible feeling of nausea overtook her. Had the eggs been bad at breakfast? It was so sudden and intense that her heart raced, and sweat broke out along her hairline. She bolted for the bathroom and barely made it to the toilet before her breakfast came up.

  “Shit!” She sat on the floor and hugged her knees, glancing down at the dress. She’d need to change again, and they would be late now. The nausea was gone, just that quickly. She stood slowly, in case it returned, and then washed her face and mouth.

  When she emerged from the bathroom, the men were there. “What happened?” asked Kelton, his face full of alarm. “Penelope said you’re ill.”

  “I don’t know. I threw up, but I feel better now. A bit shaky still, but not like I’m going to do it again. Just…weak.” She glanced toward Penelope. “I’m s—I mean, I’ll need a different dress, please.”

  Penelope clucked her tongue. “Right away, Miss. None of my business to say so, Your Highnesses, but I think while I help Miss Dakota into a different dress, you might want to fetch a healer.” They exchanged an alarmed glance and she smiled. “I don’t mean to imply Miss Dakota is ill, Sires. Rather, I mean to say if she’s not with child, I would be very surprised.”

  * * * *

  Kelton sent River to let Jarrett and Jaxon know they would be late to the gathering in the ballroom, and might not attend at all. He asked River to have the two men come to their suite later and fill them in. Then he sent Penelope to find a healer.

  “This is silly,” said Dakota, once she’d changed into a clean dress and the servants had left. “We can’t miss this.”

  Kelton’s pulse raced, and his heart overflowed with love. “Yes, we can. Jarrett and Jaxon will come here afterward. They can tell us what Keira said. This is more important than anything else.”

  “I can’t be pregnant yet.”

  “Why not?” asked Bramwell. “It’s been three weeks since you stopped drinking your potion.”

  “No, I don’t believe it’s been that long, It was only…” Her voice trailed off and her eyes grew wide. He and Bramwell exchanged an amused glance as her lips moved and she counted on her fingers. “Holy fuck.”

  It was so unusual to hear her swear that Kelton chuckled. “It’s been three weeks, love, and you’ve only had one cycle since you crossed over.”

  She nodded, and then she sighed out loud. “You’re right. I have only had one.”

  He wanted her as happy about this as they were, so he knelt in front of her and took her hands. They were cool, which alarmed him somewhat. “It’s all right. We’ll be with you every step of the way.” He kissed her knuckles. “I’m so happy.”

  Bramwell pulled a chair over and sat close to her. “So am I. This is wonderful news, Dakota.”

  “I never thought it would happen for me. I’m overwhelmed, and a bit afraid.”

  They each took turns holding her. “We would never allow anything bad to happen to you,” said Kelton. “You should know that by now.”

  “There is nothing to fear,” said Bramwell. “We’re here with you and we love you.”

  The love shining from her beautiful eyes took Kelton’s breath away. He would die for this girl.

  * * * *

  When the healer arrived, he asked for privacy with Dakota, but she begged him to let Bramwell and Kelton stay. He relented, and then Bramwell watched him examine her, place crystals on her abdomen, and listened to him ask her some very personal questions. It didn’t surprise him in the least when Dakota answered them without hesitation. Women from her world were so open about their bodies.

  He even asked her to urinate in a cup, which Bramwell thought made no sense at all, but then he wasn’t a healer. When the healer went into the bathroom after Dakota left the cup inside it, he asked her what the purpose of that would be.

  “When a woman is pregnant, she secretes certain hormones in her urine that interact with reagents on test strips, and turn specific colors if the hormones are present in enough quantities to indicate pregnancy. Apparently you have something similar to test strips here. Either that or he’s doing something with my pee that I don’t even want to know about.”

  That sounded more magical to Bramwell than any spell or curse he’d heard about. When the healer emerged from the bathroom, he told them that he was ninety-five-percent certain that Dakota was with child.

  Bramwell pulled her into his arms and held her tightly. Her body trembled, and he moved away from her slig
htly to look at her face. She was crying. “Oh, Dakota, it’s all right. We’re both so happy. You’re going to be fine.”

  “I know. I’m just so amazed.”

  “Oh, my dear sweet love.” He embraced her again and held her while she sobbed. The healer wrote down a list of instructions for them, including what Dakota should eat and drink, and then he told them how often he’d be back to examine her.

  Once he left, Bramwell and Kelton took turns holding her and trying to comfort her until, finally, she stopped crying and they saw her beautiful smile.

  He’d never been in love, and had begun to think it was something that would never happen to him. He knew that Kelton’s one and only experience with believing he’d been in love had been with that ridiculous tutor of his. They were both blessed the day Dakota crossed over, and they would spend the rest of their lives making sure she was safe, cared for, and happy.

  Now they’d have a child as well. He could scarcely believe this was real! His heart overflowed with joy as they simply sat with her for the next two hours, talking about anything and everything that came to their minds. Bramwell had never been so contented in his entire life.

  * * * *

  Dakota felt a lot better once the men had Penelope bring her some soup and crackers. It seemed to be one of the few things she could eat lately without making her stomach feel bloated or uneasy. They were still in her room, and she’d just told them she thought she’d try painting for a while to pass the time when there was a knock on the door.

  Kelton called for the person to come in, and when the door opened, her room was filled with Chelsea, Roland, Archer, Denver, Brenna, Jaxon, Parker, Jarrett, Colton, and Abigail.

  “Is it true?” asked Abigail, her eyes wide. “Penelope just told us a healer was here and you’re pregnant.”

  Bramwell made a noise of disgust. “Their affinity for spreading gossip astounds me.”


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