The Mafia And His Angel Part 3

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The Mafia And His Angel Part 3 Page 28

by Lylah James

  Such a sweet sight. One that also made my heart ache.

  Maddie would have been holding her baby too. Just like this. But now…she could only hold Maila.

  Tears stung my eyes as I continued to watch them. With a heavy heart, I closed the door softly, letting them have their moment.

  Next stop was Lyov’s office. I knocked at the door and heard him call me in. Walking inside, I found Isaak there too.

  They both looked deep in discussion, but everything stopped when I stepped in. Smiles were sent my way as I moved closer.

  “Ayla,” Lyov acknowledged me.

  Smiling, I nodded his way before Isaak took me in his arms. He hugged me and then stepped back, Lyov taking his place.

  It was a surprise seeing Lyov change from someone harsh and hateful to loving me as a daughter.

  The last few months, he had transformed into someone totally different. He and Isaak were the perfect grandfathers. I couldn’t have asked for better grandparents to lead Maila and support her.

  It further proved that even ruthless killers had a heart. I would have never thought that I would find solace and a loving family with my enemies. Yet here I was, living with them. Loved by them.

  “What are you doing here?” Isaak asked.

  “I wanted to ask Lyov something. I was hoping you wouldn’t mind,” I started gently, watching Lyov’s reaction.

  “Of course. What is it?” he asked, taking his seat behind the desk.

  I opened my mouth to reply but quickly snapped it shut again. My voice couldn’t seem to come out. I had wanted to say this for such a long time, but now that I was here, I didn’t know how to start.

  My throat bobbed as I swallowed several times. Nervousness coursed through me as they waited for me to speak. Their eyes were on me, watching me intensely.

  After a few seconds of silence, I tried again.

  “Isaak is supposed to walk me down the aisle tomorrow,” I said softly, glancing toward Isaak for a brief moment. He smiled, his chest puffing out proudly.

  There was no question that Isaak would walk me down the aisle. It was his right, something I had dreamed of. A fairy tale coming true.

  But there was someone else who deserved this moment too.

  He would never get this chance, but I wanted him to experience this. Something that was robbed away from him so many years ago, I wanted to return him this happiness.

  My eyes went back to Lyov. “But I want you to walk me down the aisle too. Both of you.”

  His mouth fell open. There was silence, only the sound of us breathing could be heard in the room.

  “You want me to walk you down the aisle?” he questioned, his eyes wide in shock. “But―”

  I cut him off before he could continue. “It’s something that I want and I hope you would be part of, Lyov. I might not be your real daughter. I might not be your princess, but just this once, I want to give you this moment. Both Isaak and you deserve this.”

  Isaak rubbed his chest, like it was hurting him. He looked down at his feet but not before I saw the raw emotion on his face. Lyov had a very similar look.

  “So, will you? Walk me down the aisle with Isaak?” I asked again.

  Lyov stared at me and then shook his head. My heart dropped, and my hands grew clammy. I twisted the end of my dress, trying to calm my breathing.

  “Where the hell did you come from?” he asked, his lips twitching in a small smile.

  Lyov stood up, pushing his chair back. He walked around the desk and wrapped me in a hug. “It would be my honor,” he whispered.

  My eyes widened, and my breath was stuck in my throat. Tears blinded my vision as I hugged him back. “Thank you,” I whispered back.

  As we pulled away, I went to give Isaak a hug. “And thank you for being my father and for choosing to walk me down the aisle. It is something I will forever be grateful for.”

  Isaak patted my back and cleared his throat. Both men stared at me with a small smile on their faces.

  I felt mine widen, and then I giggled. “Alessio would be laughing at you all if he saw you now.”

  They lost their smiles, their face turning dark and serious. “Fuck no,” Lyov muttered. “If you say anything to him…”

  I snapped my mouth shut, trying to keep my laughter in.

  “Go. Go. Go…” Isaak shooed me away.

  My feet took me out of the door as my laughter bubbled out. I heard both of them curse when the door closed behind me.


  “Okay, close your eyes, babe. I’m going to turn you toward the mirror,” Evaline murmured.

  I could hear the smile in her voice. My own smile made its appearance. I closed my eyes, and with shaky legs, I turned to face the mirror.

  “Ready?” Maddie asked.

  “You guys didn’t turn me into a clown, right?” I joked.

  There was laughter. I giggled and then finally opened my eyes. I blinked and then gasped.

  “You look gorgeous, babe,” Maddie said. From the mirror, I saw Evaline and Nina nodding.

  They really did work their magic. Perfectly, I should say.

  The first thing I noticed was my hair. Maddie didn’t overdo it. It was simple yet so beautiful. My hair was still down, but instead it was designed into a messy braid but with curls.

  White flowers were pinned along the length, with a simple and elegant crystal tiara on top of my head.

  My gaze moved down, and I was thankful to see that Nina kept my make-up light. My eyelashes were coated with mascara, and they appeared really long. My lips were painted and glossed with a light shade of red. Even my eyeshadow was a light brown, although it appeared a little sparkly. The eyeliner looked like a deep maroon. My green eyes sparkled with the colors that were chosen.

  My neck held a single diamond pendant, the chain made with white pearls. My earrings were similar.

  And then my dress. When I chose it, I was nervous, scared that Alessio wouldn’t like it. But now as I stared at myself in the mirror, I knew he was going to love it.

  I looked beautiful. I felt beautiful.

  The wedding gown was almost sleeveless. There was only a thin lace strap that went over my shoulders. My bodice was a V-cut, and the color was a light beige. White lace covered it with beads scattered all over. The dress was tight over my chest, but it became flowy around the middle of my stomach. It flared down on either side. The end of the dress was covered with the same lace design as my bodice.

  I turned to my side, watching the dress trail behind me. It was long from behind, the train dragging. The dress wasn’t exactly white. The cloth underneath was a light beige, but it had white lace covering the whole dress.

  My back was half covered with the lace, while the top part was backless. The dress flared at my back too, looking very flowy.

  “I absolutely love this gown. It’s simple yet so elegant and beautiful,” Evaline said, her eyes on my dress.

  “Thank you,” I whispered, staring at myself in the mirror.

  “Here, let me get your veil on,” Maddie said. I bent down slightly so she could pin my long veil behind my tiara. It trailed behind my back, even longer than the train of my dress. The veil was made with the same lace material, covered with beads and flower designs.

  Lena had it designed and made for me. It was my something new from her, representing her blessings for my happy future.

  Just when I was about to whisper another thank you, there was a knock at the door. Maddie went to open it. She moved to the side as Isaak and Lyov walked inside.

  They both halted in their steps at the sight of me, and I felt a smile stretching my lips.

  “Look at you,” Isaak said, coming forward. “You look beautiful, Ayla.”

  He hugged me, and my arms went around him, hugging him back just as tight. “You remind me so much of your mother. She would be so proud of you, Ayla,” he whispered in my ear before pulling away.

  My eyes stung, but I quickly blinked the tears away. As Lyov hugged me, I trie
d my hardest not to cry.

  “Are you ready?” he asked, pulling away. I nodded and looked down at myself.

  “As ready as I can be,” I muttered. “Is Alessio ready?”

  They both chuckled and raised an eyebrow. “What do you think? He has been ready for hours and getting very impatient. The guys had to lock him in the room to stop him from seeing you,” Lyov explained with a laugh.

  A giggle escaped at the thought. I could only imagine. Alessio was impossible. Well, that was an understatement.

  “It’s time, Ayla,” Isaak said.

  Taking a deep breath, I nodded. On shaky legs, I took a step forward only to be stopped with Lyov’s hand on my arm.

  “We got something for you,” he said. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I stared at him, waiting.

  That was when I noticed they each held a small give box in their hands. Oh.

  Isaak came forward first and opened the box for me. Inside, I found a pair of teardrop crystal earrings. “These were your mother’s. They are the only thing I have of hers. I believe they should be yours now.”

  I stared at the earrings with my mouth open. “This could be your something old. If you don’t have one already.”

  I shook my head, speechless. “No, I don’t have one,” I muttered, looking back up at Isaak. “Are you sure you want me to have this?”

  He nodded and handed me the earrings. “Thank you,” I whispered, feeling so overwhelmed with emotion that I could barely speak.

  I removed my earrings and wore the ones that Isaak gave me, my mother’s earrings. When they were in place, my heart felt heavy, and my stomach rolled with butterflies.

  They were the only thing I had of my mother’s, and for the first time, I felt close to her. It felt like she was here, watching me. Closing my eyes, I imagined just that.

  I imagined her in a white dress, standing behind Isaak, smiling at me, her eyes filled with so much love.

  I saw her blowing me a kiss and then waving at me. I saw her glancing at Isaak, her eyes holding the same deep love. In my vision, she placed her hand over his back and kissed his lips ever so lightly.

  And then she disappeared. Like she was never here. But I could still feel her presence.

  Opening my eyes, I stared at Isaak with tear-filled eyes. “I wish she was here. I wish I knew her, Isaak. I wish she was here right now, holding me,” I said, my fingers whispering over the earrings.

  He took a deep breath, like he was controlling his own emotions. Isaak rubbed my arms soothingly before replying. “I know. I wish she was here right now too. But Ayla, you might not see her, but she is here. I’m sure she’s watching over you. Your mother loved you so deeply. You were her everything. The light in her fucked-up world. Never forget that.”

  I nodded, pressing a hand over my heart. My breathing calmed, and I sniffled, blinking away the unshed tears. Evaline silently handed me a tissue, and I mouthed a quick thank you.

  When Isaak moved again, Lyov opened his box. Inside was a hair pin. “This was Alessio’s mother’s. If you don’t have a something borrowed, you can use this. I thought it was fitting for you to use Maria’s hair pin. She is my Angel, and you are Alessio’s. I would be honored if you include her in this wedding.”

  I took the hair pin, feeling grateful for this. “Of course, Lyov. I’m the one who is honored. Thank you,” I replied, handing the hair pin to Maddie. She placed it in my hair and fixed my curls around it.

  “She would have loved you,” Lyov continued when Maddie was done fixing my hair.

  “I have no doubt that I would have loved her too. Because of her, I have Alessio. For that I am forever thankful,” I whispered, kissing his cheek in appreciation.

  After pulling away, I looked down at my wrist. The bracelet that Evaline gave me sparkled in the light. “Looks like I have two something borrowed.”

  Everyone smiled, the previous emotional moment breaking away.

  “You have your something blue?” Isaak asked.

  I nodded, smiling in the process. “Alessio’s eyes.”

  My cheeks heated when both Isaak and Lyov raised an eyebrow, amusement dancing in their eyes.

  “It’s time, babe,” Maddie said.

  My eyes went to hers as she quickly fixed her hair. All my girls were ready. Both Evaline and Nina were wearing a beige ankle-length dress. They were simple and sleeveless. The dresses weren’t tight but instead flowy around their hips and down.

  Maddie’s dress was a little different. Same design and color but there were golden beads over her bodice. She was my maid of honor.

  Taking a deep breath, I looked at Isaak and Lyov. Their faces were serious, their backs straightened, and their chests puffed out proudly.

  Maddie handed me my cascading bouquet, made with white and pink peonies. As both men presented me with their elbows, I swallowed nervously, sucked in another deep breath, and then took their arms.

  I tightened my hold on their arms as we took a step forward. My heels wobbled with my first steps, but with Isaak’s and Lyov’s help, I finally steadied myself and was able to walk with no problem.

  We walked out of the room and then down the stairs, which was decorated with flowers. So many flowers covered each step and the banister. We could barely see the woods. Only pink and white flowers were visible. On each step, there were two candles on either side.

  We walked down the stairs effortlessly and then continued out of the house, to the back garden where the ceremony was being held.

  The door opened, and we stopped. I could hear the piano playing, a melody I didn’t recognize, but it sounded just as beautiful.

  “Ready?” Isaak patted my hand. I nodded, and the three of us took a step forward. Together, we walked out.

  I was blasted with sunlight, warmth spreading through me. I blinked, my heart accelerating.

  It beat faster at the sight in front of me. Nothing else mattered. I didn’t see anything…no one except the man standing at the end of the aisle.

  My breath was stolen from me as I walked to Alessio. I couldn’t remember the walk. All I could see and feel were his eyes on me.

  His bluish steel-colored eyes stared at me intensely, following my every step, my every movement.

  His black suit was similar to what he always wore, except for the golden tie. His hair was sleek on his head, but he didn’t shave. I told him not to. He looked so much better with a few days of stubble.

  His eyes stayed on me as I made my way to him…my husband.

  My heart drummed in my chest, so loudly I was sure everyone could hear it. My hands grew clammy, and I held my bouquet tighter.

  I breathed through my nose, trying to act normal when all I wanted to do was run to him and jump in his arms.

  I quickened my pace just a little. I heard Isaak’s low chuckle in my ear, but they matched my pace, not once complaining.

  When we finally reached the end of the flowery aisle, we stopped. Lyov placed a kiss on my cheek, over my veil.

  When he whispered in my ear, his voice was low, only for me to hear. “Keep smiling just like this. And keep making my son happy. He deserves it. Both of you do.”

  Lyov stepped away, leaving me a tearful mess. Isaak kissed me on the other cheek before whispering in my ear too. “It is my honor to get a chance to be your father, Ayla. You were my sweet little girl and always will be. Be happy, my sweet girl. You deserve everything…all the love and happiness.”

  I grabbed onto his arm, refusing to let go when he went to step away. “Thank you…Dad.”

  His eyes filled with tears at the words, and he nodded, kissing my forehead. This time, I let him go.

  After I handed my bouquet to Maddie, Isaak took my hand. Alessio was already reaching forward, and Isaak placed my hand in his.

  When my palm made contact with Alessio’s, he instinctively wrapped his fingers around mine, holding my hand firmly and tightly in his.

  Isaak held our hands together. “I’m giving my daughter away to you, Alessio
Ivanshov. You make her cry, just once, and I will come after your heart. This is not a joke. I have more than a decade of experience on you. You are nothing compared to me.”

  Alessio raised his eyebrow. “The arrogance doesn’t suit you, old man. But know that Ayla will never cry a tear of pain as long as she is mine. As long as I am breathing, she will only know happiness.”

  Isaak nodded. “Good. I wish you both many years of happiness.”

  With that, he stepped away, letting our hands go.

  It was only Alessio and me. Just us, standing, staring at each other. Holding each other’s hand.

  His grip tightened, and he pulled me closer. Someone cleared their throat, but Alessio didn’t care. I didn’t either. I was lost in his eyes.

  Alessio brought my other hand up too, holding both close to his chest. He stepped forward until our bodies were touching. So deliciously close.

  I could feel his breath close to my lips, my veil the only barrier between us. Alessio let go of my hands and pulled my veil over my head.

  A smile stretched my lips as he leaned closer, as if to kiss me.

  “You look so beautiful, Angel. Took my breath away when you walked out of those doors,” he murmured, moving even closer. “But you will look more beautiful with the dress off.”

  “Boss, you can’t…” Mark, one of Alessio’s man and our minister for today, said.

  “Fuck off, Mark. You don’t want to die,” Alessio growled.

  A second later, his lips touched mine in the sweetest kiss. It was only for a moment, though, because he pressed harder, more demanding. My lips parted, giving him access. His tongue slipped inside, dancing with me.

  We kissed, both lost in each other when Alessio was suddenly pulled away from me. I gasped, my eyes going wide.

  “Okay, I think one kiss is enough. You can do the dirty in private. Damn it!” Viktor snapped, holding Alessio back.

  I could feel my cheeks burning under everyone’s stares. There was laughter, and I looked down, suddenly shy and nervous. Way to go, Ayla.

  Alessio glared and shrugged off Viktor’s hold before moving closer again. This time, he didn’t make a move to kiss me. Thank God.

  Instead, he pulled me closer, holding my hands to his chest. “Do you stuff, Mark. And hurry the fuck up.”


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