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Sensing Danger (A Sinclair and Raven Novel Book 1)

Page 30

by Wendy Vella

  “She's stirring,” Dev whispered.

  “Come on, love, open your eyes,” James urged her.

  They fluttered open and closed again, then they opened and she looked at him.


  “Yes,” he rasped, kissing her cheek as her fingers slid into his.

  “I heard your words but I could not speak, the p-poison, it was so hard to fight through—and then I felt so warm, as if warm water were travelling through my body.”

  “James made us all touch you,” Essie said. “The heat came from all of us, Eden, even James.”

  “This time you saved me.”

  “I could not have lived without you.” James bent over her, his face close. “You are my life.”

  “I love you, Duke.”

  “I love you,” he whispered.

  He then moved back, allowing her family to hug and kiss her.

  “James, don't leave me,” she whispered when they were finished. Her eyes were closing as he moved to her side once more.

  “I'm here, love, where I will stay.” He took her hand, slipping her fingers through his. She gave him the sweetest smile and then fell into a deep, healing sleep, and for the first time since she had been taken, he drew in a breath, knowing that she was here safe and well surrounded by the people who loved her.


  “Does she look like him—Tolly?”

  James drew his gaze from the dismal surroundings outside the carriage window to look at Eden. She sat opposite, dressed in a blue sprigged muslin dress with darker blue matching velvet pelisse buttoned up over her splendid breasts. Her bonnet was of the same fabric and hid her glorious hair, and he was pleased to note some color in her cheeks, although she was still too pale for his liking. Her eyes had smudges beneath, telling him that although she strenuously denied having trouble sleeping, in fact she was.

  “Yes, very much so, love. But we will not hold that against her.”

  “She shall not pay for her father’s sins,” she said, waving one delicate gloved hand in front of her.

  “Something like that,” he muttered, grabbing her hand and tugging her across the seat to fall into his lap.

  “James, your arm!”

  “My arm is fine and you, madam, are too far away over there,” he whispered against her neck. She wriggled as his breath tickled her skin, before settling against him with a sigh.

  They had returned to London one week after arriving at Oak’s Knoll with Eden unconscious in James's arms, and he relived that memory daily. He had nearly lost her, and that would never be allowed to happen again. He would ensure it.

  “You should have on your sling.”

  “Slings are for ladies,” James said in a mock growl.

  “Two weeks.” Eden sighed.

  “And you will be my wife and share my bed.”

  “Yes,” she said again in that soft tone that made his bones melt.

  She had woken the day after regaining consciousness as if she had never been poisoned, determined to carry on as if the little matter of a near-death experience were nothing overly worrying. However, her body and James had thought differently. He had refused to let them leave for London that day, instead making her stay in bed and traveling three days later. Even then they had stopped often. She was still feeling the effects of the poison and tired easily, and James watched her closely, much to her annoyance.

  “Essie is doing well. Don't you think?”

  “Very well, but I imagine she is more like me than you, and therefore has the ability to hide her feelings.”

  “I am such an open book, then?”

  “To me you are.” He kissed the top of her nose.

  He had apologized for his behavior the day before Tolly took her from him, and she had of course accepted, with the proviso it did not happen again.

  “It's disturbing to love someone as much as I love you.”

  “Disturbing in a good way I hope?” James could never get enough of this woman. Touching a soft cheek, he traced the contour, mapping each curve.

  “I love my family, but this is vastly different. With you it's almost painful, and when I thought Tolly would take you from me….” She closed her eyes. “Oh, James, the pain—”

  James pressed a finger to her lips to silence her. “No one is taking me from you, as no one will take you from me. We are two halves of a whole, sweetheart. I'm afraid you must accept the fact that you are stuck with me from now until I haul in my final breath with you weeping at my bedside.” He said the words to remove the fear from her eyes.

  “Ha, I shall be counting your money!”

  “No, you won't.” He pulled her close for a long heated kiss. “Because you will be inconsolable.”

  “I will.” She touched his cheek. “Don't leave me.”

  “Never,” he vowed. “Because this disturbing, wonderful love we share will never die, my sweet.”

  They sat in silence for the remainder of the journey, Eden's cheek resting on his chest, his arms holding her close.

  “The carriage is slowing, James, let me up.”

  Placing her on the seat beside him, James climbed from the carriage then reached for Eden's hand, and together they walked to his sister's front door. Images of his last journey here had his fingers tightening.

  “I hear her footsteps.”

  James simply nodded, now used to her and the Sinclair way. He watched the door open, and his sister's pale face appear.

  “Y-your Grace, my brother?”

  “I am afraid your brother is dead, Emily,” James said, stepping through the door as she stumbled backward. Eden beat him and slipped through to reach for his sister.

  “It's all right, Emily, we are here now, you are not alone.”

  James watched Eden gather the woman in her arms.

  “Edward is dead?”

  “I am so very sorry, Emily, but yes he is, dear.”

  Eden guided Emily to a small chair, with James on their heels. It seemed to be the only room in the house and he saw a neatly made bed, small table, and washstand.

  “Now,” Eden added, lowering Emily into the chair. “I think we shall just take you home with us. This is no place for a young lady to live, especially alone.”

  “Oh, I—”

  “James, find something to carry her belongings in.”

  He didn't argue. Eden had the fire in her eyes and her back was straight with purpose. She had not asked him, but he would not have protested if she did because he agreed with her. This was no place for his sister to live. In minutes he had located what was needed and handed it to Eden.

  “Now, Emily, what do you want to take with you when you leave here?”

  Wide-eyed, Emily looked from James to Eden then around the room. “But, I cannot come with you—surely? It would not be right.”

  “I'm not sure why,” Eden said calmly. “James is your brother, I am his betrothed, and you shall not be living with just him, there is your half sister, Samantha.”

  “I-I have a half sister?”

  James saw the hope flicker through her wary eyes.

  “You do, and she is in need of an elder female to watch over her until I move into the house.”

  James didn't think he was doing a bad job with Samantha, but kept that thought to himself.

  “Come along now, Emily,” Eden said. “It need be only temporary if that is your wish, but you cannot stay here alone, it is not safe.”

  Eden's words seemed to galvanize Emily into action. Regaining her feet, she proceeded to grab several things and place them in the bag Eden held open. He watched as she tilted her head to one side, studying four books laid one on top of the other. James had seen Samantha do just that when she was thinking.

  “M-my mother use to read this to Edward and me when we were little.” She took the book at the bottom.

  Edward. His brother's name had been Edward.

  “Excellent. Well then, you had better bring it because one day you may wish to read to y
our own children,” Eden said, taking Emily's coat off the hook and wrapping it around her shoulders. Her bonnet was next.

  James watched as Eden tied the worn ribbons beneath his sister’s chin. Humbled that this amazing woman now belonged to him, he stood silently, letting her take charge.

  “James will take care of the rest of the details, Emily. We shall leave now.”


  “Don't look back, Emily, the future is forward and in that direction lies happiness and love.”

  “She's right,” James said, taking his sister's other arm and nodding to where Eden stood. “She gave me both, Emily. Let us share some of that with you.”

  “All right,” his sister said with a small wobbly smile as she climbed into the carriage, and not once did she look back.


  The marriage of Miss Eden Sinclair to the Duke of Raven took place in the church at Raven Castle, much to the horror of the Countess of Wynburg, who had imagined a grander church with many many guests.

  “We wish to replace the memories of what last took place in here with new ones, Aunt. Surely you can understand that?” Eden had explained to Lady Wynburg. And eventually she had, sending out invitations, organizing a banquet after the ceremony that would take place in the castle, and everything else that went along with a wedding.

  The day was fine and the sun high as guests filled the small church to the rafters. James stood with Cam at the altar, waiting for Eden to arrive.

  “I hope you are only minutes away, my love,” he said, hoping Eden was close. “As I cannot endure to wait much longer.”

  The sound of chatter reached his ears, and then Dorrie, Somer, and Samantha appeared in the doorway of the church behind Warwick, who was the ring bearer. Cam chuckled as he watched his little brother's tongue stick out of his mouth as he concentrated on walking slowly down the aisle without dropping the pillow that held the rings.

  “Look at those three, one would not guess the trouble they cause us,” he said as they watched the little girls trail slowly behind, throwing petals on the floor.

  James tore his eyes from the children as Eden appeared on the arm of her brother. He slowly let out the breath he had been holding as she stepped inside the church. She was dressed in ivory satin, the gown seeming to float around her as she walked. In her hand was a small bouquet of flowers with matching ribbons, and her face was hidden from him behind a lace veil. His chest felt so full of emotion it nearly choked him.


  Dragging his eyes from his betrothed, James looked down at his sister, who now stood before him, her face tilted back and the ring of flowers on her head in danger of falling to the floor.

  “Eden looks like a princess!” she whispered loudly.

  Righting the flowers, James agreed. “She does, Samantha. Do I look like a prince then?”

  “Delusions of grandeur, James,” Cam muttered, taking Samantha's hand and leading her back to where his little sisters now stood.

  James smiled as Eden reached him. Behind her, Emily and Essie took their places with the children.

  Dev lifted Eden's veil and then he saw her, his beautiful girl. Her brother kissed her cheek and then shook James’s hand.

  “I’ll kill you if you hurt her, Raven.”

  “I would have it no other way, Sinclair.”

  The service was conducted without mishap, the children perfectly behaved except for a few grumbles and fidgets, and then the minister said, “You may kiss the bride.”

  And he did. It was a slow meeting of two souls. A kiss that sealed their love and the happiness yet to come. A kiss that spoke of their relief that finally they were bound together by more than love.

  “Is it true?”

  “Yes, and now we must live happily ever after,” James breathed against her lips.

  “There may be a few things to disturb that, Raven,” Dev muttered, trying to part Warwick and Dorrie, who were doing battle over something. “But I applaud the concept.”

  He couldn't help it. James wrapped an arm around his new wife's waist and then threw back his head and laughed, right there in front of the guests. Happiness bubbled through him and for the first time in his life he gave vent to it.

  “Is he all right?”

  “Yes, darling,” he heard Eden answer Samantha. “He is merely happy.”

  “I am,” James wheezed. “I really am.”

  “Well I should bloody well hope so, as you just married me.”

  Eden was smiling at him, and James knew that this, what he felt now, would be with him forever.


  Thanks so much for reading Sensing Danger, Book #1 in the Raven/Sinclair series. Book #2 is available for pre-order now! Read the excerpt below.

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  • Here's a sneak unedited peek of book two in the Raven/Sinclair series. Seeing Danger, Dev and Lilly’s story.

  SEEING DANGER - excerpt

  "Is that Lord Sinclair coming this way, Miss Braithwaite?" Miss Tabitha Pillsworth whispered to her.

  "Absolutely not," Lilly said turning away so she wouldn't gaze at him, like she often did when no one realized what she was doing. Her glasses proved a wonderful shield, and as most evenings she sat in a quiet corner, she could observe without anyone noticing.

  "I think he is and he looks extremely determined. Dear lord that is a ferocious scowl is it not?"

  "As you can see, Miss Pillsworth, I am at present looking at you, therefore I can not see what look Lord Sinclair has upon his face."

  "I wonder how he does that?" her companion sighed.

  "Does what?" Lilly said then bit her tongue; she did not want to know what he was doing?

  "Part the crowd without a word."

  "He is probably wearing too much scent."

  "Oh that was naughty, Miss Braithwaite, she giggled, and then Miss Pillsworth gulped and grew very quiet, and Lilly knew why. Without turning around, she just knew that Lord Sinclair was standing behind her because she could feel him.

  "Miss Braithwaite, Miss Pillsworth, I hope you are having a pleasant evening thus far."

  She had to look up at him now; it would be extremely rude if she did not. Yet didn't he already think her rude?

  "Lord Sinclair," Lilly said gripping the edges of the seat.

  "May I enquire if you have this dance free, Miss Braithwaite?"

  Lilly looked down at her dance card thereby avoiding his eyes. The man was far too disturbing this close, so she took a few seconds, even knowing there was not one name on there.

  "I fear not, Lord Sinclair," Lilly fell back on what she did best. She gave him an insipid smile.

  "Now that is a shame, considering we have so much to discuss."

  The look in his eyes told Lilly the man was not about to walk away from her until he got what he came for.

  "Are you wishing to hear more of the Red-Necked Grebe, my lord?"

  "No, you were quite thorough in your previous description, thank you."

  His voice held humor.

  "Perhaps another night then, Lord Sinclair."

  Before she could lower the card, he had taken it from her. Mortified, Lilly could not meet his eyes. What must he be thinking, seeing not a single name on there.

  "Alas, Lord Hingle has been struck down with a rare form of lackwit, and it is a disease that will lay him low for some time, I fear, so your next dance is free, fortunately for me."

  Lilly heard Miss Pillsworth giggle.

  "That is extremely rude, my lord, and on Lord Hingle’s behalf I must protest."

  In fact, she loathed the man, but he did not need to know that. The slow smile forming on Lord Sinclair's face was not making her heart thud faster, Lilly told herself.

lease accept my apologies, if I have insulted you in anyway, Miss Braithwaite."

  He wasn't sorry at all, the scoundrel. His green eyes had a wicked glint. She squinted, men did not like woman who squinted she had ascertained, as it meant she could not see them clearly.

  "Oh Miss Braithwaite thinks Lord Hingle a lackwit also, Lord Sinclair."

  "Yes, thank you, Miss Pillsworth," Lilly gave the woman a sharp look, which did nothing to subdue her. They had spent many hours sitting on the edges of ballrooms, and Lilly had let her facade drop occasionally, and shared a quip or two about some of the more colorful members of society. Now she wished she had held her tongue.

  "I shall dance with the silly man should he arrive, Miss Braithwaite, while you dance with Lord Sinclair."

  "Excellent," he held out his arm. "What a true friend you are, Miss Pillsworth."

  Lilly looked around her but rescue came from no other quarter, and as there was no one to come to her aid anyway, there was little she could do but rise, and place the tips of her gloved fingers on his forearm.

  SEEING DANGER – book #2 available on pre-order now!


  Historical Romances

  Raven/Sinclair Series

  Sensing Danger

  Seeing Danger-preorder out now!

  Regency Rakes Series

  Duchess By Chance

  Rescued By A Viscount

  Tempting Miss Allender

  The Langley Sisters Series

  Lady In Disguise

  Lady In Demand

  Lady In Distress

  The Lady Plays Her Ace

  The Lady Seals Her Fate


  The Lords Of Night Street Series

  Lord Gallant

  Lord Valiant

  Christmas Wishes

  Stand Alone Titles

  The Reluctant Countess


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