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Love Will Find You: The Knights of Berwyck, A Quest Through Time

Page 16

by Sherry Ewing

  Killian swayed and clutched at the frame of the door to steady himself. Images of the Lady of Hull… Ella, his Ella in some other place in time, swirled in his mind. Some of the images made no sense, but the one from his dream just nights before made him realize he knew this woman as surely as he knew he would draw his next breath.

  He straightened himself, pulling down on his tunic before making his way across the room. Mistress Shona’s words rang clearly in his head, a grim reminder he was not to let Ella know that they had been acquainted, for she had other tasks she must complete before they could be together.

  He bowed before the pale lady. “My deepest condolences on the loss of yer husband, my lady,” he said. His voice was calm when he was anything but composed.

  “You are too kind, Sir Killian, to bring my boys back to Hull so they may pay their final respect to their sire. I hope your journey was without difficulty?”

  “’Twas without incident.”

  She waved her hand towards her son who stood next to her, his hand resting upon her shoulder. “Conrad tells me he wishes to return with you to Berwyck,” she said raising her eyes to her son. “I assume he will continue to be welcome there amongst the people and their laird?”

  Killian gaze swept over the lad. He was so proud of the young man Conrad was becoming; a well-trained knight anyone would be grateful to call their son. A moment of regret flashed in his mind that he would never sire a bairn of his own.

  “Sir Killian?” Lady Ella called, bringing him back from his sudden melancholy mood.

  “Aye… Conrad is well received amongst the people of Berwyck and will be most welcome tae return tae live there,” he answered, with a nod to Conrad who returned his gesture with a nod of his own.

  “Then I shall leave him once more in your care. I understand Conrad feels there is more you can teach him and he is looking forward to the training,” the lady replied, giving her son’s hand a squeeze.

  “Does he now?” Killian chuckled, folding his arms over his chest. “He may regret such an admission once he returns tae the lists.”

  Conrad leaned down. “Mother, you are embarrassing me.”

  “Bah! I am doing no such thing. Besides, we are all like extended family, are we not?” she replied while returning her gaze to Killian.

  Their gazes locked and Killian had the sudden urge to sweep this woman up into his arms and kiss her senseless. But now was not the time. Not when her dead husband was laid out in her hall and the sound of Faramond’s tears reached his ears.

  “Aye… like family. I will take good care of Conrad while he is in my care, my lady.”

  “See that you do, Sir Killian, or you shall be answering to me,” Ella stated firmly.

  He bowed before her. “If I may pay my respects and see tae Faramond?” Killian asked while motioning to the front of the hall.”

  “But of course,” the lady replied. “Conrad… go with Sir Killian and see to your brother. I am certain he is in need of you. If you will excuse me, the day has been trying and I will take my ease in my chamber. A room will be readied for your stay, Sir Killian.”

  Before Killian could form a reply, the lady left the hall even though his eyes never left her ’til she disappeared from view. He could ponder the woman no longer… her sons called for him and he could do nothing but go to their side to ease their suffering.

  A se’nnight later, Killian and Conrad left Hull. The last words Ella said to him were once more to take care of her son. But that was not what troubled him the most. Aye, ’twas not hard to watch over a young man who meant all to Killian. Far more troubling were her whispered words that war was coming.

  Chapter 33

  The Siege of Berwyck

  The Year of Our Lord’s Grace 1174

  Killian swung his sword as though his life was dependent on keeping the blade in motion, which it was. He was unsure how many more knights would be felled by his hand before the madness would cease. But a look at the field told him the carnage was not over. Not many could win a battle against Henry II’s most seasoned warrior, Dristan, the Devil’s Dragon of Blackmore, and the clan’s numbers were unfortunately dwindling from the onslaught. If his laird did not yield the day, the clan would be wiped out of existence by an invading army who came only to conquer in the name of their king.

  Killian spat in the dirt before taking on his next adversary, his mind consumed with the need to survive the onslaught at their gates. ’Twas obvious Berwyck would fall to the English once more, and any thoughts his laird may have had of peace between England and Scotland vanished the moment the Devil’s Dragon’s army set foot upon their land. Negotiations had been brief and Douglas had refused the terms Dristan of Blackmore all but ordered for Douglas’s surrender.

  “Get Amiria to the keep,” his laird bellowed, and Killian was momentarily confused ’til he saw for himself the small knight in the distance he thought was Aiden was in fact the lass. God’s Blood! What the bloody hell was she doing upon the battlefield?

  Killian continued hacking away at a path to get near to Amiria. The barbican gate had already been breached; the outer bailey was about to be lost as well. If they did not get the twins inside the keep, the enemy could possibly capture them and that would ensure the laird gave up his attempt to keep Berwyck with the Scots.

  “Ian,” Killian yelled. “Get Amiria tae the keep while I get tae Aiden.”

  Killian watched in satisfaction when Ian began pulling Amiria towards the castle while the young woman cursed him to the very devil. But Ian had strength on his side, which was something Amiria could in no way overcome. Killian was unprepared to see them pause in their quest to reach safety. Killian swiveled to find what had riveted their attention.

  “Father!” Amiria’s scream tore across Killian’s heart when he saw Douglas’s body begin to fall, a sword from his opponent being removed quickly from his body. No sooner had Killian observed this horror than he was next witnessing Aiden falling nearby as he made an attempt to rush to his father’s aid.

  “Aiden! No!” Amiria was squirming to be released from Ian’s grasp. “Let me go, Ian. I must save them.”

  Killian pointed his sword towards the inner bailey. “Get her the hell out of here, Ian. Now! ’Tis an order!”

  Killian raced to reach Douglas’s side, killing the knight who had felled his laird. He swiftly knelt to remove Douglas’s helmet and was amazed at the strength in Douglas’s grip when he pulled at Killian’s tabard.

  “Promise me ye shall see my bairns safe,” Douglas managed to order him, while a small trail of blood leaked from the corner of his mouth.

  “We will get ye inside tae safety, my laird,” Killian said instead.

  “Promise me,” Douglas growled out. “Get tae Aiden and see him tae the outskirts of the farthest village on Berwyck’s land. No one must know he yet lives, not even his sister. I willnae have my son captured by the Devil’s Dragon.”

  “I give ye my word, my laird,” Killian whispered as Douglas’s eyes closed.

  Though his laird was still breathing, he tore himself from Douglas’s side and ran to Aiden’s. Conrad was already kneeling by the young man and Killian knew he must send Conrad away to ensure he, too, would be safe.

  “Richard,” Killian called to one of Berwyck’s most trusted knights. When the man was able to make his way to Killian’s side, he gave his orders. “Conrad, ye will go with Richard and several other knights and see Aiden to an outlying village for him to heal from his injuries. He cannae be taken by the enemy at any cost. Do what ye can for him to ease his suffering but get yerself through the postern gate to safety.”

  “I cannot leave you, Killian,” Conrad protested, before quickly standing to thrust his sword into a knight who came to attack Killian from behind. Conrad returned just as swiftly but stood guard over Aiden. “What will become of you and those who yet live of the clan?”

  Killian stood, a hand resting on Conrad’s shoulder. “Berwyck is lost, lad,” he said, while sorrow wr
acked his heart. “I willnae lose ye, too. See Aiden tae safety then get yerself to Hull. ’Tis already under England’s rule and should keep ye safe and out of harm’s way.”

  “But what of you?” Conrad attempted once more.

  “I must see tae the bairns tae ensure they remain safe.”

  “Yet you expect me to flee from my duties? To run away like a coward?” Conrad fumed.

  Killian began swiftly walking while Richard and another knight took Aiden’s unresponsive body. They reached the inner bailey and Killian ordered the gate shut. “Ye are hardly a coward. I ask ye tae protect the heir of Berwyck and see him, and yerself, tae safety. Ye are not running away.”

  “Killian, I cannot leave you.”

  He pulled the young man around the corner of the healers’ hut, holding him at arm’s length before crushing him into his arms. “Ye are like the son I never had, Conrad. No man could be prouder of ye than I am. But yer mother will have my hide if ye are put in any more danger than ye have already experienced. Save Aiden, tell no one he is alive, then get yerself tae Hull. As soon as I am able, I will come tae see ye there. Now, go!”

  Killian gave Conrad no further chance to argue with him as he gave him a push in the direction of the postern gate. He sadly watched the young man leave before turning back to his duties to the clan.

  “Fall back! Fall back tae the keep,” he yelled, running towards the front of the castle.

  He took one last look at the empty courtyard as the last of the clansmen took whatever meager belongings they carried inside the castle. Killian bounded up the steps. Once inside, several knights lifted a heavy wooden plank across the door. He stared at the barrier knowing that it, too, would be breached in matter of time.

  He took surveillance of the great hall, a grim look crossing his features when he saw what remained of Clan MacLaren. ’Twas then he came upon three of his laird’s bairn, huddled near their father’s chair by the massive hearth. Killian made quick work of crossing the distance to reach them.

  “Sabina! Lynet! Patrick!” he called out, his arm waving for them to quickly follow. He ushered the siblings toward the turret stairs where Thomas and Finlay of Amiria’s guardsmen stood at attention. “Get them tae their mother’s solar and protect them. Let no one enter. Is this understood?” he commanded.

  “Aye, Killian,” they replied in unison while taking the children by their hands to ascend the stairs.

  Killian had no more time to ponder the safety of the youngsters, for a loud boom was heard as the door to the keep was hit with a massive weight. Killian formed a line of defense with the rest of the clansmen who yet lived. God be merciful that they might survive what was yet to come.

  Chapter 34


  January 1175

  Ella pulled at the shawl wrapped around her shoulders bringing the edges closer together. Huddled near the fire in her solar, she sought the warmth of the flames to ease the cold from her numb body. For months she had waited for Killian to return for Conrad, both eager for his return and dreading it at the same time. This waiting for them to at last be together was getting the best of her and, as the years passed, she was just as anxious now as she was when she had been looking forward to her reunion with Henry.

  Her memory of Conrad stumbling into the keep months ago still haunted her. She praised God her son yet lived and that Killian had also survived the siege at Berwyck’s gates a second time. Her son was over a score of years now and each day she passed in his company he reminded Ella more and more of Killian. The man must surely be blind not to see the resemblance between them. Anyone with eyes in their head should have recognized they were related.

  She gazed upon her outstretched hands wondering when they had started to age. Forty-seven years was old for this century, though merely middle aged in her birth century. A heavy sigh escaped her and she shook her head as if that alone would take her out of her sudden melancholy mood. With Conrad and Faramond gone to London to appease the king’s demand they attend court, Ella had been left to suffer her own company and her mood continued to sour at their absence. Her memories haunted her waking hours as she continued to fret about what harm she may have caused when she altered her future. Since Faramond loved her as any devoted son should, mayhap ’twas all worth it. But still…

  She jumped from her chair at the sudden knock at the wooden portal. She had barely muttered her call for the person to enter when the door was thrust open. Killian stood there, his mantle covered in snow while Isabel cowered behind him with a worried frown.

  “I tried to tell him he should wait in your hall, my lady, but he refused to listen,” she said as she moved in front of Killian who gently pushed her behind him yet again.

  Ella waved her hand to dismiss her lady. “There is no harm done, Isabel. Killian is welcome here.” She watched the man of her musings as he continued to silently stare at her. “You may go and attend to your duties, Isabel.”

  Isabel tried to move around him but Killian refused to budge. “If you are certain, my lady.” Concerned etched itself across her brow but again, Ella dismissed her with a nod.

  The door closed quietly leaving a deafening silence between the pair with the exception of the crackling fire. Ella went to a nearby table to pour Killian a chalice of wine. She pointed to the chair nearest the fire.

  “Come sit and warm yourself. You must be freezing,” she murmured, carefully watching his every move. ’Twas the first time in years they were alone together in the same room and her heart raced within her chest.

  “The storm is fierce,” he replied as he swung his sodden cape off his shoulders and laid it upon a table. He came to the hearth and took the cup from her outstretched hands, their fingers briefly touching sending a shockwave through Ella’s body.

  “I am glad you survived Berwyck’s siege. Conrad said there were many casualties.”

  “Aye. There is much tae tell of the happenings back home.”

  Ella nodded. “We expected you sooner.”

  “I came as soon as I was given permission tae leave,” he muttered into his cup before setting the chalice down. He stretched out his hands towards the warmth of the fire. “Where are yer sons? Yer maid said they were not in residence.”

  Ella sat back down in her chair and Killian took the opposite seat to stare at her as though he could read her very thoughts. She bit back the words she longed to confess to Killian about how Conrad was their son. “They were summoned to London to await the king’s pleasure. How are your people?”

  “The Devil’s Dragon has assumed control over Berwyck. The castle and its people are under England’s rule once more,” he said, while still pondering her most curiously. “But ye knew that, did ye not?

  A startled gasp escaped her and she tore her eyes from his to watch the flames of the fire instead. “I have no idea what you are talking about.”

  A sound came from his lips. Part laugh, part grunt of disbelief. “Ye know of what I speak, woman.”

  Her eyes narrowed at the way he said woman. They had had this conversation many times in their past… or future. “Be careful what you say next, Killian.”

  His laughter filled her solar. “What could ye possibly do that fate has not already played with its cruel game upon us?”

  Her eyes widened. “You know?”

  “If my dreams that feel more like memories are true, then aye... I remember ye, Ella. I remember everything about our time together in some insane crazy futuristic way. Tae be honest, it dinnae seem like ’tis possible, so maybe ye can fill in what has been causing me much grief these many years.”

  Visions of how Faramond reacted when she told him she was from the future quickly flashed through her mind. As much as she wished to confide in Killian, she knew ’twas too soon for him to accept such an admission. ’Til the year that Katherine traveled through time and reached Berwyck’s gates, Ella could in no way let him know that such a phenomenon was possible.

  “I cannot,” she said with a heavy sigh.r />
  “Why?” he growled out.

  “’Tis not time.”

  “What has time got tae do with anything?” he asked reaching for her hand.

  Her heart leapt as his calloused fingers smoothed their way across her skin. “Time has everything to do with it, although I know that makes no sense to you. Please be patient, Killian. All will work out in due course as it should.”

  He raised her hand to his lips. “But we loved one another…” he murmured, his voice husky in a tone Ella remembered only too well.

  “Aye.” ’Twas a simple statement, for she could not manage more than a single word. She did not trust herself to reveal her feelings. Her love for this man before her was never stronger than at this very moment.

  “…and love each other still.” Killian continued as he all but admitted his love for her.

  Her heart cracked wide open even as a sob leaked past her lips at his declaration. How could it not? She had never stopped loving Killian even after he pushed her through the Time gate in order to change her son’s destiny.

  “Aye,” she murmured, while tears rushed to her eyes.

  She watched the sense of relief wash across his features. Unprepared when he pulled her towards him, she fell into his lap even as her arm automatically snaked around his neck.

  Before she could say that they needed only be patient ’til they could be together, his mouth swooped down upon hers to steal her kiss and she was lost. This was her Killian and for once she would not think about the repercussions this moment might cost her.

  She pressed herself into his body while his arms tightened around her. His mouth ravished hers and she did not care. Killian was at long last in her arms and her only thought was to rip the clothes from his body so they could make love in her bed.


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