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The Mystery of the Shemitah: The 3,000-Year-Old Mystery That Holds the Secret of America's Future, the World's Future, and Your Future!

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by Jonathan Cahn

  But the ancient principle, the Isaiah 9:10 Effect, was set in motion. The nation’s attempt to defy one calamity would end up bringing about the next. It would all lead to the greatest financial collapse since the Great Depression.

  When did it begin? It happened on September 17, 2001, with the first of the series of post-9/11 slashings of the nation’s interest rates. That day was Elul 29, the Day of the Shemitah. Thus one Shemitah would set the stage for the next, and the seeds sown in one collapse would bring about the next.


  Since reaching bottom in the autumn of 2002, the stock market had been on a continuous and massive rise. But in 2007 a new Shemitah was nearing its start, and the ancient mystery was about to once more manifest. As its opening day drew near, there appeared more and more signs of economic danger. The rate of housing foreclosures and loan failures increased dramatically. Those institutions backing up the failed loans and mortgages found themselves in crisis. With the Shemitah’s commencement just one month away, a liquidity crisis broke out in the banking industry on August 9, which some would point to as the beginning of the global crisis to come.

  The first concrete sign and foreshadowing of what would soon engulf the American and global financial markets took place in Britain and yet was triggered by what was happening in America. In early September 2007 Britain’s fifth-largest mortgage lender, Northern Rock, collapsed. It was the first bank run in British history in nearly one hundred fifty years. The collapse of Northern Rock has been called a “harbinger” of the global financial collapse. Indeed, many timelines of the global implosion begin with this day.

  When did this first collapse take place? It happened on September 13, 2007. On the biblical calendar it was Tishri 1—the first day of the Shemitah.

  What about the stock market? Was there any sign in the financial realm that the Shemitah had come? The stock market had been steadily rising for years. The Shemitah began in September 2007. On October 10 the stock market reversed its momentum and began to collapse. Not long after that, the economy fell into a recession.

  The Start of the Shemitah and the Collapse of 2007

  The Deepening Storm

  As the Year of the Shemitah progressed, so did the stock market’s collapse. In the spring of 2008 Bear Stearns, one of the most prominent global investment firms, collapsed. The signs of the Shemitah began multiplying and production decreased, as did commerce, labor, and trade. As the Shemitah progressed to its climactic end with the approach of autumn, so too the global financial crisis began rapidly escalating.

  In early September the two corporations that either owned or backed half of the American mortgage market collapsed and were seized by the government in one of the most dramatic interventions since the Great Depression. With the Shemitah now two weeks away from its conclusion, the fourth-largest investment bank in America, Lehman Brothers, began to collapse. Its fall would trigger a global financial and economic implosion unseen since the days of the Great Depression.

  The Seven-Year Cycle of Shakings

  • The first shaking of America involved a physical destruction and collapse. The second shaking would involve destruction and collapse in the financial and economic realms.

  • The mystery of the Shemitah is based on a cycle of seven years.

  • The first shaking of America, the attack of 9/11, took place in the year 2001. The second shaking, the financial collapse, took place in 2008—a cycle of seven years.

  • The financial collapse would happen in September 2008—a cycle of seven years to the month of 9/11.

  • The collapse begins the second week of September—a cycle of seven years to the week of 9/11.

  • It is as America commemorates the seventh year anniversary of 9/11 that the second shaking, financial implosion, is being set in motion on Wall Street.

  Elul 29, 2008—the Day of Nullification

  The global financial collapse reached its peak on September 29, 2008. That morning the opening bell was struck to begin the trading day at the New York Stock Exchange—but the bell refused to ring. Observers took it as an omen. What followed the “omen” would surpass even the crash of 2001. It surpassed every crash in Wall Street history in magnitude. It was the greatest stock market point crash in American history. On that day the ancient mystery had again manifested.

  • The greatest crash in world history took place in the Year of the Shemitah, 2008.

  • It happened in September 2008, the time of the Shemitah’s climactic end.

  • It was connected to the biblical month of Tishri, the month of financial repercussions. The crash was sealed with the sound of ram’s horns that evening as the Feast of Trumpets began.

  • The crash constituted a mass nullification in the financial realm “at the end of the seventh year,” the very time ordained in the Bible for the mass nullification of the financial realm.

  And yet the mystery would become even more stunningly exact. When did this greatest of all stock market crashes take place? The greatest crash in stock market history took place on Elul 29, the Day of the Shemitah—the Day of Nullification!

  The greatest financial collapse in American and world history took place on the very day given in the Bible to wipe away the financial accounts of a nation. The collapse not only fell on Elul 29, but on the one Elul 29 that comes around only once in seven years, the one twenty-four-hour period in seven years appointed for the mass nullification in a nation’s financial realm.

  It just happened to occur on the exact appointed day and down to the exact appointed hours in which the cancellation of financial accounts had to be accomplished. It was finished by late afternoon, before sunset, the time by which the nullification had to be completed.

  2008: Elul 29—Biblical Day of Financial Collapse

  And so now again, just as it happened seven years before, the biblical Day of Nullification, on Elul 29, came the greatest nullification of financial accounts in world history.

  As observant Jews around the world again nullified their financial accounts, the accounts of Wall Street were again being nullified in reality. Again the ancient mystery moved across the globe, from the New York Stock Exchange to the major stock exchanges of the world, in one vast colossal Shemitah, nullifying, canceling, wiping clean, and transforming the financial realms of the nations.

  The ancient mystery had yet again manifested and could not have done so more precisely or amazingly than it did. The cycle had begun at the moment of sunset September 17, 2001, and had culminated at the moment of sunset September 29, 2008.

  A Mind-Boggling Phenomenon

  When one takes in the magnitude of the phenomenon, it becomes beyond stunning. It is an ancient mystery that had to have determined not only the exact timing of the two greatest stock market crashes in world history but also the timing of 9/11 itself, to name just one of the events necessary to the manifestation. All these events have impacted and altered the course of America and world history. And yet behind them lies a mystery ordained from ancient times.

  On top of everything else we have seen so far, the multitude of connections and fingerprints left by the ancient mystery on the greatest financial and economic collapses of modern times is this:

  • Only two stock market collapses in this millennium have borne the title of “the greatest stock market point crash in history.” Both of them happened to occur on the exact same date on the biblical calendar—Elul 29.

  • The day on which they each took place just happens to have been ordained in the writings of Scripture from ancient times.

  • They each took place on a day that comes up only once in several years.

  • This once-in-several-years occurrence happens to be the same day that is specifically ordained from ancient times in Scripture as the day of a mass nullification in the financial realm—the very thing that took place on Wall Street on that exact day.

  • The ancient mystery determines that this mass nullification of financial accounts take place
exactly seven biblical years apart. The two greatest crashes not only took place on Elul 29, but on Elul 29 exactly seven biblical years apart, down to the day.

  2000–2001 & 2007–2008

  The Two Shemitahs and the Two Global Collapses

  The Phenomenon of 2,569 Days

  If we let the phenomenon speak for itself, it reveals a clear message. The crash that had been triggered by the events of 9/11 assumed the title of the greatest stock market point collapse in history on September 17, 2001. It happened on the day appointed in the Bible for the mass nullification of financial accounts. The ancient mystery ordained that seven years after the first event will come a recurrence of that event, another mass nullification of financial accounts. These are seven biblical, lunar-solar, Hebrew years.

  According to the ancient mystery, the time period ordained for the second event to take place is 2,569 days. The collapse of 2008 took place exactly 2,569 days after the first, as ordained from ancient times. The first crash would carry the title of the greatest stock market collapse in history for exactly 2,569 days, the exact number ordained in the ancient mystery. It would then be transcended by the second collapse, which took place on the exact same Hebrew day appointed from ancient times.

  An Unseen Hand

  The rising and falling of the stock market is the result of countless financial transactions in markets throughout the world, countless developments in the financial and economic realms colliding with countless human reactions, interactions, calculations, feelings, and whims—each action affecting the next. No human hand could have orchestrated anything remotely approaching such a phenomenon. It could have only transpired by the moving of an unseen hand. Its complexity combined with its precision remains nothing short of mind-boggling.

  It is worth noting that the mystery of the Shemitah, in its last two manifestations, appears to have intensified in magnitude and precision, an intensification that parallels an intensification and acceleration in the spiritual and moral descent of America and much of the modern world.

  The phenomenon is overwhelming. The mystery of the Shemitah has affected the course of the stock market and the economy, America and the nations, and the lives of everyone reading these words.

  And even this is not the end. We are going to find that the ancient mystery operates in ways one would never expect and in realms one would never have imagined. And, of course, it will speak of things yet to come.

  Before entering into another realm of the mystery, we will unlock one last revelation concerning the realm of crashes—a revelation involving one of the most mysterious, if not mystical, chain of events.

  Chapter 15


  The Number of the Shemitah

  WOVEN INTO THE mystery of the Shemitah is the number seven. The Shemitah is the seventh year and the conclusion of a seven-year cycle.

  Seven is also the number of the remission brought about by the Shemitah. When, on Elul 29, the financial realm is wiped clean, the debts and credits that are nullified are those of the past seven years. So the effect of the Shemitah extends seven years into the past, the entire seven-year cycle. The Shemitah is the Sabbath of years. And just as seven is the number of the Sabbath, seven is also the number of the Shemitah.

  Is it possible that the greatest stock market point crash in history, having taken place on the Day of the Shemitah, would bear the marks of the Sabbath year—in the form of the number seven?

  The following is not central nor essential to the phenomenon or mystery of the Shemitah—but it is a fascinating phenomenon in its own right.

  The Mark of Seven

  • The Seven-Year Mark: The greatest point crash in stock market history happened on Elul 29—the end of the seventh year and the completion of the seven-year cycle.

  • The Seventh Month: On the evening of the greatest crash began the month of Tishri. Tishri is the seventh month of the sacred calendar. Thus the crash took place on the day that ushers in the most sacred of times in the biblical calendar, the seventh month.

  • Seven Hundred Billion: The crash was triggered by the failure of Congress to pass the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act. The bill was a response to the economic implosion of September 2008, an attempt to save the US financial system. The amount chosen for the bailout was seven hundred billion dollars.

  • Seven Percent—2008: What percentage of Wall Street was wiped out on the last day of the seventh year? Seven percent.

  • Seven Percent—2001: How much of Wall Street was wiped out seven years earlier on the last day of the preceding Shemitah in 2001? Seven percent.

  • Seven-Seven-Seven: How many actual points were wiped out on the last day of the seventh year? Seven hundred seventy-seven (777).

  The Timekeeper

  When the kingdom of Judah was destroyed in 586 BC, few of the survivors could have fathomed what lay ahead. The land was depopulated in a mass deportation of Judeans to an exile in Babylon. The most likely scenario was that there would never again be a Jewish nation in the land of Israel. But what the future actually held was dramatically different.

  The secret of what would take place and of exactly when it would take place was already there, contained in the mystery of the Shemitah. The Babylonian exile would last for seventy years based on the timing determined by the seventy Shemitah years the nation had broken. Once those years were completed, the exiles would return.

  The Shemitah held the secret to the timing of the nation’s judgment.

  The Shemitah had always been linked to timing. And its timing was always linked to the number seven. In 586 BC when the Shemitah moved into the realm of prophetic signs and national judgment, its manifestation followed the number seven—seventy years of desolation, years representing seven-year cycles, the period in which the Shemitahs were broken—a chain of sevens through time.

  A Journey of Sevens

  What would happen if we now embarked on a journey beginning from the Shemitah’s climactic end and following a mystery of sevens backward through time? Specifically, what if we began this journey in the last hours of the last day of the last Shemitah—at the end of the greatest stock market point crash, just as it hits the number 777? It is September 29, 2008. The time is 4:00 p.m. The closing bell rings. The crash is finished. We now follow a chains of sevens back in time.

  First Sequence: The Chain of Years

  From the closing bell of the crash we go back in time seven years—seven exact biblical years, down to the hour. Where does it bring us?

  It brings us to Monday, September 17, 2001, the day of the other greatest point crash in American history. More precisely, it brings us to 4:00 p.m., to the closing bell, to the very last moment of the other collapse. Seven Hebrew years have taken us from the closing bell and final minute of the one crash to the closing bell and final minute of the other.

  Second Sequence: The Chain of Days

  Now from that seven-year mark, and the closing bell of the crash of 2001, we follow the chain of sevens back in time once more—seven days—to the seventh day. From 4:00 p.m. Monday to 4:00 p.m. Sunday we have the first twenty-four-hour period, the first day. The chain then proceeds according to this sequence:

  • From 4:00 p.m. Sunday to 4:00 p.m. Saturday—the second day

  • From 4:00 p.m. Saturday to 4:00 p.m. Friday—the third day

  • From 4:00 p.m. Friday to 4:00 p.m. Thursday—the fourth day

  • From 4:00 p.m. Thursday to 4:00 p.m. Wednesday—the fifth day

  • From 4:00 p.m. Wednesday to 4:00 p.m. Tuesday—the sixth day

  The seventh day, going back in time, begins at four o’clock Tuesday afternoon. Is this significant? It could not be more so. The seventh day is September 11, 2001.

  So the seventh day in its entirety, proceeding backward in time, would begin at 4:00 p.m. Tuesday (September 11). The time period would include Tuesday afternoon, Tuesday morning, Monday evening (September 10), and late afternoon. It is in the midst of these hours that th
e attack of 9/11 will take place. The mystery of sevens has brought us back not only to the minute of the stock market crash of 2001, but also to the day of the attack, 9/11.

  Third Sequence: The Chain of Hours

  Now what happens if we follow the chain of sevens once more—seven hours? Starting at 4:00 p.m. Tuesday afternoon, September 11, and going back in time seven hours:

  • From 4:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.—the first hour

  • From 3:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.—the second hour

  • From 2:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.—the third hour

  • From 1:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m.—the fourth hour

  • From 12:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.—the fifth hour

  • From 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.—the sixth hour

  The seventh hour falls on Tuesday morning, between 9:00 and 10:00 a.m. Is this significant? Yes. This is the key time period of 9/11. As the hour approaches, the first tower is hit. At the beginning of the hour, the second tower is hit. And just before the hour is over, the first of the two towers will have collapsed. The mystery of sevens has brought us back to the very morning and hour of 9/11.

  The two strikes happen within a space of seventeen minutes. The end of the seven hours brings us to 9:00 a.m., and 9:00 a.m. falls within the seventeen minutes between the strikes.

  Fourth Sequence: The Chain of Minutes

  What happens if we follow the mystery of sevens into the realm of minutes? The mystery has already led us to 9:00 a.m. The crash of the second plane into the South Tower happens at 9:03 a.m. So the chain of sevens has taken us from the crash of Wall Street in 2008 to a point in time less than five minutes from the attack.


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