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Mystery of the Men in Black: The UFO Silencers

Page 12

by Timothy Green Beckley

  They drove off down the old narrow dirt road. I realized I had my camera around my neck. I said to myself, "YOU DUMMY, you had a chance to get a photo of that car." So I floored the car and followed after them. As I got up close to them, I grabbed my Canon and aimed. I was ready to feel that click when suddenly I felt nothing. It had gone dead. I tried the shutter again, but to no avail. I stopped the car long enough to examine the camera. It said I was out of film! What was really strange was I had plenty of film left in the camera when we left to go to the canyon. Now there was none. So despondent I was that I decided to drive back and get Barb. There she was standing by the trail sign with her blanket in hand. You have to understand something about Barbara, she is not afraid of anything. She's rock solid. She has been my guide, a source of light in my life. She helped give me courage when other people would not.

  I got her in the car and immediately asked her if she had seen the big black car. She said she hadn't. I then began to explain this strange story to her. Then she said, "Christa, you are just letting your imagina­tion run away with you." She told me to put it out of my mind and for us to continue our trip. It seemed strange that she had been so open to my experiences before, and now it seemed like she was brushing this off to imagination. I then drove on down to the fork in the road, when suddenly I turned the car to the right and went down the old dirt road. Suddenly, Barbara got real panicked. Now, as I have stated before, she is really strong; she just doesn't get like this. She said, "Please stop this car. Let's get out of here NOW!" I asked her what was wrong, and she said, "I do not want to be in this area." She wanted to leave that area immediately. I wanted to go just a bit further to see if I could find that car and prove to her it did exist!

  Then we came up to a clearing, surrounded by trees. There was a

  big circle of dirt and I said, "This is where they landed." This is what is so weird; it's almost as if something told me to drive around this circle.

  I began to drive around and around and then Barbara panicked and screamed, "Let's get the hell out of here NOW." Well, first of all, she doesn't use that type of language. Secondly, she doesn't panic. But I could tell she was very scared; of what I didn't know. So I turned the car around and once we reached the paved highway, her personality completely changed. It was like nothing had happened and everything was just fine. We did not even discuss it after that. I thought this was all so very strange. It was as if this area was having an effect on her and myself. I began to really wonder if the black car was just a projection designed just for me to experience...

  It raised a lot of dust for a projection, and since the guard said he hadn't seen the car—where did it go? How did it turn around without the guard seeing it? I don't know if it was real, paranormal, imagined, or a projection, but it seemed real to me.

  My next experience took place around late August of 1987.1 had been invited to stay at an investigator's home and take care of it while he was away. I did move in there and it was that next week that I began to receive harassing phone calls.

  Anyway, I was driving during the day along Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Tucson, near the main gate. There are a series of under­passes that you go under, and I was driving along in my aunt's car, when all of a sudden, from out of nowhere, there was this big black car —not a limo like the one in Sedona, but a big black Lincoln. It was staying parallel to me. Again, they had a shaded windshield, but it was slightly tinted. It was not as black as the other car. I realized something funny was going on. And just about then the car inched over into my lane and bumped the side of my car. I swerved over to my right and slammed the brakes on. I was so shaken and scared. I watched them pull over into the right lane ahead of me and they stopped their car. It was as if they were waiting for me to come back along. I was going to have to pass them to get back, because I couldn't turn around. I felt they were trying to harass me, even threaten my life. But then I thought if they had really wanted to hurt me they would have slammed harder into the side of the car. I did not get out of the car to check for any damage. I was afraid. I thought to myself, "Why don't I have any mace with me or a billy club, or for that matter a gun?"

  Then I thought the least I could do was try to pull up far enough to get a license plate number. So I did just that. And just as I got up far enough, they sped away. So I went back to the person's home where I was staying and I got out and looked at my aunt's car. Sure enough, there was a very slight dent on the side door with a black streak run­ning down the side. It was soon after that I began receiving threatening phone calls—threatening me not to marry. They also seemed to know about my personal life. And then about a week later I finally received my first visit from the man I know as "John Wallis." I cannot explain any of these experiences, but they are indeed startling and need to be explored further. Those experiences were more frightening than my abductions.

  The Mystery Helicopters— MIB of the Air!

  In an alarming development which seems to bring the MIB into the New Age, quite a number of researchers have reportedly been repeatedly harassed by mysterious, unmarked, black helicopters which have kept them under surveillance both day and night.

  Bob Luca—an abductee himself—is married to Betty Andreas- son, a Connecticut woman whose experiences with aliens has been highly documented and is the subject of three best selling books, including The Watchers by Raymond Fowler, which is just in current release.

  Over the course of the last few years, the Lucas' say their home has been buzzed several times by these sinister looking whirlybirds whose pilots try hard to keep their true identity a deeply hidden secret. They have also reportedly seen the choppers in the vicinity of their UFO contact points, and feel very strongly that there is a frightening aspect to the UFO enigma, and that the helicopters are part of this negativity. They also believe that the tragic death of one of Betty's sons is con­nected with this negative aspect of UFOlogy, and it has taken a great deal of courage for them to go forward to tell the world of their encounters with beings from other worlds and dimensions.

  During many of the animal mutilations out west, helicopters have been seen making daily fly-bys as if keeping a close watch on their prospective prey.

  For many years, Riley Crabb was the director of the Borderland Sciences Research Foundation in Vista, California. Today, retied from his duties, Crabb lives comfortably in New Zealand, where he has moved partly due to the fact that he believes his UFO activities brought him undue harassment at the hands of the authorities in the United States. Recently, Crabb filed this special report with us which takes into consideration this new tactic by the UFO silencers to keep a watchful eye on UFO witnesses, abductees and contactees. It is a dis­turbing side of our story which has to be told.


  One proof of the consuming interest of the U.S. Government in flying saucers is the sudden appearance of unmarked helicopters at the site of UFO activity, whether it be physical or mental. Of course the appearance of the copters may be an illusion, created by advanced beings from other planets, other systems, but even this would still be proof of surveillance!

  In the book UFO Crash, Bill Steinman writes that unmarked heli­copters overshadowed him when he was leaving a canyon after fin­ishing his investigation of the Aztec, New Mexico UFO crash site. Contactee Bob Luca reports that unmarked helicopters of various makes kept his New England home under surveillance. He is husband of abductee Betty Andreasson. Photos of the copters shown to airport and other authorities drew a blank. No one would admit to owning them!

  And then there is the famous, or infamous, Cash-Landrum case, in which over 20 unmarked helicopters accompanied the diamond- shaped, glowing UFO floating along at low altitude over a highway one night in Texas. Of course no government employee or government agency will acknowledge the event.

  Now we have author Ed Conroy admitting to surveillance while he was writing his book on Whitley Strieber. According to the May, 1990 issue of UFO Universe, Ed had his first taste of unmarked heli­copter
surveillance on January 16, 1988. He was raking leaves in his mothers front yard in late afternoon when the unwelcome craft star­tled him with its presence overhead. He had already been involved for some time in writing the book on Strieber. The whirlybird came down to treetop level and to convince him that Big Brother was watching, a light was shone on him—scarcely an illusion—for his mother ran out of the house to find out what was going on.

  There was a more spectacular appearance, and in quantity, in early March. This was while Ed Conroy was writing the book in a downtown office building on the seventh floor. He identified the craft as an unmarked Bell-47. Again a light was shone on him through the office window. But others appeared: a Chinook and a Huey, to buzz the building. All were unmarked but painted in different colors. More difficult to explain was the appearance of unmarked helicopters over his home or office when he was talking on the telephone about flying saucers. It appeared that these invisible agents were capable of reading his mind!!

  The revelation of Ed Conroy's experience in 1988 reminded me of my own surveillance by unmarked helicopters in Southern Califor­nia in 1970-71. At that time I was editing and publishing the Journal of Borderland Research from my home in Vista, about 40 miles north of San Diego. A major item of borderland research was the reality of flying saucers and had been since reading Major Donald Keyhoe's arti­cles in True magazine in 1949, backed up by Frank Scullys impressive classic in 1950, Behind the Flying Saucers. This was in Honolulu and the authorities were overwhelmed with reports of sightings and con­tacts by both civilian and military personnel. Mrs. Crabb and I moved to California in 1957 and I took over Borderland Sciences Research Associates in 1959.

  But it wasn't until June of 1970 that I got ambitious enough to set up a flying saucer detector. It's a simple device for reacting to magnetic anomalies in the vicinity. We did get false alarms from breezes coming through the open patio door and from passing "hot rodders" with souped up ignition systems.

  It's a simple open circuit using a buzzer activated by the 115 volt house current. The switch is a metal loop about six inches in diameter, and a four-inch Alnico bar magnet, with the South Pole down. In our case the buzzer was mounted near the ceiling on the wall with the elec­trical current coming in there. The switch combination was mounted on the mop board close to the floor; so the suspension wire for the bar magnet was over seven feet long. Our loop was a stainless steel strap or ribbon from an old percolator. Because of natural magnetic attraction between magnet and loop, the magnet had to be suspended several inches above the loop. A bare copper wire extension below the magnet assured contact with the loop when the magnet was pulled sideways. Then the Buzzer warned of a closed circuit. There would be danger of shock from this circuit in a home with pets and/or children, so a bat­tery powered Buzzer would be safer.

  Let me now quote from the July-August 1970 Journal of Border­land Research: "June 24th, 11:35 AM. There was a loud, insistent buzz. Mrs. Crabb looked up from her desk in the study. The leaves on the garden trees were hanging still. She rushed outside to look up into an empty sky, 3-D empty, at least. Your editor was occupied in the workshop, but I was thinking of the Men in Black at the time, plan­ning a new flying saucer talk for the San Francisco Flying Saucer Club in September. How nice to have a physical reminder that we are not alone and unobserved!"

  That was the first inkling I had that mental activities only could be "read" and acted upon by both Good Guys and Bad Guys from outer space, and even by special sensors in certain government agen­cies, possibly human or mechanical?

  "The next morning, at 9:50 A.M. there was again a long, insistent buzz from our Saucer Seeker. This time I was at my typewriter framing a suitable letter to Associate Marian Nardil." She is a sensitive who had conscious contact with members of the Ashtar Command for years. Their self-chosen responsibility is to patrol the borders of the solar sys­tem and to challenge entry of invaders from other planets and systems. She had written to say that her father died suddenly of a massive stroke—psychic attack? It was Andrew Hardie who took the time and trouble to transcribe the channeled messages from Ashtar, through his daughter, and send them to me for publication in the Journal and thus share with the associates.

  "This time there was plenty of activity overhead! A helicopter with U.S. Marine Corps markings made a low pass over our headquar­ters, and far above I could see the contrail of a jet plane at extreme alti­tude—but no circular, glowing disc of any kind. Were they looking for an invisible UFO in our area picked up on radar? Or were these phys­ical aircraft illusions, hoaxes, projected at our senses to distract atten­tion from something else?

  Reality or Actuality

  "After reading John Keel's UFOs, Operation Trojan Horse and Richard Shaver's astute observations of 25 years ago, one must always take the hoax possibility into consideration. Back to my typewriter for five minutes and again an insistent buzzing brought me out into the open again, but only the inconstant, waning moon was faintly visible in the morning sky.

  "Then a third possibility occurred to me with heart-warming insistence. This was a tangible, undeniable manifestation of the invisi­ble presence of Andy and his friends of the Ashtar Command, Lance, Hanford, Mario, Bayham, West, Sananda, Ashtar and the others. Thanks for the encouragement."

  The surveillance continued for some time, so in the September- October Journal I reported: "Since June 25th we have received peri­odic inspections by low-flying helicopters, both military and civilian, at least twice a week. The craft came in at low altitude of only a few hundred feet and circled our area three times before going away. It may be the authorities aren't sure at this time exactly which home down below is the UFO contact point, but I'm sure the spot has been pin­pointed on maps of the north San Diego county area, at El Toro Marine Corps Air Base, 40 miles north of here, and other government agencies in the area, so it is subject to periodic check-ups from the air."

  In his UFO classic of the 1950s, They Live in the Sky, the author, Trevor James Constable, describes his UFO research on the high desert of Southern California around George Van Tassel's Giant Rock airport. He saw Air Force jets from nearby George AFB fly back and forth through spots where Etheric forms were hovering or floating. Using infrared filters on his camera he obtained photographic proof of this. Trevor's book contains many messages from Ashtar describing the Command's patrol activity in the atmosphere of the Earth.

  And finally, this quote from the March-April 1971 Journal of Borderland Research: "By mid-January, with no buzzing signals from the UFO detector for weeks, and no low-flying helicopters, it seemed that we had been crossed off the surveillance list. Then, at 3:04 P.M., the afternoon of January 14th, a helicopter came over so low we could feel the pressure-wave beat of the blades right in our house! I ran out­side to see a military-colored Whirlybird zooming up and away after making only one pass over our place. X marks our spot on somebody's map, that's for sure. And it almost seemed that 'someone' had been reading my mind." Now, after reading Ed Conroy's experience 17 years later, in UFO Universe, I'm convinced of it!

  "Four days later, at 6:20 p.m., the insistent sound of motor and rotor brought me out to watch an aerial inspector make two leisurely circles above us at about 300 feet, before heading back toward San Diego. The striking picture of the craft's flashing red and white warn­ing lights against the sunset sky is still strong in my memory.

  Prince Phillip is "In The Know"

  "Then came to mind an item told us by [the late] Ric Williamson in one of his Los Angeles area lectures in 1958. While lecturing on flying saucers in London, he had a royal guest, the Duke of Edinburgh. Afterward, Prince Phillip invited him to the palace for a personal chat. Among other things the Prince showed Ric a huge wall map of the world. It was studded with pinpoint locations of flying saucer appear­ances, sightings and contacts all over the planet.

  "Now, 12 years later, it becomes clear that similar maps could be used to mark the location of everybody who is anybody in UFO research; not only con
tactees, but writers, researchers, and publishers of UFOzines. Highly sensitive magnetometers, at strategic locations around the country, are on 24-hour alert. If a significant magnetic dis­turbance is detected near any one of these pinpointed locations, air­borne mobile units are on their way within minutes. You can imagine that the pilots of these outfits are as eager to see a real flying saucer as is the researcher on the ground. They like successful missions too!

  "At 4:25 P.M. on February 5th, a persistent sound of buzzing finally registered on my hearing, through a curtain of conversation and radio music. I rushed to the patio to find the UFO detector jammed on. The polarity shift at the surface of the Earth as to pull the down­ward pointing South Pole of the magnet onto the contact ring and bending the copper contact wire almost 90 degrees from vertical. This was after running into the backyard and looking up, to find the blue afternoon sky crisscrossed with jet contrails at 20,000 to 30,000 feet in all directions!

  "There were no physical objects of any kind visible in the sky, including the jet aircraft, though I could hear them faintly. Oh, the Moon was there, with Astronauts Shepard and Mitchell resting com­fortably in their Lunar Excursion Module after their first exploration of the Moons surface. If there was a UFO flap in this part of Southern California that afternoon, as seems likely from the jet activity above, no hint of it was in the daily papers—just another classified report in the files of the CIA's Flying Saucer Board, in Washington, D.C."

  The Ordeal of the Country-Western Singer

  In my book, Psychic & UFO Revelations in the Last Days, I detailed the story of Country-Western singer Johnny Sands, who on January 29th, 1976, experienced a hair-raising close encounter outside of Las Vegas.


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