Never Say Never (Reapers MC: Shasta Chapter Book 3)

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Never Say Never (Reapers MC: Shasta Chapter Book 3) Page 12

by Bijou Hunter

  “Exactly! I’m desperate for dick. Is that so wrong?” I demand dramatically, ensuring Shane, River, and Maverick hear nearby.

  Shane frowns. River nods. Maverick gives me an approving wink. Only the not-really-lonely younger Majors understands me.

  “I understand you just fine,” Taylor mutters. “I’m just not kissing your ass twenty-four-seven like that suck-up.”

  Laughing, I get up and shove my ass between her and Kelsi so I can hug them to me. “I love you blonde bitches with all my heart. So much love. All the love right here.”

  I continue to torment my friends until River announces dinner is ready. Then the conversation turns to topics other than my deep admiration for Goliath’s dick.

  But I’m still thinking about it around one a.m. when Maude joins me in the TV room to have her cocoa and mini muffins.

  “Max’s cooking will make me fat before the baby does,” she says and gets cozy on another couch in the seating-overstuffed room.

  “You said the hot guy you made a baby with isn’t from around here. If he was and wanted to hook up, no-strings-attached, would you do it?”

  Maude considers my question and rubs her flat belly. “Probably. He was fine as hell, and I came really hard.”

  “But wouldn’t you want to date him for real, though?”

  “I assumed that wasn’t an option based on your question.”

  “Good point. Still, would you feel as if you were getting the short end by just being a hookup?”

  “I really don’t want to be in a relationship. I was married for a long time to a man I didn’t love for half that time,” Maude says and sighs. “But if the baby’s dad was local and interested in dating for real, I wouldn’t say no. Is this about Goliath?”

  “Yeah. He wants a booty call situation. I mean, that could work, right? I’m busy. I don’t have time for a boyfriend anyway. A hookup would give me the sex, and I did like the sex. I’m just not sure if it comes off desperate on my part. I don’t feel pathetic, you know? I feel as if I’m okay with using Goliath’s hot bod for my needs.”

  “Then, you should use it when the mood suits you.”

  Giving her a bright smile, I admit, “I’ve always wanted a friend who told me what I wanted to hear. Fucking Taylor throws facts and hard truths at me. It’s awful.”

  Maude grins as she pops a muffin in her mouth. She’s more relaxed around people lately. When she moved in, Maude was as high-strung as Max, just in a different way. Max was obviously nervous, hiding her face, afraid to speak up. Maude was fake smiles and saying the least amount to make people leave her alone. They’re both relaxed these days. The Fearsome Foursome is a good influence on people.

  I’m thinking about the advice from Taylor, Kelsi, and Maude when I run into Goliath at the Saloon. He’s coming while I’m leaving. I block his path and gesture for him to follow me. He looks immediately irritated. Man, I just have this motherfucker wrapped around my finger, now don’t I?

  “I might not see you before you leave for your ride,” I say when he stands like a mountain, blocking the overhead light and leaving me in the dark night. “I know you’ll miss me terribly. How can you not? I also know you’re too shy to admit your tender feelings. That’s fine. I don’t need promises, smiles, or any positive signs. I’m very secure in myself.”

  Goliath looks ready to speak. Before he can tell me to shut up, I take his hands and plant them on my coconuts. His irritated expression falls into a more compliant one. Yeah, I’m sporting some lovely lady lumps.

  “I will spread my luscious legs for you when you return. So don’t die, and also maybe watch the backs of my brother, River, and Maverick. Oh, and Hugh needs protection too. Just watch those four guys, and I’ll ride your dick as a reward.”

  “I want to fuck you right now,” he says, squeezing my coconuts.

  “Yeah, but it’s cold outside, and I’ll have to pee soon, so that’s not happening.”

  Goliath literally grunts with disapproval, but he doesn’t remove his hands.

  “But you have to throw me a bone,” I say.

  “That’s what I’m trying to do, but you claimed it’s too cold.”

  “You made a joke,” I murmur, so very proud of the giant since I wasn’t sure he owned a sense of humor. “But I just mean I want you to say you’ll miss me or my tits are the best. Something nice.”

  “You just said I didn’t have to say that shit.”

  “Yeah, I lied,” I say, leaning into his hands. “I’m awful with the truth. So now tell me something nice and maybe suck on my tongue a little. I want your dick to be hard for the next four days until I’m able to get you off.”

  “That’s a bitch move right there,” he grumbles and leans down to kiss me.

  “Compliment me first.”

  “You’ve got great tits.”

  “Now, was that really so hard?”

  Goliath narrows his eyes at my choice of words since I’m sure his mountain-sized dick is currently made of granite.

  “You may kiss the horny chick now,” I say and lift my lips.

  Goliath hesitates, probably wanting to fuck with me for feeling confident. Does he need me to be weak? No, he doesn’t like it when I cry either. Maybe he just doesn’t like me period.

  Well, I’m me! I’m only ever going to be me. I couldn’t change me even if me was the one who wanted to do the changing. That’s why my ass is wide, and my gums are always flapping. I have no self-control and refuse to be uncomfortable. So either he wants this me or he ain’t getting me. Look at me sounding tough in my head!

  Once my tongue moistens my lips, he stops playing hard to get. His mouth meets mine for a quick wrestling match. After a few seconds, our tongues move together softer, more in sync. He pinches my nipples through my shirt, and I have to back away.

  “Sorry, but your attempts to make me hornier are also making me need to pee.”

  “More,” he mutters, grabbing me to him.

  Every woman comes to a point in her life where she must decide whether to deny a man her sweet loving or to fuck him up against the side of the bar. I’ve reached that pinnacle moment. With a tough decision in front of me, I choose my path using the same method as countless women before me. How do I avoid embarrassing myself?

  “I have to pee,” I say, pushing him away. “You can’t fuck me against the wall.”

  “I don’t plan to fuck you here. I’ll take you somewhere else.”

  “No. I’m not in the mood.”


  “I don’t want to be at your trailer when it’s dark,” I mumble and pinch his nipple so he’ll leave me alone.

  Goliath puts his dick in neutral. “Why not?”

  “I’ll have to leave in the dark too, which is fucking scary.”

  “That’s not a real thing,” he says, thinking I’m full of shit as usual.

  “A lot of horror movies take place in the woods because the woods are evil and cannot be trusted,” I say and zip up my jacket. “I’d take you to the Victorian for a fuck, but thirty-seven people are living there. You’ll have to wait until you get back. Then I'll show up in the afternoon, ride your dick for a while, and leave before the sun goes down. Just as God intended.”

  Before Goliath can give me more attitude, I stroke his cheek and walk around him toward my Harley. I don’t dare look back. If he seems the least bit sad, I’ll give in to him. I have no inner strength when I’m this horny. The only reason I didn’t hump him against the side of the bar was that I have to pee so bad. I guess I should thank Goliath Junior for jacking up my hormones and saving me from the horror of getting caught with my pants down by my brother.


  The night before the ride, the Reapers have a mandatory meeting at the Saloon. Mostly, River explains how people are coming from Ellsberg to watch over the town while we’re gone. I guess this was a concern for a few of the former Skullz, who remain afraid the Elko Executioners will show up and claim Shasta. That’s not how anythi
ng works. But once a fear is planted deep in a person’s head, there ain’t no digging it out.

  After River’s speech, we hang around, drinking beer. I’m relieved Shelby isn’t here tonight. If I can go for a while without seeing her, I oughta be able to break the spell she’s put me under.

  Then—probably sensing I need a break from the Campbells—her brother walks straight over to me and tells Hugh to buzz off for a minute.

  “When I was a kid,” Shane says, flipping a chair around and sitting with his arms on the back, “I got hyper sometimes. Jumping around like a crazy little fucker. So one time, I’m at Ellsberg’s fall festival. I had one of those rocket ice pops in my hand when I decided to do a stupid jumping move. Of course, I drop my ice pop on the ground. Before I could freak out over losing my treat, Shelby handed me hers. She didn’t need to be asked, and my parents would have gotten me another one. But Shelby saw me lose something I wanted and immediately gave up what she had to make me happy.”

  I stare at him, assuming his story is meant to prove how she’s too good for me. Shane frowns at a nearby giggling sweet butt before looking back to me.

  “I’m irrational when it comes to Shelby. I can’t help it any more than she could help offering me her rocket ice pop. We’re more than siblings. She’s my best friend. As her brother, I don’t want her with someone like you. Though, as River pointed out, I wouldn’t be okay with her hooking up with anyone. I’m used to having Shelby to myself.”

  Shane exhales deeply. “But as her friend, I want her to be happy. For whatever fucking reason, she has been hot for you since your release. Now you’re having a kid, and she still thinks you’re her guy. I’ll have to adjust to that reality. Besides, you’re a part of this club, and I can’t hate you.”

  Shane glances back at River and then focuses on me. “I guess I knew that already, but River and Maverick ganged up on me today. After their lectures, I finally get it. If I love Shelby, I can’t fuck things up for her by being a dick to the guy she made a kid with. And as your VP, I shouldn’t make you feel like an outsider. That’s on me. I’m working on my problem. With that said, I’m bound to forget from time to time. I love Shelby so much that when she’s upset about anything, I want to blame someone. You shouldn’t take that shit personally. It’s Campbell crap, not club crap. Okay?”


  “But, seriously, what is it that you don’t like about my sister?” he asks, suddenly back to reeking of violence. “Do you like weak chicks? I heard your last girlfriend was anti-club and a wallflower, whatever that fucking means.”

  “It’s not anything,” I say, and Shane’s frown darkens. “I never want another girlfriend. I need to be left alone.”

  Shane studies me and then nods. “That makes sense. You had no space in prison. Women come with drama. I get that. But you need to understand that Campbells are obsessive when they find someone they want. My father stalked my mother. I stalked Ramona. Shelby stalked you. It’s what we do. For us, you’re acting like an asshole. But, logically, yeah, you should want space. Relationships come with restrictions, and you want to be free of that. Five years is a long time.”

  “Fucking hell, it is.”

  “Then we’re good,” he says, standing up and looking normal again. “But you should know, Shelby never expects me to hassle you. My asshole behavior is all on me. If you get annoyed by my glaring, blame me, not her.”

  “I always blamed you,” I admit.

  Shane surprises me with a smile. “Shelby’s right. You can be funny.”

  Then he walks off to sit with River. Hugh returns to the table and waits for me to say something.

  “When I first met Shane, I thought he was a dickhead,” Hugh says, grinning at me.

  I allow a small smile. “He looks like a dickhead.”

  “Yeah, but he’s a loyal guy. Helped us pay our rent after Ramona moved out. Was always taking Kelsi and me out to meals since he knew we were broke. He’s enough of a dickhead to force Shasta to behave, but he’s good to people in his circle. After those Skullz assholes, it wouldn’t hurt for you to step into Shane’s circle, Goliath.”


  “You always play so hard to get,” he says, laughing at me. “It’s good to make people work for your approval.”

  Shaking my head, I wish I didn’t smile at his taunting. Hugh just doesn’t let shit bother him. When he’s around, I don’t get as wound up about shit either. Goes without saying that I’m keeping the little guy nearby during this three-day trip.



  I suspect my dad wanted to go on the ride with Shane. He almost looks sad when my brother, River, Maverick, and the rest of the Shasta Reapers ride off for their three-day trek across America’s heartland.

  I know Dad misses us, and he keeps mentioning how cheap the houses are around here. Now with Ozzy’s birth and my baby on the way, my parents will want to be in Shasta more. Except Mom doesn’t handle change well. That’s why for the time being, they’ll bunk at the Victorian despite the lack of space.

  “I guess I’ll need to sleep in a room once the baby is born,” I say after my parents’ bags are upstairs in my room.”

  “Which baby?” Dad asks.

  On the spot, I can’t believe I blurted out the secret already. “Mine.”

  Dad frowns at me and then at Mom. “Did you know?”

  “My babies don’t keep secrets from me,” she says and snuggles his arm. “But I didn’t want you to get upset.”

  “Winnie, secrets are never cool.”

  “I didn’t want you to get mad at Goliath during our visit.”

  My father’s expression is exactly why I didn’t want him to know yet. He might be okay with my fling. Having a kid with a biker is a whole different matter. And Goliath hasn’t done much to impress the Ellsberg chapter.

  Finally, Dad asks, “The giant?”

  “You knew I wanted to ride his giant dick.”

  “Don’t talk like that.”

  “See?” I say and hug him. “You’re very sensitive about your baby girl’s lady lumps.”

  “Don’t call them that.”

  “I’m sorry. I love you. Mom should have said something.”

  “Why didn’t you?” he says, refusing to allow me to wiggle out of the blame.

  “I thought she had already, and then I was mad about how you hadn’t congratulated me. Geez, I have one kid out of wedlock, and you’re as cold as ice.”

  Dad lifts his dark right brow and gives me a diabolical frown. “I feel disrespected.”

  “Oh, Daddy, I only found out a little bit ago.”

  “How little?”

  “I don’t know time,” I mumble, hugging him again. “It’s still very early.”

  Patting my back, he also yanks on my ponytail before letting me go. “Never keep shit from me again.”

  “I have terrible gas. Not all the time, but it happens. Honesty is important.”

  “I have gas too,” Desi says from nearby, and I realize I’d forgotten she and Maude were sitting right fucking there at the kitchen table.

  “Farting is fun,” I tell the child. “Natural too. Never feel shame for what nature wants. That’s why you shouldn’t wax your lady region.”

  “I don’t know what that means,” Desi says to Maude.

  “You have plenty of time to not find out.”

  Grinning, I look back at my father, who is giving my mom his tamest evil eye. She just shrugs. “I knew we were coming, and I thought this would be better.”

  “Mom, you were wrong to keep secrets from Dad,” I say, placing a hand on each of their shoulders. “Dad, you should give Mom some slack. She just wanted to protect you and me and the guy that knocked me up. She’s a kind person, that way.”

  Dad smiles at Mom, and she beams back at him. I’m struck by a little jealousy at how much they love each other even after decades together. It’d be so easy to get bored and grow apart. Their relat
ionship feels as solid as when I was a kid.

  “Don’t cry,” Mom says and hugs me.

  “I’m so hormonal. This can’t be healthy. I got sad when the dogs chose to sit with Desi instead of me. Why wouldn’t they choose her? She’s adorable.”

  The girl jumps up and bounces over to me. I get a hug from Mom on one side and Desi on the other.

  “I’m sorry they like me more,” the girl whispers.

  Maude covers her mouth to hide her laughter. I shake my head. “You’re hormonal too, Maude. Let the laughter free.”

  Grinning, Maude shrugs. “We’re mood swing partners.”

  I nod, feeling sad again. I want Goliath to look at me like my dad does my mom. He’s just not that kind of man. I need to accept this fact before he returns. If I’m hung up on him, I’ll never make this booty call, baby daddy situation work.

  “We’re here. We’re late,” Raven announces as she and her husband, Vaughn Majors, enter the house.

  “You missed them,” Mom says, immediately bummed.

  Vaughn smiles while Raven goes looking for Max. “No, we stopped them on their way out of town and made the boys hug their mom. It became a competition to see who made her smile the biggest.”

  “Who won?”

  “We pretended it was a tie,” Vaughn says and picks up a cookie from the stash on the kitchen table. “But River beat Maverick by a hair.”

  “That’s funny because of how River’s hair is longer now,” I say and give Papa Majors’ blond locks a flick.

  “So, what’s the current plan?” Vaughn asks.

  “I’m doing homework,” Desi answers without looking up.

  “Well, I refuse to do that,” Vaughn tells her, and she smiles at Maude to see if her mom noticed the big man talking to her.

  “Shelby is pregnant,” Dad announces.

  “Sperm donor from the internet?” Vaughn asks immediately.

  “No, I’ve met my baby daddy.”

  “Shelby’s having a baby?” Desi asks Maude, who nods. The kid sighs dramatically. “So many babies.”

  “It’s the rendering plant,” I insist. “It has powers.”


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