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Sun & Shyne 2: School Daze

Page 9

by Sa'id Salaam

  “So, I am,” Sun laughed and escorted her outside. Killa and Christi snapped last minute pictures as the couples set off for the prom.


  “This is unacceptable!” Asad huffed when they stepped inside the sweltering gym. The school districts of nearby Deer Park and Dix Hills had both rented ballrooms for their students’ proms, but not Wyandanch. They held their prom in the school’s rundown gym. It wouldn’t have been so bad had the A/C been working.

  “I’m sorry,” one of the teachers working as a chaperone said as she wiped sweat from her own brow. “They need to tear this school down and start over!”

  “They need to burn it down!” Bryonna pouted. Thankfully, she and Shyne didn’t have perms to sweat out.

  “Don’t give Left Eye any ideas!” Sun laughed.

  “Anyway…” Shyne sighed like she wasn’t a firebug. “Let’s dance.”

  “O-kay,” Asad huffed. He didn’t really want to but he was a man of his word. He’d told Shyne she could have whatever she wanted when they were seven years old and he’d meant it.

  “Come on,” Sun ordered Bryonna, who looked at him like he was crazy. He caught on and softened his tone and asked, “Dance?”

  “Okay, but no grinding,” she giggled.

  The two couples danced close enough that Shyne and Bryonna could talk about and laugh at their ratchet classmates.

  “Girl, what is she wearing?” Shyne asked, pointing with a nod at a girl twerking in a tiny dress.

  “Nothing!” Bryonna shot back.

  The dress had ridden up over the girl’s ass and one of her titties had popped out from all her movements.

  A loud creaking sound was heard over the thunderous sound system. Everyone looked around except for Asad who looked up. He shoved his fiancé and friends out of harm’s way just as a large beam dropped from the ceiling.

  “Oowww!” the girl in the Betty Rubble dress screamed when the steel beam fell on her leg and trapped her ankle.

  The party was officially over after the near death accident. The fire department had to use the Jaws of Life to free the girl’s leg. She was taken to the hospital while police evacuated the condemned building.

  The foursome had the limo for a few more hours so they went to Lindenhurst Diner for a late night snack. They ate, talked and cracked jokes until it was time to go. Sun picked up the tab for everyone’s meals. Bryonna lived on another block so she would be the first to get dropped off.

  “Walk her to her door!” Shyne insisted and pushed her brother from the limo. He caught up with Bryonna and walked her the rest of the way to her door.

  “I had a great time! Thank you,” she said sincerely.

  “Me, too. You’re not as nerdy as you look,” he chuckled playfully.

  The moment turned awkward as they reached her door. Bryonna closed her eyes, puckered her lips and leaned in for a kiss. That’s exactly how Sun left her.

  “I hate you!” Shyne declared when he reached the car. She said it loudly to be heard over Asad’s laughter.

  Asad was next to be dropped off. He shared a fist bump with Sun and Shyne before getting out. The siblings watched until he disappeared into his house before going home.

  “You guys have fun?” Christi beamed when the twins came in. Killa had his ear to a police scanner so he already knew about the accident.

  “We had a blast,” Shyne declared with a wide smile to prove it.

  “Yeah, it was fun,” Sun cosigned. “Welp, I’m about to turn in.”

  “Me too,” Shyne, Killa and Christi all said.

  Only Christi actually went to bed, though.

  Killa snuck off to bone the freaky teacher, Sun changed out of his tux and set out to bone one of his many girls, and Shyne slipped out, too, with a bone to pick with the school district.

  The clerk at the gas station couldn’t tell that Shyne was filling gas cans instead of her truck. She really appreciated Obama when the four five-gallon cans came to just under forty bucks. It was money well spent in her eyes.

  “The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire!” Shyne sang and giggled as she drove back to the high school. “We don’t need no water…”

  The locks on the school’s doors didn’t work either so Shyne had no problem getting in. It took a whole hour and several trips to evenly distribute the gas around the school. She made sure to cut the gas line in the kitchen and to the furnace before leaving. A trail of gas out to the parking lot gave her enough distance to safely start the fire.

  Shyne smiled and flashed back over the last four years of her life at the school. It hadn’t been all bad but it would soon to be all over. She gave a final salute and lit the fuse. The fire traced the line of gas from the parking lot back into the school. An orange glow filled all the windows as the fire quickly spread. Once it hit the gas tank, the school exploded.

  “W-w-what w-was t-t-that?” Miss Rowland asked behind her. Killa was delivering perfectly balanced back shots when the explosion shook the house.

  “My daughter,” he said, shaking his head. “Just like her mama!”

  Chapter 19

  “Um, you know they not going to wait on you two!” Christi yelled upstairs to the slowpoke twins. Graduation started in an hour and they were still not ready.

  Asad had aced his testing for homeschooling and would be allowed to walk across the stage with his graduating class. Only a depressing twenty-five percent of the freshman who began with Sun and Shyne had made it to see graduation day. Some were in the eleventh grade. Some were in prison while others were dead. Some were at work while others were in the streets. There was even one in labor with her third child.

  “Daddy not even here yet!” Shyne whined as she came down in a pair of capris and a t-shirt. Her cap and gown were neatly pressed and hanging in plastic.

  “He is now,” Christi replied as Killa pulled into the driveway.

  A minute later, he came in with a surprise.

  “Hey, Daddy,” Shyne smiled. Her face suddenly changed when she saw the danger. She tried to run but was too late and she was snatched off her feet.

  “My great granddaughter!” Grandma Deidra squealed as she pulled Shyne into a deadly embrace.

  Everything bean to go black as she struggled to break free. Luckily, Sun came down and saved her life. It almost cost him his own life, though.

  “Oh sh-,” Sun exclaimed when his ninety-year-old grandmother moved with the speed of a python and coiled her arms around him and squeezed. “Argh!”

  “We better get a move on it,” Killa suggested to spare his son. “I have one more surprise later.”

  “Okay,” Shyne huffed, still trying to catch her breath. She and Asad rode with Sun while Killa chauffeured Grandma and Christi.

  Since Wyandanch no longer had a school, the graduation was held at the nearby Farmington College. The two hundred or so students who worked hard and stayed down proudly walked across the stage. It was mainly good girls who had been focused on their futures. Sun still stared at booties under gowns.

  “Sup, Pops?” Xavier greeted as he and Rico arrived. Technically, he wasn’t his father but he was Pops, so he’d agreed to come see the twins get their diplomas. It was an effort, however, to have peace and get along.

  “Sup, guys?” he greeted back with a hug. “Oh, your sister is up!”

  “Shyne Forrest,” the new principal called out when he reached her name. The family erupted in applause as she crossed the stage to graduate.

  “Thank you,” Shyne smiled and curtsied as she accepted her well-earned prize. She turned to her family and frowned. Shyne squinted to make sure that she saw who she thought she saw and then attacked.

  “Shit!” Sun fussed as his sister dove off the stage and went after Rico and Xavier. Asad shook his head and jumped in. It was Sun and Shyne, so he had no choice but to join in the fray.

  “Are you serious right now?” Christi asked incredulously as the children brawled. “Do something!”

  “I am!” Killa replied
and stood up and began recording the action. “World Star!”

  Christi and Grandma helped the security guards separate the combatants. Once it was over, the graduation resumed so everyone else could get their diplomas as well. Xavier and Rico went back to the city while Asad and the twins got set for their last summer in Wyandanch. Once they left, they had no intentions on ever coming back.


  Sun decided to spend his last Wyandanch summer getting as much Wyandanch booty as possible. Like the say goes, ‘mo’ booty, mo’ problems’ and the summer was filled with plenty of each. A coalition of boyfriends and baby daddies was formed to combat their common foe; Sun Forrest.

  “A-yo, fuck that nigga Sun! And I don’t care nothing about no karate, either!” Markel lied. He did give a fuck about the karate. That’s why he beat his girlfriend up instead of confronting Sun. The nosey nigga had gone scrolling through her phone gallery and found her taking selfies with a dick in her mouth. A few pictures later, he’d seen Sun smiling down at the camera.

  “Word is bond! Fuck some karate! I bust my gun!” Grip bragged.

  He was a well-known shooter around town. Grip would shoot dudes in the leg or the ass if he had beef with them. What he didn’t know was that Sun bust his gun, too. The difference was that no one lived to talk about it.

  “We need to jump his ass,” Cap whined. He’d seen Sun’s car at his baby mama’s house one time too many.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah!” Ronnie, Ricky and Mike all agreed. All of them had lost vagina time with their girlfriends and baby mamas due to the handsome playboy.

  With that, a plan was hatched to catch Sun alone and jump him. Jumping off a building would have probably been an easier and safer idea. Markel’s girlfriend Shay was known to have the best head in Suffolk County so her throat would be used as bait. She was slightly chubby, kind of cute and had a set of lips that could cool a whole pot of soup with one blow. She also had a nice, thick tongue that made her talk with a lisp, which made her sound like Cool G Rap, but it was an added bonus when it came to blow jobs.

  ‘WYD?’ Markel texted Sun from Shay’s phone. Sun swerved in his truck from seeing the girl’s lips pop up on his screen. Markel had beat her up and taken her phone before forcing her into her own bedroom while he and his goons laid in wait for their victim.

  ‘Thinkin’ ‘bout you’ Sun texted back. It wasn’t a lie since she was suddenly on his mind. He was supposed to be headed home to go to the movies with Asad, Shyne and Bryonna but they were about to get stood up. First things first and good head came first.

  ‘Come see me.’ Markel texted back with his girl’s favorite saying.

  ‘Only if you gonna suck my dick! Now ask can you suck it.’ Sun demanded even though he had already changed directions and was headed to her house.

  “Man! What kinda fuck shit he be on?” Markel fussed.

  “What?” Mike asked seeing his frustration. “Get him over here!”

  “Yeah, yeah,” he griped and typed, ‘Can I suck your dick?’

  ‘Yup, I’m outside.’ Sun texted back as he shut off his vehicle.

  “Yo, he here! Hide!” Markel urged in a whisper. His friend dipped behind a sofa, into a closet and in the hall.

  “A-yo!” Sun called out as he knocked on the door. The doorbell no longer worked from all the traffic to her tongue.

  “Come in!” Markel called out in falsetto.

  His voice was so high that his friends frowned, wondering if he did it on a regular. There was a brief pause as Sun got ready, then he came in.

  “Look what I got for you,” Sun called out into the dark as he stepped inside and closed the door behind himself. His smile disappeared the moment the lights came on. Then again, what’s to smile about in a room full of angry thugs and you have your dick in your hand? “Sup?”

  “What it look like, my nigga?” Markel shouted and stepped forward.

  Grip was the first to attack and later he’d be the first to die. He tried to sneak Sun from behind but Sun heard him. He dipped under the wild blows and launched an uppercut that lifted him off his feet. The other five quickly moved in and jumped on him. Sun would have beat them all in a one-on-one, but the six on one was too much. He realized his best choice was to drop low and cover up. Trying to fight exposed him too much so he got into a ball to deflect the blows. Luckily for him, the blunt and menthol smoking goons didn’t have much wind.

  “Now keep your dick out my girl!” Cap demanded as he delivered the final kick. The last lick meant he would be the last one to die. Sun peeped through his defenses to make sure he got a good look at everyone who participated in the beat down. He added Shay to the list as well, that is, until she came out from the back and explained herself.

  “I’m so sorry!” Shay whined sounding like a Fat Albert kid from a swollen lip.

  “You set me up!” Sun growled as he checked to make sure he still had all of his pearly whites. They were all there but his lip was split and he had lumps on his head.

  “No, I didn’t! He beat me up, too! Oh, he’ll fight a girl but gotta get his friends to fight a guy!” Shay said in her own defense. “I don’t even go with him! He claims me and won’t leave me alone!”

  Sun saw the tears and believed her. Her face was pretty beat up too so she wasn’t lying about that part. She took the ice pack from her own face and put it on Sun’s

  “Help me up,” he grunted then stood on his own instead. He felt a little wobbly and leaned on the wall. Shay helped him to the sofa.

  “Want some head?” Shay offered since it was all she had to offer.

  “Head!” Sun reeled. That’s what had gotten him in this trouble so he definitely didn’t want any. “Nah, I’m about to leave.”

  Sun rose to his feet once more. He steadied himself and then walked to the door. He pulled it open only to see his ransacked vehicle in flames. He let out a deep sigh and went back to the sofa.

  “Call me a cab,” he said since Shyne and Asad were out. “I guess I’ll take that head after all.”

  Chapter 20

  “Seven dollars,” the driver announced as he pulled to a stop in front of Sun’s house. Sun shook his head at his father’s car in the driveway and leaned to the side to pullout his wallet.

  “Shit!” Sun fussed when he realized his wallet was gone. He felt the bare spot where his necklace once lived and it was gone, too. “A-yo, hit the horn.”

  The driver complied and blasted his horn a few times. An irritated Killa came out and frowned. He saw his son in the backseat and made his way over. The frown deepened when he saw the lumps and bruises on his child.

  “Keep it,” Killa said, handing the driver a twenty and pulled the door handle to collect his child.

  “Shukran! Jazakallah khair!” the happy driver cheered.

  “He said…” Sun began to translate until his father replied to the man in Arabic.

  “Afwan, wa anta,” he said, welcoming the man and returning his prayer. Jaza’a was one of his favorite Arabic words. It means recompense, just reward for either good or bad. The driver’s statement of Jazakallah khair meant ‘may God repay you with good.’ Killa was going to repay whoever had harmed his son with extreme bad. The worst.

  “Thanks, Pops,” Sun offered once they got settled into the den. He grabbed the remote and turned it to sports as if there was nothing else to say.

  “Well?” Killa demanded waiting on the rest of the story. “You come home without your truck and your ass kicked and all you got is ‘thanks, Pops’?”

  “Street stuff, Pops. You wouldn’t understand,” Sun explained.

  “Try me,” his father replied. He was amused how green his kids thought he was. They would find out in due time.

  “Bunch of haters mad cuz I fu-…um…bagged their birds. Tricked me over a girl’s house and jumped me. Set my whip on fire, snatched my chain.”

  “And what are you going to do about it? Call the police?” he dared.

  Sun opened his mouth to tell the truth
: that he was going to hunt them down one by one and murder them, but Shyne came in the door.

  “Daddy, I’m home!” she called out to stop the clock. High school grad or not, that ass still had to be in by curfew. She followed her ears to the den where her family was.

  “Mmhm,” Killa said, looking her up and down as she came over to hug him.

  “Yeah, right. You ain’t got to worry about me,” she declared and turned to her brother. “Now, him… What happened to you? Who did it?”

  Killa saw a flash of Yolo in her eyes and smiled. His daughter was a lunatic just like her mother and he was cool with it. He saw his son glance at him, letting his sister know that he didn’t want to speak in front of their father. He took the hint and rose from his seat.

  “I’ll let you guys talk,” Killa said and left the room. He walked out of sight and leaned in to eavesdrop, with his nosey ass.

  “It was Market, Cap, Grip, Ronnie, Ricky, and Mike,” Sun announced.

  “You got jumped by New Edition?” Shyne demanded with her hand on her hip. She vaguely recalled some of the names from school but couldn’t place faces with them.

  “They gon’ be the Late Edition when I catch them,” Sun growled. He planned to put them all in the past tense. Shyne twisted her lips and shook her head while he told the whole story.

  “So that chick Shay set you up?” Shyne asked, ready to go kill her.

  “Nah, I really don’t think,” he replied, hoping his vision wasn’t blurred by that good head. “She was pretty beat up herself.”

  “It’s gonna be a crazy summer!” the crazy little girl said with a crazy smile on her face.

  Her crazy father smiled, too, as he listened to his children plot revenge.


  “It’s here! It’s here!” Sun shouted when he pulled the insurance check from the mailbox. He jumped up, clicked his heels together and ran inside the house. Dad, it’s here!”

  “’Bout time,” Shyne griped. She was tired of driving her brother around town. It wasn’t so much the errands as it was the fact that he wanted to stop and talk to every girl he saw.


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