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Connie C. Scharon - Highland Legends 02

Page 10

by Phantom Bride

  "I must speak with you, my dear."

  "I have nothing to discuss with you."

  "I know what you did."

  "I dinna ken what you're talking about," Devon said uneasily.

  Bryce relaxed in the saddle and stared at her until she shifted under his gaze. "You killed my brother, and then you set the fire to cover it up," he accused.

  Devon's heart pounded wildly. "You murdered Fenella," she shot back.

  "I have proof I was in Glenfinnan the night Fenella was killed," Bryce rebutted. "You, on the other hand, were in my brother's chamber the night he died."

  "There was a fire. His death was accidental. I was lucky to escape myself," Devon said defensively. "How can you accuse me of such a thing?"

  "Poor little Devon, so unwilling to taste the pleasures life has to offer. I overheard your argument with my brother. I was in the other room awaiting his call. Now tell me again how the fire was an accident."

  Devon gasped. "You! 'Twas you?" She crossed herself, fear clutching its cold fingers around her heart. The ugly memory shook her to the core—the smoke and ash, the fire burning her skin, her hair.

  "I see I've left you speechless," Bryce said with a grin. "I have kept your secret for a year, prepared to take it to my grave in anticipation of our wedding vows. Am I a fool to hold my silence?"

  "What do you want?"

  "I havena decided... but I will expect you to support me in my choice of lands from Dunsmore Heath. The rest will come in time."

  Devon felt the blood drain from her face. She delivered a small prayer of thanks to her maker Bryce could not see the fear-stricken look in her eyes.

  His horse moved closer until his very presence seemed to surround her. It was hard to catch her breath. "For now, I'll settle for a kiss," he rasped, grasping her head and pressing his slobbering lips to hers through the thin, black netting.

  Choking, Devon jerked away and urged her horse to a dead run towards the castle. Two figures came over the ridge as Bryce caught up with her. He started to pull her off the horse, but saw their company and moved back.

  Ross rode forward. "Lady Devon, may I be of assistance?" he asked, staring coldly at Bryce.

  "I'll remember this," Bryce warned. He wheeled his horse around and took off at a full gallop.

  Asilinn drew up beside Devon and grabbed her hand. "Are you all right?"

  "Aye," Devon said shakily.

  "Ross, would you mind riding behind us so I might have a few private words with Devon?"

  "Of course, Milady," he murmured, falling back.

  Their horses walked slowly side by side for awhile before Asilinn said anything. "I am a good listener if you would give me your confidence."

  Devon turned her head away. "I keep my own counsel," she said.

  "Sometimes that's very hard."

  "Are you a witch?" Devon asked, almost fearful of the answer.

  A musical laugh sprang from Asilinn's lips. "Nay, Devon, I'm not a witch, only a skilled healer."

  "But Liam said you have visions that come to pass. Doesn't that make you a witch?"

  "My gift of foresight is from God, not the devil. As a matter of fact I have had a vision of you."

  Devon stiffened. "What did you see?"

  "I saw you with Liam."

  "That's it?"

  "Well," Asilinn laughed again. "I think perhaps you aren't ready for the whole picture."

  Devon stopped her horse. "If you really care to be my friend, then you will tell me the complete vision," she insisted. "I must know if...." She stopped and bit her lip to hold back her tears.

  "I sense that you've been through some great tragedy. So has Liam. Mayhaps you should be speaking with him. My advice would be to trust your husband."

  "You didna tell me about your vision."

  "I saw Liam making love to you. Wrapped in the bonds of love, he screamed your name when he made you his, and you answered his cry with your own. There was no veil to hide your beauty, and somehow I knew you loved each other deeply. 'Twas one of the strongest visions I've ever had. I know 'twill come to pass." Looking at Devon's trembling form, she smiled. "I said you werena ready to hear it."

  "When? When does this happen?"

  "I have no idea."

  "What kind of a witch are you? You predict these things and canna say when they will occur." Devon kneed her horse into a trot.

  "Devon," Asilinn called, catching up with her. "I'm not a witch and I never know when my predictions will occur, only that they will. I've never been wrong. Trust Liam with the truth. He will protect you."

  "This vision wilna come to pass," Devon spat back at her. "I will never enjoy a man's touch. It isna possible for me." As she said it the memory of what Liam had done to her made her a liar.

  "Dinna let the past kill the future," Asilinn advised. "Your husband has made that mistake himself."

  "You mean because of Sarah?"

  Asilinn looked surprised. "Liam told you about Sarah?"

  "Just that she took her own life before they were to be wed. She must really have feared him to do such a thing. Mayhaps that's why he tries to be so patient with me."

  "You're mistaken about why Sarah took her life," Asilinn said. "It wasna fear of Liam, but of another man who had used her badly. I've sworn to your husband I wilna divulge what he has told me in confidence, but I will tell you quite honestly it wasna Liam who was the cause of Sarah's suicide."

  "You're sure?"

  "Aye, so," Asilinn answered. "If you want to know more, ask Liam. I think he would tell you."

  "I wouldna pry into something that has caused him so much pain."

  "And what is it that has caused your pain?" Asilinn asked. "Tell me so that I can ease your fears of your husband."

  "I know you mean well, Asilinn, but you ask much based on a brief friendship. I'll be forever in your debt for saving my father. Please dinna ask me to confide my own dark story. I cannot."

  "Know that if you ever wish to talk, I'm here," Asilinn replied.

  "Father is very taken with you," Devon said, abruptly changing the subject.

  "Aye, I believe he's forgiven me for marrying Jared. He wanted Jared to marry you. Did you know that?"

  "Aye," Devon admitted. "But I was quite taken with Frazer and couldna be made to see the truth."

  "Were you in love with Frazer?"

  "I thought so."

  "You were wrong?"

  "I was young and stupid. My father tried to tell me Frazer wanted the lands and Dunsmore Heath, but I was confident I had won his love. I found out too late I was gravely mistaken." Devon straightened in her saddle. "I shouldna be discussing this with you."

  Their conversation cut short when they rode through the castle gates to the stares of their husbands. Devon's heart quickened. Would Liam be angry with her for going off alone? Maybe tonight he would finally get around to punishing her for her misbehavior.

  "Where have you two been?" Liam asked, a scowl marring his handsome face. He spied Ross riding up behind them and his expression softened.

  "I'm sorry, Milord," Devon apologized. "I didna mean to anger you. I should have asked your permission first."

  "I told Devon 'twas fine for her to go riding with Ross and me," Asilinn interrupted.

  Liam came over to his wife and lifted her down from her mount. "Did you have a nice ride?"

  "Aye Milord," she murmured, giving Asilinn a grateful nod.

  Liam's arms circled her in a hug and he kissed her through the netting. "My only request is that you always be sure to take someone with you. I'm concerned for your safety." Liam bent close to her ear. "And there is the issue of using my given name," he whispered.

  "Oh yes Milord... Liam," she said with a relieved sigh.


  They feasted that evening in jovial company. Malcolm was able to come to dinner for the first time since his illness and even the arrival of Lord Wycliff didn't dampen their spirits. It turned out Finley Wycliff was an old friend of Malcolm.
  After presenting his alibi for Fenella's murder, Bryce had the good sense not to appear at dinner, so the atmosphere remained relaxed.

  "'Tis so good to hear you have married again, Lady Devon," Lord Wycliff told her. "And what is most delightful is that you married Liam MacLean instead of Bryce Forbes."

  Malcolm threw his head back and laughed heartily. Devon found herself enjoying the company. She managed to find a break from her cares and listen to the stories exchanged around the fire. The only thing that plagued her was Liam's insistent touch. He dangled his arm casually around her shoulders or grabbed her hand as if it were the most usual thing to do. All she could think of was the scorching fire he had built within her loins, and Asilinn's vision....

  Finally, the party broke up with Asilinn and Jared announcing their intention to leave in the morning.

  "I left Jared's sister, Skye, in charge of the children," Asilinn explained. "And I dinna know who to feel sorry for, her or them."

  Liam burst out laughing as did his cousin. "What's the matter with Skye?" Devon asked innocently.

  "Skye is a free spirit," Liam told her. "When she was twelve, she dressed in men's clothing and rode through the woods around Dunbocan in the dead of night. 'Twas her idea of an adventure."

  "Aye and she taught my wife a few things about secret passages and wild escapades," Jared added.

  "I think I should like to meet her," Devon said. "She sounds very interesting."

  "I promise to send her for a visit next summer," Jared offered.

  "Oh," Liam protested, holding his head.

  "You dinna like her?" Devon asked.

  "I love her dearly, but she teases me mercilessly. You shall have to promise to be extremely kind to me in her presence, or I'll die from her torment."

  Devon found herself grinning under her veil. "I can see I'll have to get you to tell me more of Skye's adventures."

  On that note, they all retired, seeking out their own chambers within the mighty, stone fortress. Devon was apprehensive when she and Liam made their way into the old master's chamber.

  "'Tis time for our talk," he told her, drawing her to the chair by the hearth and sitting the way he had on their wedding night.

  Devon braced herself for whatever was to happen. She remembered all too well the first night he touched her, and now the vivid recollection of their early morning encounter seemed to fill the spacious chamber. Should she go to him willingly and perhaps assure his support against Bryce's accusations? She shifted in her chair at the thought.

  Taking both of her small hands in his; he kissed each one, then held them to his chest. With a great intake of breath, he began speaking.

  "Devon, I apologize for my behavior this morning."


  "Let me continue," he said, waving away her interruption. "I behaved badly, and I'm sorry. You were asleep and I took advantage of you. I told you I wanted to massage the tension from your back, and I.... Well, you know full well what I did. My only excuse is I ... I think I'm falling in love with you."

  "In love with me," Devon echoed.

  He ran his hand beneath her veil to stroke her cheek gently. "Aye, my love. I crave the consummation of our wedding vows. When I touch you, my whole body comes alive with desire. I've never felt this way in my life, not even with Sarah." He sighed and dropped his hand from her face. "Still, I've betrayed your trust with my misguided behavior. So I have made a decision."

  Devon sat in stunned silence gazing at her husband through the veil that hid her face from him.

  "Although I will continue to show my affection for you, I will leave you alone in the privacy of our chamber. I canna risk losing control of myself and forcing you before you're ready."

  A bewildering sense of loss flew over Devon when she listened to his words. She shouldn't be disappointed, yet it was what she felt. No, that could not be. She should be relieved.

  "Would you need the services of Elspeth then?" She heard herself ask the question as if it was not her lips that spoke it.

  Liam's face contorted, but he didn't say anything for a full minute. When he finally spoke, his voice was short and clipped in its struggle for control. "Devon, I want you. No one else will do. 'Tis my hope you will come to me willingly in time. I will not molest you again. If you're ready to share my bed, you'll have to tell me. Do you understand?"

  "Aye," she whispered.

  "Good night then," he rasped, leaning forward and placing a swift kiss on her lips. "I have something to attend to. I'll be back later." He rose and left the room.

  Devon sat staring at the door. What was she to do now? Why did a hollow empty feeling well up in her at his announcement? Dear Lord, why did she feel such a loss?


  Liam stood before her portrait, burning the image into his brain. I'm losing my mind he told himself. She won't let me see her face and yet I love her beyond all reason. He remembered the thrill of her response to his touch. The overriding joy he felt at pleasuring her—the deep sadness of her nearly climbing the bed to escape union with him—he didn't know how much longer he could last. Damn Asilinn for making him come here! Not feeling anything was better than this agony.

  Chapter Ten

  Devon was surprised at the sadness she felt over Asilinn's departure. The two women found a little time alone just before Asilinn left.

  "Thank you for not telling Liam I was riding alone."

  Giving Devon a quick hug, Asilinn stepped back and drew a pouch from the pocket of her surcoat. She pressed it into Devon's hand. "We are friends, are we not?" Devon nodded her acceptance of the fact. "I've heard you're scarred beneath your veil. Please take this powder and mix it with water. Apply it to the scarred area twice a day. 'Tis not magic. The scar wilna disappear, but in time, 'twill become less noticeable."

  "Again I am in your debt."

  "And I am in yours as well," Asilinn assured her. "I love Liam like a brother, and you've brought him alive again after years of sleepwalking through life."

  "I've done nothing but cause him pain."

  "Sometimes there must be pain before pleasure. At least he feels now. I have confidence that later the pleasure you bring him will make up for any pain you cause today."

  Devon shook her head. "Asilinn, I wish you spoke the truth, but...."

  "Let me tell you the story of how Jared and I became husband and wife," Asilinn said with a grin.

  Devon walked along beside Asilinn watching her long, blond braid flip in animation while she told of her kidnapping, imprisonment, and near death at the witch trial. Amazed by the tale Asilinn spun, Devon listened with rapt attention. She had just wound up her story when a servant came to tell her Jared was waiting anxiously to depart. "So you see," Asilinn finished. "If Jared and I can survive all that, you and Liam will work out whatever problems you must to find your happiness."

  As they hurried down the hallway, Devon grabbed Asilinn's arm and halted her. "Asilinn...."


  "When you're alone with Jared," Devon hesitated. "Does he ever hurt you for his pleasure?"

  Asilinn's sapphire eyes filled with compassion. She gave Devon another hug. "No, never," she responded firmly. "He gives me only pleasure and Liam is the same kind of man."

  "You are sure?"

  "As I live and breathe, Liam would never hurt you. 'Twould bring him no pleasure. Dinna be afraid of him, Devon. He's not Frazer Forbes," Asilinn assured her. "I wish I didna have to hurry off, but in the spring we must get together again. Mayhaps you and Liam could come to Dunbocan and you could meet Skye and the children."

  "I'd like that," Devon admitted.

  "Good, I must hurry along now or Jared will pick me up and carry me from the castle."

  Devon laughed. They walked down to the outer courtyard and Asilinn mounted up, joining her husband.

  "Devon has agreed to come to Dunbocan with you in the spring," Asilinn told Liam.

  Liam looked back and forth between the two women in surprise. He snaked
his arm around Devon and pulled her affectionately to his side. "Thank you," he whispered.

  "My pleasure, Liam," Devon replied.

  The wide grin that lit his face was her reward for remembering to use his given name. It seemed so easy to please him. He brightened at the smallest sign of her cooperation. Asilinn's words ran over and over in Devon's mind while they stood waving their good-byes. The idea that formed in her mind frightened her beyond imagining, but deep down she knew she would carry it through. Tonight she would offer herself to her husband. It was the only way.

  Liam looked down at her. "What are your plans today?"

  "I must speak with father." Devon turned her head to look up at him. "Do you believe Bryce had nothing to do with Fenella's death?"

  "He has witnesses that put him elsewhere, but I dinna trust the man. I suppose the key to the whole thing is to find out who used the poison, and then we may know the true culprit. I think I'll go by Fenella's cottage and see what I can find. It disturbs me to think we have a murderer running around loose."

  "Be careful," Devon replied. He stood looking at her with a silly grin on his face.

  "Could it be you care what happens to your husband?" he asked, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "I shall have to reward you for your loyalty," he teased, reaching for her when she danced away from his grasp.

  Liam tripped and almost lost his balance when she moved away from him. A giggle escaped her when her tall, muscular husband fought to keep from falling on his face. "Temptress," he whispered, pulling her to him in a soft embrace. Devon felt her heart hammer against the wall of her chest.

  He maneuvered to find her lips behind the ever-present impediment. His mouth covered hers, warm and searching. She found herself answering his every move, her fears erased by their public position. They were in the center of the courtyard. All he could do was kiss her. She had no worries about any further invasion of her person.

  His lips felt so good. His tongue entered the warm well of her mouth, eliciting a small gasp from deep in her throat. She responded with her own tongue, oblivious to the fire she fed within him, until he swept her off the ground and held her hard against the growing firmness of his loins. Her own body betrayed her with a wave of pure delight.


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