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Confessions of a Bad Boy Doctor

Page 1

by Fox, Cathryn

  Confessions of a Bad Boy Doctor

  Cathryn Fox



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Thank You!

  Confessions of a Bad Boy Millionaire

  About Cathryn Fox

  Also by Cathryn Fox


  Copyright 2018 by Cathryn Fox

  Published by Cathryn Fox

  (formerly A Tempting Dare, Carly Phillips Kindle World)

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  ISBN: 978-1-928056-89-8


  Another year, another family reunion.

  Seated at one of the many rented tables strategically placed around the impressive back gardens of her parents’ Hampton estate, Kathryn Quinn pinched the bridge of her nose and took in the boisterous crowd. Even though it was only a few minutes past noon, many of her aunts, uncles, and cousins were already drinking heavily. The smaller kids—hyped up on sugar—ran around and screeched like it was Halloween and they were being chased by Michael Myers. Kat cringed. She was so not ever having kids, or getting married.

  A fluttery sigh escaped her lips as she leaned back in her white wicker lawn chair, wanting nothing more than to be back in her Miami condo, preparing her files for the divorce hearing she’d be presenting to the courts next week.

  “Why the hell do I put myself through this?” she muttered, the lovely scent of lilac and roses from the nearby bushes doing little to lighten her mood.

  “Oh, come on, Kat. It’s not so bad,” Emery said.

  Kat’s head jerked around, and she glared at her best friend as she flattened her hands on the small glass-top table separating them. As the late August sun beat down on them, Kat leaned forward to shade herself with the yellow overhead umbrella. Her dark hair fell over her shoulders as she retaliated with, “‘Not so bad.’ You’re kidding, right?”

  Emery shrugged and toyed with the stem of her crystal glass. “Free alcohol, free food, free fodder for my next book.” She took a sip of wine, opened her mouth to say something else, then paused and angled her head. When a slow smile stretched across her fuchsia lips, Kat followed her gaze until it fell over none other than her big brother’s best friend, Sebastian James, aka sports medicine doctor for the Miami Tacklers.

  Kat lost all train of thought as she blatantly gawked. Jesus, no man should ever look that good—especially one who still treated her like a child. Sebastian stood facing a pretty blonde, a stranger to Kat, and when he laughed at something the girl said, the deep, rich sound reverberated through Kat’s body and settled between her legs.

  Kat smoothed her palm over her spaghetti strap sundress and glared at the woman flirting obnoxiously with Sebastian. Get a room already. The blonde’s fingers went to Sebastian’s hard chest, and his big palm swallowed it whole as he closed his hand over hers. His other hand went to his forehead, and he raked thick dark hair away from his face, only for it to fall back into his eyes again. Kat hated too-long hair on men, but for some reason, Sebastian managed to pull it off and make it look sexy.

  Sebastian leaned into the woman and whispered something into her ear. The blonde threw her head back and giggled. Kat narrowed her gaze, instantly disliking her. Who the hell was this woman, and what was it about the way she was touching Sebastian that pissed Kat off? Heck, she had no right to be possessive or jealous. She didn’t even like the guy.

  As the woman touched him inappropriately at her family’s yearly reunion, Kat’s gaze dropped from Sebastian’s chiseled face and leisurely traveled downward to take in a light blue T-shirt that stretched across broad shoulders. Damned if the man didn’t ooze sex appeal like none other. Her gaze continued down his long stretch of body, stopping to examine worn jeans that hung loose on his hips but did little to hide the hardness of his thighs. As she zeroed in on the spot just below his belt, Kat’s heart sped up, and another flutter slipped passed her lips—for entirely different reasons this time.

  One of her young cousins yelled, and it snapped her out of her reverie. Her glance raced back to his face, and as if sensing her eyes on him, his gaze lifted. When those translucent blue eyes of his locked onto hers, and he smiled, showcasing perfect, white teeth that likely nipped and nibbled in the bedroom, a strangled noise caught in Kat’s throat. His grin widened, like he knew she’d been checking him out.


  With his gaze still latched on Kat’s, he stepped closer to the blonde. Kat sucked in a breath and quickly broke the connection. “Fodder all right,” she mumbled, hoping like hell Emery hadn’t noticed the way she was ogling her brother’s best friend—the jerk. Emery took another sip of merlot, and Kat reached for her glass, needing to wet her suddenly parched throat.

  “He’s like the perfect romance hero, isn’t he?” Emery said, her voice a breathless whisper as she admired Sebastian from the other side of the gardens.

  Kat pulled herself together and laughed. “Uh, he’s hardly hero material. The guy is like the neighborhood bicycle. Almost every woman back in Miami has taken him for a ride.”

  “Everyone but you.”

  Her head jerked up. “What?”

  “Oh, come on.” Emery’s brow arched as she waved her hand. “I see the way you look at him.”


  Kat gave a hard shake of her head. Even though Emery still lived in the Hampton’s, and they only saw each other a few times a year, her friend could still read her like an open book. “You’re out of your mind if you think I want him. I don’t even like him.”

  Emery gave her a dubious look as she tapped her finger on the table. “Maybe not, but that doesn’t mean you don’t want to hop on his unicycle and go for a ride.”

  Kat narrowed her eyes. “Even if I did— which I don’t— he’s never shown an ounce of interest in me, anyway. He thinks of me as Danny’s kid sister.” She leaned toward her friend and lowered her voice when a wobbly aunt Judy walked past their table, the wine in her glass sloshing over the sides. “He still calls me Kitty Kat, for God’s sake.”

  “Then show him you’re all grown up.” Kat opened her mouth to counter, but Emery cut her off. “Look, all I’m saying is this…
You’re stuck here for the weekend, right?”


  “Then seduce Sebastian. Have some fun.”

  Fun? What the hell was fun? For the last six years, she’d been working toward her law degree, and now, at twenty-six, with the title of youngest partner at Morash and McKenzie law firm attached to her name, proving herself to the team meant there was no time for a personal life. From sunup until sundown, she specialized in divorce cases, and each night, she fell into bed alone and exhausted. Even if she did have time for a social life, she wouldn’t waste it chasing after Sebastian.

  “I’m not suggesting marriage or anything.” Emery rolled her eyes. “I know you don’t believe in romance or happily ever after.”

  “Says the romance writer who is waiting to be swept off her feet by her very own Prince Charming.”

  Emery pursed her lips and lifted her chin an inch higher. “Someday I’ll find my soul mate.”

  “No such thing,” Kat countered quickly, giving a dismissive wave of her hand.

  A dreamy look came over Emery’s face. “They say you can tell if a guy is your one true love by that first kiss.”

  “I have no idea who they are, but I don’t believe that for a second,” she shot back.

  Emery laughed. “Your job has given you trust issues.”

  Trust issues? Of course she had trust issues.

  Not only did she see the seedy side of marriage day in and day out, but every single one of the self-serving jerks she dated in the past had cheated on her. Her job required late hours, and instead of supporting her career, they’d eventually found comfort in another woman’s bed. Loyal, supportive guys just didn’t exist anymore.

  “And your job has left you believing in Happily Ever After,” she countered. “It doesn’t exist, Emery, and the sooner you realize that, the better off you’ll be.”

  Emery pointed. “Look at your folks. Married for twenty-five years. Still as happy as ever.”

  Kat rolled one shoulder. “They’re the exception. It’s their teamwork that keeps them together.”


  “Yeah. For any relationship to be successful, the parties must work with each other, not against each other. They need to become allies in all aspects of their relationships. I think over half the divorces I negotiate could have been prevented if the people had seen each other as equals and coordinated their efforts to help one another. The foundation of any good marriage is friendship and teamwork. My parent’s have that, but it’s rare.”

  “So you’re saying true love and a happily ever after can exist,” Kat challenged.

  “What I’m saying is I’m not going to seduce Sebastian. I don’t even like him.”

  “Right, you don’t like him.” She pointed her finger. “And in two seconds, your aunt Judy isn’t about to fall flat on her ass.”

  Kat spun around in time to see Judy stumble then fall flat on her ass. Damn.

  “I dare you.”

  Kat’s head jerked back around to take in Emery’s smug look. “What?

  “I dare you to seduce him into your bed and have some much deserved fun this weekend. I mean come on, if he insists on calling you Kitty Kat, then he should at least make you purr a time or two.”

  Kat nearly choked on her wine. The only purring in her life came from her battery-operated friend. None of the men she’d been with had ever brought her to orgasm. But damned if she didn’t want that. What would it be like to be in bed with a man who knew how to touch a woman’s body—correction—her body? A man with skilled hands. Deft. Determined. Like that of a capable doctor. She gulped air as her nipples tingled and tightened in anticipation.

  Emery grinned. “Yeah, I can really tell you don’t like him.”

  Get yourself together, girl!

  “I don’t,” she countered. “And you’re crazy if you think I’m going to seduce Miami’s biggest player.”

  “No Kat, you’re crazy if you don’t.”

  Honest to God, was Emery for real? Had she really dared her to seduce Sebastian into her bed? It was crazy—ludicrous, right? She’d never before considered having sex with her brother’s best friend.


  She glanced down to see if her pants were on fire. Okay, so maybe she had envisioned herself in bed with him a time or two, or a million.

  Emery stared at her over the rim of her wineglass. “What happened to you, anyway?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You used to be more adventurous.”

  Kat laughed. “Yeah, I know. I always had a plan or scheme when I was young. But if you remember, they always backfired.”

  “True, and I guess we’re not kids anymore. But that doesn’t mean we can’t still be adventurous.”

  Seduce Sebastian. Have some fun.

  Her gaze drifted past the rose bushes and once again landed on Sebastian, only this time, he was alone. As she took in his tanned skin, a desperate sort of ache tugged between her legs. Maybe her friend was right. She worked hard. Too hard. Maybe she did deserve to have some much needed fun at this dreadful reunion. And maybe, just maybe, Sebastian was the one man who could finally make her purr.


  Why the fuck is Kat looking at me like that?

  Sebastian twisted the cap off a cold beer, tossed the metal lid into the trash, and took a long pull from the bottle—a last ditch effort to push back the heat racing through his blood. He had no idea what was going on between Kat and her best friend, Emery, but from the mischievous look in their eyes, he guessed the two were bored out of their minds and looking for trouble. He scoffed and shook his head. Sweet little Kitty Kat didn’t need to go looking for trouble. She was trouble. Since the day she’d celebrated her sixteenth birthday, she’d been nothing but a huge pain in his ass. Among other body parts.

  He could remember her sweet sixteenth like it was yesterday. She’d come down the winding stretch of stairs wearing noting but a barely there white dress that showcased tanned skin, long legs, and sexy curves. Every guy at her party stood at attention, and as Sebastian stared, it became blatantly apparent that she wasn’t a kid anymore. Oh no, his little Kitty Kat had blossomed into a sexy tigress who tempted him in the worst fucking ways. As her brother’s best friend, and six years her senior, he shouldn’t have looked—or drooled—but holy fuck, she was stunning, mesmerizing…the most beautiful woman he’d ever set eyes on.

  Sebastian drove his hands into his pants and rocked on the balls of his feet as the midday sun pounded down on him. Moisture grew on his brow and he adjusted himself, briefly closing his eyes as he marshaled his cock into submission. Fuck. The last thing he needed was to be walking around the Quinn estate during a reunion, sporting the hard-on of the century. His gaze drifted to the pool. If it weren’t filled with kids, he’d jump in, clothes and all, and stay under the water until he either drowned or got his head back on straight. He took another swig of his beer and tried to keep his attention off Kat and the way her eyes were drilling into him.

  Seriously, though… What the hell was going on with her? They were close as kids, and he’d always made time to play games with her. But after she turned sixteen, she’d barely spared him a glance. Sure, he’d promised her a dance that night, but fuck. There was no way in hell he could have taken her in his arms, not with the war going on between his legs. After that, whenever he entered a room, she left. One thing was for certain, she no longer liked him—the crush of a sixteen-year-old gone—which was a good thing. It made staying away that much easier. So why then, was her gaze suddenly locked on him with deadly precision?

  “There you are,” Danny said, putting his hand on Sebastian’s shoulder. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”

  Sebastian locked his knees and tried for normal. “Yeah, why? What’s up?”

  “Time for the tug-of-war.”

  He groaned. “Come on. I thought you were going to let me off the hook this year.”

  “Not a chance, pal.” Danny stood eye
to eye with him and poked Sebastian in the chest. “This family is as much yours as it is mine. If I have to do it, you have to as well.”

  “Fuck me.”

  Danny laughed and nudged Sebastian with his shoulder to set him into motion. Sebastian followed along, walking past the numerous tents set up for the young ones to crash in. The house was big enough to sleep everyone, but the kids liked being outside. He sidestepped Trevor as he stuffed his face with a hot dog and made his way to the event, even though he’d rather remove his toenails with pliers than partake in the Quinn family games. But like Danny said, this family was as much his as it was Danny’s.

  The two guys had been best friends since kindergarten, and after his father had passed away and his mother had spent years grieving—barely able to function—Danny’s folks, Tristan and Janice, had taken him under their wings. All through high school, they’d been there for him, and even after he and Danny had gone off to Harvard Medical School after college, they’d never stopped nurturing or treating him like he was one of their own.

  While he and Danny might not be blood, they were family—all the more reason to stay away from Kat. Christ, if Danny knew Sebastian had been lusting after his kid sister for close to ten years now, not only would it get him a proper ass-kicking, it would ruin their friendship. Since he loved Sebastian like a brother—he’d never do anything to hurt the guy—and cared a great deal for his family, it meant Kat was hands-off all the way.

  Speaking of all the way…

  Imagines of him and Kat between the sheets crashed through him. Christ, what he’d do to taste those pouty lips of hers, working his way down her body, licking every sweet inch of her skin until his mouth found the spot it craved the most. A groan he had no control over caught in his throat.


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