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A Foolish Plan

Page 1

by Casper Graham


  What a Mess!

  A Foolish Plan

  [Siren Classic ManLove: Alternative, Contemporary, MM, HEA]

  Jared Masters and Stephen Howard have been best friends for more than thirty years. When Stephen discovers his feelings toward Jared has turned into something more, he agrees to his other best friend, Dexter's plan to see if Jared feels the same way he does by going out on dates with other people.

  When Jared knows about Stephen's dates, he assumes his fury stems from the possibility of him losing his best friend. Stephen is a great guy. Jared believes Stephen deserves someone just as amazing, so he embarks on a half-baked plan to act as Stephen's matchmaker. He will get Stephen someone wonderful even if the thought of it is pissing him off, but he first needs to know what Stephen looks for in a potential life partner. To do that, he brings Stephen out on dates. Stephen misunderstands Jared's intention, assuming they're dating for real.

  Will Jared and Stephen eventually work things out and get their happily ever after?

  Length: 37,000 words


  What A Mess!

  Casper Graham


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


  A Foolish Plan

  Copyright © 2019 by Casper Graham

  ISBN: 978-1-64637-015-3

  First Publication: October 2019

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2019 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


  Thank you to DRS for the encouragement and love. Thank you for sticking by me through the ups and downs. I know we’ve had our share of foolish dreams and seemingly impossible plans, but you give me the courage to crash through every obstacle. I love you, I appreciate you, and I enjoy you.

  Thank you to the readers for the lovely support and kind words over the years. Can’t tell you enough how much I appreciate them. Fun fact about “A Foolish Plan” that may be entertaining to you: originally, it’s going to be included in “A Stupid Bet,” but I can’t find the perfect spots in it to write the story about Jared and Stephen without rushing through it, and there are so many things about Jared and Stephen that I want to write about. In the end, I cut the story out from “A Stupid Bet,” but quite a few readers contacted me on all my social media accounts, asking if I would write about Jared and Stephen someday. Now, here it is. Hope you’ll love “A Foolish Plan” as much as you all seem to love “A Stupid Bet.” Enjoy!


  Casper writes because it’s a passion. He writes because he has stories to share with the world. He writes because he needs a creative outlet.

  Sometimes, his head is filled with so many competing ideas/thoughts all at once that he simply has to put them all into words. He always has his smartphone with him, including shower time, because the muse hits him at unexpected moments, and he doesn’t want to lose the ideas later.

  He has been dating a wonderfully supportive and loving man since January 2013—someone who is willing to accept his shortcomings, someone who is willing to tolerate his idiosyncrasies. The journey has been long and difficult, but they have their good moments. Casper’s lover has a love/hate relationship with the fact that he sometimes includes a part of their stories, but he enjoys writing "them" into the stories anyway.

  He hopes readers will all join him in his writing journey and get a glimpse into his life through his stories.

  For all titles by Casper Graham, please visit



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15



  What A Mess!


  Copyright © 2019

  Chapter 1

  “Horny, desperate, and pathetic motherfuckers,” Jared Masters muttered to himself as he surveyed the room while trying to make up his mind if he actually wanted to fuck any of these people. Again.

  “You’re one to talk, man.”

  Jared was rather startled by the voice coming from his right side, but he didn’t need to turn toward the source to know who it was. The husky voice and flat tone told him all he needed to know. There was also that mixture of scent, which was made up of a familiar and expensive woodsy cologne, light musk, and sex. The combination was arousing. It could only be Stephen Howard, one of his two best friends. The other one was Dexter Houghton. However, Dexter no longer accompanied Jared and Stephen to parties like this because he was now dating, and insanely, foolishly in love with, Isaac Robbins.

  It was another boring party for the group of elite people in New York City. Jared Masters suppressed a sigh internally even as he maintained a smiling expression on his face. He had attended hotel parties like this so many times over the years, he was already bored and jaded by it a long time ago. As one of the heirs to a multi-billion-dollar empire of several chains of fine dining restaurants worldwide, his family was considered as one of the richest. Naturally, he would always receive an invitation to a party like the one he was currently at. This time around, the location was at one of the ballrooms in a five-star hotel.

  He used to love these parties because they were nothing more than mere excuses for the rich people in New York City to flaunt their wealth while pretending to socialize with one another. In reality, most, if not all, of them were hungrily circling around the room, searching for fresh prey for the evening to alleviate some of the deep-rooted loneliness they felt inside. Jared leaned against one of the walls as he continued to grin outwardly at everyone who happened to be looking in his direction.

  Jared was aware he sounded rather bitter when he mentioned Dexter and Isaac together, but that was because he envied them. Isaac might be shorter and had a much smaller build than Dexter, but Jared didn’t need to know who wore the pants in that relationship. Dexter was so tamed and cowed by Isaac, it was frankly hilarious. At times, Jared wished he had a relationship like the one between Dexter and Isaac, but he wasn’t obsessed with the idea. It was more of a fleeting thought most of the time. He pushed that thought aside and glanced in Stephen’s direction before smirking widely at his best friend.

  “All done?”

  Stephen shrugged. “Maybe.”

  “How many?”


  Jared arched his left eyebrow at Stephen. “Within four hours?”

  Stephen nodded. “Mrs. McKinsey was the first. Ate her pussy until
she was leaking plenty of slick. Got her to come twice in a quick succession by using my tongue and fingers. Then I fucked her, and she got three more orgasms from that. The second round was with Grace—”

  “Mrs. McKinsey’s daughter?” Jared asked while raising his eyebrows at Stephen.

  “Yeah. Why did you sound so surprised? It wasn’t the first time I’d fucked one entire family one right after the other.”

  Jared snickered. “Never mind. Who was the last bitch?”


  Jared chortled before giving Stephen a fist-bump. “Mother, daughter, and then the youngest son. Nice one. Are you going to give it to Mr. McKinsey, too?”


  “Why not?”

  “He was preoccupied,” Stephen replied, sounding bored as usual. “At least he was when I was about to have sex with Patrick. That old man was getting stuffed to within an inch of his life by Matt and Mike from both ends.”

  “The twins, eh?”

  Stephen looked nonchalant. “Yeah. One in his ass, and the other one inside his mouth. I hope you’re not in need of the restroom at the moment. The entire place is filled up with people. If you know what I mean.”

  Jared shook his head. “I’m good. This party is business as usual then.”

  “More active than any of the bars and sex clubs we’ve visited. It’s a little tiring now.”

  Jared thought he detected a note of wistfulness somewhere in Stephen’s tone of voice, but it was so faint, he must have imagined it. It couldn’t be anything but. He, Dexter, and Stephen were well-known as the three fucketeers. The three of them would have sex with anyone who wanted them, either individually or together at the same time. The three of them had also fucked one another. Sex was sex. Things were different now. Dexter used to be extremely serious, and he had a constantly scowling expression until Isaac came into his life. Now, those two were living together like some old, married couple, and they were monogamous with each other. Dexter was madly possessive of Isaac. No sharing. Period. Jared would have laughed at Dexter if his best friend didn’t look so content and peaceful all the fucking time.

  He wondered if Stephen was as affected as he was by the change in their dynamic, especially when the two of them had to watch Dexter and Isaac throwing lovesick gazes at each other at least once a week when they gathered for a nice meal someplace. However, that was impossible. Stephen could be hypersensitive. He was also prone to overreacting once in a while, but he was rarely interested and invested in anything or anyone for a long period of time. In fact, Stephen was the polar opposite of Dexter, who was the most intense among the three of them.

  Jared was the fun-loving and mischievous one. He was also more straightforward in his words and actions in comparison to Dexter and Stephen. Dexter could conceal things deep within him for a long, long time. Isaac was the only one who could pull all of the secrets out from Dexter without even breaking a sweat. Not even Jared and Stephen could do that. That was one of the reasons why they fully approved of Isaac and accepted his relationship with Dexter. Isaac and Dexter were amazing together. Jared was more than all right with any man or woman who could make Dexter that happy.

  “It’s a meat market,” Jared responded eventually while folding both arms over his chest. “A den of debauchery. It’s normal. We both know what this party is really for.”

  “Yeah. An excuse for everyone to have sex with one another while maintaining a thin veneer of respectability.”

  Jared smirked at Stephen. “You got that right.”

  Then there was a brief stretch of silence for several seconds before Stephen spoke up again. “What about you?”

  “What about me?” Jared countered with even though he knew exactly what Stephen was angling for.

  He knew that would annoy Stephen, and he liked it when his best friend displayed any emotion on his handsome face other than his usual bored expression. He was proven right immediately. Stephen stared straight into Jared’s eyes while narrowing his own and huffing slightly.

  “Don’t play coy with me. How many have you fucked so far?”


  Stephen scoffed. “Same as me then. Names.”

  “Ken, Karl, and Kayden.”

  Stephen whistled while punching Jared’s shoulder lightly. “The triplets. Nice. Together?”

  “Nah. One at a time.”

  “Awesome. Their older brothers are here, too,” Stephen said while gesturing aimlessly with his hands. “Somewhere.”

  “Keagan and Kieran?”

  Stephen nodded. “Yeah.”

  Jared’s interest was piqued now. “I’ll go and look for them now. Maybe one of them can scratch the itch in my ass. Or I can take them both.”

  Stephen laughed while slapping Jared’s back a couple of times. “Go ahead, man. Good luck.”

  Jared nodded, ignoring that flash of unreadable expression on Stephen’s face, before leaving his best friend alone. If he was prone to flights of fancy, he would have claimed that Stephen seemed hurt and jealous, but he wasn’t. Besides, it was probably all inside his head. He made his way around the room in search of Keagan and Kieran. He received plenty of subtle offers from many men and women, some of whom he had already had sex with in the past, but he let them down gently. He didn’t want to hurt anyone else’s feelings.

  Most importantly, he might want sex with any of those people in the future. It would be best to maintain an amicable and friendly relationship with everyone. For his future benefits, of course. Besides, he was a man on a very specific mission. Keagan and Kieran were great in bed. Impressive even. Jared was determined to have one of them inside his ass as quickly as possible. Or he would get them both. He wasn’t picky. Whatever happened later would be fine with him. He just needed to get fucked.

  * * * *

  Stephen observed as Jared walked away from him. He wasn’t astonished to notice all the eyes of the other guests at the party darting toward Jared almost immediately. Jared had this undeniable presence. His height might only be an inch over six feet, which was one inch shorter than Stephen, but he had a bulky muscular build, weighing nearly two hundred and forty pounds. Stephen was no slouch himself. At two hundred and ten pounds of muscles, he knew he was more than attractive enough, but he had these boring amber-colored eyes and equally dull dark brown hair.

  Meanwhile, Jared owned these beautiful gray-ish eyes that would appear almost like muted silver under certain lighting, along with the gorgeous dark blond hair. The two of them, and Dexter, had been friends since they were still in diapers. Stephen’s family had stakes in many industries, including pharmaceutical, oil and gas, and nanotechnology. He stood to inherit nearly forty-seven billion dollars in wealth because he was the only grandchild in the family. On the other hand, Jared would have to share his parents’ accumulated wealth of around fifty billion dollars with his two older brothers, Jeremiah and James.

  Stephen was so lost inside his own head, he almost missed the moment Jared found Keagan at the other end of the hotel ballroom. He was taken aback when he abruptly felt something weird coursing through his entire being. It felt as if his heart was aching, but the pain flowed from somewhere around his chest region all the way down to his toes. He shoved the sensation away in a hurry. He had no idea what it was, and he wasn’t in the mood to analyze it. He might do it later in the privacy of his own bedroom.

  Instead, he signaled for the server, who was making rounds all over the room, before grabbing the glass of champagne off the tray when the man was close enough to him. He gulped it down and reached for another one before thanking the server. After that, he continued to lean against the wall as he studied the other guests. He had no idea how much time passed by as he nursed on his glass of champagne. Many of the guests left the ballroom and then returned several minutes later, looking less coiffed and tidy than before but thoroughly satisfied. He didn’t have to inquire where they had been. Everyone knew, but nobody would be crass enough to discuss the topic openly.
/>   His curiosity rose to the surface when Keagan made his way back to the ballroom and whispered something straight into Kieran’s ear. Kieran nodded and headed out from the ballroom. Stephen chuckled deep inside. He could guess at what was going on. Jared must be waiting somewhere for Kieran. Once again, Stephen was surprised when he detected an unfamiliar and strange feeling deep inside him at the thought of someone else having sex with Jared. He couldn’t be jealous of Jared. That was absurd. The two of them were best friends. He was probably just envious because Jared must be having a wonderful time somewhere while he was all alone at the moment.

  He finished the last of his champagne before handing the empty glass back to a different server. Then he darted his eyes all around the ballroom. He caught the eyes of three older men. Lance, Ted, and Harry were best friends. The three men were billionaire tycoons, and Stephen had already fucked and gotten fucked by them in the past, but never at the same time. Their bodies weren’t as firm as some of the other men in the room, but Stephen remembered how amazing they were when it came to sex.

  He approached all three men. The four of them didn’t even bother with small talk. They knew what was about to occur. They simply smiled at one another before they left the ballroom together. Stephen was going to have plenty of fun with the three older men. He wasn’t going to think about Jared. All that mattered was the joy and bliss he was going to experience with Lance, Ted, and Harry. He would worry about the state of his feeling, or whatever the fuck it was, some other time in the future. Or maybe not ever. The latter would be the better and saner option in the long run.

  Chapter 2


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