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A Foolish Plan

Page 11

by Casper Graham

  “Hey, babe.”

  Isaac was smiling really wide as he glanced down at Dexter. “Hey.”

  Dexter chuckled. “I know the beginning of our relationship isn’t a fairy tale.”

  “You can repeat that one more time.”

  Jared and Stephen both burst out laughing upon hearing that. Jared was definitely amused by Isaac’s sass. Dexter simply grinned upward at Isaac.

  “Before meeting you, my life was one boring routine after another. Nothing could keep me interested for long, and I got jaded and bitter over everything. You’ve shown me that life can be sweet and amazing, and every day I spend with you is one wonderful adventure after another. Having you in my arms before I fall asleep at night and when I wake up in the morning is more than a dream come true. I’m ridiculously happy all the time because of you, and I hope you’ll give me the opportunity to bring as much joy into your life not only as your boyfriend, but as your legally wedded husband someday.” Dexter paused briefly and pulled out a velvet box from the inner pocket of his suit jacket before opening it and displaying a rose-gold ring with a massive pink diamond in the center. Jared could hear some people gasping at the sight. He was just as impressed. Even Stephen was staring really hard at the ring. “Isaac Robbins, will you please marry me?”

  Isaac was speechless for a second or two, but the tears rolled continuously down his cheeks. Then he choked and nodded at the same time.

  “Y-yes, I’ll marry you.”

  Jared chuckled when he noticed Dexter’s eyes tearing up. He watched as Dexter slid the ring onto Isaac’s finger. Then everyone started clapping really loudly. Naturally, Jared and Stephen joined in, hollering and howling at Dexter and Isaac, who were kissing each other tenderly for a really long time. Jared proceeded to hug Stephen with one arm before pressing his lips on his boyfriend’s forehead. They would stay for a little while longer. At least long enough to congratulate Dexter and Isaac. After that, it was time to unveil Jared’s surprise for Stephen. He had no doubt Stephen would love it, and he couldn’t wait to see his boyfriend’s expression. It would be hilarious.

  Chapter 15

  Stephen was riding high on the joy of Dexter and Isaac’s engagement. He was delighted his best friend and his new friend were now one step closer to tying the knot. He and Jared ended up teasing Dexter and Isaac for nearly fifteen minutes when the two men informed them that they would be returning home to celebrate their engagement. He knew exactly what Dexter and Isaac would be doing. So did Jared. Obviously. Once that was over, Stephen grabbed onto Jared’s hand as they walked hand in hand toward his car while Dexter and Isaac headed in the opposite direction toward Dexter’s car.

  “Should we have dinner outside?” Stephen asked the moment he and Jared were standing next to his car. “Or we can return to my place and order a pizza. A quiet night at home is just as good.”

  “Actually, can we switch places?” Jared inquired while pointing back and forth between the two front seats.

  Stephen turned toward Jared in astonishment. “Huh? Why?”

  “You’ll understand the reason why soon enough. Please.”

  Stephen was confused by Jared’s request, but he didn’t mind. He liked driving just as much as the next average person, but traffic in New York can be horrendous. Anytime he didn’t have to do that was a plus in his book. He passed the car key over to Jared and got inside the passenger’s side in the front.

  “Where are we going?”

  Jared put his seat belt on before winking at Stephen. “It’s a surprise.”

  Stephen narrowed his eyes at Jared, who was looking far too excited. “This better not be anything weird. I swear, babe, if you plan anything—”

  “This will be a good one,” Jared interrupted. “I promise.”

  Stephen sighed because he wasn’t fully convinced. Jared had always been mischievous, and he would always be. Stephen loved everything about Jared, but he wasn’t in the mood for one of his boyfriend’s antics. However, Jared’s adorable, pleading expression was impossible to resist. Stephen hesitated for a few seconds long before relenting.

  “Fine. Let’s go.”

  After being on the road for nearly forty minutes, during which most of their conversation revolved around Dexter and Isaac’s engagement, Stephen finally noticed the direction they seemed to be heading to. He was even more bewildered now than he was earlier prior to both of them getting inside the car.

  “Yes, we’re going there,” Jared spoke up before Stephen could utter a single word.

  “Why?” Stephen responded immediately, and he winced in mortification when he detected the slightly whiny tone in his voice. “Babe, let it go already. For the past one week, you have been complaining nonstop about all of the houses and apartments we looked at. You kept on comparing them to that house we both liked so much, but it’s too late now. That house belongs to someone else, and there’s nothing we can do about it unless the new owner is willing to sell it to us, which is highly unlikely. Nobody in his or her right mind will put a property back on the market after just one week unless something is terribly wrong with it. In that case, I don’t want it either no matter how I feel about it. Let’s just focus on the other properties. I’m sure there will be one equally amazing house or even apartment in New York that we can both agree on.”

  Jared nodded, but Stephen noticed a flash of expression on his boyfriend’s face that was rather strange. It was a mixture of amusement and excitement. It was as if Jared knew something that Stephen wasn’t privy to. However, he wasn’t in the mood to analyze Jared’s expressions and behaviors. With Jared, one could never be sure. He was unpredictable, and that was one of his most endearing qualities. At least Stephen thought so.

  “Just for a few minutes,” Jared eventually said to Stephen. “Allow me a moment of closure. A final farewell to the house. Okay?”

  Stephen snorted. “You’re weird, but fine. Five minutes, and then we will go back home.”

  Jared instantly had a brilliant grin on his face. “Awesome!”

  Stephen shook his head. He and Jared were of the same age, but his boyfriend could be so juvenile sometimes. He actually loved that boyish side of Jared, but he would rather be dead than admit to it. Jared was a wealthy, gorgeous, and sexy hunk, and he knew it, too. Stephen didn’t need to stroke Jared’s ego any further. He wouldn’t be able to live with Jared’s overinflated ego for the rest of his life otherwise. He decided to change the topic of conversation in a hurry.

  “By the way, are the restaurants even busier than usual for the past few days? You barely answered my calls and text messages during the day, and when you did, you would always sound really distracted.”

  Jared seemed to panic for a second or two, but Stephen figured he might be imagining it. “Y-yeah. Very busy. More so than usual.”

  “Okay. Cool.”

  After navigating past the crowded New York traffic for about another fifteen minutes or so, they arrived at their destination. As expected, the main gate into the compound itself was locked up tightly. The last time they were here, the agent had left it open for them.

  “Just a moment,” Jared told Stephen before sliding the car window down and reaching for the security system for the property.

  Stephen gasped in shock and grabbed onto Jared’s arm, but his stubborn boyfriend was so much more muscular than he was. He failed to drag Jared back. He grew more apprehensive with each passing second as Jared pressed on the number keys that appeared on the screen. Then he gaped widely when Jared placed all five of his fingers on the screen. The light on the security system switched from red to green, and he couldn’t believe his eyes when the tall gate slowly moved to one side.

  “Jared, please tell me you haven’t stolen the password to the security system from our agent. That’s a criminal activity. I also don’t know how you manage to input your fingerprints into the system, and that’s fucking insane. You can be playful and annoying at times, but this is too much, babe. I don’t want to spend the r
est of my life visiting you in prison.”

  Jared stared at Stephen in silence for a few seconds before he burst out laughing. “Not at all. You got it all wrong. Just relax, babe. Everything is going to be fine.”

  Stephen huffed as Jared proceeded to drive the car into the property. Then something else came to his mind. He widened his eyes in shock.

  “Jared! What the fuck? This is my car. The police will be searching for me instead of you. I’ll fucking kill you, you son of a bitch. How can you do this to—”

  “Steve!” Jared’s loud voice startled Stephen into shutting his mouth immediately. “Relax. Everything will be okay.”

  Stephen glared at Jared. “If something—”

  “I’ll never let anything bad happen to you.”

  Stephen continued to stare at Jared in irritation and disbelief. “But—”

  “Nothing. I promise.”

  Stephen sighed. “Fine, but if I go to jail, you’re going down with me.”

  Jared chuckled. “Deal.”

  Stephen didn’t utter a single word afterward. He was anxious, and he felt as if he needed to pee and poop at the same time. When they were much younger, he, Jared, and Dexter had done many stupid things, and most of those were instigated by none other than the handsome man who was sitting next to him inside the car at the moment. He loved Jared, but his boyfriend had the worst ideas at least ninety percent of the time, which would consequently land them all in big troubles one right after the other. Unfortunately, the three of them had sworn to be best friends forever no matter what. As a result, they had all gotten punished together, no thanks to Jared almost every single time. Stephen hesitated to get out from the car, but Jared didn’t feel the same way he did. He gritted his teeth lightly as he trailed after Jared toward the main entrance to the house.

  “Jared, come on, babe. Let’s go back home,” Stephen begged Jared as his boyfriend reached for the fingerprint scanner on the door. “What if the owner is at home right now? We will be prosecuted for trespassing, and that may be the least of our trouble.”

  “Stop worrying, babe.”

  “Easy for you to say. Why don’t we head back to my place? We can have a quiet night at home. We can even have as much sex as you like.”

  Jared smirked at Stephen. “Is that for my benefit or yours?”

  “Ours,” Stephen replied before tugging onto Jared’s arm. “Be a good boy and listen to me.”

  “Nope. We’re already here. We should just go inside and stay for a little while.”

  Before Stephen could protest any further, Jared unlocked the door by simultaneously placing all of the fingers of his right hand over the fingerprint scanner. Stephen was about to yell at Jared when something abruptly clicked inside his head. He almost slapped himself for being so blind and idiotic. He gaped at Jared, who was now grinning in a maniacal manner in his direction.

  “Have you figured it out?”

  “N-no fucking way. Jared, I swear on my dick and balls if this is all a joke, I’ll withhold sex from you for a whole fucking year.”

  Jared snorted as he pushed the door inward before leaning in closer to Stephen. “No sex will be just as painful for you.”

  Stephen refused to dignify that statement with a response. He stepped into the house. He noticed that the fixtures were the same, but the furniture was different now. He recognized most of the furniture, though. He swiveled around to face Jared, trembling a little as he gestured all over the room with one hand.

  “Are these things—”


  “Is this house—”

  Jared snickered. “Yes.”

  Stephen was speechless for a second or two. Then he screamed as he jumped into Jared’s arms. Jared chortled and held him tightly. He wrapped his arms and legs around Jared as the excitement overwhelmed all of his senses.

  “You motherfucking son of a bitch. How?”


  Stephen pulled back slightly and gazed into Jared’s eyes. “Dex?”

  “Uh-huh. I got him to contact the agent’s husband on my behalf. I wanted to buy this house for us. It was supposed to be my surprise gift for you. Do you like it?”

  “Fuck you, jerk! Yes!”

  Jared laughed. “Okay. Glad to hear that.”

  “Is this the reason why you’ve been so busy lately? And is this also why you kept on finding excuses over the last few days to meet and sleep over at my house instead of yours?”

  Jared nodded. “I had to pack up and move all of my personal belongings and some of my furniture into this house.”

  “What happened to it?”

  “Someone bought it four days ago. I have a week to clear out.”


  “I hired some people to carry all of my things for me. As of tonight, I’ll be sleeping right here in this house.”

  “Alone?” Stephen teased Jared, who shook his head in return.

  “Well, I’m hoping my lovely boyfriend will be willing to sleep next to me in our new house.”

  “What a lucky guy! Do I know him?”


  “What’s his name?”

  “Stephen Howard. He has the sexiest ass and the sweetest smile.”

  Stephen snorted. “Anything else?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe we should go into the master bedroom. I need a little reminder.”

  “That sounds like an excellent idea.”

  After that, the two of them raced each other all the way up to the sixth floor of the house. By the time they reached the master bedroom, they were both panting as they kissed while tearing each other’s clothes off.

  “We should have gone up through the elevator,” Jared said breathlessly while nibbling on Stephen’s lips and neck.

  “Shut up. More kissing, less talking.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Eventually, they were both naked. Stephen shoved Jared down onto the bed and climbed on top of his boyfriend’s body before licking his way down the man’s muscular back. His cock throbbed with every flick of his tongue. Jared’s upper body tasted delicious, but it was nothing compared to his ass. Stephen groaned in appreciation as he lapped all over Jared’s ass, running his tongue over the rim of his boyfriend’s hole over and over again until it loosened up, and he could jab the tip of his tongue into it. He ate Jared’s ass to his heart’s content. He loved it when Jared bucked his ass upward while moaning and mumbling incoherently. Then he pushed one finger into it. It was wet enough with his spit that he didn’t require any additional lubricant just yet, and soon, he was able to insert two of his fingers inside. He scissored his fingers in and out for a brief moment before thrusting a third finger into Jared’s ass. Jared was whimpering and hissing softly now.

  “You like that?”

  Jared bobbed his head fast and hard. “Yes. I n-need you t-to fuck me, babe. Please.”

  Stephen decided to tease Jared for a bit longer. “Are you sure?”

  Jared huffed and turned to glare at Stephen. “F-fuck you, bastard. G-give me your cock now!”

  Stephen chuckled as he mounted Jared and put the tip of his leaking cock head against the rim of his boyfriend’s hole. “Or what?”

  Jared narrowed his eyes at Stephen. “Is this h-how you want to p-play this game? You’ll be fucking sorry later, you mother—fuck! Shit!”

  Stephen had shoved the entire length of his hard, pulsing cock into Jared’s ass before sneering down at his boyfriend. “You were saying?”

  Jared had a fierce expression on his face, and Stephen was even more aroused now than before. “Wait for your turn. I’ll make you beg for my cock, and I won’t give it to you until I’m ready to pound the cum out of you. Better yet, I won’t allow you to come until I’ve filled your ass up at least three times.”

  Stephen hammered his cock in and out of Jared’s ass at a rapid pace multiple times. He clobbered Jared’s ass so hard and rough, the whole bed shook and moved with every thrust.

  “Big words coming ou
t of the bitch’s mouth whose ass is milking my dick like a desperate slut in heat.”

  Jared’s expression grew more terrifying, and Stephen had to clench his fists over the bedsheet to stop himself from losing control and coming inside his boyfriend’s warm, tight ass. Jared must have noticed Stephen’s astounded expression, though.

  “Are you coming already? Pathetic!”

  Stephen slumped down onto Jared’s body and wrapped both arms around his boyfriend’s equally sweaty body. Then he rammed his cock into Jared’s ass brutally and without any mercy. Jared shouted loudly and shut both eyes for a few seconds. His breathing was much harsher than before.

  “How was that? More?” Stephen yelled into Jared’s ear before slamming even harder into his boyfriend’s ass.

  Stephen was taken aback when Jared abruptly burst out laughing. Meanwhile, Jared was squeezing his cock like a vise by tightening his ass all around it.

  “I-is that it? Not much of a man, are you? You’re nothing but a pussy bitch who needs to get fucked by a real man.”

  Stephen knew Jared didn’t mean it. It was a game between them. He was aware Jared was taunting him. It made the sex so much hotter between them. However, a part of him was enraged, and he held on that much harder to Jared as he fucked into his boyfriend’s ass like a piledriver that was out of control. Jared screamed. It sounded as if he was in pain, but he didn’t tell Stephen to stop. Hence, Stephen proceeded to plunge into Jared’s ass over and over again until he could almost feel his cum boiling deep inside his balls. At least that was what it felt like deep inside his guts. Then he roared into Jared’s ear and punched into his boyfriend’s ass one last time before he could feel his cock throbbing erratically as it shot out load after load of cum. He was dizzy from his orgasm, but he didn’t let go of Jared until he was done filling his boyfriend’s ass up with cum.

  However, before he could fully bask in the afterglow of his incredibly amazing climax, he yelped in shock when Jared pushed him away until his cock slipped out from within his boyfriend’s warm ass. He landed on his back on the bed. For a brief moment, he had no idea what was going on. The next thing Stephen knew, Jared was spitting a mouthful of saliva onto his own cock before shoving it into his ass. The mixture of pain and pleasure was too much for him, and he clutched onto Jared’s sweaty back with his fingers before digging his nails deeper into it. He writhed on the bed as he struggled to get away from Jared, but his boyfriend was so much stronger than him. He forced himself to relax as Jared pounded into his ass like a madman possessed.


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