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[Crush 01.0] Crush

Page 7

by Lacey Weatherford

  He resisted at first, but then released a sigh and moved toward me.

  I held my breath, waiting for his mouth to touch mine.

  The sound of laughter broke us apart and we turned, seeing a man and a woman with a couple of small children walking down the side of the stream.

  “Good afternoon!” the woman called to us in friendly fashion. “Beautiful view, isn’t it?”

  Hunter looked at me. “It sure is.” He pulled me into the circle of his arms, and I thought I might swoon on the spot it was so romantic. “Enjoying a day of hiking?”

  “Yeah, we went up into the ruins earlier. It’s a tough little hike, especially with kids. We promised them they could play in the water when we came back down,” the man spoke.

  “Sounds like fun. I hope you enjoy it. We’re just about to do the same thing,” I replied, waving at them as they continued on their way.

  “We are?” Hunter asked grinning softly. “Funny, but I thought things were headed in an entirely different direction.”

  “That’s what you get for thinking, I guess.” I pushed away and left him, enjoying the sound of his laughter following after me. I sat down in the sand and removed my shoes, leaving them there when I got up and moved toward the water.

  I wisely dipped a toe in first and gasped. “Oh my gosh! That is so incredibly cold!” I grimaced and waded in farther.

  “Then why are you going in deeper?” Hunter chuckled.

  “Because it’s fun! Come on! Take your shoes off and join me.” I carefully stepped on the slippery rocks, trying to feel each one as I went further in until the water reached my knees and the current splashed up around them. I turned and looked over my shoulder to see if he was coming, but the motion caused me to lose my footing. I wobbled, furiously trying to maintain my balance before splashing down hard.

  The cold liquid rushed over me, making me gasp, and my mouth filled with water as the current picked up my body and bumped me roughly against several of the stones on the bottom. I tried putting my hands down so I could push my head out of the water, but I couldn’t get enough force underneath me. I flailed, clawing at the slippery rocks as I tried to gain a hold, panicking as my body screamed for air.

  Resisting the urge to suck in a breath, I floundered. My vision started going black at the edges and I had the horrifying thought that I was going to drown in two feet of water. My limbs felt heavy, like I couldn’t move them properly. I didn’t think I could fight it much longer. I opened my mouth, trying to scream, but more water rushed inside.

  Strong arms grasped me, picking me up and I coughed, spraying liquid everywhere before dragging a giant breath of air into my lungs. Hunter scooped me up into his arms, and I laid my head against his chest as I clung to him, shaking with both cold and shock.

  “Just keep breathing, Cami,” he ordered.

  I couldn’t reply, shivering as he carried me out of the water and up the sand toward his car. He set me down, leaning me against it, pinning my traumatized body there with his hips. He reached down and pealed my shirt off, revealing my lacy bra beneath. He tossed the top on the hood and reached for the button on my shorts.

  “What are you doing?” My voice was trembling as I wrapped my arms around myself.

  “Trying to keep you from getting hypothermia in this breeze. Can you stand on your own?”

  I nodded and he stepped away, pushing my shorts down and instructing me to lift each leg. They joined my shirt on the hood. He reached into his pocket for his keys and popped the trunk, pulling out the thick blanket we’d used for our picnic earlier, wrapping me up in it tightly before hugging me.

  “Girl, I swear you just took ten years off my life. Are you okay?” He released a giant sigh as he leaned his head on top of mine, rubbing my back through the blanket.

  I started laughing, and then crying. “I couldn’t get up. It was so dumb and then I couldn’t breathe. I felt like I was just flopping around like a rag doll.” I buried my head against his chest. “It was so stupid. The water is so shallow.”

  “That current was much stronger under the surface than it looked. It felt like it took me a year to reach you.”

  My knees wobbled, and he grabbed me tighter, holding me up.

  “Come on, let’s get you seated.” He opened the passenger door and lifted my burrito-wrapped body into the car, settling me into the seat before crouching down beside me. “Cami, are you sure you’re all right?”

  I nodded. “I’ll be fine. I’m more embarrassed than anything.”

  “Don’t be embarrassed. Accidents happen. How many fingers am I holding up?”

  His question diffused my hysteria, and I started laughing again. “I can still see, Hunter.”

  “How many?” he demanded.

  “Three,” I answered dutifully.

  “What’s your full name?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Camilla Noelle Wimberley.”

  “Who’s the president of the United States?”

  “Abraham Lincoln,” I replied in a snarky tone. “Quit asking me dumb questions.”

  He sighed but grinned. “I’m just trying to make sure you’re okay. You got bumped around pretty good. If you hit your head I should probably take you to the emergency room.”

  “I don’t think I hit my head, just every part of the rest of my body.” I slumped back against the seat.

  “Let’s get you home.” He tucked the bottom of the blanket into the car and shut the door.

  I watched him as he retrieved my shoes, then took my clothes off the hood and wrung the water out of them before tossing them in the trunk and closing it.

  “Somehow I don’t think bringing you home mostly naked is going to score me many points with your parents,” he said as he slid into the driver’s seat.

  “Hunter, you just saved me from drowning. I’m thinking they’ll probably be pretty grateful.” That was when I noticed how wet he was also.

  He sighed heavily. “Guess we’ll find out.” He turned the heater on and slowly made his way over the bumps and ruts in the road. As soon as we reached the highway he gassed the engine and raced the last the forty miles back into Copper City.

  Chapter Ten


  What to do? I sat sprawled on the plush black leather sofa in my condo, flipping my phone around in my hand while I tried to decide whether or not I should text Cami and see how she was doing.

  Her dad was not at all happy with the nearly naked state I’d returned her in. Her mom was all worry and concern, thanking me profusely for helping her daughter before shuttling her off into the other room. I hadn’t waited around long enough to get my blanket back, and it was the actual comforter for my bed.

  It had been several hours now. The words,How R U? were typed onto my screen, I hadn’t pressed send yet. There were a million things running through my head—things I was having extreme difficulty sorting out.

  If I sent this text, it would give the message I was still thinking about her, and I really did care. It made me out as being committed enough to keep an interest in her, which I honestly was, but shouldn’t be.

  There was a jingle of keys at the door and it swung open. “Hey, Uncle Chris,” I said to the tall, thin man as he walked inside carrying his briefcase.

  He shook his head. “Would you cool it with the whole uncle thing?” he asked in exasperation. “It’s not funny anymore.”

  I chuckled. “Maybe not for you. I find it quite funny.”

  “Well, I’m glad I can amuse you, even though I’m way too young for you to call uncle. How are you doing? You look like you could use a little cheering up. You’re worried about something, I can tell. What’s eating you?”

  I sighed, and sat up. He knew me too well. “Can I confess something? I’m really struggling here, and I need a second opinion.”

  “Sure,” he said, tossing the briefcase on the coffee table between us. “What’s up?”

  I decided to plunge in. “I’ve met this girl . . .” I held my breath, waiting
for the explosion.

  “What? You’re kidding me. Please tell me you’re kidding.” He looked astounded.

  “I wish I could, but I can’t. I’m sorry. I noticed her right from the beginning. I’ve been trying to fight my attraction for her, but it isn’t working so well. Now I find myself jumping from the kettle into the fire. We’ve had the opportunity to get to know each other a little more, and not only do I like her, she seems to really like me.”

  Chris groaned and loosened his tie. “This is wrong in so many ways.”

  I nodded. “I know it is. I’m totally torn. If I walk away from her now, she’s going to wonder what happened. She knows there was a real connection there. If I don’t walk away from her . . . well, you can see where I’m going with this.”

  “Hunter,” he warned. “This isn’t good.” He stroked a hand over his face. “What’s her name?”

  “Cami Wimberley.”

  Chris rubbed his temples. “How old is she?”


  He gave me an incredulous look. “She’s a freakin’ minor, Hunter, and you’re not. You can’t be involved with someone like that. She’s too young, and it’s too dangerous.”

  “I know!” I growled, jumping up and pacing to the window.

  “How close are we talking here? Boyfriend/girlfriend status? Have you kissed her?”

  “No, I haven’t, but I would’ve today if we hadn’t been interrupted. The sad thing is I want to.” I leaned against the window and folded my arms. “Being with her is the most natural thing in the world. I swear it’s like she’s perfect. It doesn’t matter that she’s all wrong for me. It all melts away when I’m with her. There’s just this amazing connection.” I pinched the bridge of my nose. “What should I do?”

  Chris shook his head. “I don’t know, but we need to maintain a low profile here. We can’t afford to draw any undue attention to ourselves right now.”

  “Well then, I need some advice. I like this girl, and I don’t think I can stay away. I want to be with her.”

  He shook his head. “You’re a legal adult. If you cross any lines with her and someone found out, it could land you in jail. We can’t have that.”

  “She’ll be eighteen next month. I checked.”

  “Why’d you ask her out? You know we’re trying to lay low.”

  “She was in a bit of a pickle with another guy who likes her. I decided to help her—thinking it would be just a onetime deal. Things progressed from there.”

  Chris snorted. “Oh, so now you’re saying you’re in some sort of a love triangle? You’re not supposed to star in your own romance novel! What the heck are you doing when I’m gone?”

  I smiled wryly. “Apparently making a big giant mess of things. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. Do you have any advice?”

  “Probably nothing you want to hear. I guess try to be careful and not get involved with kissing her. That’s when the lines will get sticky for you and could cause problems.”

  I nodded. “Okay, so look, don’t touch. I got it.”

  “Be careful. This sounds like it could go south really fast.”

  “I’m aware. I hate having her in the middle of this. I don’t want her caught in the crossfire if something actually does go down.”

  He stared at me for a minute. “We’re playing a dangerous game here. You need to be careful. How would she handle things if you just up and disappeared? It could happen, you know.”

  “She’d be terrified. I imagine she’d think I overdosed on something. She’s very concerned about my current drug use. She’s had a bad experience with that.” I ran a hand through my hair.

  “So, here’s my question. If you’ve been growing closer since you’ve been here—why the extreme concern all of a sudden? Surely you’ve thought of all this before.”

  I sat down on the couch again. “We went out together today, and she had a near death experience this afternoon.”

  “What?” Chris sat up straighter.

  “It’s not as bad as it sounds, but she fell into a river—more like a fast-moving creek really. She got caught in the undercurrent and couldn’t get up. I thought she was going to drown before I got there. It was the most terrifying few seconds of my life.”

  “That sounds horrible. Is she okay?” He seemed genuinely concerned.

  “Yeah. She was mostly cold, wet, and exhausted. I wrapped her up in a blanket I had from our picnic and took her home.”

  “I’m glad you were with her.”

  “Me too, but something happened out there. Seeing her like that really solidified what I’m feeling. This isn’t about trying to help her, like I’ve been deluding myself. I really want to pursue . . . whatever this is.”

  Chris watched me for several moments before he spoke. “I can see this is kind of like walking a tight rope for you. You’re going to have to be aware and try balancing things properly. Guess we’re finally going to see what you’re really made of, aren’t we? Be careful. You could end up blowing everything.”

  He got up and walked into the kitchen.

  “That’s what I’m afraid of,” I said under my breath.

  Chapter Eleven


  How R U? U awake? I retyped, pushed send and waited, lounging on my bed while I listened to some music, trying to calm my nervous energy. I couldn’t stand not knowing any longer.

  My phone buzzed, and I opened the text immediately.Hey. I’m good, thx. I kinda crashed after U brought me home. Sorry.

  I breathed a sigh of relief as I read her message and then dialed her number.


  It was good to hear her voice. “I’ve been worried.”

  “Don’t be. I’m fine, just wiped out. You know you’re my hero now, right?”

  I snorted. “Hardly, I was scared to death.” That was an understatement of epic proportions. I was pretty sure my heart had stopped beating from the moment she slipped under to the second she was finally able to gasp for a breath.

  “You didn’t show it. You just swooped in and saved the day. You work well under pressure.”

  “I’m not so sure about that, but I was happy to help.” I paused before continuing. “I guess you should go ahead and tell me how your dad is going to ban me from ever seeing you again.”

  “Actually, he’s coming around. After I explained everything he even seemed a little impressed with your quick actions. I think it was my lack of clothes that bugged him the most . . . and knowing you’d seen me that way.”

  “Well, I couldn’t very well leave you standing there dripping wet and freezing.”

  She laughed. “It’s okay, Hunter, really. He gets it. He was nervous about you to begin with. I’ve never really dated guys like you before.”

  “Guys like me? Why does that sound like a bad thing?”

  “I don’t mean it badly at all. It was a compliment. Let’s just say the guys I dated in the past were . . . geekier guys, for lack of better terminology. You’re definitely not one of those, but I think geeky is what he’s comfortable with.”

  “What are you comfortable with?” I wanted to know.

  There was silence on the other end for several seconds. “I’m pretty comfortable with you, if that’s what you’re asking. I didn’t think I would be, but I am. It’s strange really.”

  “I’m glad you feel that way. I don’t want you to be uneasy around me.”

  There was a moment of silence. “Would it be bad if I said I miss you?” she asked, and my pulse rate picked up. “I’m sorry I fell. I wanted to watch the sunset out there with you today. My carelessness cut our date short.”

  “Don’t worry about it. There will be other dates.” I groaned internally. I was determined to dig myself into a deeper hole it seemed.

  “There will be?”

  “If that’s what you’d like.” After today I was pretty much willing to give her whatever she wanted. I just needed her to be safe.

  “I’d like that a lot.”
She gave a short laugh. “Did you know I dreamed about you while I was sleeping? I can smell your aftershave or something on your blanket. Sorry I didn’t give it to you before you left. I’ll wash and return it.”

  The image of her body wrapped up tightly in my bedding with her gorgeous red hair splayed about her pleased me to no end. Seventeen, dude, I reminded myself. Rein it in. “Keep it,” I said. “I want you to have it.”

  “No, I don’t want to steal your blanket,” she protested.

  “You aren’t. I just gave it to you. Now you can tell me how much you like me.” I grinned.

  “Nice try.” She laughed, and the sound warmed my heart.

  “I will win this,” I promised her.

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Go back to sleep. You can tell me how much you like me tomorrow at school, and you can fill me in on this dream you had.”

  She laughed even harder. “Good luck with that, playboy.”

  “I don’t need luck, Goody. It’s gonna happen. Now go back to sleep.”

  “Yes, sir!” she said in military fashion.

  I smiled, wishing I could brush my hand over her beautiful face. “Goodnight, Cami.”

  “Goodnight, Hunter. Thanks for being there.”

  The call clicked off, and I missed her already. I sat there for several moments staring at the white ceiling. This was going to be rough. I knew things weren’t in a good place right now, and part of me wanted to run far and fast in the other direction. Unfortunately, the part that didn’t want to seemed the most in control. I’d been excited for the move here at first, eager to get into the local scene and live the party life. It was easy for me—natural.

  I thought back to my stuck-up jock years before this—playing sports, chasing and catching more than my fair share of girls, attending some pretty wild parties. I’d loved being part of all that before things really changed for me, sending my life in a completely different direction.


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