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Dating Two Dragons

Page 11

by Sky Winters

  Beatrice had never seen a man naked before and Thomas looked perfect in the moonlight and now undressed he joined her on the bed, covering her with half of his body whilst supporting his weight with the other half. He stretched out her arms above her head and she could feel his hard cock against her leg, hot and throbbing. It felt thick and long and her body ached to have him inside her. Shifting his position she felt his weight upon her, his large manhood poised and gently pushing at her.

  She was a virgin, had hardly kissed a man let alone been penetrated by one, and the thought slightly frightened her. She braced herself as his large cock pushed at her opening. She felt a dull ache as his girth stretched and tore into her. Arching her back she moved onto him and with one firm push he was inside her.

  There was a slight stab of pain as his flesh tore at her virginity, but this was quickly replaced by a feeling of pure passion as she felt him throbbing inside her. He moved gently at first, but soon his thrusts became more urgent and she was lost in the rhythm of their lovemaking, her eyes closed. A wave of ecstasy pulsed through her as Thomas’s shouts and moans reached a crescendo and he came with a loud shudder.

  Deep in her bliss Beatrice did not at first notice the changes in Thomas. His sexual moans had turned to a deep growling sound, his arms gripping her against the bed. Half opening her eyes she looked into his face, his eyes were different, now amber and burning with a deep, animal fire. Backing away from her, Thomas stood, naked and magnificent in the moonlight. His body was changing, a dark hair now covering his skin and his face changing, morphing, the nose more dominant, the arms filling out, the fingers no more but replaced by paws and claws. The full moon rose high above their heads and Beatrice could see quite clearly that Lord Thomas Selkirk had turned into a bear.

  Her body shook with fear, suddenly the air had become cold, but she remembered what he said

  “Never be afraid of me that is all I ask, whatever happens. I will never hurt you, ever.”

  Beatrice looked at the bear hardly believing her eyes, yet this was Thomas, the man that was Thomas was somewhere deep inside. She looked at the eyes, now changed, but she trusted the creature, trusted him.

  The bear waved its great paws at the orb of the moon through the window, growling at the clear sky. Its grunts became louder, sharper as if the animal were in some sort of pain and calling out into the night for help. Then all was still again.

  Beatrice watched in amazement as the beast began to wither before her eyes until Thomas was finally restored to her once more, falling onto the floor once the transformation was complete.

  Running towards him she hugged the limp form of Thomas to her chest, he looked dazed, as if coming out of a deep sleep.

  “You saw?”

  Beatrice nodded, “But I still don’t understand”.

  Thomas sat up, recovering, finding his voice once more.

  “It is said that my family were once cursed by the forest witches for taking their lands and the legend has it that every first born son will be cursed with the blood of the bear. Whatever the truth about my ancestors there is some dark magic at play that turns me into a bear on the onset of the full moon, especially when I am in a state of heightened emotion”

  Beatrice breathed deeply, trying to take in the details of the strange story, she only half believed him even though she had seen the transformation happen right in front of her very eyes.

  “Is there no cure?”

  Thomas smiled at her, shrugging his shoulders. “I have learned to control my inner bear to ensure that the beast doesn’t take over completely, that some of the man, some of the essence of who I truly am remains inside to control the animal within. Gertrude knew about this and tried to help me with her potions. Unfortunately it seems she wanted to control me too”.

  He stroked her face softly with his fingers, the tips barely brushing her soft skin.

  “Can you still love me after all you have seen tonight?”

  She could scarcely believe the events of the evening. It all seemed unreal now in the peace and quiet. She was sorry for Gertrude, but if Thomas hadn’t stepped in, then it would be her body now lying beneath that sheet.

  She didn’t need to answer; her eyes were shining brightly as she wrapped her arms around him.

  The couple stood close together and looked out at the moon. It had been a long night and their future stretched out before them; unfettered by the past.

  Tomorrow would be a new dawn on an old world. THE END

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  “I don’t see why I have to be married off to such a loathsome man!”

  Alva McCraig circled around her brother, matching his strikes as well as any male swordsman in the land. Their father, Lord McCraig, found her penchant for sword fighting with her brothers unacceptable for a young woman of her stature. He only allowed it as long as she maintained her duties in a society that treated her like a delicate flower, which she abhorred. The only female in a house of six brothers and a mother long passed into her grave, she was more tomboy than lady.

  Alva never fit in at the society functions, but her father trotted her to all of them, hoping to marry her off to an eligible member of their rank and file. Recently, he had found success with Lord MacEwan, a man she found as unattractive in looks as well as in personality. Though she had only met the man briefly during a grand ball, he was rumored to be arrogant, ruthless and aggressive. She couldn’t imagine being married to such a man.

  “You know that this will seal the peace treaty between our clans.”

  “So, I am to be trotted off to get married to someone I despise in order for everyone else to be safe and secure.”

  “That is pretty much the case, yes.”

  Infuriated by the notion, she quickly countered his thrust and dropped her boot behind his leg, knocking him off kilter and bringing him to the ground. His sword flew from his hand and she stood over him with the tip of hers touching his breast. Smiling down at him, she held him there a moment longer than necessary before pulling the sword away.

  “I’d rather fight.”

  “Yes, we all know you would. I’d wager that you’d come out victorious too.”

  She watched as his body changed, shifting before her eyes. A large black wolf with bright yellow eyes slid easily from beneath her sword and stood looking at her from just beyond the edge. It was something she could never get used to, seeing her brothers shift into wolves as it suited them. She was deeply envious of the ability. Just as quickly as he changed into a beast, he reformed into his human state. He stood smiling at her, still wearing the tattered clothes that had ripped apart in the transformation.

  “I hate it when you do that.”

  “You just hate that you can’t do that.”

  “It is entirely unfair not being able to shift. Our family is one of the original clans in Scotland. We’ve been here for thousands of years and are full of wolf shifters, everyone but me, it seems.”

  “Not just you, but all the females in the family. You act as if being a woman is a curse. You have no idea how good you have it. We have to work. We have to fight. You get married off to some fancy Lord and instantly create peace while moving into his wealthy estate and being waited on hand and foot.”

  “You think being a woman is that easy, huh? You’d feel differently if you were subjected to the pawing of a man you don’t care for and forced to bear his children.”

  “I wonder what they’ll be?”

  “What do you mean? They’ll be children.”

  “No. I mean will they shift into wolves? I hear that the MacEwans are dragon shifters. You might have a son that shifts into a fire breathing wolf or a howling dragon!”

  “Are you seriously making light of my predicament? I should have sunk the sword into your chest before you shifted!”

  “You’d never do that to me. You love me.”

  “Yes. You are my sixth favorite brother.”
  “You’ve a sharp tongue, Sis. I hope you intend to temper that with Lord MacEwan. Peace treaty won’t be a lasting long if he doesn’t treat you well.”

  “Of course. I will be a perfect lady so that all the land may have peace while I have peril.”

  “You shouldn’t look at it like that. You might enjoy all the finery you’ll be granted. There’s hope that you’ll be a lady, after all!”

  Alva swatted at him playfully as he dodged her hand and laughed. He grabbed his sword and motioned for her to come back with him. She followed behind, still scowling. He was lucky that he wasn’t female. He would never have to suffer being married off as if he were livestock being traded for barley. It was demeaning. If her mother were alive, somehow, Alva thought she would not have allowed such a thing to happen to her.

  “There is nothing unladylike about me. You just don’t want to admit that you had to shift into your wolf form because you were defeated by a girl!”

  Alva laughed playfully as she pulled her long honey wheat hair out of the neat bun it had been pinned into and shook it free about her shoulders. Her bright blue eyes twinkled in the sunlight as her laughter sang along the pines that surrounded them in the nearby forest. She might well be a tomboy and given to sport with her brothers, but she was one of the most beautiful girls in the land. There was many a saddened suitor who had sought her heart and failed.

  Walking into the house, she considered the misfortune of having been so picky about who she would like to marry only to have the choice taken away from her. There had been some boys she had dated that would have been preferable to Lord MacEwan, but she had not known a day like this would come. She told herself that there was no rush to marry though some would deem her an old maid. Her mother had loved her father very much and that is what she wanted for herself, a house filled with love and devotion.

  “It’s not fair!”

  The words she uttered to herself still echoed along the walls of her childhood home. She looked around, knowing it would be far behind her soon. She would live elsewhere with a man she did not care for. He would take her as his wife and she would bear his children. The thought made her shudder. Children were wonderful and beautiful, but not something she had ever envisioned for herself. She had believed she would find someone as passionate as herself given to adventure and fun. There would be none of that where she was going. Of that, she was certain.

  It seemed like the day to leave for Lord MacEwan’s estate had arrived before she knew it. The servants had all of her things neatly packed and loaded into the carriage that would take her to her new home. Giving it one last shot, she begged her father for a change of heart.

  “Please, I’m begging you. Don’t’ send me off to that horrid excuse of a man.”

  “You hardly know him, Alva. You might be well surprised how well suited for one another you are.”

  “Exactly! I hardly know him and I’m being shipped to him like a neatly wrapped gift. How could you do this to me?”

  “Don’t be so dramatic, Alva. You’ll quickly be an old maid if I leave it up to you to choose a husband. You’d rather spar with your brothers than court a suitable mate. This pairing will create a much needed peace between our clans and I think you’ll find it isn’t as unpleasant as you think.”

  “You have no idea if it will be unpleasant for me or not! You don’t care!”

  “Of course I care. You are my only daughter. Just give it a chance, Alva. You’ll do just fine.”

  “So you say. I’ll never forgive you for this. Never!”

  Her father looked at her forlornly as she hugged each of her brother’s goodbye, tears falling down her face. Moments later, she was seated in the carriage and on her way to her new life. It felt like a death sentence as she made the three-day journey, stopping periodically in towns along the way for food and rest. At each rest stop, she contemplating running away, but she had no means of support and nowhere to go. Far worse could happen to her out on her own than having to marry a man she didn’t care for.

  The trip seemed endless, each day felt like she would just be traveling forever, never really getting anywhere. The idea of running still occurred to her each day. Her thoughts whirled with considerations of where she could go and how she could survive. She could cut her hair, strap down her chest and don the clothing of a man. She was good enough with a sword to pass herself off with the best of them. Still, it was frightening to consider. The question was really just if it was more frightening than the destination toward which she traveled.


  She looked out the window as the carriage pulled to a halt in front of the great castle belonging to Lord MacEwan. It was quite the sight with its large towers and heavily guarded walls. To Alva, it looked more like a prison than a place to be happy. She doubted that she could ever see such a place as home. As the door opened, she found that she was greeted by Lord MacEwan himself, standing just outside of it with a large smile and open arms.

  “Ah, there is my beautiful bride. It is so nice to have you arrived for our blessed nuptials. Shall we get you settled in and then partake in a bit of celebration?”

  “Thank you. Of course. That would be divine.”

  It wasn’t divine. It wasn’t at all, but she had no choice but to play the role she had been assigned. Lord MacEwan was not unattractive, but there was something about him, something dark and sinister. He was well known to be a ruthless pillager and unyielding overlord to the people that inhabited the lands surrounding his castle. He was feared by all and liked by none. He was not the sort of man to which Alva had ever considered she would be married. She silently cursed her father once more and feigned happiness as she was led up to her chambers.

  Her arrival was celebrated with great fanfare. Lord MacEwan had arranged for the local society types to come out for a great feast to welcome her with open arms. So far, it wasn’t too bad, but she still felt incredibly nervous and sullen about the entire situation. Though he was quite pleasant to her, there was something amiss about him. She had sensed it the first time they had met and it was even stronger now that she had arrived at his palace.

  It didn’t take long to see exactly what the problem was. Lord MacEwan was nothing in private like he was in public. The hospitable, considerate man that had greeted her was just a façade for the cold, rude man that confronted her behind closed doors. She shrank back a bit as he issued orders for how she would and would not behave within the walls of his home. It was quite obvious that this place truly never would be her home, only his. She didn’t belong here, but that is something she had known prior to her arrival.

  “Make no mistake. You aren’t exactly the sort of woman I intended to marry. You’re attractive enough, I will give you that, but you have the manners of an uneducated tart and I won’t tolerate being embarrassed by you. You will attend private classes I have set up from a proper Lady in hopes that you might learn how to present yourself.”

  “There is nothing wrong with my manners!”

  “There is everything wrong with your manners. If you had any, you would know that it is not proper to address me with such sullen indignation. I have no time for such games.”

  “Games? You insulted me! I’m not allowed to defend my own honor?”

  “You are not allowed to talk back to me. I assure you that I will not hesitate to lash your backside for it. Also, I won’t have any of this nonsense of your sword fighting. It is improper and it is not allowed.”

  “You can’t tell me what I can and cannot do!”

  “Oh, but I can and I just did. You and I will be married tomorrow and you will do exactly as I tell you. Don’t forget that the peace between your clan and mine depends on this union. It would be a shame for your stubbornness to bring about harm to your kin. If you think for a moment that I will hesitate to break the peace treaty just because you bat your eyelashes at me, then you are sorely mistaken. You mean nothing to me. I was in need of a bride and your father was cowardly enough to hand ove
r his only daughter in exchange for my not slaughtering your entire clan. Nothing more, nothing less.”

  Alva glared at him but said nothing. There was really nothing she could say that would make a difference. There was really nothing she could do. If she talked back, if she ran, if she did anything to cross him, her family would pay the price. Though her brothers were wolf shifters and usually very capable of taking care of themselves in battle, they had never had to battle dragons. If what was said of the MacEwan clan was true, it might be a match they could not win.

  “Very well. I will do as you ask, but only because I really haven’t a choice it seems.”

  “I am glad we have come to an understanding. I will have a servant show you back to your quarters. I suggest you remain there for the rest of the evening and not burden me with your presence.

  “That suits me just fine. Have a pleasant evening.”

  Alva tried to keep her tone polite and respectful, though she was seething inside. This place would be misery for her. Already she missed her brothers and her father. Tomorrow was a dreaded day. Once she was married to Lord MacEwan, he would expect things of a carnal nature from her. The thought made her skin crawl. The man didn’t even like her and would paw at her like the animal he was. There wasn’t much she found more revolting than the thought of pleasuring the likes of him.

  As the sun rose the next day, Alva found herself feeling quite ill. It was all she could do to get out of bed and begin getting ready for the big day. Within moments of her rising, the room was flooded with giddy servant girls, all eager to help her into her wedding gown and do her hair. They doted on her as if she were a princess, something Alva had never been or wanted to be. Though when they were done and she looked at herself in the large mirror standing to one side of the room, she had to admit, she looked the part. Other than the terrible emptiness she could see in her own eyes, she was quite the perfect bride.


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