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Dating Two Dragons

Page 31

by Sky Winters

  “Angelo!” Doug called over the 1950s music that was playing.

  A burly, middle-aged man with graying red hair and a stomach paunch came over. He was also wearing a tiger tattoo. Of course.

  “Melanie Carr, this is Angelo Schwartz,” Doug introduced. “Angelo, this is the girl I was telling you about.”

  The man known as Angelo smiled. “Ohio, huh?”

  Now that Doug had helped to get Melanie hired, she couldn’t complain about him distracting her. She wondered if this had been all part of his plan, but she was too happy and excited to care. The restaurant was cool and the people there were nice, and it was going to pay her better than she could have hoped for.

  She was going to start work, pending a background check, in two days. She could finally relax.

  “Now,” Doug said, snapping his helmet back on. “Ohio, will you please go out with me?”

  Melanie blushed. He pointed and grinned at her.

  “That’s a yes!” he shouted, victorious. “You can’t deny that’s a yes.”

  She laughed. “Yes. But only as payback for the job.”

  He shrugged that away. “A yes is still a yes. Where do you wanna go and what do you wanna do?” he asked her excitedly, hopping back onto the motorcycle with her.

  Thinking about it, she wasn’t sure. There were the stereotypical, tourist things that she hadn’t done since she was little. There was probably a vibrant, raucous nightlife that Doug knew all about… “We should probably take it slow,” she told him, smiling. “After all, I am from farm country.”

  That made him laugh uproariously. “I think I have a pretty good idea. The first thing we need to do is get some grub. Do you like Korean barbeque?”

  “I don’t know if I’ve ever had Korean barbeque,” she answered.

  “Well, that settles that!”

  She held on as he sped off in the direction of something that yet again only he knew about. She was finding that it was easier to trust him, and it alarmed her more than a little because Doug was still largely a mystery to her. She supposed that the time for asking him about himself was coming, since they were on a date. The nagging, more fearful part of herself couldn’t believe that she had agreed to this, while the part of her that was still curious and excited by new things couldn’t wait to see what Doug had up his leather sleeves.

  They stopped in a park, which Melanie hadn’t expected. Nearby, there was a statue of a civil war soldier on a horse. That wasn’t so odd, considering their location, but she hadn’t been anticipating a lunch in this park would be Doug’s idea of a good date place.

  “This place has the best Korean barbeque I’ve ever had,” he told her, getting off the motorcycle and removing his helmet, attaching it to his handlebars. He helped Melanie down and she attached her helmet near his.

  “Which place?” she asked him, confused.

  He led her over to a bright yellow food truck. “This place!” There was a line the stretched down the street. Apparently other people liked this place’s food, too. “I have hopped on my Harley and searched the city for this truck before. They’re the best.”

  Melanie looked at him, disbelieving. When they finally made it to the head of the line, she looked at the menu on the truck’s door. They made steak and cheese egg rolls. “Those sound amazing,” she said, pointing them out for Doug. “One order of steak and cheese rolls, please,” she told the nice Korean girl.

  Doug ordered something that looked like fancily-fried pork. Once they both had their Styrofoam containers of food, they carried them over to the grass and sat down, cross-legged, while the long-dead soldier from the south eyed them from above.

  “Oh, this is really good!” she exclaimed as she dug into her egg rolls. “You weren’t kidding.”

  “Of course not,” he said, looking proud. “I’m not known for having bad taste.”

  That made her blush a little in spite of herself. “I ask one personal question, you ask one personal question?” she offered as they continued to eat side by side.

  Doug nodded. “Sounds fun.”

  She looked up at him, into his green eyes. “How did you get those scars on your forehead?”

  His eyes widened a little, then went back to normal. He looked down at his food, picking out the biggest piece of pork and popping it into his mouth. “Iraq,” he said, swallowing. “I was in the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment in Operation All American Tiger… Got banged up pretty badly when a mine exploded and was sent home with these scars, a purple heart and a new passion project inspired by my friends who didn’t make it back.”

  Melanie stared at him, incredulous. His scars weren’t related to criminal activity or anything like that! Doug Albright was a veteran! “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry.”

  He smiled at her then, appreciative. She nearly melted when she saw his dimple now. “Don’t be,” he said. “I was happy to do my part and I’m proud of my service. That’s why I ride in the Stars and Stripes. We’re all vets from the 3rd, all the ones who did make it back in one or two pieces.” He chuckled a little, and there was a note of sadness in it.

  She didn’t want to pry further, but she felt so bad for assuming… “I thought you were an ex-con when I met you,” she said quietly.

  Doug chuckled at her, seeming a tad shy all of a sudden. “I know,” he said, smiling his cute, baby-faced smile as he looked down at his container of Korean pork. “If it makes you feel better, I was once held overnight for decking a guy in a bar. But he was making fun of my wounded friend, so please don’t be too mad.”

  Melanie let out a little cry of protest, shaking her head. She placed her hand on his hand that was holding his fork. “Now it’s your turn to ask me a question.”

  “A personal question?” he asked her.

  She nodded, biting her lip. She knew what he was going to ask, but she wanted to go ahead and let him ask anyway. If he had assumed something asinine about it like she had about him, he had done a very good job of hiding it.

  “Who gave you that black eye?” he asked her.

  She took a deep breath, but he went on.

  “Do you want me to find him and kick his ass?”

  Melanie chuckled softly, feeling a surprising calm about the entire situation now. Doug, Jake, where she now was, all of it. “That was too questions.”

  Doug looked her in the eye. “Ohio…”

  “It was my ex-husband. Well, my soon-to-be ex-husband… Jake. He used to get drunk sometimes. He had problems with depression. That’s no excuse. I used to feel bad for him, until one day I stopped because feeling bad for him was not helping him and it certainly wasn’t making him stop hitting me. I didn’t want him to go after our son.”

  With a surprised look on his face, Doug asked, “Son?” under his breath.

  She nodded. “His name is Stevie. He’s two. He’s so smart…” She looked Doug in the eyes again after momentarily looking away in embarrassment and shame.

  Slowly, he reached a hand up and gently cupped her cheek, letting his fingertips softly pet and massage her jawline. He rested his forehead against hers. “Oh, Melanie,” he said softly, an earnestness coating his voice as his green eyes gazed into her blue ones. “I really like you.”

  He hadn’t used her real name in a while. It kind of shocked her. Blushing, she smiled at him. “I like you too,” she replied. She felt a nervous energy fill her up, making her head spin in a not unpleasant way.

  Suddenly, his lips were on hers, kissing her deeper than she expected. She kissed him back, feeling as though little firecrackers were going off inside of her. This was something she had anticipated, somehow. This was something she knew was coming, if she kept hanging out with Doug. But, at the same time, she felt like rejoicing. He was kissing her!

  He gently let his tongue slip into her mouth, tasting her momentarily without going overboard. When he finally pulled back to look at her, he was smiling cutely again. Melanie definitely wanted more kissing with him. She wanted more of him in general.

bsp; How could she have been so stupid as to assume this sweet guy was a violent felon?

  “Now what?” she asked, biting her lip and hoping that he would say ‘more making out.’

  But he didn’t. He chuckled. “Climb back on board and I’ll show you something.”

  He drove her on his motorcycle through all of the monuments along the Tidal Basin that he was allowed to enter on a bike. They rode past the Jefferson Memorial, Martin Luther King, and Lincoln, and waved at FDR from the street.

  Melanie held onto him, smiling and cuddling against Doug’s strong back. His tiger tattoo made sense to her now. It felt as though everything made sense to her now.

  He soon hit the highway again but he was not on it as long as he should’ve been if he was going to drop her off at Casey’s house. He stopped his bike in front of an apartment building just outside of DC.

  She was going into the tiger’s den.


  The Heart of Purple

  Getting off the bike, Doug removed his helmet and set it on the handlebars so he could help Melanie off. She took off her helmet and followed him, looking at him as he carried his helmet under his arm to the front door of the building. “This is my place,” he said. “You don’t have to stay over, but you’re welcome to.”

  She appreciated that he was upfront about it. No pretense of coffee was involved. “Could I just call my friend first to make sure she picks up my son from daycare?” Tomorrow was Saturday, so Casey would hopefully be able to watch Stevie for a few hours in case… Melanie couldn’t believe it, but in case she slept at Doug’s apartment.

  “No problem,” he said, taking her helmet so her hands were free to make the call. He led her into the building’s elevator. “There’s no reception in here, so you might want to wait til we’re in my humble abode before you try calling out.” He smiled at her.

  He pressed the button for the fourth floor.

  “So,” she said, trying to start a conversation. If there was anything more awkward than a silent elevator ride, she didn’t know what it was. “What sort of work do you guys do in Stars and Stripes?” Now that she knew it was a group of veterans who rode their bikes around, she figured that it was some sort of philanthropic project, not just guys who liked speeding down highways and getting into fights. She had clearly watched too many movies.

  “We raise awareness for those injured in combat, and we accept donations when we go to events,” Doug answered.

  She smiled at him. “I feel like such a goober for thinking you were dangerous.”

  “I’m only dangerous if you’re threatening my loved ones.” He winked at her and she blushed. Now that he knew she had moved to DC to escape domestic violence, he was most likely going to try and be her body guard or something. She liked the idea, but she didn’t want her asshole ex to hurt him.

  The elevator stopped once they’d reached their floor and Doug brought her to his front door. He unlocked it and held it open for Melanie to walk through. His apartment was pretty small, with olive green walls and cream-colored carpeting. He had a bed in his living room, behind his couch so that he could vault from one to the other if he wanted to. She would not be surprised if he did things like that.

  “Welcome to my abode,” he said, closing the door behind himself and locking it. “This neighborhood’s known for being safe, but I like to be extra careful. Can you get you anything? A Diet Coke?” He grinned at her.

  He remembered her less-than-flashy drink request. “Yes, please,” she said. “Thank you.”

  “No sweat,” he said. “Make yourself at home.” He went into the apartment’s small kitchenette to pour her a glass of Diet Coke with some ice.

  Melanie sat on his tan, leather couch and was amazed how much it sagged when she sat. It must have been fairly old to do that, but something about it was cozy so she wasn’t going to complain. She pulled her cell phone from her purse and pressed Casey’s name on her list of contacts.

  “Hi, Casey,” she said. “What’s up? Listen, I’m out on a date with Doug Albright, the motorcycle club vice president that I mentioned to you the other day…” She paused and Doug smirked at her from his place in the kitchen. He was keeping his distance from her while she talked to her friend, out of politeness. “Yeah, the guy with a tiger tattoo.” Doug let out a laugh at that, and she blushed, smiling at him. He was getting a kick out of this. “Anyway, would it be possible for you to go to Little Sprite’s Daycare and pick up Stevie for me? I’m not entirely sure if I’ll be back tonight or tomorrow morning…” She chuckled. “I know. Thank you so much! I’ll make it up to you soon. No, shh, I owe you. Bye.”

  She ended the call and put her phone back into her purse, setting her purse down on the coffee table that was actually a big, brown chest that a pirate might use to store his treasure. Doug brought out her glass of soda and set it on the chest as well, sitting beside her but keeping his distance. He definitely gave her space and let her do things in her own time. That was something she really admired about him. Maybe the army had trained him in the ways of being a gentleman, too.

  Reaching out, she picked up the glass of Diet Coke and took a long sip. The wind in her face from the motorcycle ride, as well as nervousness, made her thirsty. She set the glass back down and looked at him, smiling and feeling a bit awkward because she didn’t know what to say next. She was rusty when it came to dating, if that’s what this was now, and she wasn’t really prepared to make the first moves.

  All of a sudden, Doug moved closer to her and put his arm around her. “You’re not afraid to sit close to me, are you?”

  Melanie shook her head. “I wondered why you were so far.”

  He kissed her deeply and she slid back against the leather couch, ending up underneath him and not minding that one bit. They made out for several wonderful moments, and then he broke his mouth away from hers and looked into her eyes, green into blue.

  “Do you want to move to the bed?” he asked her, his voice coming out in a breathy whisper which she found exhilarating.

  She nodded and he kissed her again before taking her hands and gently pulling her up to her feet. He led her around the couch to the bed. Melanie started to take off her shoes, because for some reason her brain told her that was the most important thing to remove.

  “I’ll be right back,” he suddenly said, rushing off down the hall hear the front door. To the bathroom, she assumed.

  Melanie removed her blouse next, and her slightly sparkly black pants. She carefully placed her clothes on the back of the couch in a neatly folded pile. She sincerely hoped that Doug wouldn’t mind dating a mom, but she guessed that they were already past the point of worrying about that. He clearly liked her!

  When he came back out of the hallway, he was wearing only his t-shirt and a pair of dark blue boxers. He was also carrying something small in a shiny, gold wrapper. A condom.

  She was so grateful that he thought about that. The last thing Melanie wanted was to be pregnant again, at least not for a long time.

  Sitting beside her on the bed, he gently removed her bra, cupping her right breast in his hand and kissing it. He slowly slid her black panties down and took them off, tossing them onto the couch and knocking her pile of clothes down onto it with her panties.

  He carefully removed his boxers and put the condom on his lengthy, thick cock. She lay back on the bed, resting her head on one of the pillows and looked at him. Her heart was pounding in her chest. The last time she’d had sex, it had not ended well for her. Jake would always violently convince her to have sex with him somehow, usually so he would stop slapping her around, and she often spent the week afterward with some sort of bruise or limp from his abuse.

  She didn’t expect that from Doug, though she was still haunted by those memories.

  “Hey,” he said soothingly, positioning himself between her legs but not moving past that. He still had his shirt on. “Do you really want this?” he asked, looking deeply into her eyes. “We can stop if you’r

  “Yes,” she replied, reaching over and stroking the side of his hard cock. “I want this.”

  Smiling a dimpled smile at her, Doug got on top of her, kissing her lips and her cheeks. “I’ll go slow, okay? I promise.” He could tell that she was nervous and a little scared, so he was doing her best to make everything comfortable for her.

  He pressed himself into her, caressing her cheeks as he slowly thrust. Melanie reached up to his face and ran her fingertips over his dimple. She leaned towards him and snatched his mouth to her own, kissing him and grinding her hips a bit so she could move herself against him.

  When she pulled her mouth off of his, she batted her lashes at him. “You can go faster, if you want,” she said seductively. Suddenly, she did not feel afraid. Lust for Doug had melted the fear away. All she wanted now was for him to be inside of her, filling her up and driving memories of the bad guys away.

  Smirking a little, he held onto her and sped up his thrusting. He licked his fingertips and gently rubbed them against her clit.

  “Ooohh,” she moaned. “Oh, Doug!”

  “Yeah,” he murmured back, “You like it like this, Ohio?”

  Suddenly, something came over her and she pushed him off of her, slamming him down onto the bed and straddling him instead. She bounced against his cock, grinding against him and moving him around. He tightly grabbed hold of her butt and lolled his head from side to side, enjoying what she was doing to him.

  Melanie placed her hands on his chest, running her fingers through his chest hair and digging her nails into his skin, careful not to puncture too far in. She leaned over him, feeling the pleasure mounting inside her. All at once, it felt as though her brain itself was screaming.

  Doug took one of her nipples into his mouth and sucked. She closed her eyes tightly as she came. “Aaahhhh, yes! Oh, Doug! Doug! DOOUUUGGGG!”

  His neighbors were all probably well aware that Doug was getting laid this evening. He smirked up at her and, once she had calmed down, resumed his position on top of her. He quickened his pace as she wrapped her legs around his waist. She watched his dog tags as they jangled back and forth, hitting against his chest as he thrusted. She arched her back a little and swiveled around beneath him, sensing that he was about to cum. He closed his eyes tightly. “Aww, yesss!” he hissed as he came. “H’aaahh…”


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