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Healing Holly [Club Isola 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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by Avery Gale

  Club Isola 2

  Healing Holly

  Holly Mills is a successful author of several erotic romance novels, a much sought after playwright and screenwriter, and she’s also a popular actress. But each of those passions has its own unique “identity” and keeping them separate is getting to be more and more difficult. The bottom line is she’s exhausted.

  Deciding to “hide in plain sight” Holly visits her favorite aunt, billionaire businessman Ian McGregor’s executive assistant, Daphne Craig. Through a comedy of errors, Holly ends up working for the aunt who has always been her shelter in a storm.

  Both Jace Garrett and Gage Hughes are Doms working for McGregor, who also owns Club Isola, the east coast’s most prominent BDSM club. They hadn’t planned to share a woman permanently, but they are both completely captivated by the voluptuous beauty working in the boss’s executive offices. Now they just need to keep the brilliant submissive safe from those who will do anything to get her back to work.

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 67,932 words


  Club Isola 2

  Avery Gale


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Amour


  Copyright © 2013 by Avery Gale

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62740-657-4

  First E-book Publication: October 2013

  Cover design by Harris Channing

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  About the Author


  Club Isola 2


  Copyright © 2013

  Chapter 1

  Gage Hughes had worked for two years on the small island off the Virginia coast that was the location of one of the east coast’s most exclusive BDM clubs. The years he’d spent working as a Special Forces operative had been exhilarating—hell, it had basically been a five-year adrenaline rush. But he’d opted out and found he was enjoying the slower pace that working security offered. Tonight he’d looked on as his friend and boss, club owner Ian McGregor had married Callie Reece in a sunset ceremony on the beach below his home. Now the newlyweds, along with their third, Jace Garrett were on Club Isola’s small stage in the main lounge.

  The room was filled to capacity with the large crowd of invited guests. Only a select few knew that Ian and Callie had already gotten married, so his boss’s announcement had brought loud cheers from everyone in attendance. Everyone who met Ian’s new wife was taken in by her. From what Gage had seen the tiny blonde was smart as a whip, had a killer sense of humor, was completely clueless about how beautiful she was, and had a submissive streak a mile wide. That wasn’t to say that she hadn’t challenged Ian and Jace, but Ian’s devotion to Callie was obvious to everyone who saw them together.

  Living so far from his own family, Gage had quickly come to appreciate the family-like atmosphere of the McGregor Holdings security team. Gage had grown up on a large Texas ranch next door to the one operated by Jace Garrett’s family. Both families had kept on working when it would have been easy to sit back and live off their oil income. But Gage and Jace’s fathers had steadfastly maintained that working hard kept them young and their children out of trouble, so they had kept the ranches active and growing.

  Leaning back against the wall, Gage watched the crowd with an avid intensity. After a breach of security traumatized Callie and led to her being injured, none of McGregor Holdings’ security staff was taking any chances. Callie wasn’t just the boss’s wife, she’d managed to endear herself to each and every member of the small island’s residents. Gage knew that Ian had hired Jace as his corporate Chief of Security as soon as he’d heard Jace planned to retire from the SEALS. Jace had met Ian in college and they’d become fast friends. They had stayed in touch after graduation when Ian had returned to Washington D.C. to take over his father’s faltering business after the man had died suddenly. Jace had joined the navy and quickly moved on to the SEAL teams.

  One night after a serious round of drinking, Jace had told Gage that Ian had gone above and beyond to maintain contact after they had g
raduated. Jace’s respect for Ian McGregor was obvious when he’d explained that even as Ian was up to his ass in alligators trying to save the struggling business his father had nearly bankrupted, he’d kept in regular contact. Jace had laughed that his own parents hadn’t even attended his SEAL graduation because it had been branding season, but Ian had flown clear across the country to attend the ceremony and reception. As a former Army Ranger, Gage understood exactly how important graduations from Special Forces trainings were—hell his own family had opted to stay in Europe on vacation rather than attend his ceremony. Gage’s family worked together, but they’d always valued money over people, and as a result, Gage tried to avoid trips back to Texas whenever he could. Jace on the other hand loved returning to his Texas roots—at least he did whenever he was willing to take the time off.

  Listening to Ian’s short announcement to those gathered together for Callie’s collaring ceremony, Gage couldn’t help the longing that washed through him. He wished he could find a woman that would be his other half, as Ian had just described Callie. Once he’d discovered the Ds lifestyle and the pleasure two men could bring a woman there had been no turning back, and from that time on Jace had known that he would likely end up in a polyamorous relationship. Before his friend and boss, Jace Garrett, had become Ian and Callie’s permanent third, he and Gage had shared women in various scenes both in and outside of Club Isola. As a result, they’d discovered they had an almost telepathic connection, and besides the fact they worked well together, they had become extremely good friends as well.

  Scanning the room once more, he noticed the petite, but curvy brunette standing at the back of the room just a short distance to his left. He remembered meeting her at the hospital after Callie had been attacked by Senator Westmore’s crazy-assed wife, Nanette. Gage had been introduced to Holly Mills by Daphne Craig, Ian’s right-hand executive assistant. He had been impressed that she kept up with Daphne, who had been known to work circles around all the former soldiers Ian employed. Keeping up with the elderly woman was no small feat in anyone’s opinion. Hell, Gage didn’t know a single one of Ian’s employees that wasn’t in awe of his feisty, but brilliant executive assistant.

  Gage hadn’t seen Holly Mills since that day, but she wasn’t a woman any man was likely to forget. The tiny buxom beauty had luscious curves that made his hands itch to explore her softness. Her long, wavy brunette hair gleamed in the soft glow of the candlelight. The golden light was setting off the various shades of her hair making it look like it was almost sparkling. But the thing he remembered the most vividly was her bright green eyes, and Gage couldn’t help wondering what color they would turn with her arousal. Would they become emerald or citron? Would they be laced with longing or heat?

  Just as he was preparing to make another perimeter check he noticed one of the club subs making his way toward where Gage was standing. Since this was the sub who had been tasked with assisting at the stage tonight, Gage waited to find out what he needed. When the man stood in front of Gage, he bowed his head as a show of respect and then spoke quietly, “Master Gage, Master Jace asked that you secure the young woman at the back of the room. He said you’d know who he meant.” Gage watched as the young man’s eyes slid to Holly before returning to the floor. Gage tried to ignore the small curve he saw at the corners of the submissive’s lips. He knew Reggie was a trusted regular at the club so he thanked him and sent him back to the stage. Gage made a mental note to arrange a scene on the St. Andrew’s cross for the helpful sub the following night. He knew that despite the fact he was an up-and-coming congressman, the guy was a major pain slut.

  Moving toward Holly, Gage took in the woman’s body language at a glance. As an experienced Dom, reading every nuance of a woman’s posture, stance, gestures, and expression was second nature. He remembered one night last summer when he and several of the Doms from the club had sat out on the beach drinking beer and discussing which training was more effective in teaching a man how to read a woman—Special Forces or Dom training. After a lengthy debate they had finally agreed to disagree since there was no clear-cut answer.

  Gage walked up alongside Holly and immediately noted that she was so absorbed in what was happening on the stage that she wasn’t even aware he’d come close enough to touch her. Teaching her to be more aware of her surroundings for her own safety should be a priority for her Dom—something he intended to mention to whoever claimed her. Suddenly it occurred to him that he’d only seen her on the island a few times and he’d never seen her inside the club. Hmm, now isn’t that interesting. Here she stands, obviously fascinated with the scene. Everything about her is proclaiming her arousal and she works for a man who owns a BDSM club. Wonder if she’s a closet sub?

  Good God the woman was just “a little bit of a thing” as his daddy would say. She couldn’t be more than five and a half feet tall and that was counting the killer heels she was currently wearing. At six and a half feet tall he still towered over her even with those stilts she probably called stilettos. He chuckled, thinking about how easily she’d fit between him and Jace because they were the same height. They’d have to be careful not to hurt her, hell they might lose her she was so tiny. But damn if the thought of her pressed between the two of them wasn’t sending most of his blood double-timing it south of his belt in a very big way.

  Gage watched the rapid rise and fall of her chest and knew the little doll was getting ready to orgasm just from watching the single-tail fall over the tanned skin of Callie’s bare back. Gage could tell the men were pulling the lashes and he was sure he knew why. Ian wouldn’t want Callie to have bad memories of her first night as his wife, yet he had also wanted to fulfill Club Isola’s requirements for a club-hosted collaring ceremony as well. Gage knew it had been a tight-rope walk for Ian, and he had to give the man credit for ingenuity because he’d managed to pull both of his lashes and there were probably only a handful of people in the room who would have noticed.

  Returning his attention to Holly, he stepped behind her and wrapped one arm around her so that it was just under her ample breasts. His move lifted her breasts so they reminded him of a lush offering. This position also made it easy for him to speak to her so that no one else could hear and to monitor her reactions to him.

  Christ, the woman was almost ready to come, Gage could smell her arousal and would have loved to slide his hand up the inside of one of her thighs and play with her labia until it was swollen with need and then finger fuck her until she screamed his name. Fuck, just touching her is frying my brain. Pay attention, Hughes. With his forearm firmly encircling her he felt her jump and knew he had startled her. He leaned down and spoke in a hushed tone letting his lips barely brush the shell of her ear. “Are you enjoying the scene, beautiful girl?”

  Gage was pleased when she settled back against his chest immediately and nodded. “Do you wish it was you tied to that cross? Do you wonder what pleasure that whip brings as it dances over Callie’s delicate back warming her delicate skin in narrow lines placed in perfect symmetry by her Doms?” He felt her heart pounding against the walls of her chest and the panting of her respiration was becoming increasingly rapid and shallow as she moved quickly back toward the climax she’d been so close to before he’d distracted her. “Are you here because you work for Master Ian or because there is a part of you that feels like you are missing something?” He had deliberately referred to Ian by his Dom title rather than simply by his first name because it was important that she understood he was addressing the submissive Holly rather than the super-efficient employee he knew she had to be in order to survive working in Ian’s executive offices.

  He’d already noticed how her nipples were peaked and showing nicely through the shiny green silk of her halter dress. When she didn’t answer either of his questions, he moved his hand to the tight peak of her left nipple and pinched it firmly between his thumb and index finger as he rasped against her ear, “Answer my question, Holly. Are you curious about the pleasures to be fo
und in submission?”

  Her breathless, “Yes,” would have been sweet music to any Dom’s ears.

  Gage knew the scene was essentially over but he planned to get her as close to release as possible before Jace made his way up to where they were standing. “Close your eyes and focus on listening to my words, Holly.” Watching as her long lashes drifted closed fanning over her porcelain cheeks, he used his free hand to signal Jace to come quickly and approach silently. One of the advantages of working with fellow former Special Forces operatives was that it was easy to use the hand signs they’d all had drilled into them. Those signals being second nature was often the narrow margin between a soldier’s life and death. Gage smiled at Jace’s raised eyebrow when he took in the way Holly’s generous breasts were lifted in offering as Gage continued to roll her tight nipple firmly between his fingers.

  “Remember—don’t open your eyes until I tell you to.” Gage knew by the tensing of her body when she felt Jace step up in front of her. “You felt Master Jace’s presence, didn’t you, sweetness? He’s standing right in front of you and he’s going to be speaking to you. He won’t touch you for reasons he’ll explain later, but you will answer his questions immediately and honestly, do you understand? And sweetheart, the only acceptable answer is ‘Yes, sir.’”

  Her answer was barely audible, but her quiet, breathless, “Yes, sir, I understand,” was sweet indeed.

  Chapter 2

  Walking toward where Gage stood with the woman he’d asked his friend to secure, Jace nearly laughed out loud at Gage’s very interesting definition of “secure.” Gage’s arm was wrapped around Holly’s chest lifting her full breasts to the point they were practically ready to pop out of her silky halter top. She was already panting with need, her nipples were taut and peaked as if they were calling for his attention.


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