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Olivia: Book 2 of the Wife Secrets Series

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by Nicety

  Having took a shower early on, I headed for my closet to search for the hottest yet classiest ensemble that would not only turn his head when I walked in the firehouse but his colleagues as well. The plan was to make him drool but also make them drool because then that would put a spark in Carter’s head that someone else desired me. Men eat it up when they feel like their position could be in jeopardy. The only drawback of surprising him at work is that there could be a fire at any given time that could fuck up our time together sending him out to save lives.

  I admired his work. He risked his life everyday for the greater good of others. It was something that not many people would consider so the fact that he was apart of the fraction that would, kept me swooning over him. Carter was goal oriented and always thinking of a way to get rich quick. He just needed to be nudged in the right direction. With me on his arm, there was no stopping him. Dressing in my Nicole Miller stretch matte short-sleeved jersey dress and pairing it with some simple all black open toed Manolo Blahniks, I headed for my vanity to beat my face to the Gods.

  “Hey Sam. What’s good girl?” I answered as I picked up my vibrating phone.

  “Nothing girl. I’ve got Bri on the line on three-way.”

  “Oh, word? Wassup Briana.” My voice was as dry as my face looked pale.

  “Just checkin’ in on you babe. We wanted to make sure that you were straight,” Briana responded solemnly.

  “Yeah. We just thought we needed to call and see how you were doing. You haven’t called me in a few days and you know I was waiting to see what happened between you and your man.” Sam’s voice blared through the phone sounding as if she was outside riding on a damn motorcycle.

  Since Kelly had gone missing in action, Sam, Briana and I had gotten really close. I kind of thanked the Lord for that because before Trent’s death, we weren’t really clicking outside of when Kelly brought us together. But now we were all coming together like sisters. In a way, I guess you could say it was like our way of keeping Kelly’s circle alive. It couldn’t have come at a better time either. In my fragile state of mind, I could have really used a few shoulders to cry on that could help me through my hard times and over the altar. But Kelly had better bring her ass back in time for my wedding, whenever the fuck that would be. After all, she was my maid of honor.

  “I’m actually on my way to surprise Carter at the firehouse with lunch in a few hours. I’ve got a few errands to run and bills to pay and by noon I should be over that way,” I said placing the phone on speaker and setting it down so that I could continue beating my face.

  “Oh ok,” Briana’s pause kind of scared me a bit.

  “Well what’s that about?” I asked confusingly.

  “Girl, I’m not trying to bust your good vibe or nothing but I’m just trying to figure out if that’s such a good thing to do. Surprising a man on his job when you don’t know what kind of mood they’re in or even who is there with them is not such a good idea in my opinion,” Sam finally blurted through the awkward silence that was looming.

  “Oh girl, it’s fine. We’re fine. He’s fine. We’ve been fantastic these past couple of days and he hasn’t even been answering his phone for her. She left a message on his phone talking about Nina wanted to see him and he didn’t even budge to leave the house. Girl we are so good right now, I know it’s not going to be a problem.” Annoyed, I waved her off even though she couldn’t see it. But I wasn’t about to let shit ruin what was left of my good mood.

  “Well, did you ever find out where he was last weekend?” Sam pressed on.

  “No and it doesn’t matter. He’s been here with me showing me that I’m the only woman he really wants and that’s all that matters.” I smeared my purple lipstick across my lips with confidence.

  “Hmm. But you do know in the back of your mind that he was with her, right? I mean you’re way too smart to play the Baby Doll Fool.” Briana smacked her lips in the phone so loudly it sounded as if she was standing right in front of me.

  The logical side of me really wanted to listen to her. I wanted to get up, put on some jumpers and pack his shit sending it flying out the window parachute style. But it had been so long since Carter and I was in a good space. I didn’t want to fuck that up all because my friends slid a few bugs in my ear. Even if she was right, I refused not to go down swinging. That bitch Salina wasn’t going to win what rightfully belonged to me.

  “Hey, y’all, I think this is him on the other line. Gotta go. Love you,” I lied as I hung up the phone before staring into my own pitiful face in the vanity mirror.

  It told no lies. It displayed hurt, pain, and a depression that even the fakest smile couldn’t hide. But for some reason, nobody knew it but me. On the outside, everyone thought I was cool with what was going on with Carter and I when in actuality my heart was slowly crumbling. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I continued to smear on my lipstick finding myself coloring outside of the lines.

  I was breaking. Years of Carter’s cheating escapades played over and over in my head, sending me into a screaming rage. Catching him with this chick, that bitch, another ho and two at the same time, then for him to nestle in with Salina and get her pregnant all shot through my head. There was no telling how many more there were. I screamed so loud that I hadn’t even paid attention to the fact that I had launched my cell into the mirror shattering it into a thousand pieces. I stared down into the jagged glass at the running makeup on my face. Carter wouldn’t like to see me like this, I thought, I have to clean myself up and quickly.

  Chapter 5

  Playing Wifey

  Having spent nearly an hour pulling myself together and sweeping up every tiny spec of shattered glass from my carpet, I left the house feeling no more confident than I was before. But the façade was everything and that was the one thing I had down pact. My head was held high as I pulled up in front of Carter’s firehouse finding the outside parkway empty when it was usually filled with the men in their cute little blue firemen’s uniforms. Those tight navy blue t-shirts and matching slacks kept their muscles bulging always sending me into a drooling frenzy. I always had to tear myself away from staring too hard. I could look but never touch.

  Stepping out of the car, I straighten my almost skintight dress and snatched up my Little Red Riding Hood basket adorned with a white satin napkin on top. Toting it on my arm, I hit the car alarm on my keychain and headed into the large raised garage door of the firehouse. There wasn’t a soul in sight. Both of the fire trucks were still there so I knew they weren’t out on a run. There wasn’t even any sign of the fire chief that was usually sitting in his office, which was closest to the parkway door.

  Immediately, I began to feel defeated. Mostly feeling as though my little surprise might have had to wait due to some unforeseen task the firemen may have had to do last minute. But I was determined to find some living soul that would be able to explain the absence of everyone. I just had to know that Carter was somewhere doing the job that he gets a paycheck for and not the one where Salina lied on her back underneath him.

  “Aye, um, Liv. What’cha got there, a basket?” Fire Chief Roy chuckled as he rounded the corner coming from the back of the firehouse.

  Roy was a jolly Saint Nick looking dude. When he chuckled his large protruding stomach bounced like a bowl full of jelly. He refused to shave that scruffy white beard he had hanging from his chin, which made children flock to him around Christmas time. I was starting to believe that he loved the way he looked despite on how unhealthy he was. He often coughed and became winded when he walked. Seemingly, none of that bothered him.

  “Shh, I wanna surprise my man with a lil’ somethin’ somethin’ if he’s not too busy. Where is everybody?”

  “Well, you know, boys will be boys. They’re around here somewhere I suspect.” Roy smirked as he began to walk off past me. “Think they’re having a party or something around here.”

  “You think?” My eyebrow raised slightly, watching him maul the large slab of ribs drippi
ng thick barbecue sauce into his white paper plate.

  “Um okay. Well is it okay if I go find him?”

  “Be my guest. There’s no telling where they are. Come to think of it, I’m not sure I’ve seen Carter today. But feel free to look around.”

  My Manolo heels clicked hard on the concrete floor as I made my way to the back of the firehouse a little confused as to why Roy hadn’t seen his employee all day. As the boss of the joint, he should have been well aware of everyone that walked in and out of his door to keep track of his payroll. The chief’s demeanor was downright unusual given all of the stickler stories Carter used to report to me.

  Cheering and laughter could be heard in the distance. Loud male voices echoed through the well-lit narrow white hall as I entered and traveled through it. My heart was hoping to find Carter engaged in some manly activity with his coworkers. I perked up my tits, sticking my chest and ass out making them more pronounced than usual. I couldn’t wait to hop on his thick dick and ride that motherfucka until his balls fell off. Sure, it was mostly to keep him too exhausted to want to go fuck his baby’s momma. It was what it was. But at the end of the day that’s what a real woman would do to keep her man satisfied.

  “Hey, young lady. How are you?” A Caucasian man greeted me as I entered what appeared to be a miniature bachelor pad.

  “I’m fine. Is Carter here?”

  “Oh, you’re one of Carter’s girls huh?” The tall man smiled as he rose from his comfy reclining chair moving closer to me.

  “One of his girls? Naw, baby. I am his only girl.” Annoyed, I held my head up high even though he had just indirectly told me that Carter has brought other women here. It was probably the main reason why he never wanted me there and always got mad when I popped up. “I’ve never seen you here before. You must be new.”

  “I’m a volunteer. I’m the guy that stays behind at the house when the real fire fighters go out and do the heavy work. I just started last month. Do you come here often?” His eyes focused outwardly drooling down my cleavage.

  “Not really,” I cringed as I turned my breasts from his bird’s eye view. “Never mind. I’m just going to search the house and find him. Thanks.”

  “Well you can go right ahead pretty lady but I don’t think you’ll find him anywhere in here.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Well cause they aren’t in the house. They’re around back having a bit of a barbecue luau.”

  “And you weren’t invited?” I asked almost sarcastically.

  “Well pretty lady, I’m a vegan. I choose to remain inside so that I don’t see them chowing down on their animal flesh.” The man returned to his seat grabbing his Corona from the cup holder before turning the channel on the big flat screen TV that was mounted to the wall a few feet from him. “Yep, this big ol’ guy, who’s originally from Texas, is a vegan. Hard to believe right?”

  “Not really. Anyway, thanks.” I skirted off towards the back door in hopes of not only escaping that pointless lonely conversation he was trying to engage me in but also to find Carter and make our day complete.

  I hurried down the connecting hall and pushed open the back door feasting my eyes on a makeshift luau. There were a few bouquets of balloons, hundreds of colorful leis, a small waning pool, and a large silver grill sizzling with meat that filled the air with smoke. The big wooden gate set the tone with unlit fire torches adorned across it.

  The techno music blasted so loudly that the windows of nearby buildings could have cracked. I searched the crowd of women and men for Carter. He had to be out there partying with them. He had to be somewhere in the gathering, he just had to, because if he was here he was not over there with that bitch. Even if he was all hugged up with some random trick, he still was not over at Salina’s house allowing her to play wifey.

  “Liv, what are you doing here?” Lionel, one of Carter’s coworkers, approached me as soon as I stepped out.

  “I’m looking for your boy, of course. Where the hell is he?”

  “Oh, um, I think he’s gone to the store to get some more beer,” he shouted in my ear to get above the music.

  “Are you sure, Lionel? Don’t fucking play me, alright. If that motherfucka isn’t here just please tell me,” I shouted back at him.

  “Aye, what do you have in the basket? Did you bring that for the party?” Lionel asked with a sly smile ignoring my question.

  Lionel was a dark skinned tall drink of water. He worked out six days a week, he ate well, and last but certainly not least he was single. I noticed the way he winked his eye at me whenever I came up here or when he would come to the house. Every time he touched me, he did so as if my skin felt like silk. I could even get lost in his dreamy dark eyes. If I wasn’t mistaken, he was Jamaican born. Seeing the movie How Stella Got Her Groove Back was all that I could think of every time I saw his ass.

  “Stop trying to change the subject, Lionel. Where the fuck is he?” I barked becoming pissed off at his dismissal of my question.

  “I don’t know, okay. Damn. He never came in this morning. Sheesh.” Lionel shrugged his shoulders and carefully slid the basket off of my arm as he winked and eased away with it. “I’m sure you won’t be needing this anymore. Thanks for the grub.”

  Chapter 6

  Uncharted Territory

  Like lightning I was back in my 2013 green Chevy Impala, zipping through the streets of Chicago like a bat out of hell. I slowed down once I saw the cops chilling in the cut on Division Avenue thought. I didn’t give a fuck about a speeding ticket. I had to hurry and get there before he left without giving me a chance to catch his lying, cheating ass in the act.

  Salina’s broke ass lived in the Puerto Rican projects in Humboldt Park on North Avenue. Well not really but it came mighty close. It was a low-income apartment complex that catered to women and children who were going through hardships. There was no need for them to work because their rent payments weren’t shit. But word on the street was that Salina worked at the complex’s office to gain extra money for whatever. Anything extra she wanted I was sure that bitch got from my man and probably with my money.

  Nearly thirty minutes later, I slid up to the entrance of the complex nice and slow. I watched as the few people standing outside eyed me, sizing me up to see who I was and what I was on. I hated going in that neighborhood without a police escort and Carter knew it. It’s probably why he felt safe with me never going over to her house. But he probably never thought I’d be so done with him and down to my last straw. This fool was going to choose once and for all which one of us he really wanted to be with. And, for his sake he had better choose right. I wasn’t above making his life a living hell if he chose her.

  “Aye who you looking for?” A long dark haired Puerto Rican chick nodded her head to me.

  She looked as if she had just gotten out of the pen with her large stature, after doing hard time and was itching to go back. Her pants were saggy like she was trying to hard to be a thug but she had her t-shirt tied up in the back, giving the impression that she still wanted her sexy to show. The dark makeup that riddled her entire face made me think she might have been a devil worshipper or some shit. Nevertheless, I was determined to get buzzed in that building one way or the other. So, this bitch had to be my best friend for the moment.

  “Hey, um maybe you can help me. I’m looking for a friend of mine who said he was having car trouble. I’m just here to pick him up. He was here with his girlfriend, Salina. Do you know her?” I kept my voice as tranquil as possible and then I looked over and saw it. It was Carter’s red Nissan Altima parked in the complex parking lot right in front of the entrance.

  “I don’t know who your friend is but what business you got with Salina?” The girl began to approach the passenger side of my car.

  “Nothing. Um, no business. I just need to help my friend and I’ll be on my way.”

  “Mmm, hmm. You sure are pretty in this little car of yours. Look at you got your heels on and shit. That’s how you
pick up your friends around here?” She smiled before licking some of the deep red lipstick off of her puckered plumped lips. “You want me to coja that chocha, gata?”

  “Um, I…I’m not understanding what you’re saying but if you could just point me in the right direction I’ll be on my way.” I tried not to allow the nervousness to trickle down my face in the form of sweat.

  “Yeah kid. Park up in there then come and holla at me boo. I’ll take real good care of you,” the girl backed up allowing me to go through the entrance with no problem.

  I was deathly afraid of what that bitch was talking about but if she tried to pull it I was ready for her. The only word she said that I understood was chocha and ain’t no bitch running up in mines without a fight. Before I got out the car, I slid to razor blades in between the adjustment straps of my bra. That was a little something I picked up back in my high school days. I headed out of the gate and back around to the main entrance of the building hoping to sweet talk my way into gaining access.

  “Liv? Liv, what the fuck are you doing here, girl? Do you know you could get killed coming out here? And why the fuck are you dressed like that?” Carter snapped as he exited an unknown old school black jeep and charged at me as men whistled in the distance.

  “What the fuck you men, why am I here? Why are you here? You’re supposed to be at work.” I shoved him instantaneously.

  “Man, I thought you was going to work today. Why you ain’t at work?”

  “You asking all the wrong questions and ain’t even trying to answer mine. You ain’t slick, sneaking over here to fuck your baby momma. I thought we were good, Carter. I thought we were really getting back on track.”

  “Aye, Liv it ain’t even like that. She said Nina stayed home from school today because she wasn’t feeling well and wanted to see her daddy to make her day complete. That’s all. I ain’t even go in the house. We’ve been sitting in the Jeep all this time.” Carter pointed back as Salina hopped out of the driver’s side and stormed in our direction speaking a language only she understood.


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