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Olivia: Book 2 of the Wife Secrets Series

Page 7

by Nicety

  He stared down at me, his eyes half-hooded and wanting. We gazed so longingly into one another’s soul, it was as if we had known each other all of our lives. He knew exactly who I was, though, and yet he came for me anyway.

  The corner of his mouth curled then he yanked up my shirt and clawed my bra in half as if he was dehydrated, parched to quench his thirst. Both of my breasts tumbled out. He gaped at them until my nipples hardened under his heated gaze. I wanted to stop him, tell him that this was wrong and that he should leave. But my lips were frozen in time as if he had casted some sort of spell on them.

  He moved towards me once more and began to place slow, gentle kisses from my chin, down my neck, stopping in the front of my throat to nibble softly. For a minute there I thought I might had stopped breathing, or that the spell had taken over my entire body. I was no longer in control of my own actions. I was bound to the feeling of desire he was burning through my flesh. A fever burned so wildly, that began in my stomach then spread down to my inner core.

  His tongue was so wet and moist against my dark round nipples as he sucked and licked as gentle as could be. My knees buckled and my palms became sweaty while the tingling sensation he bestowed upon me erupted throughout my body. With the gentle tips of his fingers, he walked his hand down my waist and underneath my skirt.

  Key’s hand found its way inside of my pearl white lace thong before prying my sweet honey brown pussy lips apart. His finger could’ve been mistaken for a machine; some sort of Energizer battery operated vibrator that fiddled my clitoris like it was a Symphony Orchestra. My head hit the wall hard as I leaned back biting my lip, desperately trying to keep my moans to a minimum.

  I had no business liking that shit. I had no business even being in that position with him and I knew it. But something inside of me wanted to pretend that it was right. Much like a thick decadent slice of strawberry cheesecake, it felt so damn good but was so bad for me. He stood hovering over me. His lips touched my lips slightly only rubbing, never completing a full kiss. He continued to finger me making my body jerk uncontrollably as my panting grew heavier.

  “You wanted to give me something for my birthday,” he whispered as he leaned towards my ear. “Well, I want you. I want this pussy. You gon’ give it to me?”

  He shifted his hips and his erection hit just the right spot on my leg pressing its girth close to my throbbing opening sending me into oblivion. I gasped and thrust toward him, willing him to grind against me just a little harder. But he stilled.

  “Key,” I pleaded.

  “It’s too late for that, baby.” His kisses moved up the side of my neck as he continued to whisper, “Stop trying to fight it and just let this shit happen.”

  His mouth made its way down my chest, licking, nipping, sucking, teasing only the area around my breasts. The cool air of the kitchen felt icy against my sensitive nipples. They tingled in anticipation when he gazed at their plumped perkiness. I squirmed as stood admiring, willing him to take one between his lips.

  As if he knew what I was thinking, he lifted his head, and with a decadent smile, he asked, “Is there something you want to feed me?”

  Yeah my pussy while I sit on your fucking face, I thought.

  “Touch them,” I breathed. "Suck them."

  He nodded. “Anything you want,” he teased. His mouth slid seductively towards one breast, brushed his lips against a nipple softly then stopped. I arched my back but stifled a moan.

  “Do you want more?” he asked.

  I wanted to smack him. “Yes.”

  With a greedy glitter in his eye, he moved to the other breast sliding his tongue around my nipple before suckling it gently between his soft lips. Heat flooded between my legs as I she ground against his hips. A moan escaped my lips and he moaned in reciprocal at the sound. Key flickered his tongue against my nipple rapidly continuing to moan creating a vibrating sensation.

  “Do you want me to love you?” He whispered between feedings.

  Do I? I needed to give it some thought. But unfortunately, the twirls of his tongue were too distracting. “I-I don’t know.”

  He didn’t look upset with my answer. One finger delicately outlined my breast. “But do you want to be with me,” he commanded rather than asked. He pinched my nipple then caressed the pain away.

  “I don't know. This is all so confusing.” I answered him even though deep down I truly didn't want to. He smiled and grabbed my breast letting it fill his entire palm. “Key,” I breathed, my voice dense with need. “I think we should stop.”

  He tipped his head up to regard me. “Just one more question.” He lowered his mouth to my breasts at the same time as he slid his hand down between my legs, drawing circles lazily with a finger over my panties. Teasing. “Do you want to cum in my mouth?” he finally asked, his voice dripping with a buttery seduction even the damn Virgin Mary couldn’t resist.

  “Yes. Oh my gosh, yes. But as much as I want to, I think we should stop,” I answered.

  “Make me stop then.” He bucked his hips against mine, as I yearned for contact. A sinful smile broke across his face when I didn’t even bother to fight him off. “That’s my girl.”

  Wait, what was I doing? I was engaged to his son. But according to my dripping wet pussy, I needed to fuck him.

  Before I could continue to question the morality of the situation, Key flipped me around pressing my body firmly against the wall with his.

  “Ah, baby,” he said standing behind me nibbling on my ear, “you make it too easy with this skirt.”

  My skirt went up. In my mind I objected to all of his advances, forcing him off of me sending him tumbling to the floor. But in reality he had pinned my hands behind my back with one hand rendering me helpless and I liked it. I liked that I was at his mercy in every way.

  Key fingered the edge of my white lace panties. His fingers dipped under my panties and between my folds. Pleasure rocked through my body until I thought I might come apart. He kneeled, spreading my legs open in the process still holding onto my hands. I felt like I was under arrest as my body hugged the wall unable to move. Key placed his head in between my legs. In a flash, my underwear was yanked to the side and he had thrust his tongue deep into my wetness. All it took was one fierce drive and I was over the edge. My head bowed as my mouth flew agape, hopelessly attempting to remain quiet.

  He sucked and licked on my clit so gently, allowing it to roll around in his mouth as if it were made to be there. With my hands now freed, I grabbed the back of his head forcing his face deeper as I wrapped one of my legs around his shoulder to give him better access. He obliged and enjoyed the extra wiggle room, rubbing his face in my wetness as he hummed deeply. He loved it. He loved tasting the very juices of me and as I banged my head slightly against the wall in arousal, I loved giving it to him.

  I must have busted three nuts in his mouth before I yelped working up to another climax. My nails dug deep into his shoulder begging him for relief yet careful not to ask for it. Getting my pussy ate was the best feeling in the world for me and I hated to have it end no matter how badly I needed a break. My pelvis thrust back and forth riding his face swiftly yet gently. His tongue hit all the right places and only at the right moments did he slurp it all in, swallowing every last drop of me.

  Key stood bringing his face flush up to mine. I was prepared to suck every bit of me off of his tongue, but before I could he had hoisted me up in the air wrapping my legs around his waist. With one big hand placed on the small of my back, pinning me in place, he moved in and out of me. My body jerked back and forth with the strength of his movement. Our bodies banged against the wall and with every sharp thrust our skin slapped together lusciously. Our sex was slow and loving, savoring every moment not giving a damn about the consequences. In that moment he was mine and I was his and it just felt so right.

  My moans grew louder, hungry for more, as he pumped harder and deeper inside of me. I felt like I was going to explode as his dick exited then entered hitting
the same spot every time. But Key put me down and flipped me over seamlessly, continuing to pump into me with enough force to make my teeth clatter. This was no gentle lovemaking. This was passionate, lustful sex. I could only imagine what he was thinking in his head. And as he exited me, took my hand softly, and led me to the bedroom where his son and I lay every night, it was clear to me that he wasn’t afraid of getting caught at all. For some reason, after feeling his warm rough hands massaging all over my body and the girth of his thick nine-inch dick inside of me, neither was I.

  Chapter 16

  Was it all a dream?

  The sun grazed the side of my face as I awoke in my bed alone. Once again, Carter hadn’t come home last night but this time was different somehow. The same drunken headache was there though, from my late night self medication binges. As I stood checking myself in the vanity across the room, I noticed the same fucked up appearance that accompanied the occasional hangover. Somehow, I had managed to slip on one of Carter’s huge white t-shirts last night. My breath smelled like all be damned as if I had been vomiting all night without even attempting to brush my teeth. Still, something felt different. Staring over at the empty bed, I could only assume that the difference was that I wasn’t overly saddened by Carter’s absence as I usually was.

  Dragging my feet like a flesh hungry zombie, I made my way to the kitchen in search of some much-needed coffee. I was prepared to down about three cups of black, ready to kick them back to get myself together. After a night of crazed drinking, it was the only concoction that could bounce me back into my reality and give me the boost that I needed to complete the stressful day.

  I wanna be your man(I wanna be your man)

  I wanna be your man(I wanna be your man)

  You better not pass my by,cause if you do,

  you'll loose a good thing ( sealed with a kiss and a wedding ring.(wedding ring)

  My mind is blind at times when i can't see anyone but you.

  Those other girls don't matter, no, they can't spoil my veiw. I must make you understand...

  “Hey baby.” Key was half naked, with only his slacks and socks on, at the stove cooking bacon.

  “Oh, uh, hey. What time is it?” Startled by his presence, had I not been so wrapped up in my own toxicity, I would have noticed the aroma of breakfast in the air coupled with Zapp and Roger blaring from my stereo.

  “It’s 8:34am. I’m about to get up out of here to take care of some business. So, I just wanted to cook you and the demon seed in there, some grub.” Key began quickly preparing plates. “I’ve already eaten but can I get you some coffee? You look like you could use a cup.”

  “Um, yeah. Yeah, thanks.”

  The night’s activities had escaped me but they were slowly becoming clearer by the second. Visions of Key on top of me, me biting his arms as he pumped harder into me, him pressing my legs to my shoulders as he licked me from ass to pussy, him shoving his colossal sized dick inside of me as he smacked my ass roughly, all came back to me as I rubbed my head hoping to shake them out.

  “Oh my God, Key. What have we done?” I gasped.

  “No. No, Liv, you don’t get to do that. We had an amazing time last night, your whack as man didn’t even bother to show up, and nobody knows about it but us. So don’t do that. Don’t destroy the great moment that we shared.” Key hovered over me casting a shadow like a dark cloud.

  “Oh my— Are you insane? I’ve fucked up royally. Don’t you see that? No, this can never happen again.” My panicking was beginning to churn a knot in my stomach. “I was too drunk last night. We, we were too drunk.”

  “You might have been drunk but I was fine. Liv, nothing happened last night that you didn’t want to happen. You’re a grown ass woman and no amount of liquor in the world would’ve made you do something that you truly didn’t want to do,” Key huffed as he moved closer to me and took my chin in his hand. “So are you honestly going to sit there and tell me that you felt nothing for me last night?”

  I wanted to tell him that last night was the most exhilarating, the most fulfilling night of my life. He needed to know that the stress he lifted from my soul had never thought to ever be lifted by anyone and yet he was the magic stick that performed open-heart surgery. But in doing so, I would have only furthered the horrid love affair that we had created in an instant. It was something that I wasn’t sure I wanted. So many issues were going through my head. Not to mention that I couldn’t think straight with his chiseled chest bulging out in front of me so close to my face.

  “Key, you know what this is and I’m in a situation with your son of all people.” I murmured silently checking the hall for any signs of the demon spawn’s shadow.

  “That man’s got nothing on me, baby, and you know it.” Key slipped his midnight blue button down on casually, doing it up and returning it to its snug position on his frame. “And ain’t a damn thing he can say about the shit once you finally break down and tell him.”

  “Tell him what?” I panicked.

  “That you’re leaving his broke ass for me and that I make you happier than he ever could.” His voice resounded through my head resembling that of Michael Ealy from that Barbershop movie when he kissed Eve in the backroom.


  “Key, I cannot tell him that. We’ve only been together one night. That’s it. That’s all this was.” I stood waving my hands in front of me. “This ends here.”

  Key pulled me close to him pressing our bodies together forcefully. The wind was knocked out of me and in the process rendered me helpless. He inserted his tongue into my mouth slowly much like I remember him doing my pussy last night and gradually massaged his tongue with mine. He gripped my backside firmly with one hand and my upper back with the other creating this slow winding massage affect that made me feel like I was in a spa. All of the stress seemed to be lifted from my body as my shoulders dropped their tension and I caved to his advances.

  Our lips finally disconnected and it felt like it took my breath away. There was an immediate dripping cascading down my inner thigh but I was too lost in his eyes to remove it. The tingling feeling shooting through my body was uncanny and unlike any that my own man had made me experience. What was his name again? Oh yeah, Carter. Key stared into my eyes dreamingly before he slapped me casually on my ass and turned to ensure that we were still alone.

  “You do what you have to, baby. But you will be my woman. I won’t accept no for an answer.” Key playfully nudged my chin with his finger before giving my lips one last peck. “A woman like you deserves more than what you have.”

  I wanted to answer him, rebut his comment. But he had darted out of the door before I could wrap my head around the words he had just spoken. Like a young girl with a middle school crush, I was giddy. Ooo, it felt so wrong but it just seemed so right. The tingling sensation was still plaguing my body even after he was long gone. All I could think about as I made my way to the bedroom to remove and clean the sheets was that I wanted him even if it was only one more time. I craved this man and he made me feel like I was floating in outer space.

  Chapter 17

  One More Excuse

  “Hey baby. I’m sorry but I was called into work last night and I’ve been here ever since. I tried to call but my phone died and I’ve charged it but haven’t been able to get to it until now. There was a five alarmer that was ridiculously bad. Didn’t you see the news?” Carter huffed through the receiver.


  “Oh…well yeah it’s been on the news like crazy. I’m on my way home right now though. How’s Nina doing?”


  “Oh, okay.” He paused allowing me to listen to the afternoon traffic in the background. “Well, what’s wrong with you? You’re not mad at me are you?”

  This nigga was ill if he thought that I believed a single word that he spat at me. As I glanced over at the clock on the mantel, I knew it was the only thing that told no lies at that moment. At 1:51pm this fool decided he wante
d to call to plead his case about last night and figured using his job as an excuse would cover his ass nicely. Well done. Nice try. But I was so over his stupidity it wasn’t even funny. It wasn’t the first time he had pulled the okie doke on me nor was it my first night without him. But it was my first night comfortable and secure in the arms of someone else.

  “Nope,” I responded, remaining true to my open-ended answers.

  “Well, I’m almost home. I’ll straighten this shit out when I get there.”

  I knew what that meant and after the night I had, I wasn’t in the mood to entertain his brainwashing abilities. Besides, the Queen of Sheba in the other room wouldn’t allow for him to make good on his desires anyway since she hated to even see us touching one another. Luckily, she sleeps like a log or else Key and I would have been caught up for sure. The more I thought about last night, the more I begin to daydream about what it would be like to be the woman on his arm. He was a respectable, older man yet more and more his age was becoming a nonfactor. In fact, he looked so damn good for his age that if I didn’t know he was Carter’s father I would have thought he was much younger. He sure didn’t fuck like an old man, that much was certain.

  “Hey!” Nina stormed in the living room slamming her race specific Baby Alive on the glass coffee table as if she hoped it would shatter. “Where’s my daddy? I’m hungry and I don’t want none of this crap you all got up in here.”


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