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Olivia: Book 2 of the Wife Secrets Series

Page 10

by Nicety

  “Yes, baby. Hell yes.”

  And with that, Key backed out of me dropped to his knees, and enveloped my pussy with his mouth sucking out all of my cum. I was in heaven.

  Chapter 22

  No Longer Your Bitch

  “I think I need a cigarette and I don’t even fucking smoke,” I blurted plopping my head down on Key’s chest breathing a sigh of relief. “I’m a little scared, Key.”

  “Don’t be. I’ve got you no matter what. I don’t want there to ever be a time when you think I don’t got you. You understand? So when are you going to tell him?” Key gently stroked my hair.

  My eyes shot opened from their closed relaxed state. That was something that I wasn’t prepared to do. I was already nervous that telling Carter about us would not only send him into a blazing rage but that it would make me look like a ho as well. I wasn’t that type of female. I didn’t want to be labeled the whore who couldn’t remain faithful. Then again, he was the ultimate whore and truthfully he deserved everything that he was about to get. My blood boiled over just thinking about his reaction and the fact that he had no right to feel any type of way about me.

  “I’ll tell him whenever he decides to bring his ass home,” I sneered.

  “Hmm. He’s not coming home tonight again, huh?”

  “Nope,” I sighed.

  “And this is the man you want to spend the rest of your life with?”

  “Well, maybe all that’s changing now. Maybe the new man in my life will take over and show me everything that I’m missing.”

  “Now that’s what I’m talking about, baby. Now you know you’re worth. And, at least you won’t have to sit in a cramped condo on the weekends babysitting an ungrateful child that isn’t yours,” Key chuckled.

  “Ha. I know that’s right.” And then it dawned on me. “Oh shit. I left that damn girl up on the roof by herself. She could’ve fallen in or something.”

  “What is she doing on the roof? I thought she wasn’t allowed up there.” Key helped me to my feet as he rose to his, rustling to fix his clothes back on his body.

  “I...she wanted to go up there and she kept bugging me about blackmailing me and…” I found my phone sitting over by the frig on the counter where I ditched it for the wine bottle earlier.

  “Okay, just calm down. I’m sure she’s fine. There’s no need to panic. Let’s go.” Key caressed my cheek with the back of his slightly rough hand soothingly.

  As we raced out the door and into the waiting elevator, I realized just how much this man was actually going to mean to me. He was thoughtful, kind, and caring. Key knew how to treat a woman and wasn’t into mind games or manipulation to keep one satisfied. He was a real man. A man that I had been waiting for my entire life and now he finally belonged to me and only me. A piece of me felt damn lucky as my heart fluttered sending my feelings for him higher and more intense then they had ever been before.

  On the rooftop, the elevator door slid ajar and the only thing I could think was that Nina had better had been okay. I didn’t need her ass injuring herself and making my situation anymore tumultuous than it already was. Stepping out of the elevator, the sun shone in my eyes making it too bright to focus on the objects on the roof. Key gently placed his hand on the small of my back and escorted me further towards the pool. Immediately, my heart sank.

  “Nina,” I screamed in sheer horror.

  “What? Dang, don’t you know how to call somebody’s name like you got some sense?” Nina emerged from the other side of the roof as if she were looking out at the beautiful view of the city.

  “What were you doing over there?” I asked placing my hands on my hips.

  “I think the better question is, why did you leave me alone up here for so long by myself? My daddy isn’t going to be pleased to hear about this,” she smirked. “Oh, hi Pop Pop. Funny seeing you here.”

  “Nina.” Key raised his eyebrow to her before turning to me. “Listen, you handle your business here and pack your things. I’m going to pick you up at 7pm and no later. I’ll have a crew to help move you out of here. Don’t worry about nothing else. I’ll take care of it all, legal and illegal aspects. You got it?”

  “Yes, baby.” My eyes batted as I swooned.

  “Alright, I’ll talk to you later.” Key’s lips grazed mine for a sensual embrace before he walked away waving to Nina in the process.

  “Nice seeing you again, Pop Pop.” Nina’s evil grin returned. “So, you fucked my Pop Pop again huh? Dang, you don’t know how to keep your legs closed do you girl?”

  “Okay listen. You are not the boss of this situation anymore. And, if you speak to me out of pocket one more time, I swear I will pop your little ass in the mouth so hard your tail will spin. And, won’t give a damn about what your momma says about it. Do you understand?” I huffed in anger. “You needed your little ass beat years ago and then you wouldn’t be the little bitch you are right now.”

  “Who you calling a bitch, bitch?”

  A force beyond any other plowed its way through my body and up to my hand. It took on a life of its own, waving hard as ever against the cool summer breeze slapping Nina so hard across her face that her body flew up and into the pool at rocket speed. Almost immediately she began splashing around helplessly trying to dig her way out of the water. Her body continued to sink and rise as her arms flailed violently on top of the ripples.

  “Help! Olivia, help,” Nina begged as her mouth continued to be filled with water with every word.

  I was stuck. I couldn’t move. My brain couldn’t wrap around the thought that I had done such a thing. A thing she would never let her mother hear the end of. She would go on and on about how I purposely knocked her into the water when in fact it was truly an accident. Hitting her in the face, however, was definitely on purpose. The bad part about standing there watching her drown, was that I kind of felt good about it. Apart of me felt like I wanted it to happen, I felt like she deserved it.

  Snapping back to my reality, I tossed my phone on a lounge chair then jumped into the pool feet first swimming a few feet before snagging Nina by her hair. I cuffed my arm under hers then swam back to the wall pushing her body on the concrete first. Once I hopped out, she began coughing which led me to believe that she was going to be perfectly fine. My head shook knowing I was going to catch major hell for that shit. But it was better than letting her die and having her blood on my hands.

  “Olivia…Olivia, I don’t feel so good.”

  “Just hang on you little twerp. You’ll be fine. You’re just a little shaken up, that’s all.” I wrapped a towel around her shivering body as she coughed feverishly.

  “No. No, I mean my tummy hurts really bad.” Nina’s head drifted to the side as she closed her eyes and became completely still.

  Scared shitless, I shoved her little to see if she was truly unresponsive. When she wouldn’t budge, panic began to set in. There was no blood on the concrete so I knew her body wasn’t injured from being pushed out the pool. My heart sank to my feet as I reached for my phone realizing there was nothing left for me to do except dial 911.

  Chapter 23

  So Sorry

  You’d better not die on me bitch. You hear me? If you die on me, I’ll…I’ll kill ya. You hear me, bitch? I’ll kill ya.

  Ike Turner’s words flowed through my head, as they were the only ones I could think of wanting to say to Nina. She lied in the hospital bed on a heart monitor and respirator like something was actually wrong with her. She was fine when I pulled her out of the damn water and she wasn’t even in there that damn long. It felt like twenty seconds at best. She had to only be in the pool for a mere few seconds. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what the hell could’ve went wrong. All I knew was that if she died on me, I’d fucking kill her.

  The beeping noise was destroying my nervous system as my eyes blinked harder with every sound. To say that I was worried was an understatement. I was literally shitting bricks on myself. Having called Carter in the ambu
lance on the way to the hospital, it was only a matter of minutes before he showed up screaming and yelling in my face. My only hope was that he didn’t bring his bitch ass baby momma with him and I could slip out before she got there. I took out my phone and dialed the only person’s number who I knew wouldn’t yell at me.

  “Key, before you say anything sweet or nice, I’ve gotta tell you something and you may not like it.”

  “Yeah, baby. You can tell me anything as long as it’s not that you’re not telling Carter about us then it’s cool,” he chortled.

  “Um, no not exactly. There’s been a bit of an accident.” My teeth began to chatter.

  “What happened? Are you alright?”

  “No, no I’m fine. It’s Nina. She fell into the pool like moments after you left. I tried to save her. I mean, I jumped right in. But when I pulled her out all she said was my name and then she closed her eyes. Now we’re at the hospital and she’s not awake. She’s on these machines and the doctors won’t tell me anything.” Panic began to set in as my voice shrilled.

  “Okay, did you call Carter and Salina?”

  “I called Carter and I’m sure he called her, if they aren’t already together.”

  “Alright, just calm down and breathe. Don’t get all upset because we don’t know anything yet. Tell me what hospital you’re at and I’m on my way.” Key sounded as if he was jumping right in his car as we spoke.

  “We’re at Rush University Medical Center. Please hurry.”

  “I will. Stay calm.” His voice was just the soothing tone I needed to hear.

  I hung up the phone feeling a bit at ease that someone who would be on my side would be there with me through the rough patch I was about to experience. All of the waiting was driving me insane. Looking back, I guess I could’ve unfroze myself long enough to act quicker and jump in after her soon after she went in. I could have not enjoyed the fact that she was struggling to swim to safety, begging for my help. I could have been an adult and saved her like any adult would save a child. But she had my head fucked up and she was certainly not some ordinary kid.

  “Liv,” Carter yelled as he entered the room. “What the fuck happened, man? What the fuck happened to my baby girl?”

  Carter headed straight for her without even giving me a glance, draping his body over hers.

  “Carter, she is a very persistent little girl. She kept yelling and screaming for me to take her to the pool and—“

  “What the hell was so different from any other time that she’s begged you for that, huh?” The hurt and pain displayed on his face echoed throughout the room as it grew dark. “You know she’s not supposed to go to the pool.”

  “She just kept yelling and screaming.” My voice went light as I shook and lowered my head. “She just wouldn’t stop.”

  “Awe, daddy’s baby. What the fuck did she do to you?” He wailed.

  “Me? I didn’t do anything to her. If it wasn’t for me, she wouldn’t even be at the hospital right now.”


  My back hit the wall, feeling super shitty that he would of course automatically blame me for the shit. Granted it was definitely my fault but he didn’t know that. It was just another reason why I was leaving his ass and why I was never going to be the number one woman in his life no matter how hard I tried. I grabbed the doorknob ready to head out into the hall. Mentally, I had enough of him and all the women that ruled his life over me.

  “You. You’re the bitch that killed my little baby girl.” Salina came storming my way along with her big burly manly looking cousin, Dickie.

  “What? No. No, I didn’t do anything.” I put my dukes up ready for these bitches as they ran up.

  They were both halted by security holding and pushing them backward. I lucked up. Those bitches were ready to jump my ass right in the hospital waiting room with no regards. The only good thing about that would have been that I was already at the hospital and could get treatment right away for whatever injuries I would have sustained. I wiped the sweat from my forehead wishing I had drove my car instead of riding in the back of the ambulance, so that I could get the hell out of there fast.

  “No, I’m not going anywhere. Tell that bitch to leave. My fucking daughter is the one in there fighting for her life because of her and she’s still walking around free. Arrest her ass.” Salina shouted causing a scene. “Arrest that bitch for the attempted murder of my princess.”

  “I swear,” I began to cry. “I didn’t do anything.”

  “You knew she was allergic to chlorine. You knew, bitch,” Salina bellowed through the hall. “He told you.”

  “Allergic to chlorine? What the hell? Nobody ever told me that.” I stormed back into Nina’s hospital room. “Carter, Nina’s allergic to chlorine?”

  “Yeah. Why the fuck did you think I kept telling her that she couldn’t go up there?”

  “Carter, you never told me that Nina was allergic to chlorine. Don’t you think that’s something that I should’ve known since you and your damn baby momma used me as your fucking babysitter while you went off on your sexual escapades?”

  “Man, I thought you knew man. Why else would we tell you not to take her up there?” Subtle tears began to roll down his cheek.

  “Um, how about cause she couldn’t swim or she was too young? There were a million and one reasons that it could’ve been. But you neglected to tell me the main important one.”

  “Well it don’t even matter no more. I was gonna leave your ass as soon as we got our fucking money up anyways. We was just waiting for the right time.”


  “But after this shit you can miss me with your ass. I don’t ever wanna see you again, Liv. Just leave. Just get the fuck outta my life.” Carter placed his head lovingly on Nina’s life less body. “Now.”

  Chapter 24

  What’s Done Is Done

  “You son of a bitch. Six years of my life that I’ve given to you and this is what you do to me? This is what I deserve?” My voice was shaky and so were my hands as I pointed to him.

  “Man, I’m not about to argue with you about this stupid shit in front of my sick daughter.”

  “Your daughter, your daughter. That’s all the fuck you care about along with that whack ass bitch out there.” I huffed pacing the floor searching for the right words that would kick him in the balls. “You know what you are? You’re fucking pathetic. You’re a limp dick, pathetic asshole that has to use women for your sick thrills instead of getting out and getting your own shit. What? Booty digging fire fighting was paying enough?”

  “What did you just say to me? Olivia, now I asked you to leave but you constantly wanna tread on thin ice. I think you need to listen before I do something that I regret.” Carter stood stuffing his hands down into his jeans pockets.

  “Nigga, you don’t even know the half of it.”

  “Nigga? Now, I’m a nigga?” Carter charged at me like an enraged bull.

  His hand wrapped around my neck squeezing as if it wished to engulf my entire neck inside. Consciousness slowly escaped me as I struggled to breathe and an overwhelming headache throttled my brain. The beeping noise of the machines Nina was hooked up to were the only sound that I could hear as I slowly began to drift to sleep. The noise resonated throughout the room as loud as the Liberty Bell and yet it was nowhere near that powerful.

  “Aye, boy. Get your hands off of her like that. What the fuck is wrong with you?” Key came in the door just in time as Carter released me and my body slid down the wall onto the floor.

  “Stay outta this Pop. This is between me and her,” Carter growled. “Look at your granddaughter. Look at what she’s done to her.”

  “Boy, you don’t even know what the fuck you’re talking about. You know damn well this woman ain’t did nothing to that girl.” Key helped me up off the floor as he patted my back to help alleviate the coughing that consumed me.

  “Like I said, stay out of this old man.” Carter headed back over towards his d
aughter’s bedside.

  “I will stay out of this situation and as a matter of fact, your entire fucking life just as you wish. You don’t give a damn about nobody but yourself anyway, boy.” Key stepped closer to him sizing him up.

  “Why do you keep calling me boy? If you hadn’t noticed, I’m a grown motherfucking man right here.” Carter stood toe to toe with his father.

  “Naw, ‘cause see a grown man knows how to control his self. A grown man knows how to stand on his own two feet. You’re not a man, you’re a motherfucking coward, boy,” Key snarled, teeth grinning.

  “Man, whatever, man. You can beat it right along with her ass. I don’t need you and I most certainly don’t need you,” Carter said as he pointed to me.

  “That’s good you said that, boy, because we will both be leaving your life… together.” Key backed back to me taking my hand fondly in his before laying a sweet peck on the back of it.

  “Yeah that’s what I said. You both can leave together.” Carter waved his hand our way.

  “Naw, I don’t think you understand boy. I’ve got your woman and ain’t a damn thing you can do about it.” Key planted his feet firmly on the ground with a brief stomp, left to right.

  Carter slowly turned his attention from his daughter to my hand, which was amorously locked Key’s embrace. I could see fire building up inside of him even though his face remained cool and calm. His body moved slowly as he returned to his feet and sized us up from head to toe. The room door popped open and in walked a hospital security guard along with a white-coated doctor.

  “You all have got to go. The only one that should be in here with the child is the custodial parent, which is the mother who cannot come in here until you’re gone due to the circumstances. This nonsense will add duress and anxiety to my patient.” The Hindu doctor stated as she clenched her clipboard close to her body.


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