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The Outbreak Series (Book 2): Purgatory

Page 4

by Thomas Baker

  JT looked the Reverend straight in the eyes and without flinching answered. "No."

  The Reverend took a big bite of food. JT could see him mulling it over while he chewed. Hannah picked at her plate, while stealing glances at JT.

  I hope he didn't catch her saying us.

  "It's pretty dangerous out there for just two people," Albright finally commented. "Ever think about joining up with a group. Is that something you have been looking for?"

  "Is this where you give your spiel about the church? Are you about to offer us divine protection?" JT's tone was sarcastic. He couldn't help it. He was done with this high school drama crap. "Don't bother, we have no interest in staying here."

  "Hannah, does he answer for you as well? Are you your own person?" Albright said, still speaking calmly, ignoring JT's belligerence. He smiled warmly at Hannah.

  "JT," Hannah turned to face him. "I don't see the harm in listening to what he has to say."

  "Sensible. I like that in a woman," Albright said.

  JT ground his teeth, so he wouldn't explode. What was she thinking? Was this supposed Reverend hitting on her? What was going on here?

  "We do have a small community here. I'm not going to give you two any numbers," Albright said, continuing on in a you aren't going to get to me kind of way. "We stay here, on the church grounds. Like I said one day I hope to expand us into the college as well. There is a town down the road a ways. We work diligently to keep it zombie free. It has been our supply base, if you will. The Lord provides.” Albright chuckled. “Everyone here has a job to do, a contribution to make. If you stayed, we would find a place for you. We are all Christians here, so you would be expected to follow the rules of God, straight from the Bible. You would be baptized and brought into the congregation."

  "You mean, you get to tell people what to do and what not to do?" JT asked, rolling his eyes in the process.

  "No. I like to think of myself more like, God's CEO." Albright chuckled again, not rising to JT's bait. "The Bible is the contract we all agree to follow. I'm the congregations guide. Unfortunately, sometimes, I also have to be God's enforcer."

  "I have heard enough. Come on Hannah, let's go," JT rose.

  "Sit down! I am afraid I can't let you leave." The Reverend's voice dropped low, causing goosebumps to rise on JT's arms. "We still have some things to clear up first."

  "What in the fuck do you mean? We are leaving! We don't need your permission."

  JT grabbed Hannah's hand and pulled her up. JT didn’t know what was going on with her. It was like she was stunned.

  The Reverend stood as well, calmly setting his napkin down on the table. He called out. "Charlie, can you come in here now."

  Charlie came through the open doorway. Behind him, his hands in cuffs in front of his body, was Tyrone. One of Tyrone's eyes was black and half swollen shut. Hannah audibly gasped.

  "You do know this young man then?" Reverend Albright asked. "Like you two, he and the other person we found, Gus, claimed to be all alone. It looks like you are all a pack of liars. I am highly disappointed. You are the first new survivors we have come across in awhile, and you can't even pass a simple test of honesty." He made a tsk, tsk sound.

  "This doesn't change anything," JT said furiously. "How did we know we could trust you? You have no right to hold us. Let him go, tell us where Gus is, and let us be on our way or I will kick your ass right here, right now!"

  Reverend Albright laughed. "I have caught you in your own web of deceit and you think I will let you go just like that? What do you think I am, some country fool? I can't trust you to tell me about your situation but you expect me to trust you wouldn't attack us, rob us? Have your way with our women and kill our children? If you had been honest, we could have welcomed you with open arms, helped your hurt friend."

  Albright made a hand signal to Charlie. "Now you will be taken away JT, along with your friend here. We will hold you someplace safe while I pray to God for guidance. While you are there, maybe you should pray as well, for forgiveness."

  Two more armed men stepped in and took a place beside Charlie. All three looked at JT like they dared him to give them an excuse to shoot. JT turned his hands into impotent fists. He felt like his jaw would snap under the pressure he was placing on it.

  "Charlie, take these two men to the Sheriff. They are to be locked up for now," Albright, pointed at JT and Tyrone. He shook his head in disappointment as he walked past him and Tyrone. Albright stopped and stood beside Hannah.

  "What are you going to do with Hannah?" JT shouted, struggling against the handcuffs they slapped on him. "Answer me you fuck. What are you doing with Hannah?"

  Charlie and the two men roughly led JT and Tyrone out of the room. Reverend Albright never answered them. He only smiled as he turned to Hannah, his hand resting on her back, seeming to invite her to return to their dinner.

  JT and Tyrone rode in the darkness in the back of a farm truck, cold sprinkles hitting them from time to time. They could barely make each other out in the red gloom of the tail lights.

  "Sorry," Tyrone said. He sounded afraid that JT was going to lay into him about his disappointment. JT had to admit there was a time in his life when he would have. For now, he was angrier at himself. A portion of his rage he held for this Reverend.

  "They got the jump on me. I didn't even know they were there until they were in the house. I was getting a drink. I walked out of the kitchen when I thought I heard something moving. Walked straight into a face full of stock. You know what I mean?"

  "Hey man," JT tried not to sound angry but was probably not succeeding. "Nothing to apologize about. They did the same thing to me. Turned around and poof, there they were like Casper the fucking ghost. I'm surprised they found you guys so fast. What happened with Gus?"

  "They took some sheets and wrapped him up in it like a mummy or something. Used some pillows to put him down on in the back of this truck. Said they had someone that could fix him up. They acted all nice like they didn't pop me in the face with the butt of a rifle and cuff me."

  "What happened next?" JT felt that old temperature rising in his belly.

  "I don't know what they did with him when we got to the church. They held me in some room until they paraded me out to you and Hannah," Tyrone shifted around. "What kind of outfit is this anyway? I thought I saw some dead people hanged from the big tree out in front. That can’t be? Right?"

  "They claim those people they hung were attackers, scavengers. This Reverend guy is in charge, says they have a group of people living here. They could be on the up and up, trying to survive like us. So far though, he isn't making a good impression with me. With our luck so far, after Harold and all that, we need to take no chances."

  "A Reverend huh? Yet attacking people, taking them hostage seems to be okay," Tyrone seemed to consider something before continuing on. "Hanging people too. That's murder. You know, I never wanted anything to do with the church anyhow. Or the invisible old man in the sky with mystical powers. You know what I mean. That's the one thing me and my mama would get into big arguments about. Sunday would come and I would tell her I didn't want to go to church and listen to those fairy tales. She would get so mad. I think it broke her heart a little too. I do regret doing that now."

  Tyrone snapped his mouth shut. He sounded like he was on the verge of tears there at the end.

  JT never put much thought into it one way or the other. He didn't grow up any certain way. He didn't know what that made him. He did know however, things looked to be turning from bad to worse.

  The truck pulled to a stop outside an obviously government brick building, low and long. Charlie went and knocked on the door while the other man dropped the tailgate on the back of the truck.

  "Out," the man said, waving his rifle.

  JT dropped off the tailgate awkwardly. It was hard to jump down with both his hands cuffed and having to watch the knee. They were ushered inside the building. As they approached a man stepped out and held the g
lass front door open. Weak light from the inside lit him up. JT saw he was wearing a police uniform. He looked to be in his forties, with black hair slicked back, starting to go gray. Gray streaks ran through his bushy mustache as well.

  "These are the two the Reverend told me about earlier?" The policeman asked, in a gravely voice.

  "Yes sir, Sheriff," Charlie replied. "Glad he walkied ahead."

  "Alright. I'll take them back. You two have a good night."

  Charlie glared stiffly at the Sheriff. It seemed he wasn't as happy being ordered around by the cop as he was by the Reverend. Charlie and the other man turned around. JT and Tyrone went inside and the sheriff followed closing and locking the door behind him. He pointed over to a door across the open room, which was filled with desks. Each desk had a Coleman lantern sitting on it.

  "Alright, you two gentlemen are going to follow me through that door," The Sheriff talked in a slow Midwestern drawl. "We'll get you set up in two cozy little rooms for the night."

  "This is bullshit!" JT blurted out. "You have no right, no authority to lock us up. Get these handcuffs off of me and my friend now!"

  The Sheriff seemed unfazed by JT's outburst. He shifted his stance, putting his hand on his hip and the other he laid across the gun sitting in its holster on his belt.

  "In the morning we can talk about authority, rights, and whatever else you would like to talk about. If you want to talk about the man who lives on the moon, well we can do that as well. We got all the time in the world to fucking talk. Right now go back to those cells without starting any trouble, then I won't have to finish it," The sheriff rubbed his eyes. "I got woken up for this. So if you're smart, you wouldn't piss me off. Don't fight it son, this will probably be one of the safest places you have been in since this whole Outbreak mess. Get a good night's sleep. We'll see if we can get this figured out in the morning."

  Powerless to do anything else, JT decided again to bide his time. It hurt though, to swallow his pride. He moved towards the door.

  "You are going to let Cowboy Curtis here take us back without any more fight? Just like that?" Tyrone said, astonished.

  "He's wiser than he looks son. I suggest you follow his lead. It's not like you’re going to be able to call up the NAACP and lodge a complaint."

  "Oh are you some kind of racist on top of being a po po. Color me white, why am I not surprised?"

  "Tyrone, let's not do this now," JT sounded tired. He was. At every turn, every decision seemed to be the wrong decision. Maybe the Sheriff was right, and a good night sleep was all that was in store for them.

  "Believe about me what you will. Call me what you will. I’m sure I’ve been called it and worse while trying to do my fucking job. Believe this you two if nothing else. I don't want anymore trouble. I don't have much of a janitorial staff, and I don't want to make too much of a mess I’d have to clean up. Let's just go back, and we can talk about this in the morning." The Sheriff grabbed one of the lanterns off a desk. He passed them both and led on.

  Tyrone was clearly not happy about this, but he followed JT to the door. The Sheriff unlocked it and led them down a narrow corridor. At the end was another door that had to be unlocked. This opened into a room divided into four jail cells, two on each side.

  The Sheriff unlocked the first one, motioned JT inside. He did the same for the one right next to it for Tyrone. He had them both place their hands through a small gap in the cell door and he unlocked both their handcuffs.

  "As you can see you have a bed, a sink full of clean water, and a toilet." He waved the lantern around. "It will be pitch black back here and for that I am sorry. Should make for a good night sleep though. Gentleman, you have a nice night."

  "What? No bedtime stories Sheriff?" JT taunted.

  "Careful JT, we don't want the big bad cop enacting some police brutality on us."

  The Sheriff shot Tyrone a menacing stare. "You know there used to be hundreds of people like you kid, hell probably thousands and guess who they all ran to for help when the shit hit the fan? It wasn't the gang bangers and race rioters, it was me young man. Sheriff Randall and his evil deputies. Think about that tonight."

  Sounding satisfied he had the final word, Randall left and locked the door behind him, plunging the cells into darkness.

  After the men had taken JT and Tyrone away, the Reverend turned back to Hannah. He stepped in close enough to take her limp hands into his.

  "I am sorry to have to do this," He started gently. "I am sure it is upsetting, but you must understand. I have to protect my people. My flock as I think of them. My instincts tell me you can be trusted, you were trying to protect your people. But a foundation of lies is not a good way to start a relationship."

  Hannah's mind was reeling. Ever since coming across the church, things had been coming at her fast, one after another. The shock of seeing JT and Tyrone taken away in handcuffs was the latest.

  She didn't understand the open hostility JT was displaying toward the Reverend. I mean, here was a man of faith. Seemingly trying to make a peaceful place, a house of worship, out of the horrible world they lived in now. She was already convinced he was the total opposite of Harold. JT didn't even attempt to listen to what he had to say. Why did he not give the Reverend a chance? Was it because of the bodies in the trees? That was disturbing yes, but maybe that was the way things worked now. She could see the sense in what Albright had told them. She would have thought JT would have seen that too.

  Also, Albright was completely right. They had lied to him. She was just following JT's lead. She was sure JT thought it was the best thing to do, to try to protect Gus and Tyrone. Where had that gotten them though? Did it all boil down to jealousy, his feeling towards her? As these thoughts raced through her head, the Reverend continued standing there, holding her hands in his.

  "Your other friend, the hurt one. Gus is his name right? We will help him however we can. Even the sinners, especially the sinners, need the salvation of the church. Unless God decides it time for Gus to go home."

  "Really? You’ll be able to help Gus?" Hannah’s eyes widened. A warm feeling blossomed in her chest. She didn't want to admit it but she had given up on the thought of being able to save Gus. Now her prayers had been answered. It a small miracle.

  "Yes," Albright said, smiling even wider. "We have a wonderful nurse here. Linda is her name. We will get Gus set up and I’ll ask her to look at him. With her help and our prayers, Gus will be fine I'm sure."

  Hannah felt as if a huge weight had been taken off of her chest. If these people were still willing to help, she thought maybe things would turn out all right in the end after all. That brought her back to what had happened to JT and Tyrone though. She pulled her hands out of the Reverend's grasp and stuck them in the pocket of her jeans.

  "So what are you going to do with us?" she asked, taking a step back.

  "Before I answer, let me ask you something Hannah," Albright said, looking serious again. "How is the wellness of your soul? What shape is your faith in? Your relationship with God?"

  "Well," She said, nibbling at her lip. She didn't know what that had to do with anything but if it would help get Gus get fixed up, JT and Tyrone freed, she would answer. "It's all right. It could be better. My going to church and reading the Bible lapsed when I got into college two years ago. I know it's not an excuse, but I got really busy. Before that though, my church helped me get through a hard time in my life."

  "At least there is a foundation on which to build with Hannah," Reverend Albright said, flashing his smile. It seemed to always be there, right under the surface. "That gives me hope we can come to a resolution all of us will be happy with. Why don't you follow me into the chapel? We can pray together. Start building that relationship with God back."

  He went to the door, opened it, and gestured for her to walk through. She stood there frozen for what felt like an hour, knowing this was a big decision. What if this man was Harold 2.0? She didn't see how that could be though. She was sti
ll convinced he was the opposite of Harold in every way. Albright was a man of God. Her thoughts felt woozy. Albright stood there, smiling invitingly, looking as if he had all the patience in the world.

  Ultimately it was her faith in God that decided it for her. All that had happened wasn't going to turn her from Him. Look at the sign He has placed before me. Gus is going to be okay.

  Hannah shook her head as if to clear it. She stepped through the doorway and out into the hall. Albright stepped in front of her and led her back to the chapel.

  "Let's go down in front. Get nice and personal," Albright said.

  He knelt down on the floor, right in front of the giant cross. He looked up expectantly at Hannah.

  She knelt beside him. Bowed her head. Brought her hands together. Closed her eyes.

  "Lord," Albright began. "Here is another of your children. One who had lost their way, but now wants back into your loving embrace. We welcome her, extending our love and protection to her. I ask that you do the same Lord. In Jesus name, Amen."

  And let Gus live. Let JT see the good thing in front of us. Let Tyrone see it as well. Hannah added to herself. She opened her eyes and looked up at the pained figure of Jesus. She felt a peace come over her mind she had been missing for a long, long while.

  Gus blinked opened his eyes and couldn't believe how much better he felt. His first thought was he had to be still dreaming. He was laying down on something lots more comfortable than he had been on a long time. The hard ground or the cold metal of the pick up truck wasn't digging into his back.

  Since there wasn’t any naked woman in view, Gus decided he must be awake. He swiveled his head around slowly. Even taking it easy he felt a wave of dizziness. He froze and soon it passed. All he could see around him was a white sheet. He looked down at himself. In the dim light he could see he had something on his hand. It looked like a clear tube. He followed the tube up with his eyes to a clear bag hanging on what looked like a coat rack.

  Guessin that's a IV. Where the hell am I?


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