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The Outbreak Series (Book 2): Purgatory

Page 13

by Thomas Baker

  Albright gave JT a cocky smile.

  "Let's walk JT," Albright turned around. "The crisp air will do me some good. You too as well I think. After being holed up in that jail cell and all."

  Albright went on at a leisurely pace. JT stood where he was. He was trying so hard to swallow down the urge to take Albright out, damn the consequences. Those consequences could lead to the death of Tyrone and Gus so he stamped it down.

  Albright stopped. "Charlie," he called without turning around.

  JT got a sharp jab in his lower back. He stumbled forward a step.

  "Let's go," Charlie growled.

  JT shot him a look over his shoulder to tell Charlie he would get his. Reluctantly he followed the Reverend out across the church grounds. When he was beside the Reverend, Albright continued his pace. Charlie walked a few feet behind them.

  "I do love this time of the year," Albright said, looking around. "Look at the leaves changing colors. The heat of the summer giving way to the cold of winter. It reminds you how everything is in flux. Nothing is permanent, except God. God is eternal."

  JT couldn't help but think what a tool this guy was. Was he trying to be artsy or something? He closed his eyes for a moment, envisioning the girl. She had almost become a kind of totem to him. A calming mechanism. It flushed out the rage and let him listen to what Albright was saying and give him the means to play along. Given time maybe Albright would slip up. It also gave him time to scope out the grounds of the church and the surrounding area. He made a show out of looking at the trees. Mentally he was taking notes of the layout, how far away the shed was, and what other places you could take cover around the church. He didn't know how yet, but he would get them out of this.

  Albright seemed to be waiting for some response from him. "Yeah sure." was his curt reply.

  "All this beauty as well. What a gift the Earth is to us and we were supposed to be the shepherds. Then we went and made a mess of things, again."

  JT was only half listening to Albright's church propaganda. He was more curious how many people were here. If it came to a firefight, would they all join in? What would the church body do without its head? He was convinced any peaceful way out of here was gone. If it even existed in the first place. The guy had a certain charisma, JT had to give him that. He guessed Albright had most of the people here eating out of his hand.

  "Before we go any further JT," Albright said, clasping his hands behind his back. "I should ask, what is your relationship with God?"

  JT had to hold back a snort of laughter. Was this guy serious?

  "He is our Lord and Savior. He died for our sins, so we may go to heaven. I love the guy. Jesus, he's alright with me."

  Albright frowned. "That doesn't sound very sincere to me."

  "I could say the same about you," JT slipped, instantly regretting the comment. If he wasn't handcuffed he would have smacked himself in the forehead.

  "We aren't talking about me. We are discussing you," Albright spoke softly. If he was upset by JT's comment he wasn't showing it. "Your future."

  They passed behind the shed and followed the edge of the wooded area now. JT noted all the shed windows had been painted black. He wondered what kind of supplies were in there. If things worked out like he wanted, he would get the chance to find out.

  "My future is getting me and my friends far away from here."

  "Your friends," Albright chuckled. "You should know JT, even though it hurts me to tell you, Hannah hasn't asked about you or Tyrone at all. She is happy here now. She has found more than friends here. She has rediscovered her faith. She is now part of our family. She has moved into our congregation. I believe she has no more interest in you. Her interest now lies with the church."

  "Oh yeah?" JT couldn't believe it. Didn't want to. "Where is she? I will ask her myself."

  "Someplace safe. From what she has told me, I given her more than you could ever could."

  JT's cuffs rattled as he shook. The fucking nerve of Albright. He was convinced the guy wasn't some crazed religious nut. He seemed to smart and calculating, to in control. He was trying to get Hannah. Albright couldn't be more blatant. Again JT had to close his eyes. When he calmed down a thought hit him. Albright might be trying to get JT to attack first, then Albright would have the excuse of self defense. JT clenched his jaw, trying not to let Albright get under his skin.

  "That hit close to home?" Albright said, sounding smug. "Truth always does."

  They were circling around now, back in front of the shed.

  "Let me ask you something JT. If I was to let you and Tyrone go, would you leave peacefully?"

  "Not without Hannah and Gus."

  "Like I said, Hannah has no interest in leaving with you. She is one of my flock now. Gus will be staying to. He was hurt, severely. We fixed him. As an older gentleman, I would think he would much rather stay here. We could provide him shelter and comfort. Things he won’t find sticking with you. No, it would be you and Tyrone."

  JT thought it over before replying. Was this some kind of trap? Was the man even seriously thinking about letting them go? Of course wouldn't leave without Gus and Hannah. At the very least he had to talk to them first. Not that he believed Albright’s bullshit. Should he say that? Or should he try to play along, get back his freedom, and plan some way to get them back? He was looking at it from every angle he could conceive of.

  "What about joining your church?" JT asked, stalling. "Wasn't that an option?"

  "I'm afraid that won't be possible anymore."


  "You and Tyrone are both unworthy." Albright proclaimed.

  "I thought Jesus helped the sinners the most," JT shot back.

  "I will take that as a no. I would have let you go, and Tyrone too. With a warning of course, that my people would have been told to shoot you on sight if you ever came back. Now I must pray on what to do with you next."

  They had arrived back at the truck. Albright motioned to Charlie.

  "Take him back. Tell Randall to hold on to them for a little bit longer."

  "You lying, hypocritical, no good fuck," JT shouted. His restrain broke. He struggled as Charlie and Daryll tried to push him back on the truck.

  JT was able to knock Daryll down in the dirt with a shoulder block. He kicked out at Charlie, who danced back out of the way. Albright stood off to the side, smiling. JT made a charge for him, but was tripped up as Daryll lunged and grabbed his ankle.

  JT went down hard, face first into the grass. He coughed out dirt, the grittiness of it gagging him. He rolled over onto his back. He looked up into Albright's grinning face. He continued grinning as Charlie came over and gut punched JT with the stock of his rifle. JT gasped for air. He rolled onto his side, defenseless with his hands still cuffed behind his back. Daryll and Charlie kicked at him as he moved back and forth with the impact, protecting himself the best he could.

  "That's enough," Albright said, walking into JT's field of vision. He still wore the shit eating grin JT so desperately wanted to wipe off his face. If only...

  "Get him up. Are you done now JT?"

  JT could only moan. Daryll and Charlie took hold on either side of him and backed him up to the truck. It was awkward walking backwards. He felt his ass bump the tailgate of the truck. Albright came face to face with him. His mask cracked and JT could see behind the smile for a brief moment. Albright's true face was one of pure rage. It was easy for JT to recognize.

  "Goodbye. I don't expect to ever see you again," Albright said, pushing JT in the chest as hard as he could. JT fell back over open tailgate, slamming his head down hard on the metal bed. His breath shot out of him and his vision doubled. His head throbbed to the beat of his heart. The rest of him was shoved in the truck, the tailgate was banged shut, and JT could feel the truck sway. The next thing he knew he was back on his cot in his cell, sore and aching all over.

  "Huh, guess they will beat up on other people besides the black atheist," Tyrone said, standing at the bars.
r />   JT didn't even dignify Tyrone's jab with a response. He closed his eyes, enjoying each ache and pain as he fantasized about his revenge.

  It had taken a lot of stumbling around in the predawn light, but Hannah made it down to the jail without incident.

  She knew Reverend Albright wouldn't be happy with her sneaking off, if he found out. She had to see JT and Tyrone. Only she could convince them that staying with the church was a good idea. They would trust her, over any of the strangers, including Albright. With one last look around, not expecting anyone would be following her, she went inside.

  In the gloom, she could see a couple of desks. Squinting, she thought she could make out a door on the back wall. Maybe it led to where the cells were. She noticed a lantern sitting on the desk closest to her. She picked it up and flipped it on. It's weak light illuminated part of the generic looking office space. Walking back she had the thought for the first time, what if any of the doors had been locked? Well, she had already made it this far, no reason not to give it a try. It opened with a faint squeak.

  She held the lantern up, trying to adjust to the pitch blackness. She went to each cell. At the first one she could identify the big shape under the blankets with his back to her as JT. She also found Tyrone and another man she didn't know.

  "JT, JT wake up," She hissed at a loud whisper, coming back to the first cell and standing at the bars.

  If she could get JT to come along, she thought he would get Tyrone to as well. She had heard the rumors about Tyrone, his belligerence to Albright, his blasphemy about the Bible. She thought they had to be that though, rumors. Tyrone was a nice, decent person. He couldn't be an atheist like they said around the church, when they thought she wasn't listening.

  "Uh." JT stired, turned, and sat up. He rubbed at his eyes with a palm. Then they widened in shock. JT sprang up and raced to the bars.

  "Hannah is that you? You got away? Tell me, you are here to get us out," JT said, a grin spreading across his face.

  Hannah was hesitant to let him down. "In a way I am. It is so good to see you JT. I've missed you. You and Tyrone. I've-"

  "Let me get Tyrone up. He’ll be so happy to get out of here. He has been sulking like a twelve year old boy."

  "No, don't do that," Hannah implored, still talking at a whisper. "It's not exactly what you think JT."

  She could seem him visibly deflate. She had to press on though. She still thought convincing him was their best chance of being all together again. In a place that was safe.

  "JT, please listen to me. I know you and Tyrone have gotten off on the wrong page with Reverend Albright but I'm begging you. Be honest with him. What they have up there at the church, it is a good thing. I'm already out of the college and into a room inside. I work in the garden, and do other odd jobs. The people there are great. They have a nurse, who has healed Gus. Wait until you see him. This is the place we have been looking for."

  "You mean our safe haven?" JT threw back at her. He let go of the bars and crossed his arms.

  "That's something I would have expect paranoid Dusty to say," Hannah said, a little hurt.

  "The so called Reverend, I don't trust him. Tyrone won't talk about what they said to him up there, but I have seen the results on his face of what they have done. Hell, yesterday I felt them.” He pointed at his lip. “Doesn't seem very Christian like to me."

  She noticed the cuts and bruises on JT's face and arms in the weak light. His busted lip. Hannah felt JT was holding something more back. What or why she didn't know. A little alarm went off in the back of her head. She pushed it aside and plowed on anyway.

  "You don't know him, but you know me. You can trust me." Hannah knew she was starting to sound a little too whiny and pleading, but she didn't care. She only wanted them all together, whatever it took.

  JT gave her a look of disgust he quickly tried to cover up. "Hannah, what happened to you?"

  "I woke up. You need to as well."

  "If this is your enlightenment, then it's a step down for you. Where is the strong woman I knew? Have you completely fallen for his bullshit? Because that's what it is. Faith is one thing. A cult is another."

  Hannah put down the lantern she had been holding. She reached through the bars, wanting to touch him. Persuade him. Her hand caressed his forearm.

  "Is it true?" she said smoothly. "You and Tyrone don't believe?"

  "Tyrone, not one bit. Me, I'm guessing you would call me agnostic. That's not the real issue though. Can't you see? It’s Albright. Forcing people to either join him or die. He has threatened as much to me. Ask him. He won’t even let Tyrone or me join his church now. He just wants you."

  It seemed he had more to say but again he stopped. He grabbed her hand. He looked her fully in the eyes. She saw his old anger in them. She tried again in spite of feeling it was a lost cause.

  "It's not that way. It is not a cult. He has to protect his people. Don't you understand? I would think you would do the same thing, in his place. What would you do to protect me? Don’t let jealousy cloud your judgment JT. He’s a Reverend. There is nothing there between us."

  JT let her hand slip from his and turned his back on her. Her stomach flipped and sank. She felt like a ship lost in a raging storm at sea. She wasn't going to convert them. Not this way. She was going to lose him.

  "JT, please," she pleaded again. "Don't make me choose between God or you. Come with me, even if you don't believe. You will, I know with time you could."

  "Hannah," he sighed, turning back around. He reached his hand through the bars to take up hers again. "Honestly, I'm at a loss. I don't know what to do. I just know it’s bad to join up with them like this. His use of force against us, you won't see. I don't think Tyrone would do it and I don't want to abandon him. I don't... I won't lose you and Gus either."

  She let go of his hand, stepped back, and shook her head. She had done all she could now. She had to get back, before they realized she was gone. Why should it matter though, if I’m not a prisoner? This visit, it was all confusing. She guessed she didn't want to worry any of her family if they woke up to find her missing.

  "I have to go JT. I can pray that the next time I see you, it’s at the church."

  "Hannah," JT called after her as she picked up the lantern and left. "It doesn't have to be this way. Get us out of here and we can leave. Make our decision together away from Albright's threats and coercion. Hannah!"

  She ran out, tears gathering in the corners of her eyes.

  "You know guys, I don't mind the way things have turned out," Jelly said. He was lying on his back on his cot, looking up at the ceiling with his arms under his head. JT had come to think of it as Jelly's philosophy pose. The guy liked to talk and in a way JT welcomed it. It filled up the time. Turned his mind away from the circle loop it was on, as he replayed his conversation with Hannah the morning before.

  On the flip side, Tyrone had become more silent and withdrawn than ever. He thought Tyrone had heard at least the end what Hannah had to say to him. JT was worried what would happen to him if they didn't get out of here soon. He didn't want to tell him about everything said during Hannah's visit. It could push Tyrone into some darker places.

  "What do you mean, the way what turned out?" JT asked.

  "This Outbreak thing. The zombification of America. We were headed that way anyway." Jelly then laughed hard, like it was the funniest joke he had ever heard.

  "You think it's funny that for all I know my family has been killed by zombies or have been turned into them?" Tyrone spoke up. The harshness in his voice was one JT had never heard before.

  "Yeah that part's a bummer," Jelly admitted.

  "A bummer? That's all you would call it?" Tyrone said, even more agitated now. He had been sitting on his cot, but now he was up and at the bars.

  "Look man, it's unfortunate and all but to me it didn't really matter. My Dad was a workaholic and my Mom was an alcoholic. Never had much time for me. I was punching the clock at some dead in job an
d medicating my way through the nights. Now though dude, I can do what I want. I have ultimate freedom. No more work, no more money problems. I can live where I want, do what I want all day."

  "I'm glad it spread quickly too," Jelly said, going on a spiel. "If it didn't we would be living through the war on zombies, right along side the war on terror and the war on drugs. What a joke."

  "You can't do what you want right now. You are locked up in jail," Tyrone shot back.

  "You are right my man. I should find a car and leave this place. I think that's what I will do when I get out of here. Maybe find someplace that still has electricity. I do miss that shit. Oh and pizza. The internet too. It so hard to masturbate now."

  JT burst out laughing. Tyrone gave them both a dirty look.

  "I miss my momma. I sit here trapped and will probably die in this cell. You sit there and talk about such silly shit," Tyrone said, bitterly. "Real people died during the Outbreak. Millions. What about your theory too, people trapped inside their rotting bodies, unable to stop being cannibals? You really wishing that on people."

  "Nah, I guess," Jelly said nonchalantly. "I ‘m sorry about your Mom dude. For reals. Most people though, they weren't really living anyway. Some days I do think about how strange it is people like me and you guys are the survivors, but I’ve yet to run into anyone or hear about anyone talk about those who were supposedly more important. Did all the politicians, all the billionaires survive? Movie stars and athletes? Did they split the scene and move to some island they bought in the middle of nowhere, leaving all of us here to die?

  "That's a crazy idea. I have to admit though, now that you say that..." JT wondered at it.

  "Sorry to break up your little hippie party in here," Randall said. No one had noticed him coming in. "Jay, the Reverend wants to see you."

  Behind Randall, in the open doorway, JT could see Charlie standing there, holding his rifle and looking stone faced. He didn't know why, but JT suddenly had a bad feeling about this.

  "How many times have I told you to call me Jelly, not Jay, man," Jelly said, getting up from the cot.


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