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For His Daughter's Sake

Page 20

by Stella Bagwell

  “She did. But she believed she could force me to leave it all behind. I didn’t understand how much she longed to be in the city, any more than she understood that the Flying A was my lifeblood. My biggest mistake, Callie, was trying to hang on and turn a wrong into a right.”

  “But the two of you eventually had a daughter,” Callie pointed out. “There must’ve been some feelings between you.”

  A rueful grimace tightened his features. “When Maeve arrived, we both had hopes things would get better. But Maeve cried and cried. Even when she wasn’t colicky, she was cranky. I didn’t know a thing about babies and when I tried to hold or pacify my daughter, she must’ve sensed how tense I was. She would only cry louder.”

  Callie placed a hand on his forearm. “You’re trying to tell me you weren’t the best of dads?”

  “With Maeve constantly screaming and Luanne was always yelling at me, it was more than I could take. I began to stay away from the house, later and later. Just so I wouldn’t have to deal with any of it.”

  “Hiding from the problem probably wasn’t the best way to handle things, Tyler,” she said. “But that hardly makes you a monster.”

  “Maybe not. But I’m the reason Luanne is dead. I’m alive, Callie, and she’s gone. All because I couldn’t be a good father or a decent husband.”

  Shaking her head, she scowled at him. “How could you say such a thing?”

  “I came in late one night to find Maeve throwing a fit and Luanne hurling ultimatums at me. She handed over the baby, then saying she had to get away for a while, grabbed the car keys and left.”

  “And you’re racked with guilt because in your mind you caused her to have the car accident,” Callie stated knowingly.

  Tyler groaned. “Guilt has been my companion for so long now, I wouldn’t know how to get rid of it. And why should I try? Luanne fell asleep at the wheel. Because she’d been exhausted. Because I hadn’t been there to help her deal with our daughter.”

  Callie wrapped her hand around his and squeezed it tightly.

  Her touch was like a lifeline to him and he wondered how he’d managed to survive without her these last two miserable weeks.

  “You should try, Ty, because you deserve to be happy,” she said gently. “Yes, Luanne is gone. And yes, you made mistakes with her. But you’re human and, unfortunately, that’s what we humans do. But that hardly means you have to punish yourself for the rest of your life.”

  As he studied her lovely face, he could see that she truly meant what she was saying. She didn’t view him as an unfeeling monster. She simply saw him as a man who’d made mistakes. And suddenly the dark pain he’d carried inside his heart for so long began to ebb away like the ocean tide.

  Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her into his chest. “You make me so happy, Callie. I love you. Truly love you. But I’m afraid of losing you. That’s why I ran the other night. I thought I could outrun my feelings, but I can’t. When I saw you here at the wedding, I realized I could never let you go.”

  She clung to him tightly and then, easing her head back, she smiled at him. “I think you already know how I feel about you, but I’ll tell you anyway. I love you, Tyler. And I never want to let you go. We’re going to be happy—together.”

  He kissed her forehead. Then drawing her into his arms, he covered her lips with his and tried to let his kiss convey how much he loved her. How much he would always need her in his life.

  Once their lips finally parted, she lifted her fingertips to his cheek and gazed at him with love that was so warm and real it filled his heart to the very brim.

  “When we first met, Tyler, somehow—deep down, I knew you were the man I’d been waiting and hoping would come into my life. Now you’re truly here at my side and the joy I feel at this moment is too great to measure.”

  “It couldn’t be any more than the joy you’ve given me,” he murmured, then after placing another long kiss on her lips, he gently pulled her to her feet. “Come on. Let’s go back to the reception. I want to introduce you to my father and brothers.”

  Her light laugh was full of delight. “They might get the idea that we’re a couple.”

  Grinning, he squeezed her hand. “We are, Callie. A real couple. Now and always.”

  * * *

  Later, Callie and Tyler were helping themselves to punch and wedding cake, when Winona Cobbs emerged from a group of Abernathys. Most usually, the psychic’s fashion choices could only be described as outlandish, but today she was a bit more subdued in an emerald-green satin dress that billowed out from her waist. A fascinator, with the same green-colored plumes and a net that draped across her forehead, held her white hair in place.

  Winona had been the perfect person to walk Melanie down the aisle, Callie thought. After all, the old woman was the very reason Melanie had moved to Bronco and, ultimately, met the love of her life.

  A smug smile was on Winona’s face as she approached the couple. “Tyler, Callie, I wanted to wish you happiness with your future together.”

  Callie’s brows shot up as she glanced at Tyler’s bemused expression then back to Winona. Whether the old woman truly was a physic, Callie couldn’t say. But one thing was certain, Winona had known all along that Tyler was the perfect man for Callie. Her days of wondering if a prince would ever walk into her life were over. He was now standing right by her side.

  “But how did you know about—”

  “The bridal shower,” Winona interrupted. “I told you the signal was strong then. It was even stronger back at the Fourth of July barbecue.”

  Callie’s jaw dropped as she stared incredulously at the old woman. “But I didn’t tell you about noticing Tyler that day.”

  “You didn’t have to, dear.”

  Winona winked and smiled, and headed off toward another group of wedding guests. No doubt to spread hope to another lonely heart.

  “What was that about?” Tyler asked as he slipped his arm around Callie’s waist.

  Her smile was impish as she looked up at him. “Oh, it’s just Winona’s way of spreading the love.”

  * * *

  Look for the next book in the new Harlequin Special Edition continuity Montana Mavericks: The Real Cowboys of Bronco Heights

  The Most Eligible Cowboy

  by Melissa Senate

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  And catch up with the previous Montana Mavericks title:

  The Rancher’s Summer Secret by New York Times bestselling author Christine Rimmer

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  Return to Rendezvous Falls for the next charming and heartfelt book in Jo McNally’s series!

  Read on for a sneak peek of Love Blooms by Jo McNally.

  Love Blooms

  by Jo McNally

  OWEN DIDN’T KNOW how to respond. She was right. He wasn’t the guy Lucy had known before. His time in the military had changed him. There was a bright flash beyond the trees, and a rapid series of explosions followed by more colors lighting up the sky. The finale of the fireworks show. His body tensed at the bombardment of sound and light, no matter how distant. Lucy’s hands gripped his biceps, and her forehead touched his. She was trying to stay connected...trying to keep him connected to her. To the present, not the past. He rested his hands on her waist, completing the circle, but not pulling her closer.

  Neither of them said a word while the finale came to its explosive conclusion. There was a beat of complete silence after the echoes faded, then the sound of car and boat horns rose up from the lakeshore as people expressed appreciation for the event that had sent him running.

  And still they stood without moving in the empty parking lot. He breathed in the soft floral scent of her and wished they could stay connected like this forever. Once silence fell on the Seneca Valley again, Lucy made the first move, slowly backing away. Moving o
ut of reach, but not by much. That had to be a good sign, right? Was this whole night a good sign? Or a goodbye?

  He looked up, unable to see her face in the shadows cast by the parking lot light behind her. But he could see she was looking back at him. Waiting for some kind of answers. He was suddenly exhausted from holding onto everything he was carrying, and his shoulders fell in defeat.

  “You’re right, Luce. I didn’t come back the same. The last was so many levels worse than the first two for me. Those were no picnics, but the last one...the mountains, the weather and the action... We ended up in the thick of things more than once. Screwed up intel. Lousy luck. I don’t even know.” He stared off into the darkness under the trees. “People died before. Even people I knew...sort of. But this time...” His head dropped. “This time some of them died in my arms. Friends died in my arms....” Lucy made a strangled sound. She was getting the idea. “It made everything else seem so...unimportant.” He rushed to clarify, looking straight at her. “I don’t mean that it made you unimportant. But the wedding plans...the dress...the food...” His hand rose and fell. “I know it was important to you, so I should have made more effort, but I truly didn’t care.” He stopped. “There, I said it.”

  She considered his words for a moment.

  “Yes, you said it. And I...I respect that, after what happened. But what you didn’t hear is that the problem wasn’t in the wedding plans—I never expected you to get excited over choosing the centerpieces. The problem was that I wanted a small, intimate ceremony and I was getting a country club reception with an orchestra. The wedding plans weren’t what I wanted you to care about. My feelings about them are what I wanted you to hear.”

  Silence hung between them again, heavier than before. He’d been such an idiot.

  “I’m sorry, Luce. You’re right. I should have heard that, but I just...I was barely hanging on, you know? I didn’t want any deep dives into feelings. Not mine. Not yours. I get why you left me standing at the church. I deserved it, and it helped jolt me out of my stupor.” He thought of the week he’d spent drinking alone in their apartment. “Eventually, anyway.”

  He turned her toward the car. “We should head back.” He took her hand, not sure if she’d allow it. She didn’t push his hand away as she fell into step at his side. His heart jumped. As they walked, she wound her fingers through his. Progress! There had clearly been a shift in the mood between them tonight.

  His chest felt lighter. Her hand was warm and familiar. She’d come up here with him when he needed her. She still cared. Owen Cooper had never been a quitter, and he wasn’t about to give up on their future together. If he had to win Lucy’s heart all over again, he’d do it. And this time around...this time she could wear whatever damn dress she wanted when she married him.

  Don’t miss what happens next in...

  Love Blooms

  by Jo McNally

  Available August 2021 wherever HQN books and ebooks are sold.

  Keep reading for an excerpt from The Horse Trainer’s Secret by Allison Leigh.

  Copyright © 2021 by Jo McNally


  Believe in love. Overcome obstacles. Find happiness.

  Relate to finding comfort and strength in the support of loved ones and enjoy the journey no matter what life throws your way.


  The Horse Trainer’s Secret

  by Allison Leigh


  “It’s agreed, then. We’ll see you back here the middle of May.”

  Megan Forrester nodded at Jed Dalloway as everyone around the table clinked their frosty beer mugs together in a toast. “Middle of May,” she agreed. “I’m looking forward to it.”

  Jed’s wife, April, smiled broadly. “So are we! It’s hard to believe that we’ve actually broken ground on our guest ranch.”

  “Believe it.” Chance Michaels slid off his barstool as he fit the cap in place on the long tube containing his rolled-up architectural drawings. “Only now, this damn weather’s got the ground frozen again.”

  The March weather was pretty miserable right now in Wyoming. And high up on Rambling Mountain, which overlooked the town of Weaver, it was even snowier. Once the guest ranch was built and open for business, that snow would be a major attraction for guests both far and near. But right now, it stood in the way of construction.

  It also prevented Megan from making the several-hour drive back home to Angel River tonight.

  “There’s Nick.” April abruptly set down her mug and waved her hand in the air. She glanced at Megan. “My cousin.”

  Megan didn’t look up; she was busy refilling her mug. She figured she might as well take advantage of the fact that she wouldn’t be driving home tonight.

  It was a Friday night. Despite the inclement weather, Colbys Bar & Grill was crowded. Two guitarists and a drummer were crammed in one corner playing music that probably wouldn’t land them a recording deal anytime soon, but they were good enough to have people dancing on one side of the bar, where the tables had been shoved aside. On the opposite side, every pool table was in use and the clacking of billiard balls was audible between one song and the next.

  It was noisy. It was energetic. It was everything that, on occasion, Megan Forrester enjoyed. And on this occasion, she had something to celebrate. It wasn’t every day when a woman like her was asked to design an equestrian center from the ground up.

  “I’m gonna get on home before the wife hunts me down,” Chance said, and Megan realized he’d already pulled on his coat. He tapped the cardboard tube lightly against the edge of the table. “Jed, I’ll send you the plans for your cabin remodel this week, too,” he promised before turning and making his way toward the door.

  “Cabin remodel?”

  April nodded and whipped out her cell phone, showing Megan a photo. “The view’s spectacular, but you can see it needs a little updating,” she joked. The picture showed an ancient, ramshackle cabin.

  Megan peered at it a little more closely. “That’s where the two of you live?” There were only a few tiny windows, and it looked in actual danger of sliding off the cliff where it was perched.

  “It does have indoor plumbing,” Jed interjected as a stranger in a cowboy hat grabbed the barstool Chance had just vacated.

  “Mind if I take this?” The guy was already starting to slide it away, but a second stranger clamped his hand over the back of the chair.

  “I do. Sorry, pal.” His smile was white. He was tall and dark-haired. His eyes were gray. And they danced over April and Jed before landing on Megan’s face.

  Every female cell she possessed stood up and took notice as the man sat down in Chance’s place.

  The architect had been pleasant enough. Sixty-five, if he was a day, with thinning gray hair and a dulling gold wedding band on his finger. He’d seemed to know his stuff and Megan figured she could tolerate working with the guy for a couple months when she returned to Weaver in May. She’d work with almost anyone if it meant having the opportunity to design some stables and buy a lot of horses.

  But that was business.

  And this guy, with his broad shoulders and sexy grin, looked like anything but business. In fact, he looked like a long slow roll in the hay.

  And it had been a very long time since Megan had rolled in any hay.

  “Megan, this is my cousin—”

  “I’m Nick,” the man said before April could finish speaking. He shook Megan’s hand, and the look in his eyes told her that he was taking notice of her in return. “And you are...?”

  “Megan.” From the corner of her eye, she saw April toss up her hands and shrug. But Megan was far more focused on the feel of Nick’s thumb as he slowly rubbed the back of her hand.

  “Want to dance, Megan?”

  She was stuck in town for the night at the very least. She was celebrating. And now, a mouthwatering guy had practically dropped right in her lap.

  She slipped off her barstool to stand in the very narrow bit of space between them. His jean-clad thigh felt solid and warm against her. “Dancing will do...” She slowly turned her hand in his and returned the subtle caress. His gray gaze sharpened, and she smiled slightly. “For a start.”

  Copyright © 2021 by Allison Lee Johnson

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  ISBN-13: 9780369710093

  For His Daughter’s Sake

  Copyright © 2021 by Harlequin Books S.A.

  Special thanks and acknowledgment are given to Stella Bagwell for her contribution to the Montana Mavericks: The Real Cowboys of Bronco Heights miniseries.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events or locales is entirely coincidental.


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