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Julian (Trinity Academy Book 4)

Page 2

by Michelle Heard

  Where Mason’s mouth pulls into a grin, I keep my face schooled. “I expected the recommendation, but I’m concerned the workload would be too much for one person. We have the trial against Senator Weinstock for embezzlement, and even though Mr. Chargill will run with it, we will need Logan’s full commitment.”

  I glance between Carter and Logan while waiting for their reply.

  “Lake, you just graduated in law, right?” Logan asks. “Where will you be doing your articles?”

  “I wasn’t planning on doing my articles,” Lake answers. “Why do you ask?”

  “If you had agreed to do your articles at CRC, then with your father still staying on for a year, we would’ve been fine with not hiring another person,” Logan explains.

  My eyes dart to Lake, and I find myself holding my breath as I watch him think over what Logan just said.

  “You’ll still need to hire someone once I’m done with my articles. I won’t join CRC on a permanent basis, but I’m more than willing to help ensure the senator pays for trying to embezzle funds from us.”

  “Carter’s sister-in-law will be studying law at Trinity. If we can manage for four years, then she can join as my assistant,” Logan explains where his mind’s at.

  “That’s four years, though,” Mason states, his eyes locking on Lake.

  “I need time to think about it,” Lake says, not looking happy with the idea of working at CRC even if it’s just for a couple of years. “I can talk with my father and hear whether he’s willing to postpone retiring for four years.”

  “That would solve the problem,” I agree, hoping either Mr. Cutler will stay on or that Lake will give in and join us.

  “Then it’s settled,” Mason says, to bring the discussion to an end, “Lake will talk with Mr. Cutler and get back to us with the answer.”

  “I wasn’t aware you have family who enrolled at Trinity Academy,” I mention to Carter to keep the conversation going.

  “Mason was kind enough to help with the application,” Carter states. “I’m thankful that she’ll be able to study at your academy.”

  “Will she be staying with Layla and Kingsley in The Hope Diamond?” I ask Mason. Mentioning the girls' names softens the hard look in Mason’s eyes. He’s been dating Kingsley for a couple of months now, and Layla and Falcon have been an item for almost a year. Lake recently got married as well, and I’m happy to see them all settling down.

  “Layla, Kingsley, and Preston will be sharing the main suite,” Mason explains. “I had Jamie placed in Kingsley’s old suite, so she’s close to the girls.”


  Hearing the name makes my thoughts return to the hot as hell one-night stand I had last week. It’s unfortunate that I woke to Jamie having left without bothering to give me her number. It’s not in my nature to sleep with random women, and I was honestly hoping to get to know Jamie better because she was unlike anyone I’ve met before. We spent the entire evening talking about the most random topics, and she made me laugh, which is a rare feat to accomplish. Her company felt natural, and one thing led to another with us ending up together in my suite. Her sensuality in the bedroom was another surprise. It’s a pity she chose not to keep in touch.

  Forcing my thoughts back to the meeting, I ask Carter, “You’ll be at the welcoming ceremony, right?”

  “Definitely. I’ll be there with my wife and children so you’ll get to meet them as well,” Carter says, then glancing at his partners and friends, he adds, “We’ll all be there for Jamie. It’s a tradition.”

  Hearing that makes a smile form on my face. “Family is important. I’m glad to hear you have such a close bond with each other.”

  “That’s why we invested. CRC’s standards align with ours,” Rhett says, lifting his tumbler so we can drink to our newly formed alliance. “To our future.”

  “To our future,” I agree. I feel the worry which has been my constant companion since I started working at CRC ease. It helps to know I’m no longer alone when it comes to running CRC Holdings.

  Mason and I went back to the office after lunch, and it’s after eleven when I get back to the hotel from work. Walking into the restaurant minutes before they’ll close for the evening, I make my way over to where the piano is situated in the corner.

  I can’t stop myself from scanning over the couple of guests still seated, hoping Jamie would be amongst them. I take the seat behind the piano and stare down at the keys feeling disappointed that she’s not here.

  I close my eyes and lay my fingers on the keys, remembering what it felt like to have her hands beneath mine. There was something so sensual about playing the piano together while her soft scent drifted around me.

  I take a couple of deep breaths, and when my hands begin to move, I feel some of the long day’s tension ease from my body. The piano notes fill the room, and once the intro’s done, I think about the welcoming ceremony, which will be held tomorrow. For the first time since Trinity Academy opened its doors, we’ve decided to showcase our music department during the welcoming ceremony.

  None of my family knows I’ve taken part in setting up the program. I haven’t told Falcon or my father that I’ve started playing instruments again, but I hope it will be a pleasant surprise for them.

  The first song they will be performing tomorrow makes me think of Jen. It’s been six years since she passed away, but time hasn’t done anything to wipe the memory of her from my mind or heart. We were engaged to be married before a freak car accident took her from me. I don’t think the shock of the sudden loss will ever stop rippling through my world.

  Jen was much better than me when it came to playing instruments, and I always associated music with her.

  I still do.

  Being chairman of a billion-dollar empire is no easy task, and my love for music is the only thing that’s kept me from buckling under the severe pressure since I took over from my father. I have no idea how he managed the pressure for more than thirty years, and I can only hope I won’t end up destroying his life’s work.

  Chapter 2


  “Are we there yet?” Danny, my eight-year-old niece, asks where she’s sitting next to me. “Why couldn’t I stay with Uncle Ledge or Miss Sebastian?” she mumbles.

  Out of all of Carter and Della’s friends, Rhett is Danny’s favorite uncle. She even has a nickname for him. She also took a liking to Miss Sebastian, another friend of the family. Then again, I’ve yet to meet someone who doesn’t instantly fall in love with Miss Sebastian. She’s unique and the most inspiring person I know. Miss Sebastian was born male, but with Rhett and Marcus’ help, she underwent a gender reassignment surgery. I love how she doesn’t care what people think of her.

  Della, my older sister, glances over her shoulder and smiles at her daughter. “Only five more minutes, and I already told you, Uncle Rhett and Miss Sebastian will meet us at the school.”

  After a couple of minutes, Carter says, “There’s Trinity Academy. What do you think, Jamie?”

  I glance up ahead, and my eyes widen. “Ahh… it looks like a five-star resort.”

  Perfect green lawns stretch all the way to where they clash with the unspoiled beauty of the mountain terrain surrounding the campus. It seriously looks like a luxury hotel instead of a college.

  Carter steers the car through heavy iron gates, and I take in the library on the right, a stretch of green lawn, and then we turn left into a parking area, and I get a full view of three impressive buildings.

  “Apparently, the welcome ceremony is a big thing here at Trinity Academy,” Carter mentions as he steers us into an open parking spot.

  We leave my baggage in the car for the time being. I’ll grab everything after the ceremony. Following Carter and Della, I glance around at the campus and students. A couple of times, I make eye-contact with another student, but when I smile, they just look the other way.

  Okayyy… seems people are the same here as in New York.

  Danny lets out a shriek o
f excitement and then bolts forward. A smile spreads over my face when I see our group of friends waiting for us to join them. Rhett catches Danny and swings her up into the air before kissing her cheek.

  When all the guys form two rows, a lump begins to grow in my throat. It’s become a tradition for them to do this on the first day of school or work.

  Della and Carter go to stand at the end of the line, and I turn my gaze to meet Miss Sebastian and her husband, Ryan, who are first.

  “Aww… my angel-girl, look at you ruining my makeup,” Miss Sebastian groans, waving a hand in front of her tearing eyes.

  I lean in and hug her tightly. “Thank you for being here today.”

  In her usual eccentric way, the words burst from her, “Girl, of course, I’d be here. I have to make sure all these testosterone-fueled guys keep their ding-dongs in their pants, or I’ll shove my bedazzled heels up their assess.”

  Laughter bubbles up my throat. “You know I’m as direct as they come, and I’ll tell them all to take a hike. You don’t need to worry.”

  We share another hug before I continue to make my way down the row. When I reach Carter, he gives me a serious look. “You know we’re only a call away. I’ll take the first flight out of New York.”

  A grateful smile tugs at my mouth. “Love you.”

  The serious look morphs into an endearing one as he reaches for me to pull me into a hug.

  “Love you too.”

  Carter doesn’t say the words easily, which is how I know he really means them.

  As I pull back, I grin and say, “Don’t worry. I have Rhett and the other guys here, and Miss Sebastian will kill anyone who messes with me.” My words bring a smile to his face.

  Turning to Della, the lump in my throat comes back in full force. Besides the four years Della was away to study before she had Danny, we haven’t been separated at all. And back then, she would drive to Saluda for weekends.

  We both know this time it will be different. There will be no quick drive home so we can see each other.

  “Are you sure about this?” she asks me for the hundredth time.

  “As much as I hate being away from you, I have to leave at some point,” I admit. “I’ll be home every holiday and during my summer break.” She nods, and when her eyes begin to shimmer with tears, it takes a lot of effort on my part to not cry. “I’ll be fine. I’m not alone in California,” I remind her.

  She nods again, then whispers, “I just hate being so far away from you.”

  “Me too.”

  She takes a deep breath and forces a wobbly smile to her face. “You’re going to have so much fun and make new friends. Enjoy every second of college.”

  “I will,” I promise.

  We hug before I kneel down in front of Danny. I’ve been there since the day she was born, and during her first four years, I fulfilled Carter’s roll in her life.

  “Look after Christopher and your mommy and daddy for me.”

  Danny nods, then she pushes out her bottom lip. “Can’t I stay here with you? I want to live close to Uncle Ledge as well.”

  A burst of laughter escapes me. “You can come and visit a lot.”

  “It’s not the same,” she argues.

  “Who will look after Christopher if you’re here?” I ask. “He needs his big sister.”

  Danny lets out a sigh, “Okaayy… but as long as I don’t have to clean up after him.”

  Wrapping my arms around her, I press a kiss to her cheek. “I love you, Danielle.”

  “Love you, too, Aunty Jamie.”

  I let out a sigh of relief that I didn’t burst into tears, then say, “We better get to the hall before the ceremony begins.”

  Entering the hall, Mason Chargill spots us and excusing himself from a group of people, he makes his way over to us.

  After shaking hands with Carter, Mason looks at me and says, “Once the welcoming ceremony is over, I’ll introduce you to Julian, Falcon’s older brother.” When he gestures to the front row of seats, I groan inwardly. I don’t like being in the spotlight.

  Nearing the aisle, I see Layla and Kinglsey, and I let out a relieved sigh. I met them at a bbq Miss Sebastian hosted a little while ago. Waving at girls, I don’t hesitate when Della whispers, “Go sit with them.”

  Taking a seat next to Layla, I smile, “Hi.”

  Kingsley leans forward and gives me a wide grin. “Hey, it’s good to see you again. Are you excited about being here?”

  “I am.”

  Kingsley gestures to an Asian girl sitting next to her, “This is Lee, Lake’s wife.” Then she explains to Lee, “Jamie is Carter’s sister-in-law.”

  “Welcome to Trinity, Jamie,” Lee greets me warmly.

  My smile widens as I reply, “Thank you, it’s nice to meet you.”

  Layla reaches for my hand and gives it a squeeze. “How have you been?”

  “Good, just a little nervous about starting at a new school, but I’m glad to see you’re here,” I admit. “How have you been?”

  “Great. We had an amazing summer break, but now it’s back to studying.” Her smile grows wider, and she continues, “It’s so good to have you here. After the ceremony, we’ll show you the suite and around campus.”

  “Thank you.”

  I feel so much better having spoken with the girls, and knowing someone on campus. Things don’t feel so foreign anymore.

  “There’s my man.” Kingsley grins as she pats Layla’s leg excitedly, then she sighs dreamily, “Damn, he looks good in a suit.”

  My eyes go to the stage, and I watch as Falcon, Mason, and Lake walk toward the podium where a row of chairs is situated. Once everyone is seated, the lights in the hall dim and cello and violin strings begin to fill the air. As a new instrument joins the melody, soft light illuminates the orchestra. Quickly, I get transfixed with the music, and goosebumps spread over my arms when a deep voice begins to sing. The piece is so beautiful that there’s no way I can pull my eyes away from the corner of the stage where the orchestra is playing. I’ve always loved music, and watching the students perform makes me wish I had made time to learn an instrument while growing up.

  Maybe I can get one of the students to give me private lessons.

  Movement on the left of the stage draws my attention, and when I glance at the man walking toward where Falcon, Mason, and Lake are seated, my eyes almost pop out of my head.

  No way.

  Surprise ripples over my body, chased by a sense of dread.

  Julian. My one-night-stand from last week. The one I snuck out on and did an early morning walk of shame for.

  Dang, it.

  Mason said he would introduce us to Julian, and it makes me wish I had paid more attention to Carter’s new business dealings.

  What’s Julian’s role at CRC Holdings? How important is he to Carter?

  I’m such a hot mess I hardly take in any of the music as my eyes remain glued to Julian. He’s even more handsome dressed in a suit that looks like it’s been tailored for his heavenly body. A body my hands have explored.

  My eyes drift up to his face and lock on his lips. I remember the taste of them. I remember how they felt between my thighs.

  Heat flushes my body, and my breaths speed up as the memory of our night together flash through me. He was amazing between the sheets, and I had to force myself to sneak away. I can still smell his spicy scent as sweat beaded on his skin.

  He was my first one-night-stand, and the only reason I didn’t stick around was that I don’t have time for a relationship with a musician. My studies come first.

  But he’s not a musician like I thought.

  I met him during my short stay at the Rose Acre hotel while I explored my new town, which will be home for the next couple of years. I had just finished dinner when Julian walked in. He instantly captured my attention, and I felt hypnotized as I watched him play the piano.

  Thinking back to that night, I never asked him what he did for a living, I just assumed he was a mus
ician, especially when I heard he could play several instruments.

  Julian walks over to the podium as the music ends, and clearing his throat, he says, “Welcome to Trinity Academy. I hope you all enjoyed our music department’s showcase. As the chairman of CRC Holdings and Trinity Academy, I am proud to say that we only offer the best education for all the young minds who have chosen to join our family.”

  Shut the front door!

  I slide down in my seat and use my left hand to cover my eyes, praying to the high heavens Julian won’t see me.

  Turns out, my hot as hell musician is Julian Reyes, formidable businessman and my brother-in-law’s new business partner.

  Oh, let’s not forget he’s chairman of the school I’ve just enrolled at.

  I’m so screwed, and not in the good way I was last week. If Carter and Della find out… Lord only knows what they would say.

  While Julian talks about the history of Trinity Academy, I lean over to Della on my right and whisper, “I need the restroom, and then I’m going to unpack my things. Meet me at the suite when the ceremony is over.”

  I don’t wait for her to argue with me to stay, and keeping my face turned away from the stage, I quickly make my way to the exit.

  Crap, how am I going to avoid Julian?

  Chapter 3


  Once the welcoming ceremony comes to a close, I walk over to where Falcon, Mason, and Lake are getting up from their seats.

  “Before you talk with anyone else, let’s go greet Carter and his family,” Mason says, gesturing toward the front row.

  I follow Mason off the stage. Smiling when I reach Carter, I say, “It’s nice to see you again.”

  “Likewise.” Carter turns to a brunette on his left. “This is Della, my wife.”

  Shaking her hand, I say, “It’s a pleasure meeting you.”

  Mason glances around. “Where’s Jamie?”

  “She’s already gone to her suite to unpack,” Della replies.

  “We better get going so we can help her,” Layla says, giving Falcon a kiss before she begins to walk away.


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