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Dragon Series: Dragon Heat

Page 14

by Missy Lyons

  "You already made your decision to ask for Elsbeth and me that first night, didn't you?"


  Alyssa was shocked at the way the conversation had headed. Quickly she tried to change the subject. “You will marry, won't you?"

  "Of course, it is my duty to continue the line."

  "Just like the Elisaid, only your duty is to find a proper princess with royal blood to breed with.” Her hopes dashed. “No doubt she'll be some spineless little ball of femininity, raised with a silver spoon in her mouth.” Alyssa didn't know why she felt so depressed about the idea. She knew he was not common. He could never consider her in his life as anything more than a mistress or a lover. Not in this lifetime.

  He raised her chin up to face him.

  "No, the Elisaid don't believe in sticking around and keeping love. I have a duty to have children yes, and my father recognizes that duty, but he will let me choose my own wife when the time comes. She will stay by my side for life."

  "Ahhh, so you would have a love match and still fulfill your duty. I know what you want ... An easy woman with a light skirt, ready at your beck and call, big breasts and one who is on her back more than her feet."

  That brought a smile to his lips. “Beauty is nice, but I am looking for the woman that would complete me. I would burn for her because of the things that made her special in her own right. She would not have to have perfect skin or a flawless complexion, but big breasts would be nice."

  She laughed a little at his response, “Just what are you looking for in a woman, Xanther?"

  "The woman who can talk to me into the wee hours of the night. Someone I could trust completely, honestly, and who would be my best friend. A woman to be faithful and give me children to love and to hold."

  He made her spine tingle. His words seemed so sincere. Whatever woman married him would end up with a happy marriage and a happy life. The kind of life Alyssa thought she wanted once upon a time. Her heart was melting. This is the kind of man every woman dreamed of having. Faithful, loving, and sexy to boot.

  "Of course, her breasts don't have to be too big, just a handful or so. Staying on her back would be a definite bonus at least for the first year or so.” Alyssa looked up at his big, stupidly wide grin. He was teasing her. She was off limits to him. She could not let herself believe he would ever think of her as more than a mistress. He was royalty for God's sake.

  It was too dangerous to allow herself to love him. She would lose more than her heart. She would lose her freedom. Even if he let her go, she would fall madly in love with a man who could never love her. She knew herself too well to pretend she could give herself to another without giving away her heart. Especially to this rake!

  If he kept talking in this honorable gallant way, she would be throwing herself at him before the night was over.

  "Mmmm-hmmm. Perhaps you would be willing to share what you would want in a man?” Her heart fluttered with his throaty words.

  "A man or a dragon?” She teased.

  "The man you would love."

  "I never gave it much thought. Elisaid don't marry, and I chose to be a warrior. I know we get called to whichever duty it is we are to fulfill, but I never pictured happiness in a man's arms.” Until I was in yours.

  "What else do you want from a man?"

  "I suppose I would need him to be faithful."

  "This is important to you?” He smiled wickedly at her. A smile that could disarm her if she wasn't careful.

  "Oh yes. I am not one to share. He would belong to me and me alone.” Heart and soul. “I guess I used to have dreams of finding love, even marriage. I thought he would be the other half of my heart. I wanted someone who would hold my hand even when I am ninety and wrinkled."

  He reached out to hold her hand and she felt the power nip at her fingertips, just out of reach. She couldn't let herself lose control. He wasn't even kissing her and she felt her power awaken. It was like a lion stretching.

  "Do you think you could fall in love with me?"

  I think I am already falling...

  "You know it is forbidden.” Alyssa spoke quietly.

  "It's not really forbidden—you are not Elisaid. But sometimes the forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest. We would be good together. Your body was made for mine, Alyssa. The attraction is so strong, and the pleasure will be so good. Why would you fight it?"

  He didn't give her time to respond. His fierce kiss was passionate, burning her lips, searing a brand onto her, overwhelming her senses. She opened herself to him, twining her arms around his neck, running her fingers through his hair at the nape of his neck, pulling him closer.

  I am afraid I could love you far too easily, Xanther.

  He heard her thoughts, but her kiss was all the answer he needed.

  For the rest of the ride, they rode in contented silence to the docks, enjoying the feel of each others’ bodies roll with the gentle rocking motion of the horse. Alyssa finally let herself relax in his arms and Xanther just let himself enjoy wrapping his arms around her.

  She was tired of being strong—of being alone. She needed someone. Maybe Xanther could be that someone. He promised a hope for a life with love. That was better than she could hope for otherwise.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter 11

  Elsbeth raised her eyes just over the book she was pretending to read. The dragon she had been watching for the last week was now gone and in his place ... In his place was a silver-haired man of unknown years. He was graceful in his age, mature, and rounded generously over the corners of his body.

  She knew of him as Xanther's father. The king of this realm. He had always been kind to her. In fact, he probably paid too much attention to her. Always thoughtfully asking if she wanted to share a snack or a drink. Talking to her as an equal, not a servant. Insisting she take her meals with him.

  Elsbeth did not know many men over her life. Truthfully, she had not known any men before. She considered the few men she had met an oddity. Some she felt an odd attraction to. They were the same as her and yet different, physically and mentally. She was well aware of the anatomical differences. She had studied her books long enough and the pictures, however cartoonish, were all but drooled over. She wasted many hours examining those pictures. But to finally meet young men and see the way their minds worked. It puzzled her sometimes.

  They grunted. They boasted. They spit and they dared one another to compete in mindless games. Sometimes they acted just a bit too lewd or bawdy just to get a girl's attention.

  But there was only one man who kept her attention that way. Frustrating as an unbroken horse that one was. He seemed to welcome her attention, and at the same time completely baffled her by repeatedly turning her down for a liaison.

  What was a girl to do? It felt like she wanted him even more when he turned her down. And it was beginning to get to her.

  She found herself making excuses to see him and making idle conversation. Growing more and more impatient with his lack of sexual interest. God knew her appetite was there. She was more than ready. She had waited some twenty-odd years not to be a virgin.


  It was confusing to think of men as interested in anything other than sex. She had been taught they had a strong and healthy appetite for sex. So why didn't he want her? And to not be wanted made her feel rejected and strangely hurt. It was what she had been taught they were good for. Keeping the clan alive. Yet George had been kind to her and shown no interest other than as being her friend. Not that she desired him as anything else.

  But it was confusing. Utterly confusing.

  "Elsbeth, have you enjoyed your stay here?"

  "Yes, your grace."

  He flinched. “Please, dear, we know each other better than that. Surely you can call me George by now?"

  "Alright then, George,” she said hesitantly. It felt strange to hear his name so familiar on her lips without the formality of his title.

  "Elsbeth. I have wished you could
come here sooner. That I should have known you whilst you were growing up. I missed your first step, your first words, and now I fear you are a woman and do not need me anymore."

  "How so, sir?"

  "George.” His features hardened.

  "George, then.” She stood up, nervously fingering the book. This felt almost like she was on her way to battle.

  "Do you know that your mother and I go way back?"

  "I have heard she spent a year abroad. Did you meet her then?"

  "She was my wife."


  "Just oh? You don't have any questions for your father? I can't tell you how many times I wanted to come to see you. To meet you—but your mother...” He took a step toward her and she retreated, taking a step away, depositing the book unread on the chair.

  So he fathered her? What was he seeking? An award? His words were nice enough. He talked as if he wanted to take her mother's place and be there at her side as she was raised.

  But nothing about that thought was right. Fathers did not take part in the raising of children or lay claims to their children. Unless the children were male and then they were given to the fathers to raise. That he attempted to claim her as a daughter was not only unusual, it was unheard of.

  "You have to understand our ways—I just—I don't know what a father is. No one has a father in the Elisaid. So don't be surprised when I do not know how to respond."

  He laid a hand on hers, preventing any further retreat. “However you respond is fine. As long as it is from your heart."

  "My heart?” She laughed cruelly. “I don't have a heart. Not like you. I have been taught not to experience such weak emotions."

  "Emotions are not weak. It takes strength to admit to them."

  She paused, letting the air between them grow stagnant with the silence.

  Then suddenly Elsbeth asked him, “Did you love her?"

  "I never stopped loving her."

  "Still? Why did you let her go then?” She felt a tightening in her chest.

  The pain was evident in his eyes. He still felt a love for her and it was an open wound in his heart to be alone now. “I had to. It's not like I could keep her caged here by me. I thought if she loved me, she would come back. She thought she had to go. She said she had to sacrifice herself."

  "The curse..."

  "That was part of her reasoning, yes."

  "The curse rules all of our lives."

  "The curse should not control your destiny. I hope you will find love and live a fuller life and not be in fear of that blasted curse for the rest of your days."

  "To do as you suggest will only bring pain."

  "Pain sometimes must be felt to experience pleasure or happiness. I don't want to push you too hard, but I hope I can get to know you better.” He looked at her with a silent entreaty, pleading with her to give him a chance. God help her, but she liked him. She didn't want to cause him any more pain, and it seemed he had been through a lot of that already.

  Elsbeth huffed out a breath, not quite sure of what she was about to do. She wasn't a physical person and yet it was what the moment seemed to call for. She hesitantly walked forward, opening her arms before wrapping her father in an awkward embrace. He hugged her to him, warm and hard. It felt good.

  "Thank you, daughter."

  She was his daughter. What else did that mean—that she was a princess? That her brother was Xanther? That she was part druid and part dragon? The thought left her too stunned to speak.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter 12

  The port had two ships in its harbor. Both were her father's ships. Or at least once were. It angered Alyssa to see the weathered wood that had not been oiled, the peeling paint. Signs of wear and deterioration that said the business had not been cared for but milked dry of any revenue. How could Drake manage to do so much damage in only one year?

  "It breaks my heart to see them like this."

  "What are you talking about, Alyssa?"

  "Those ships belonged to my father, Xanther. They should be mine, since he has—” she swallowed hard, feeling the grief rise from her stomach renewed, “—passed on. Drake claimed some sort of legal nonsense and stole it right out from under me. I want it back. All of it. They belong to me."

  "Come on. We'll take care of this together,” Xanther said, urging her into the nearest office. It was a sparsely furnished office. A lone clerk sat behind a wide oak desk. There were merely two chairs in the office, besides the desk, and the clerk was sitting in one.

  "What can I do for you?” the balding clerk asked, not bothering to look up from the books spread across his desk.

  "This is the office of the West Indies Trading company, is it not?” Xanther asked calmly.

  "Why, yes it is.” The clerk's words drifted off at the end as he finally looked up and saw who was gracing his office with their presence. Alyssa felt a smug satisfaction, looking at his shocked and bewildered face. “Your grace, it is an honor. What are you doing here?"

  "I was just made aware of a terrible wrong that was made, and I want you to help fix it."

  "Yes, I am but your humble servant. Just tell me what it is you want."

  "You can start by moving the office into the castle. I want all of the books brought there as well for an audit. Miss Hawkins has returned to claim her inheritance and she is very eager to see how the business has been cared for over the last year. Please tell Drake that we wish an audience with him as soon as possible."

  The clerk, notably paler, said, “Of course, your grace. I will work on this immediately. I was told the heir had died."

  Alyssa smiled. This was turning out to be a better day than she had originally hoped for.

  * * * *

  "Can we go on the ship, please Xanther?” She looked up at him. His soldiers were already antsy to go home and they still had business with the marker, so they may not have time. But still she wanted to go. “I have not been on the Crusader since I was a child. Fifteen years ago."

  "I don't see what a small tour around the ships will hurt,” Xanther replied, pleased that he could do something for her. He turned his horse back in the direction of the docks, working their way through the market and the daily shopping crowd.

  "Oh, thank you! I can't tell you what this means to me,” Alyssa replied, the happiness in her voice apparent.

  "Does that mean you will be rewarding me?"

  "For kindness? I don't think so. Kindness is its own reward."

  "I was hoping for something much more tangible."

  "Such as?"

  "A kiss."

  His kisses were dangerous. One kiss might lead to another and the fire that was started might not stay controlled. “How about a token of my affection such as a ribbon or a handkerchief?"

  "I would settle for a kiss.” Xanther slid off the horse without another word.

  Alyssa tried to jump off the horse, and he stopped her. His hands went around her waist, lifting her from her seat, and on the way down, he let her body fall against his, to feel the full hard length of him.

  She jumped back from him as if his body had burned her. She didn't want to be kissed. It might open up the door to other feelings she was just not ready for. Well, she did want to be kissed, but that was because her body had become most disloyal to her lately. She warred with her body that desired him, and her mind, which said there wasn't a place for him in her life or she in his life. They were too different.

  A soldier picked up the reins and tied up their horse while others took care of their own horses. They were quick to follow their master to the docks, not wanting to leave him unguarded.

  The two ships were docked near each other. Alyssa went straight for the Crusader first. It was a sleek ship made for speed. Her father had reveled in that and it had been one of his favorites, going back to his pirate days.

  She ran up the gangplank, only to be stopped by a sailor of questionable origins. “Stop, this is private property."

eah, my property, so get out of the way."

  "No. This ship belongs to Drake McAllister.” He looked at her curiously.

  Alyssa inserted a boot behind his right leg and pushed his chest forward. He fell onto the floor with no grace as he wasn't expecting the girl to attack him. Her short daggers came out and flew lightning fast to pin him to the deck. Alyssa wanted to kill him, but she held back the killing blow. He just worked for the man she hated. He just took orders. She held the sword near his neck, slicing a thin line there that drew blood.

  "The only reason I am letting you live is to tell your master Drake that I am taking back what is mine."

  Xanther called two of his men up to the ship to remove the sailor and any others that might be aboard. They made quick work of sweeping the ship. Upon finding the cargo, a great ruckus was made as they discovered enough arms, guns and ammunition to knock out most of the castle walls.

  Someone was either determined to have a very long siege or had war on their minds. Upon examining their records, there was no impending sale or transfer of the goods. In fact, the ammunition was scheduled to be unloaded that night to a neighboring warehouse.

  Xanther reached behind Alyssa's back and pulled her to him. “I think I owe you a kiss."

  She struggled to push him away. “You don't owe me anything. In fact if anybody owes anybody, I owe you. You helped me to get my father's ships back."

  He pushed her hair away from her face. The seagulls crying in the background seemed distant and far away. “Then we both owe each other a kiss. Two kisses are much better than one."

  "Oh, Xanther."

  He dove down to her lips, capturing them with his own. Her heartbeat raced, her body fell into line with his, rubbing up against him. His hands tightened around her waist. The world seemed to be drowned out as his kiss deepened and her senses reeled. His lips parted from her, leaving her dizzy and unsteady. She leaned into him, her legs feeling weak.

  Vaguely, she sensed the seagulls flocking around the ship, hoping for a handout.


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