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Grape Bubblegum

Page 7

by Beth Bowland

  Craig looked at me and started laughing. Mitzie reached to hug Spencer and leaned in to him as if she was going to kiss him. My heart stopped. Spencer turned his head, and her kiss landed on his cheek. I was relieved. Ugh! If I had some Lysol, I’d have washed her cooties off his face.

  Some of the employees started bringing in boxes of pizza; it smelled so good.

  “Is that her?” the mystery girl said to Mitzie, then glared at me. She had bleach-blonde hair with brown roots, her eyelids were heavily covered in eyeliner, and her eyelashes with clumpy mascara.

  “Yeah,” Mitzie said and kept walking.

  Oh my gawd! I recognized the voice and the accent. That girl was the prank caller. I started searching for Shannan and Craig. Turning to look at the girl once again, I noticed she looked older. When I located Craig and Shannan, they were already up near the cake.

  “Guess what?” I said, coming up between Shannan and Craig and grabbing their arms. They both turned around to look at me.

  “What happened?” Craig asked.

  “See that girl next to Mitzie?” I said. They both turned to look. “Don’t be so obvious.”

  “Yeah,” they both responded.

  “Well, I heard her say something to Mitzie, and that’s her! The voice, the accent, the prank caller.”

  “I’ve been seeing that chick at Mitzie’s house, but I never said anything to her,” Shannan said.

  Craig stole another glance. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, I’m positive.”

  It didn’t take us long to inhale the pizza, and we were soon gathered at the Laser Quest starting point.

  “Welcome, Space Cadets. I’m your Commanding Officer, Captain Brad,” said the employee. “The rules are simple. Whoever shoots the most hits wins. You can take a look at the posters along the walls for strategic hints.” He waved his arms around. “I need each of you to come up with a code name that you wish to use.”

  Everyone started giving out his or her code name. The people behind the counter entered the information into the computer.

  “So, Bea, what’s your code name?” Spencer walked up to me and asked.

  “Hmm, I don’t know.”

  “You can be Bonnie and I’ll be Clyde,” Spencer said with a laugh.

  “Okay, cool.”

  Shannan chose Wonder Woman. Joel, Cyclops. Craig was The Admiral. Mitzie chose Miss Kitty, her friend, The Boston Strangler, which they disallowed. So she chose Crazy1, which I found very fitting. Shannan gave me the crazy look when she heard it.

  Captain Brad then led us into the Briefing Room. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. I could see the vests and lasers hanging on the wall. He went over the rules, how to use the equipment, and fitted us each with a vest and laser. It did not quite go with my outfit, but I could work it.

  “Ready, Wonder Woman?” I asked Shannan.

  She grinned. “Yes, Bonnie.”

  As we walked around, a light fog filled up the space. I was ready to do this! You could feel the excitement in the air.

  “May the best man or woman win. Just so you know, I’m an expert shot,” said Craig as he trotted off behind a wall.

  “Okay, Bonnie, you ready to kick some butt?” Spencer asked.

  “Oh yeah!” We heard the siren sound. Everyone scattered like roaches when the lights get turned on. I ran towards the back and up one of the ramps, then back down to the other side. I wasn’t sure where to go. I was just running like an escaped prisoner, not shooting, just running in circles.

  “QB!” came a voice from the darkness.

  “Joel?” I asked, straining my eyes to see through the fog.

  “Yeah. What are you doing?” he asked, laughing aloud. “You’re supposed to be shooting people.”

  “I know. I’m just trying to find someplace to hide.” ZAP. I felt my vest vibrate, which meant I’d been shot.

  “Don’t stand in the middle of the walkway. You’re an easy target,” Joel advised, still laughing.

  I ducked behind a wall. I heard someone coming my way so I aimed my laser and shot.

  “Dang it! Who shot me?”

  It was Mitzie, so I shot her again.

  “Dang, dang, doggone it! Stop shooting me. Where are you?” she screamed in the darkness.

  I slid over away from the wall and scooted on down the path, smiling to myself. I stooped and crab-walked over to another hiding place and knelt down. ZAP.

  “Oh shoot!” I yelled, and heard a laugh behind me. It was Spencer.

  “Clyde, did you just shoot me?”

  “Sorry, Bea, I mean, Bonnie. My bad.” Spencer kept laughing. He came over to where I was and stooped next to me. He was so close, I could feel his body heat and smell his grape bubblegum.

  “I’m glad you’re here, Bea,” he said, leaning in even closer. His nose was almost touching mine. He’s going to kiss me. He put his arm on my shoulder. My heart raced. He tilted his head to the right and leaned in. ZAP!

  My vest vibrated. It startled me, causing me to fall backwards. Buzzzz went Spencer’s vest, as he tried to catch me.

  “Someone shot me,” he said, laughing. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m okay.” Just embarrassed, I thought to myself.

  “Kane!” a voice called out.

  “Yeah,” Spencer said.

  “Come on. We’re going to tag team these guys.”

  “Cool,” he said, and off he went.

  He didn’t even try to kiss me again. Talk about a short attention span.

  I got myself together and ran around. This time, I went beneath one of the ramps so I could shoot people as they crossed over. As I looked around for the perfect place, I saw a little cubbyhole off to the side of the wall, practically right underneath the ramp. Re-adjusting my vest across my chest, I scooted over to my new hiding place and scrunched down low, awaiting my next victim. Voices were all around me: happy, excited voices. I wondered how Craig and Shannan were doing.

  “Man, I’m getting tired,” came a voice over the ramp.

  I lifted my laser and pointed it towards his chest and fired. ZAP!

  “Hey, who did that?” came the voice again.

  I heard more footsteps overhead, so I once again pointed and shot. ZAP! ZAP! And off they went. I was getting good at this. More footsteps were coming. This time they were coming up behind me. I got down a little lower and moved closer to the wall, hoping not to be spotted. As the steps got closer, a familiar scent drifted towards me.

  Oh no! I thought to myself. It can’t be.

  “Who’s down here?” came the voice from right beside me. It was Billy Jacobs. He moved closer, and his foul scent permeated my entire being. I felt as though I was going to lose the pizza I’d just eaten. I aimed my laser and shot him. Just for having an odor. ZAP!

  “Hey!” Billy said.

  “Keep moving, Billy,” I said, holding my nose. Good lord, did this boy ever wash?

  “Well, well. If it ain’t Lady Peppercorn,” Billy said, a wide grin smeared across his face.

  “Get back!” I said, pointing my weapon towards him again.

  “You already shot me,” he whined.

  “I’ll shoot again if you don’t move away from me,” I said, keeping my laser pointed at him.

  “I saw you when you came in, Peppercorn. You looked nice, really pur-dy.” Billy grinned like a Cheshire cat. He moved closer to me.

  That was it. I couldn’t take any more. I pulled the trigger. ZAP! ZAP! ZAP!

  “Okay, okay. I’m outta here.” Billy quickly retreated. I shot him once more as he was leaving for good measure. Once again, I was on the move. My hiding place was reeking of Billy’s odor.

  “Psst, Bebe.”

  “Shan?” I squinted my eyes to see clearer.

  “Yeah, come over here.”

  “How are you doing? Got any hits?”

  “Lots! I’ve been slamming people left and right. What about you?”

  “I’m trying to catch up. I was shot
a bunch of times before I got the hang of it.”

  “Have you seen Spencer?” she asked.

  “Oh my gawd! Shannan, you won’t believe what happened.”

  “What?” Shannan shot another victim.

  “Spencer tried to kiss me. But it got messed up when someone shot me, and I fell over.”


  “I’ll tell you the details later. I gotta rack up some more points.”

  “Oh yeah, I gotta hear this.”

  “It was pretty funny.” I took aim on another victim. Zap!

  “Crap!” responded the familiar voice.

  “Craig?” I whispered loudly.


  “Yeah, it’s me and Shannan,” I said. “Come over here.”

  “Hey, I’ve been looking for you guys,” Craig said as he came over and shared our hiding place.

  “This is major fun, especially since I got a couple of shots in at Mitzie!” I said.

  “I know who her mystery friend is,” Craig said.

  “Who?” Shannan asked excitedly.

  “How did you find out?” I added.

  “Well, I followed her when it first started. I accidentally bumped into her. Then I told her I was sorry and said my name was Craig. She said no problem and that her name was Francis. I told her that I’d just started attending Washington, but hadn’t seen her before. She then told me she was out of school. She’s seventeen.”

  “Wow! I knew she looked older,” I said.

  “Dang! Craig, you’re good,” Shannan replied.

  “There’s more,” Craig said. “I asked her where she was from, and she said Boston. I could tell she was warming up to me. I asked how long she’d be in town. She said she was to attend Boston College but decided against it last minute. She wanted to sit out for a semester before starting. Francis said she got into a fight about it with her parents. Mitzie’s parents said she could live with them until school started next semester. Mitzie and Francis are first cousins.”

  “Interesting…” I said.

  “Yeah, she said she really didn’t know anyone here, so I asked if I could call her sometime. She said yes and gave me her number.”

  “What?” Shannan asked.

  “Yep, so I’ll find out more tonight after I talk to her. Anyway, gotta get some more points,” Craig said and off he went.

  “Mitzie has probably told that girl all sorts of lies,” Shannan said and picked up her laser. “Let’s go get some points.”

  “Yeah, let’s do this!” I said.

  We took off in separate directions. I started shooting at everyone that came past me; I was a crazed maniac on a rampage to get as many points as possible. A few moments later the siren sounded, signaling the end of the game.

  We headed back into the Briefing Room, removed our gear, and hung up our lasers. Then we proceeded over to Mission Control, where we would be given our scores and ranking.

  The scoreboard showed Joel or Cyclops sat in the number one spot. Craig or The Admiral placed second. Spencer was actually sixth. I didn’t do so badly. I was in the middle of the pack. Mitzie and her cronies rounded out the bottom spots. Afterwards we all gathered back into the banquet room and had cake and ice cream, which was delicious.

  I noticed that Craig was standing against the wall talking to Francis. Mitzie walked over and pulled her away, after whispering something in her ear. Craig shrugged his shoulders and walked over to where we were sitting.

  “What was that about?” Shannan asked.

  “I don’t know. We were having a good conversation. Then I noticed Mitzie staring at us. The next thing I knew, she walked over and pulled her away,” Craig said, looking confused.

  “She probably told her to stay away from you because she’s seen you talking to us,” I said.

  “Hmm, maybe so, but I’m still going to call her tonight. There’s something about her I like,” Craig replied.

  Joel then walked over to us. “Give it up! Give it up, for the Champ,” Joel boasted proudly.

  “Did you win anything?” Craig asked.

  “Yeah, I got some free bowling passes.”

  “Oh, hey! I forgot to tell you guys. My parents are having their apple harvest Sunday afternoon,” I said.

  “What’s that?” Craig asked.

  “It’s when all the parents hang out around a bonfire drinking hot cider and telling stories of their younger days,” I answered.

  “They have it every year. It’s their way of saying goodbye to autumn and hello to winter. Boring…” Shannan added.

  “Yeah, so you guys have got to come out and keep me company. ’Cause I have to go.”

  We talked until most of the people from the gathering had gone home.

  “Well, I guess I’ll see you all tomorrow afternoon, right, Beatrice?” Spencer’s mom said.


  “I look forward to your parents’ apple harvest each year. It’s such a great time to relax with friends,” Ms. Kane said.

  Spencer took the trash bag from her and tied it up. We helped clean up and then headed outside. Spencer walked out with us. Shannan and Craig walked on ahead.

  “So, Clyde. Did you have fun?” I asked.

  “I had a great time.” Spencer smiled.

  “We’ll have to do this again, and next time I’ll beat you.”

  “Yeah right,” he said with a laugh.

  “By the time I figured out what I was doing, it was over,” I said, laughing at myself.

  “Bebe!” Shannan called, motioning to me and pointing toward my mother pulling up in the car.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow, right?” I asked.

  “I’ll be there,” Spencer said and walked me over to the car.

  “How are you today, Mrs. Peppercorn?” Spencer asked.

  “Oh fine, sweetie! Tell your mother I said hello, and we’ll see you tomorrow.” Shannan and Craig said goodbye as they climbed into the back seat.

  We drove up to Craig’s house and dropped him off. Miss McGinnis came outside.

  “Thanks for taking care of Craig for me,” Miss McGinnis said. I saw Craig roll his eyes.

  “Miss McGinnis, tomorrow we’re having our apple harvest get-together out at the orchard. I would love for you and Craig to come.”

  “Oh, that sounds wonderful,” Miss McGinnis said. “Do they allow dawgs on the premises?”

  Shannan and I looked at each other. Craig dropped his head and shook it as he got out of the car. I got his attention and made a funny face to make him laugh, which he did.

  “I don’t believe so,” Mother replied.

  “Well, I think Sunshine will be okay for a little while by himself,” Miss McGinnis said.

  “Wonderful! It will start around five-thirty,” Mom said.

  “Okay, see you then.” Miss McGinnis waved goodbye as they walked in the house.

  After dropping Shannan off, I told my mother about the afternoon events, leaving out the part about the failed kiss attempt by Spencer. That was my very private, special memory.

  Chapter 8

  AS WE PULLED UP to the church, I saw Craig walking in with Miss McGinnis. I waved to him through the car window. Church was crowded for some reason. Pastor Ray spoke about having patience. He preached about casting all your cares and worries onto the Lord. That was what I needed to hear. It was a great service. I looked over at Craig, who was sound asleep. We met up after service in the parking lot.

  “Hey, I called and spoke to Francis last night,” Craig said.

  “Really? So, is she as mean and hateful as Mitzie?” I asked.

  Craig laughed. “Nah, not at all. I like her.” He shifted his eyes towards his grandmother, who came towards us. “I’ll tell you more this afternoon at the apple harvest,” Craig said.

  Around five we arrived at the orchard to get everything ready. Dad gathered the wood for the bonfire. I helped him pull a few bales of hay around it for seating. I just loved to walk around the apple trees. It smelled so fresh out t
here. Nothing tasted better than a crisp apple when you’ve been out walking in the cool autumn air. The weather was going to be perfect, low sixties, clear skies. There was supposed to be a full moon tonight, so it would be interesting. Aunt Abbey said a full moon brought out the craziness in people.

  As people arrived, I gave them a basket in which to place their apples. The Kirkpatricks arrived first. Shannan’s sister Michelle and her husband also showed up. Mom walked up to Michelle, gave her a hug, and rubbed her belly, although she was barely showing. Miss McGinnis and Craig showed up along with several more friends. No sign of Spencer yet.

  “Hey, Craig.” I handed him a basket.

  “So what should I do now?” Craig asked.

  “You’ve never been to an orchard, huh?”

  “Nope,” he answered.

  Shannan walked up to us.

  “Hey guys,” Shannan said.

  “Hi, Shannan, you’re just in time to hear Bea give me my apple orchard 101 lesson,” Craig said. Then he added, “Actually, I want to tell you guys about my conversation with Francis.”

  “Cool, there’s a trail we can go on and pick apples as we talk,” I said. We walked towards the trail. It was getting dark, but there would be plenty of moonlight later.

  “So, what was Francis talking about?” Shannan asked.

  “I called her after you dropped me off. I asked her how it was living with Mitzie. She said awful because Mitzie was a spoiled brat that wanted everything her way. She’s always trying to boss her around. She went on to say that a lot of times she just goes along with her to maintain the peace. But she’d better not push her, ’cause she will let her have it.’” Craig tried to pull an apple off the branch. He wasn’t very successful at it.

  “Sounds like she’s glad to have someone to talk to besides Mitzie,” I said.

  “Yeah, she says everything is really peaceful when Mitzie’s at school. When she gets home and starts barking out orders to the housekeeper and cook, that’s when things get bad.”

  “Housekeeper? Cook? Must be nice,” I said.

  “They’d have to have one. Could you seriously picture Mitzie’s mom cleaning up or actually cooking?” Shannan said.

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right,” I answered.


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