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Grape Bubblegum

Page 10

by Beth Bowland

  Ms. Kane rolled down her window and smiled. “Do you girls want a lift?” We walked over to the car. There was no way we were going to pass up an opportunity to walk past Craig and Francis.

  “Hello, Ms. Kane,” Shannan said.

  “Oh, thank you so much,” I said. “It’s not too bad out, we’ll be okay.”

  “Okay, girls, take care of yourselves and tell your moms I said hello.” She rolled the window back up and continued down the street.

  “Bye,” we said in unison. When we returned to the sidewalk, Craig and Francis were still standing there giving us dirty looks.

  “If he gets stupid with me, Bebe, I’m going to let him have it,” Shannan said.

  We slowed down our pace, letting them know we were not intimidated. Once we got right in front of them, we stopped.

  “Hello, Francis…Craig,” Shannan said.

  I raised my hand and did a fake Miss America wave to them. Neither seemed amused.

  Shannan continued, “So what are you two up to this afternoon?”

  “Nothing. Why do you ask?” Francis asked.

  Craig remained silent. He eyes were downcast. Like a little kid who was caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

  “No reason. Just making small talk.” Shannan didn’t budge an inch.

  “Francis, when are your college classes starting?” I asked. I felt Craig’s eyes jerk over to me, but I didn’t return the look.

  “What classes?” Francis said.

  “Oh, Craig mentioned that you were staying with Mitzie just until your classes started in Boston,” Shannan added.

  Francis shot a look at Craig, who looked lost.

  “Uh, well, I think they start the second week of January sometime,” she stuttered out.

  “I can’t wait until it’s time to go to college,” Shannan said. “It’s seems exciting to go to the orientations, buying your books, and living in the dorms.”

  “So you’ll be attending Boston College?” I asked.

  “Yeah, that’s where I’m going,” Francis replied. She was shifting from one foot to the other, looking like a deer caught in headlights.

  “That’s awesome. It’s like majorly competitive to be accepted into that school. You musta graduated in the top of your class and got an amazing score on your SAT,” Shannan said.

  “I gotta be going,” Francis said. “I’ll call you later, Craig.” She fumbled around for her car keys. What happened next completely threw me for a loop. She kissed him, not a short peck either. But a full lip-lock, and she told him she loved him.

  I couldn’t believe what was happening. There must be a glitch in the matrix…I was expecting to see a black cat walk by me at any moment. A minute later she zoomed away. I could feel the heat from Craig’s anger bubbling up.

  “Why did you grill her like that?” Craig yelled, “Why don’t you just lay off her and stay away from me?”

  “We were just making conversation. That’s it,” Shannan replied, maintaining her calm demeanor. “I’m not sure what’s changed with you, Craig, but if you no longer want to be friends with us, that’s fine. I don’t believe in skit-scatting around issues. If you’d just tell us what we did to get you all upset, I’d appreciate it.” Her face was like flint, showing no emotion.

  My stomach was turning back flips. I was still in shock about the kiss and couldn’t help but feel as though I’d seen something indecent, like a stolen moment between a kid and his babysitter. Ew!

  “Francis is my girlfriend now. She doesn’t like you, so I no longer want to be bothered with either of you.” He went into the house and slammed the door. Neither of us moved for a moment.

  “Well, I’d say that went quite nicely, dontcha think?” I asked.

  “Did he say girlfriend? I wonder what was in that package she gave him.”

  “She was so lying. We should’ve busted her on it and asked, what was being in juvie like,” I said.

  Shannan started laughing. “We seriously need to star in a reality TV show.”


  Chapter 13

  TODAY FELT VERY MUCH like the first day of school, even though it was just the first day back from Christmas break: new clothes, cell phones, hairstyles.

  I couldn’t believe how quickly this school year had flown by. It seemed like it just started. So much had happened, and the momentum was still building. It was now a new year and that called for New Year’s resolutions, which I never made, because I never kept them. So for now I had resolved to focus more on my studies. My B in Algebra lowered my GPA.

  I was suddenly knocked back into reality when Mitzie walked out of the classroom and bumped straight into me. We both dropped our books.

  Still half-startled, I mumbled, “Hey.”

  “Oh, sorry, Bea.” Mitzie reached down and started picking up my books.

  Whoa! I thought to myself. I’d gone from The Matrix to the Twilight Zone. Did she just apologize to me?

  Mitzie handed me my books. Then she picked up her own. I didn’t know what to say to her. When she stood up, she had the saddest look on her face.

  “Thank you,” I said slowly, not sure when she’d realize she’d been nice to me and revert to her old ways.

  She sighed.

  At that point I wasn’t sure if I should ask what was wrong or just walk away. I looked at her once more. She wore the face of a weary, wounded soldier, who’d just returned from battle, so I stepped out on a limb.

  “Is everything all right, Mitzie?” I braced myself, but to my surprise there was no backlash, no spinning of the head accompanied by projectile vomiting. Wow! What happened to this girl during Christmas break? Did she find Jesus?

  She sighed once more, slumping her shoulders.

  “Francis is out of control, she—” Mitzie stopped when she looked over and saw Craig headed our way. He had that mean look on his face again. “—I can’t talk about it.” She walked away, but not before I saw her eyes fill with tears.

  I turned around to look at Craig. He was still looking in our direction, but now he had a smug look on his face.

  What was that all about?

  During Mrs. Thompson’s class, I only caught half of what she was saying. I couldn’t stop thinking about Mitzie and what in the world was going on in that circle.

  “Remember to tell your parents to arrive around four-thirty for the competition. I’m expecting each of you to do well,” Mrs. Thompson announced to the class. Next week was the local area schools’ spelling bee. The winners would represent their district at the regional contest. Then those winners would go on to the state competition. That winner would go to the National Spelling Bee. I’d had nightmares of me fainting while standing in front of the audience. I’d been trying to study my word lists each night.

  After the final bell, I went to meet Shannan in front of the school. I passed Mitzie and her cronies. Prior to today, whenever I’d pass her she’d always make some remark about my hair, clothes, or just me. But not today. She only looked as I passed by. She didn’t say a word.

  I continued out the doors then sat on the bench, waiting for Shannan.

  “Hey, Bea,” Spencer said. He walked over and sat next to me. I’d just realized that I hadn’t seen him all day. “Merry Christmas a tad late.” He handed a gift bag to me.

  I let out a gasp as a knot formed in my stomach. I was so excited, but then I felt like a bum because I hadn’t gotten him anything.

  “Oh Spencer, how sweet,” I said.

  “I hope you like it. My mom helped me pick it out.” He smiled, exposing purple rubber bands on his braces.

  How cute. I reached in the bag and pulled out a basket that contained body lotion, shower gel, and body spray. “Thank you so much, Spencer. I love it,” I gushed.

  “Ah, it’s nothing. Just wanted to say thanks for being my friend.” He kissed me on the cheek. Friend? He wasn’t exactly professing his undying love, but it was close enough for me. I could only smile. “Well I gotta go help Coach Finley out w
ith some equipment.” Off he went.

  I sat there sniffing the lotion. It smelled fruity, like grape bubblegum. I was sure that was why he got it for me.

  “Hey, whatdja get?” Shannan walked up. I handed her the lotion then pulled out the other items.

  “Spencer gave it to me for Christmas.” I could feel the big, goofy grin on my face.

  “Oh, really now,” she replied.

  “Yes, and he kissed me on the cheek.” I felt my cheeks flush.

  Shannan started laughing, “Bebe you’re too funny. Joel told me that Spencer really likes you and wants you to be his girlfriend. He’s scared to ask you.”

  “Really?” I asked. “He just referred to me as his friend.”

  “Yeah, well. He’s probably trying to play it cool. You should invite him as your date to the Valentine’s Day dance next month. Yours truly will be in charge, of course.”

  “Oh yeah, I forgot about the dance. Hmm, maybe I will.” I giggled.

  “I saw Craig today. He actually spoke to me. He seemed to be in a chipper mood for some reason.”

  “There’s something up with that kid,” I said. Then I told Shannan about what happened earlier with Mitzie.

  “I betcha Francis is harassing that girl.” We both got up and started walking.


  “Well, are you ready for the spelling competition next week?” Shannan asked.

  “I think so. Are you going to come and watch?”

  “Of course,” Shannan said. She reached down, grabbed some snow, and tossed it at me. Then it was on. We got into a snowball fight. More like a snow-throwing fight, since we were both pitiful in our attempts to form snowballs.

  Chapter 14

  “BEATRICE,” MY DAD YELLED up the stairs. “Come on down. Dinner’s ready.”

  “Okay, I’ll be there in a sec.” I closed my history book, went downstairs to the kitchen, and said hello to everyone. “Mmm, smells good. What’d ya cook, Mom?”

  “Smothered pork chops, potatoes, and string beans,” she replied. We all sat down and Dad blessed the food. Everything was delicious.

  “Mrs. Thompson says that the parents should arrive around four-thirty next week for the competition,” I said in between bites of my green beans.

  “Are you nervous?” Dad asked.

  “Nah, not really, but I’m sure I will be next week.”

  “Bea, I saw Miss McGinnis’s grandson today. I was leaving the drugstore, and I saw him come out of the pawn shop next door. He was with a girl, and they got into a car together.”

  “Hmm,” I mumbled.

  “I saw her give him some money before they got into the car. Something about it just didn’t sit well with me. She looked to be a few years older than you kids.”

  “It was probably Francis. She’s Mitzie’s cousin,” I said. “I’m not sure what’s going on with Craig. Did I tell you he no longer talks to me? He stopped walking to school with us.” I gulped down the last of my juice.

  “Is he in any type of trouble?” Dad asked.

  “I don’t think so. At least none that I know of.”

  “Well, what’s done in the dark will come out in the light. If Craig and that gal are up to no good, it’ll all come out in the wash,” Auntie said. “And I also want to add that Millie, this is a much better supper than what you usually prepare. I should sleep pretty good tonight.”

  I wasn’t sure if that was a compliment or an insult, and from the cross look on my mother’s face, neither was she.

  I hoped the guys’ basketball team would win tonight. Feeling some team spirit, I put on my Washington Tygers sweatshirt and faded jeans that had painted tiger paws on the rear pocket. A personal touch by moi.

  “Beatrice,” Dad yelled up the stairs.

  Some houses had intercom systems, but not us. We did it the old-fashioned way.

  “Yeeesss.” I yelled back.

  “Are we picking up Shannan?”

  “No, sir.”

  “Okay, well, let’s go ahead and leave now. I wanna make sure the concession stand is ready.”

  I grabbed my purse and headed downstairs.

  Once at the school, I went looking for Shannan. She was already there somewhere. She’d said she wanted to get some more banners made to hold up during the game. I found her near the wrestling room busily picking up markers and telling some of her helpers where to put stuff. I waved to get her attention, then peeked in on the wrestlers practicing. I hoped they put on plenty of deodorant. I silently watched two guys try to untangle from each other. One had his face practically in the other’s armpit.

  “Hey girl!” Shannan walked up to me.

  “Hey back at ya. How do you think our team will do tonight?”

  “I think we’ll win. We gotta keep our crowd pumped up. Springfield always brings a lot of people with them to the games.”

  “Shannan, you do more for these teams than the cheerleaders sometimes.”

  “Oh girl, you know they just wanna be cute. Don’t even mention that dance team. Their number one priority is looking good.” Just as she finished her sentence, Mitzie walked by.

  “Hey, Mitzie,” I said.

  “Don’t talk to her, Mitz!” one of her friends responded and rolled her eyes at me. Much to my dismay, Mitzie laughed and did the same.

  “Barracuda face!” Shannan yelled after her. Mitzie ignored her.

  “I knew that evil seed would sprout again,” I said.

  “Don’t worry about it. We already know she has issues.”

  We found seats in what I like to refer to as the cool section, mostly made up of jocks and preps. The cheerleaders usually stood in front of this section, so it had a tendency to get rowdy. I saw Spencer sitting with the team holding a clipboard. He’d probably volunteered to keep stats.

  It was almost halftime, and we were winning twenty-eight to twenty-four. Joel was doing really well. He’d already scored at least sixteen points.

  Right before the buzzer for halftime, I saw Craig in the doorway at the gymnasium entrance. I nudged Shannan and pointed in that direction.

  “Well, this is a first. I’ve never seen him at any of the games,” she said.

  He stood there only until the buzzer sounded. I wondered where he was going. Shannan and I stayed long enough to watch Mitzie and her crew do their routine. We headed out to mingle with other students in the hallway near the concession area. I left Shannan and went over to peek in on Mom. Actually, I went over to see her because she was handling the popcorn. I thought I’d go and try to mooch a bag from her. As I headed back over to Shannan, I heard loud shouts. A crowd was gathering outside, towards the back entrance. By the time I made my way to the door, Coach Finley and Principal Floyd were already yelling for everyone to get back inside. I stood by the wall and listened. From what I could gather, someone had gotten into a fight. I saw Tammy Wong coming in the door. I reached out and grabbed her by the arm.

  “Hey, what’s going on?”

  “Oh man, some girl just beat up Mitzie,” she said.

  “What! Who?”

  “I don’t know. When she heard Coach Finley’s voice, she took off running. I saw her meet up with that Craig kid.”

  “Where’d they go?”

  “I dunno. They took off around the building.”

  “Get back in the gymnasium. Now!” Coach Finley’s voice boomed through the hallway. I followed the crowd back towards the gym, then felt someone tug on my arm.

  “Bebe. This way.” Shannan led me down the hallway and back towards the wrestling room.

  “Kirkpatrick! Where are you guys headed?” Coach Finley yelled.

  “Uh, to put away the paint we left out,” Shannan said. I knew she was lying because she’d already put everything away. Once we neared the wrestling room, Shannan flopped down on the floor. I sat across from her and leaned back against the wall.

  “So what happened out there?” I asked. Shannan’s eyes got really big, and she just kept saying, “Oh man!”

>   “Shannan!”

  “Okay.” She sat up and leaned back against the wall. “I was standing by the door talking to Gina Edwards, and Mitzie was across from us, getting some water. Then all of a sudden, Francis just rushed at her and started yelling, pulling her outside. Craig was standing right there. In fact, he opened the door and helped push her outside.”


  “Yep. Then Francis started accusing Mitzie of telling her mom that she was stealing jewelry and other items from the house. Then Mitzie told her that’s because she was getting tired of being blamed for stuff that was missing. She grumbled something about calling the police, and that’s when Francis started hitting her. I was in shock. I just couldn’t believe it. Soon everyone started pushing and shoving trying to get closer. I couldn’t see what happened after that. I just remember hearing Mr. Finley yelling. It was total chaos.”

  “Man, this is their second fight.”

  “Who’s down there?” came an adult voice down the hall. “You kids get back in the gym.” We headed back. Going past a hallway, we heard someone crying.

  “Do you think that’s Mitzie?” Shannan asked.

  “Maybe. Let’s go see.”

  Quietly we walked down the hall. As we got closer to the voices, we tiptoed over to where they were coming from, which was behind some lockers. I recognized one of the voices as Mitzie’s. I silently prayed that the other voice wasn’t Spencer’s. I already knew before we went around the corner that it was him. When we rounded the corner, Mitzie saw me first. Spencer had his arms around her. My stomach sank.

  When Mitzie saw me, she kissed him on the lips. I felt sick. Spencer neither pulled away nor resisted. Shannan squealed. Spencer turned around and saw me, his eyes lowered, and Mitzie started smiling.

  I took off running down the hall. I heard Shannan coming after me and calling my name, but I was numb. I couldn’t believe my Spencer was kissing that barracuda. I don’t care if he wasn’t technically my boyfriend. I kept running until I got to the concession stand.

  “Mom,” I said, trying my best not to burst into tears. She came out of the concession area.


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