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Page 11

by Michael McClain

  “I received no such documents,” Andara said. “I have no idea…”

  “Cut the shit right now,” Jon said. “I’m in no mood to play your petty little games. I sent them through your own mail system and marked them to have a receipt sent to me upon delivery. I have that receipt in my possession, and there is no way you can say you didn’t receive it. So, let’s stop playing games, and get on with why I’ve called.”

  “You’ve no right to speak to me like that,” Andara said.

  “Until it’s decided that the bond between me and Deatra is false I still carry the title of Prince. No matter what the King, or anyone in the court, says contrary to that, the law is the law; you had better remember that. Or you and I are going to have major problems,” Jon said. “Do I make myself clear?”

  “Uh…” Andara said.

  “Good, now tell me you saw the documents I sent, and you know what I’m talking about,” Jon said. “If you continue this little charade about missing documents you’re going to piss me off.”

  “I really have no idea what you’re talking about,” Andara said.

  “Fine have it your way,” Jon said. “I’m dispatching a shuttle with Royal marines to pick you up and bring you here. We can continue this discussion then.”

  “I’m sorry, but I can’t give you a flight plan right now,” Andara said. “It might be several days before I could fit you in the backlog.”

  “Because you have so much going on right?” Jon said.

  “We’re very busy routing traffic, and the amount of flight plans in the past couple days have swamped us,” Andara said.

  “Hold a second,” Jon said. He muted the communication and opened a new channel to traffic control. A young Eutharan female filled the screen next to Andara.

  “This is Prince Hunter-C’loth bond mate to the Princess Deatra,” Jon said. “I’d like to file a royal flight plan to Eutharan Military Command and then back to the embassy.”

  She bowed slightly before she spoke, “I need your identification, please, to confirm who you are. I’m sorry, but I have never seen you or heard of you.”

  “Of course,” Jon said. He typed in the code Deatra gave him when they arrived at Euthara and transmitted it to the female traffic controller.

  “My Prince,” she said after she studied the screen that displayed his information. “When would you like that plan set for? Though, I don’t really see the need as the skies are pretty empty. You could have just filed it through regular channels.”

  “Now please,” Jon said. “I would like a copy of the flight plan transmitted to Duke Andara and have several guards hold him until the shuttle arrives please.”

  “Oh, OH,” the female said as her eyes widened. “As you wish, I’m transmitting that flight plan now and transmitting your command to the Master-at-Arms on the base.”

  “Thank you, you’ve been very helpful,” Jon said.

  “Is there anything else I can do for you?” she asked.

  “Not right now, thanks though,” Jon said as he closed the channel.

  Jon watched Andara’s eyes increase in size several times as he read the transmission from flight control. When he looked up, Jon flipped the channel open.

  “You don’t have the authority to do this,” Andara said.

  “I do, and I did,” Jon said. “My next action while you’re on your way here will be to pull all of your transmissions all the way back to when I arrived at Ghost Station for the first time.”

  “You can’t do that!” Andara said. “Those are private transmissions.”

  “I’m a Royal, and it’s in my rights to pull them,” Jon said. “The shuttle is being dispatched now with Royal Marines and Special Forces on it. They will have an escort as well as being watched from orbit. Any hostile action against the shuttle will be met with an equal response.” Jon reached down and muted the com for a second. “Mark, send Oojoung and his unit with the Royal Guards. Make sure the shuttle is displaying the Royal Emblem.”

  Mark nodded his head and turned to get things ready as fast as he could.

  Jon reconnected the com just in time to hear a beep at Andara’s door. “Enter,” Andara said as he turned to face the door.

  Four marines entered the room followed by the Master-at-Arms. “We’re here to escort you to the shuttle when it arrives, Sir,” the Master-at-Arms said.

  “I’m not going to any shuttle,” Andara said. “You can stand down and return to your posts.”

  “Sorry Sir, but I have my orders from Prince C’loth,” the Master-at-Arms said.

  “I’m calling the King,” Andara said.

  “No, I don’t think you are,” Jon said. “Master-at-Arms, he’s allowed no calls until he arrives here.”

  “Yes my Prince,” the Master-at-Arms said.

  Jon could see the gears clicking in Andara’s head as he tried to figure a way out of the situation. Mark held up a finger for Jon to see, it indicated the shuttle was one minute out from its destination. “Fine you win,” Andara said. He was defeated, and he knew it.

  “I’m sorry we’ll finish this conversation when you arrive,” Jon said. “The shuttle should be touching down any second. “Master-at-Arms, could you please escort him to the shuttle and turn him over to my men.”

  A small grin spread on the man’s face as he answered, “Would be my pleasure Sire.”

  Jon watched as the Duke struggled a bit until the cuffs came out, and he gave in. Jon turned, closed the channel and grinned to himself. He had traded a Princess for a Duke and somehow he was sure the King was getting the bad end of that deal.

  He called up the Eutharan Archive Commission and had them pull all of the Duke’s transmissions over the past year. There was something going on, and Jon was going to get to the bottom of it. Jon was pretty sure the Duke’s transmissions had some of the answers he sought.

  “Well, here is some good news,” Mark said. “All pilots are accounted for and except for some minor scrapes and bruises they’re fine. The bad news is we haven’t found Terri’s fighter and a few of the search teams have reported seeing Eutharan troop movements in the forest.”

  “What kind of troop movements?” Jon said.

  “They seem to be searching for something as well,” Mark said. “They’re all light patrol units from the numbers coming in.”

  “They’re searching for Terri,” Jon said.

  “My thoughts as well,” Mark said. “I’ve sent additional units to reinforce our own troops.”

  “You tell our troops; they’re to secure Terri at all costs,” Jon said. “I want her returned safely.”

  “I’ve already given that order,” Mark said. “I have special forces standing by in the event the Eutharan’s find her first.”

  “If they find her first I’m pretty sure she will be executed on the spot,” Jon said.

  “Terri won’t go down without a fight,” Mark said. “She has enough supplies and arms in that fighter to hold off a small army. I don’t have to remind you she was trained by Oojoung. Those light patrols will have their hands full, and that will give us time to react.”

  “You’re right,” Jon said. “I still want you to have two man sniper teams shadowing the Eutharan troops just in case she needs help.”

  “That I didn’t think of,” Mark said. “I’ll get it done right away since It will also let us track their movements more precisely.”

  “Sorry to interrupt Sir but the shuttle reports the Duke is on board, and they’re headed back,” an officer said.

  “Good, it’s time we got some answers,” Jon said.Euthara

  Chapter 7

  The Games People Play

  Jon greeted Andara when he stepped off the shuttle. As ordered, Jon’s guards were loosely formed around him and Nefeit. Oojoung led the way for Andara and stopped in front of Jon.

  “Oojoung bring Duke as requested,” Oojoung said.

  “Thanks Oojoung,” Jon said. “Did he give you any trouble on the trip here?”

You make Oojoung laugh,” Oojoung said as he grinned. “Duke not big enough to be trouble for Oojoung. Oojoung explain to him, two ways to get here. Awake and calm or asleep and quiet. Duke person choose awake and calm.”

  Jon let out a small laugh.

  “He’s a despicable Buranis,” Andara said. “We heard you were consorting with them and even some Invaru.”

  Oojoung turned and looked over his shoulder and said, “Sleep and quiet still option, you tired?”

  Andara closed his mouth and said nothing, wise choice Jon thought.

  “Princess Terri person still lost?” Oojoung said.

  “Yes, I’m afraid she is still out there somewhere,” Jon said. “Don’t worry we’ll find her and get her back safely.”

  “She’s not a Princess,” Andara said.

  “Just couldn’t help yourself could you,” Jon said.

  Oojoung spun on Andara as Jon spoke and slammed the edge of his hand into the Duke’s leg just below his crotch. The Duke let out a groan of pain and fell to his knees as he grasped his inner thigh. “Terri person is Princess and always will be,” Oojoung said. The words came out as more of a growl. “Now you are in right position to greet Prince Hunter and his wife. But Oojoung cautions you not speak again before given permission or Oojoung will have you waking up not knowing where you are.”

  Andara looked up at Jon and Nefeit as he rubbed his leg. The look of disbelief was all over his face as Oojoung mentioned Nefeit was Jon’s wife.

  “Oojoung that’s enough,” Jon said. “He’s not a prisoner here. He’s a guest, for now at least.” He looked down at Andara. “If there was one person you don’t want to piss off here, its Oojoung. You see he has a thing for my sister, and to be honest she has a thing for him. I don’t think she realizes that yet though. Then there’s my adopted daughter Sam, who is here by the way, that’s the person he’s probably most protective over. By far Oojoung is the most deadly person here and I tend to let him go and do what he does best as I trust his judgment. If he told me I should let him kill you now, I would probably let him.” Andara’s eyes widened as fear set in and Oojoung grinned at him, baring his fangs at the Duke for good measure and fright factor. “I suggest you act like a guest while you’re here and you don’t attempt to leave the grounds. Take guards with you everywhere you go as there are probably some people who would kill you on sight rather than look at you. You’re not well liked by many here but I think you already know that. So, stand up, dust yourself off and follow me.”

  “Oojoung come too?” Oojoung asked.

  “Of course Oojoung, he’s your current assignment,” Jon said. “There’s no one I trust more with his safety than you.”

  Jon turned and with Nefeit next to him led the way back into the main house. Sam met them at the door and grabbed Oojoung's hand as the small group entered. Jon glanced back and watched as Oojoung grabbed her as if she weighed nothing and tossed her on his shoulders. She ruffled the fur on his head and giggled.

  “How’s my big cuddly bear?” Sam said.

  “Oojoung is fine, how is little squishy girl?” Oojoung said.

  “Fine, missed you though,” Sam said.

  “Oojoung very busy here,” Oojoung said. “Oojoung very sorry, Oojoung try to make some time to spend with little Sam person.”

  Sam leaned down and whispered in Oojoung’s ear and Oojoung nodded in response to the secret question. Jon arched an eye brow in question.

  Sam turned to look at the Duke and gave him the what for look as she spoke, “If my Aunt Terri is hurt or killed, I want you to know I’ll order Oojoung to snap your neck like he did Vors.”

  Andara laughed at Sam and said, “Sure you will.”

  Oojoung stopped dead in his tracks and turned to face Andara. “Sam person is Jon’s adopted daughter, which makes her Princess. If she orders Oojoung to do something Oojoung has to follow the orders.”

  Sam folded her arms across the top of Oojoung’s head and laid her chin on her arms as she grinned at Andara.

  Andara paled as he looked at the two of them and said, “He wouldn’t follow her orders would he?”

  Jon shrugged and said, “Maybe, you never know what those two will do. What I find surprising is you have a child mad enough at you that she wants to order your death. If that’s the case I think you should be confined to the house. You can move freely inside, but aren’t allowed outside unless given permission by me or the base commander, Captain Anders, and then only under heavy guard.” Jon knew that Sam wouldn’t do anything like that. Even if she did, Oojoung would contact him before doing anything that rash. But the scare factor made Jon chuckle as he turned back to lead the way down the hall to the living room.

  Oojoung turned back and took a couple skipping steps bouncing Sam who giggled in excitement.

  Andara laughed nervously and looked at one of the guards next to him as he spoke, “She wouldn’t would she?” The guard shrugged and when Andara looked back towards the small child riding on Oojoung’s back she was looking over her shoulder at him.

  “Crack!” Sam said as she made a wringing motion with her hands. “Pop!”

  Andara gulped and rubbed his neck as he paled even more.

  “That’s enough Sam,” Jon said without turning around. “Duke Andara is a guest here.”

  “Ok, ok,” Sam said as she slowly drew her thumb across her neck before turning around.

  “I think that kid is psychotic,” Andara muttered.

  “Then I don’t think I would do anything to get on her bad side,” one of the guards said.

  “No kidding,” Andara said.

  Guards took up positions on either side of the doors leading to the living room so that all exits were covered. Oojoung took Sam off to the side and occupied her time while Jon offered Andara a seat on the couch. Once Andara was seated Jon and Nefeit sat down opposite him.

  Andara kept watching Nefeit as if he was waiting for her to bite him. Jon sat quietly and watched the non-verbal exchange. Nefeit was clearly not nervous by the scrutiny that Andara had her under.

  Jon broke the silence, “Something wrong Duke?”

  “Besides being kidnapped?” Andara said.

  “I didn’t kidnap you,” Jon said. “I invited you here to speak to me.”

  “Which I refused,” Andara said.

  “You can’t refuse a Royal offer,” Jon said. “You should know that better than anyone else.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Andara said.

  “I just thought being the lapdog for the King you would know a Royal summons couldn’t be ignored,” Jon said.

  “I’m no one’s lapdog,” Andara said.

  “But, I’m right about the Royal summons,” Jon said.

  “For now you’re a Royal, and you’re correct, I had no right to refuse the summons,” Andara said. He hated admitting it but Jon was correct.

  “I know the laws, I’ve studied them for a while before coming here,” Jon said. “I like to know what I’m getting myself into. Everything I have done here so far has been in line with the law. I found the documents I was referring too in your transmission files. So, we can dispense with the act as we both know you received them and they’re on record.”

  “So, what, it changes nothing,” Andara said.

  “It changes the fact that you issued orders to those fighters to cross the border and engage my fighters,” Jon said. “That was an unlawful act.”

  “You have no proof that I gave the orders,” Andara said.

  “I do, I have the recording of you giving the orders,” Jon said.

  Andara paused for a second and looked Jon over then said, “False recordings, I never gave those orders.”

  “Maybe, they’re being analyzed now for authenticity,” Jon said.

  A beep sounded from the table in between Andara and Jon. “Yes?” Jon said.

  “Sir, the King is requesting to speak to you,” a male voice said.

  “I’ve been waiting for the call, put him through,”
Jon said.

  Andara smirked as he sensed his release close at hand.

  “Don’t get to happy,” Jon said as he touched a flashing button on the small holographic panel that sprung up from the table.

  “Captain Hunter,” the King said as his face appeared. “It seems you have something I would like back.”

  “Mr. C’loth,” Jon said. He intentionally referred to him that way, if the King was going to be rude he could oblige him. “I can say the same to you. However, I don’t know what you’re talking about me having.”

  “Are you always so disrespectful?” the King said.

  “Only to those who show me no respect,” Jon said.

  “I addressed you properly, I expect the same in return,” the King said.

  “No, you addressed me in a disrespectful manner,” Jon said. “I’m still a Prince of Euthara and should be addressed as such. I’m tired of playing mind games with you and your nobles. If you want respect from me you’ll show me the same respect.”

  “Not for long you’re not,” the King said. “The bond between you and my daughter has been brought into question.”

  “You think it’s false?” Jon said.

  “It’s possible that you forced it on her in some way,” the King said. “We’re working to discover if that is true or not.”

  “A forced bond doesn’t establish a correct link between the two people,” Jon said. “It emulates everything a bond is and nothing else.”

  “I know this,” the King said. “We have ways of discovering false bonds.”

  “I assure you I have no mental powers, my people haven’t developed that far yet,” Jon said.

  “That remains to be seen,” the King said.

  “I warn you, if you hurt her there’s nothing on the planet that will stop me from coming for you,” Jon said.

  “Threats don’t become you,” the King said. “Now about the Duke, I assume he is in good health.”

  “You can ask him yourself, he’s right here,” Jon said.

  “I’m fine Your Highness,” Andara said.

  “Good, you’re to report to me immediately,” the King said.


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