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Redeeming Gavin

Page 5

by Ella Jade

  “Sorry.” She squeezed her thighs together when he swiped her hair to the side, giving him access to her neck.

  “Don’t apologize.” Moving his hands down as he kissed her neck, he lowered her to the floor. “Imagining your face, those stunning eyes, and your kissable lips make the stress of my job bearable.”

  “Glad I could help.” She sucked in a quick breath when he unbuttoned her shirt enough to reveal her bra.

  “I’ve been wondering what your skin feels like here.” Sliding his fingertips just above her breasts, he gazed down, taking in her exposed flesh as it prickled with desire. “And here.” He ran his thumb over the lace of her bra, swirling it around her aroused nipple. “Can I kiss you there?”

  “Yes...” Her voice was breathless, almost unrecognizable.

  Kissing a path to her breasts, he gripped her hips as he went lower, lingering at the top edge of her bra. The heat of his breath sent a shiver through her as he glided his lips over her bra, taking her nipple into his mouth.

  “Gavin,” she cried out as he circled his tongue over it.

  He dug his fingers into her hips as he raised her slightly to meet his prominent erection. He groaned at the contact. Wanting more, she hitched her leg over his hip and rocked into him.

  “God.” He cupped one breast in his hand as he kissed the other. “I told myself I’d take it slow with you.”

  “Slow is overrated.” Why was she acting like a slut? When had she ever been this bold with a guy before? Maybe it was because she had nothing to lose. It wasn’t as if they were going to end up in a relationship. So, why couldn’t she have one night of fun before her life changed forever?

  He glided his mouth back to hers, slowly kissing her, making her forget all of her troubles. She arched her back when he reached for the remaining buttons on her shirt. His eyes connected with her as he undid the last one. “You’re beautiful.”

  She hadn’t expected him to trace his fingers over her stomach. It was still relatively flat but that wouldn’t be in a couple of months. Would he still think she was beautiful then? Would he still be around? He continued to move his hand over her stomach. She saw the contemplation in his expression. Before she had time to address it her phone dinged with a text message.

  “Ignore it.” He lowered his mouth to hers. “We’re not done.”

  “We could probably use the distraction.” She sat up and buttoned her shirt. “I want to make sure my dad is okay.”

  “Why wouldn’t he be?” He took her phone off the coffee table and handed it to her. “Is he sick?”

  “No.” She checked her messages. It was Dan, the bartender at the local sports bar.

  You should come and get your dad.

  “He just enjoys overindulging,” she said before texting Dan back.

  I’m on my way.

  “So do I.” He smiled as he stroked her cheek. “I’m sorry if I took things too far tonight.”

  “You didn’t.” She slipped on her boots. “We were both pretty eager.”

  “You’re leaving?” He took her hand. “Is everything okay?”

  “I have to go pick up my dad.”

  “It’s late.” He glanced at his watch. “I’ll go with you.”

  “That’s not necessary.” She kissed him. “I could get used to this protective side of yours.”


  “H.R. contacted me. They said they reevaluated that write up I received for being late and they’re taking it off my record.”

  “I told you I would do that. You had a good excuse.”

  “Jackie doesn’t know that.”

  “It’s none of her business.”

  “Thank you for your help.”

  “Are you sure you have to go? We could watch a movie and I can drive you home later.”

  “That sounds nice but I have to take a raincheck.” Dan could only keep her dad at the bar so long before he became restless and tried to leave on his own. “Maybe next weekend?”

  “Sure.” He assisted her off the floor and walked her to the foyer. “You’re sure you’ll be okay?”

  “I’ll be fine.”

  He helped her into her coat.

  “Thank you.” She turned around, pulling her hair out of the back of her jacket. “Dinner was really good.”

  “I hope we can see one another soon.” He backed her against the door, placing his hand on it next to her face. The intensity in his eyes excited her. No one had ever been so captivated by her but when he looked at her it was all-consuming.

  “Whenever you want.”

  “Tomorrow?” He twirled a strand of her hair around his finger, dropping his gaze to her mouth.

  “You could come and have dinner at my house again. I’m making eggplant rollatini.”

  “That sounds delicious but I have to go to...” His jaw tensed as he trailed off. “I was wondering if you’d like to come to my, ah, nephew’s birthday party. It’s at Brody and Claudia’s house. Mostly family and a few friends.”

  “You want me to meet your family?” Don’t read into this.

  “You know Claudia and Brody already. I’ve met your dad, so will you come with me?”

  “I’d love to.” She was aware that whatever this was between them could end as quickly as it began but for now she’d enjoy every second of it.

  “I’ll text you in the morning with the details.”

  “Okay.” She leaned into his face, resting her palm on his cheek. “I really have to go now.”

  “Be careful.” He pressed his lips to hers. “I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon.”

  “Can’t wait.”

  There were so many things she couldn’t wait for when it came to him. She was being selfish. She shouldn’t be getting attached to him. But he didn’t make it easy.

  “Good night, sweetheart.” He walked her to the elevator, pressing the button. “Think about me before you fall asleep.”

  When the elevator doors opened, she quickly stepped inside. Just as they began to shut, he said, “Tomorrow.”

  His smoldering green eyes were the last thing she focused on. It wouldn’t be difficult to grant his request. He was usually her last thought before she fell asleep and the first one when she awoke. She was certain he stayed in her subconscious most of the night too.

  Nope, he didn’t make this easy at all.


  As they walked into the elaborate home of Claudia and Brody, Justine gazed up at the high ceilings in the foyer that opened up to the balcony above. She unbuttoned her coat as Gavin slipped it from her shoulders.

  “This is um, wow,” she said a bit nervously. “Three people live here?”

  “Yeah.” He snickered because houses, cars, money, none of it ever crossed his mind as being a privilege. It should have. His father tried to teach him the value of a dollar, but his mother was a spender and she indulged Gavin in every whim. Even when he went off to college, he’d seen people who had come from less but he managed to surround himself with other trust fund babies. “The Callahans can be lavish.”

  “Did you grow up in a house like this?”

  “Almost.” He grinned. “This one doesn’t have stables or a pool house. Claudia wanted to be practical.”


  “Don’t be overwhelmed. We’re people. Just like your family.” Well, maybe not his mother. Perhaps he should have warned her about Angela Callahan. Maybe he should have told his mother he was bringing a guest.

  “You may be people but no one in my family lives like this.”

  “I’m glad you’re here with me.” He took her hand. “It helps.”

  “Helps what?”

  “Nothing.” He squeezed her hand. “Family functions aren’t my thing. Ignore me.”

  “There you are.” Brody approached them with Claudia by his side. “We were starting to worry.”

  “Sorry we’re a little late,” Gavin said. “I went to Brooklyn to pick up Justine.” She stood behind him but that wouldn’t do. He wanted her
next to him, so he scooted her forward. “I believe you all know one another but this is Justine Carlucci.”

  “It’s so good to officially meet you.” Claudia gave her a hug. “I’ve seen you in the lobby. Thanks for coming to help celebrate Jason’s birthday.”

  “Thank you for having me.” Justine gazed around the foyer. “Your home is spectacular.”

  “Thank you.” Brody stepped forward and shook her hand. “My wife is a talented architect.”

  “Mr. Callahan, I’m honored to be in your home.” When Justine rocked from side to side, Gavin placed his arm around her waist to steady her.

  “Please call me Brody,” he said. “We’re happy you could be here.”

  “Where is the birthday boy?” Gavin asked as he handed Brody a large bag filled with packages. “These are for him.”

  “Did you buy out the store?” Brody glanced in the bag. “He’s with your mother, I think.”

  “He might be with your mom now, Brody.” Claudia smiled at Justine. “We have an interesting family dynamic here. I hope you’re prepared.”

  You have no idea the dynamics that run in this clan.

  “I’m used to big families with lots of people.” Justine walked with Claudia. “I’d love to see Jason.”

  “Let’s go find him.” Claudia pointed toward the family room. “The last time I saw him he was entertaining everyone by running in circles.”

  As the women hurried ahead, Brody waited with Gavin. “A date? I didn’t see that coming.”

  “Neither did I but I wanted to invite her. We’ve been spending some time together.”

  “She seems really nice.”

  “She is.” He pushed his hair from his forehead. “Probably too nice for me.”

  “Well, she’s about to meet your mother, so let’s see how nice she is to you after that.” He slapped his back. “Come on.”

  “My mother’s not that bad,” Gavin said. “But then again, I’m not the one who controls her monthly allowance.” Gavin didn’t envy Brody when it came to the family fortune. Their father left him in charge of the estate, and Angela resented that she had to go to Brody when she needed money.

  “She’s getting better.” Brody placed the gift bag in the foyer with all the other gifts for Jason. “She’s settling down and not spending as crazy as when dad died.”

  “No more horses?”

  “Definitely no more horses. She has enough of those.”

  By the time Brody and Gavin reached the family room, Justine was holding Jason. She was laughing as he showed her a toy car. Gavin had been anxious all morning. Seeing Jason when it was just Brody and Claudia in the room was difficult enough but when his mother and Brody’s mother, Shannon, were there it became harder. They both knew the truth but kept up appearances. It was what they had all agreed upon for Jason’s sake. Gavin had no regrets when it came to his decision but the situation was still very awkward. He imagined what they had all thought about him. What it must be like for him to hear Jason call Brody dad. They had no idea what went through his mind. He didn’t elaborate. It was his cross to bear.

  “I’m going to check on the cake,” Brody said, “It’s supposed to be delivered to the kitchen by now.”

  “Okay.” Gavin nodded. “See you soon.”

  As he watched Justine with Jason, his nerves seem to calm. She was a natural. It angered him to think she would have to raise her child alone. What was wrong with her ex? Hell! Why am I being such a hypocrite?

  “There you are.” When Gavin’s mother approached him, she kissed his cheek. “I was starting to worry.”

  “I’m not that late.”

  “You’re not on time either,” she reminded him. “But nonetheless, I’m happy you’re here.” She glanced across the room at Justine. “And you brought a date.”

  “A friend.” He didn’t have the energy to go into specifics. He wasn’t exactly sure what he should call Justine. “I thought it would be good to have the company.”

  “I see.” His mother continued to stare at Justine. “She’s quite beautiful. Understated, good with kids.” She shrugged. “Did you meet her at the country club?”

  Here we go. “She works for Callahan Industries.”

  “Excellent. A lawyer?”

  “Why would you assume she’s a lawyer?”

  “I’m just making conversation. Since you’ve told me nothing about her I have to speculate.”

  “Don’t,” Gavin said. “She works in the lobby at the desk. I haven’t known her long.” He wasn’t there five minutes and he already needed a drink. “Her father used to work for Dad years ago.”

  “Really?” She brought her attention to him. “How lovely.”

  “You’re not going to say what you’re really thinking?”

  “What is it I’m thinking?” She placed her hand on her hip? “I’d love to know.”

  “No, you wouldn’t.” He kissed her cheek, wanting to drop the subject. “But I appreciate you refraining from saying anything.”

  “Oh, look, there’s the first Mrs. Callahan.” She nodded at Shannon who was making a fuss over Jason. The two women had managed to stay civil throughout the years. Mostly because his father insisted on it. He had children with both of them and wouldn’t tolerate any animosity between the two of them.



  “Shannon has been very kind to you through the years.”

  “It just doesn’t seem fair that she gets to play the part of Jason’s real grandmother when everyone else thinks I’m his step-grandmother.”

  “Brody and Claudia have been more than gracious to you when it comes to Jason. They don’t treat you as if you’re anything less than his grandmother. There’s room in his life for both you and Shannon. He’s a lucky kid to have so many people surrounding him.”

  “Gavin.” She took a breath. “I’m sorry. It was very insensitive for me to say that especially since you...”

  “Please, don’t say it.” When his gaze connected with Justine holding Jason, he forgot all about his mother’s words. “Would you like to meet Justine?”

  “Yes, I would.”

  “Make sure you behave.”

  “Don’t I always?”

  “That’s rhetorical, right?”

  They walked across the large family room but it wasn’t big enough. Gavin hadn’t seen Jason in a few weeks. He’d gotten so big. Usually when he visited there weren’t so many others in the room. Today all the people who knew the truth were there and that made him very uncomfortable.

  “Hey.” Justine giggled as Jason gently tugged at the end of her hair. “There you are.”

  “I see you made a friend.” Gavin glanced at Claudia before reaching out and taking Jason’s tiny hand in his. “Hey, bud, happy birthday.”

  Jason reached for Gavin, so Justine effortlessly handed him over. “It looks like he loves his Uncle Gavin.”

  “Yeah.” As Gavin took Jason from her, his mother stood by his side as everyone continued to stare at him. “He’s getting so big. I can’t believe he’s two.”

  “It did go fast,” Brody said as he came back into the room. “Can I get you a drink?”

  “Please.” Gavin stared at Jason as the boy played with his watch. Claudia didn’t go far. She never left the two of them alone. He tried not to take it personally, but it wasn’t as if he was going to steal the kid.

  “Justine, would you like a glass of wine?” Brody asked. “I can get you something from the bar.”

  “No, thank you.” She rubbed Jason’s back. “I’m fine.”

  “How about some sparkling water?” Gavin wanted her to be comfortable.

  “Not yet.” Justine smiled at his mother as Brody went to get the beer, and Claudia immersed herself in a conversation with Shannon and a few other women. “You must be Gavin’s mom.”

  “I’m Angela Callahan.” She shook Justine’s hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “You as well, Mrs. Callahan. You have a love
ly family.”

  “Gavin tells me your father worked for my husband.”

  “Yes, many years ago. He was very fond of your husband.” Justine returned her gaze to Jason. “He has your eyes,” she mindlessly said to Gavin.

  “What?” Where is that beer?

  “It’s uncanny. They’re the exact color as yours,” she said. “They’re such a unique shade of green.”

  “That color runs in the Callahan family,” his mother offered. “Brody got his blue eyes from his mother’s side but Gavin and Jason got the Callahan green.”

  “They’re gorgeous.” Justine seemed mesmerized by Jason. “Just like this little boy.”

  Angela stared at Gavin as Justine played peekaboo with the baby. His mother didn’t have to say anything. He already knew what she thought. She had been disappointed when Gavin signed over his rights. She worried he would regret it one day but she promised to honor his wishes and support his decision. He had many regrets but signing those papers wasn’t one of them.


  After dinner, Gavin needed air. The party was still underway but he’d asked Justine to take a walk with him around the property. It was a brisk evening but the cool breeze helped clear his mind. He wondered if he’d ever get used to being around Jason without feeling like a total screw up.

  “You’re not too cold, are you?” He took her hand as they strolled down the path that led to the creek. “I just wanted to be alone with you for a few minutes.”

  “It’s beautiful out here and I like being alone with you.”

  They stopped by a bridge that overlooked a stone building. The soft flow of the water trickled below. It was peaceful. A perfect place to be alone with her. The chilly air gently blew through her hair and her cheeks were a rosy shade. She always had a smile on her face. He wondered how. Her life wasn’t easy but she didn’t complain. She always tried to find the positive. Keeping company with her worked for him.

  “What is that building?” She pointed across the stream. “It matches the house.”

  “It’s a banquet hall.”


  “Brody and Claudia’s reception was held there. They got married on the grounds and wanted to celebrate here in their new home. Claudia designed the house. Brody had bought the land years ago but didn’t tell her she was designing her own home. She thought it was for a client.”


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