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Only His (Nighthawk Secruity Book 4)

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by Tory Baker

  Only His

  Nighthawk Security Book 4

  Tory Baker



  1. Leo

  2. Tinsley

  3. Leo

  4. Tinsley

  5. Leo

  6. Tinsley

  7. Leo

  8. Tinsley

  9. Leo

  10. Tinsley

  11. Leo

  12. Tinsley

  13. Leo

  14. Tinsley

  15. Leo

  16. Tinsley

  17. Leo

  18. Tinsley



  Bonus Scene

  About the Author

  Also by Tory Baker

  Copyright © 2020 by Tory Baker

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Please respect the author and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials that would violate the author’s rights. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Edited By: Diamond in the Rough Editing

  Cover Design By: LJ with Mayhem Cover Creations

  Created with Vellum

  “Nothing can dim the light that shines from within.”

  – Maya Angelou


  Leo Martinez, envied the happiness his brothers at Nighthawk Security had found.

  Still, he knew not many women would want to deal with his past and the scarred baggage he carried.

  Then Tinsley Sutton walked into his life.

  Tinsley's father is a multi-million-dollar business mogul. He has a competitor out to hurt his daughter and now it's up to Leo to make sure she's safe.

  That makes Tinsley off limits. Even if her sweet ways has him wondering how much sweeter she'd taste, or her sexy body has him fantasizing day and night--Leo has a job to do.

  But a man can only resist temptation so long.

  Tory is bringing you the final book in the Nighthawk Security series and she might have saved the hottest for last. Leo and Tinsley heat up your kindle hotter than a bonfire on a cool September night.

  As always with a Tory book, you get an over the top Alpha that falls fast and hard for his one and will take you on a journey that will prove nothing can stop true love.



  It’s cold as fuck here. I could kick the guys’ asses, except I’m not dumb enough to go a round with all of them. Shit, I was a fuckup before my brother came back and shook some damn sense into me. If it weren’t for Drake, I’d probably be in worse shit than what I was doing back then, which wasn’t as bad as most made it out, but illegal fighting wasn’t my smartest move. Not at all. One person could have blown it all up in smoke. The money was there, and I was young, dumb, and full of cum.

  Drake came back from overseas and took one look at me, beaten black and blue. Even if I did win the fight, my body surely didn’t show it. The youngest of three boys with parents who were tired of my shit while I was in high school, I pulled away from everyone. Instead of enlisting like Drake or going to school for a trade like Braxton, I went my own way in the gym, morning and night until someone stepped up and told me I could be making money. I was nineteen—money was everything, not the fact I could end up with a concussion or not wake up from one devastating punch or kick to the head.

  My brother pulled me out, gave me an outlet to figure out where to land, which ended up being with Nighthawk, becoming the youngest working there. It wasn’t easy. The guys gave me the shittiest assignments and duties. I pushed through though, and now I’m here, in cold-ass Washington.

  “I swear to God my dick is going to fall off from frostbite at the rate this year is going,” I mumble to the wind whipping around me. I’m on a break, which is laughable at best. The other guys who are here on duty might as well be pissing in the wind. I’ve been on detail for a few weeks now, met the quote un-quote “Princess Tinsley”. It’s hard to believe she’s twenty. The girl looks like something out of a pin-up magazine. Soft face, kissable lips, skin porcelain white, with dark hair and shots of auburn running through it. Her hourglass figure, ass and tits for days, a tiny waist. It was only amplified by the purple blouse she had tucked into her black pants. Something a teenager wouldn’t be caught dead in back home. I guess when you come from money, this is what’s expected of your children. The mom isn’t much better. She’s always off for tea with her friends or some charity event. She’s not the real client though. Nope, that would be Tinsley. Her dad, Robert Sutton, is some software business mogul along the lines of Bill Gates or some such shit, and that’s where shit gets dicey. He’s in some heavy negotiations with his newest app with a developer. About a month ago, when Robert received an email, not thinking much of it, he let it go. Then they started coming in every other day. That’s when we—well, mainly myself—were called in. Robert has two other guys here, rent-a-bodyguard types. Hell, neither of them carry a firearm, let alone hear me approaching. It’s a damn shame.

  “I have somewhere you can keep it warm,” a soft voice says. Tinsley thought she was slick thinking I wouldn’t hear her coming around the corner. I clocked her the second the door opened, letting light filter through the darkness in the garden.

  “That’s one hell of an offer. Think your dear old daddy would like to hear that you’re coming on to the hired help?” I look at her, really take her in. Her face is void of the makeup she had on earlier, the glad rags are gone, and now she’s in something that I know if I don’t get her fine ass back inside, I will one hundred percent take her up on the offer. The miniscule top she’s wearing may be long-sleeved, but it’s showing me that she is without a doubt braless and baring a sliver of skin at her midriff. The shorts aren’t much better either—if the girl moves a certain way, I can see exactly what she’s wearing underneath them.

  “I’m not sure he’d care, but the offer’s still there just the same.” Tinsley starts to shiver. I’m so totally fucked. If any of the guys were here, they’d tell me to get shot of her. There’s no way that will happen now. If I’ve learned anything this past week, it’s that Tinsley Sutton is stubborn to the bone.

  “Not happening. Let’s get back inside,” I suggest, figuring she won’t go for it, but she shocks me when she spins on her heels. A hiss of breath escapes me. Those fucking shorts are barely covering her ass cheeks.

  Tinsley looks over her shoulder, a smirk playing on her lush lips. “So much for frostbite,” I mumble under my breath, my dick perking up to the sway of Tinsley’s hips. I’m sure she heard it, but I’m finding my will to give a shit not there.

  We make it inside, the two rent-a-bodyguards nowhere in sight. Matt and David aren’t there. When we had our first meeting, I suggested to Tinsley’s dad that if I was on break, the other two should stick to her like glue. That’s yet to happen. I’m not sure if she somehow dumped them or if they’re just that fucking stupid. If this shit keeps happening, I may need to call in reinforcements in order to sleep a few hours at a time.

  “Come on, I’ll walk you back to your quarters,” I offer, my hand going to the base of her back, skin meeting skin, amplifying the rightness that shouldn’t be there. Not when she’s a client and her dad is my boss.

  “Okay.” I see her chest rise then fall. If I don�
��t keep my distance, this may all blow up in my face. I nod at her before we move up the east wing to where she stays, well away from her parents, who are in the west wing of this palatial estate. This place is a logistical nightmare. Robert Sutton is a stubborn-ass man and refuses to listen to reason. It’s something else I’ll need to bring to Slade’s attention if shit continues down this path.



  I’m playing with fire, bound to get burned. I know this like I know what my path in life is meant to be. Tinsley Sutton, only daughter to Robert and Cynthia Sutton the Third. It’s all a joke though, the way they dote on me now like they did during my childhood. What you didn’t see, behind the façade as soon as the media left, was me being foisted off to the nanny, cook, or any hired help. It’s something I became accustomed to. Right now, though, it’s leaving me reeling. There has to be a reason dear old dad all of a sudden has an interest in my well-being.

  Leo’s palm is searing my lower back. The way his fingers graze the top of my ass, I know I’m not imagining things. When I shuffle closer to his side, the tips of his fingers tighten on my skin, intensifying the feel of him.

  The day Leo walked into my father’s office, it was instantaneous between us. We had a pull to one another, the way he was standing, tall and imposing. Arms crossed at the wrists, face void of any emotion as we were introduced. He didn’t even shake my hand and instead chose to give me a nod. He may be able to hide his emotion, but his eyes gave everything away. Those gray eyes were filled with desire, the pupils dilating as they moved from the tips of my flushed cheeks down the entire length of my body. I did the exact same thing. Dark hair that’s short but has enough length for me to run my hands through. His skin looks as if it was kissed by the sun. The frame of his body more muscular than I’m used to seeing at the country club, that’s for sure. I bet he could pick up my curvy frame without a problem, his arms looking as if they’d have no problem taking care of this idiot who is all of a sudden threatening me. Which, let me say by the way, wouldn’t shock me if it was another one of Robert Sutton’s many lies he likes to tell.

  There’s was no way Leo wasn’t interested, heck he still is, I can see it in his heated gaze. He’s in what I now know is his standard-issue clothes. On anyone else it would look boring, but the black polo shirt molds to his chest, showing me just what he’s packing beneath it, and his black cargo pants with a black belt have me thinking things I really shouldn’t. My mind plays out what Leo could do with it, how he’d raise my hands above my head, tying them to the headboard while he takes me, or my hands tied behind my back as he fucks me from behind. Those thoughts cause a full-body shiver.

  “You cold?” he asks, this time bringing his hand around to my hip, pulling me closer. I breathe in his scent—undercurrents of spices and woodsy tones. It must be the cologne he wears. Either way, I could bask in it.

  “Kind of,” I respond, not wanting him to loosen his hold. I know I only have a few more moments in his presence before he leaves for the night and I won’t see him until tomorrow morning.

  “We’ll get you warmed up in no time.” He drops his head, the rasp in Leo’s tone only making me want him more.

  I nod my head, but all I really want is for him to come in with me. I would never ask him, though, I’m not that brazen. What I’m doing tonight is so out of the box for me, but the past few weeks have been our very own kind of foreplay, the heated glances, the lingering touches. I needed to know it wasn’t just one sided.

  We make it to my closed bedroom door. Leo is still with me when my hand goes to the doorknob. His comes on top. His front molds to my back, and I can feel every square inch of his body touching mine, including the bulge that is digging into my lower back. If I were bolder, I’d be on my toes, wanting to feel him where I’m aching the most.

  “Tinsley.” His deep timber washes over me, causing me to drop my head back on a sigh.

  “Leo,” I reply as his hand wraps around my bare stomach, holding me to him.

  “I’m coming inside. I need to check to make sure everything is good. Dumb and Dumber aren’t even around, not sure what the hell is up with that. You’ll stay by the door while I do a sweep.” I don’t respond to him. My sole focus is on how he feels around me.

  “Nod your head if you understand, beautiful.” I do as he says, loving that he just called me beautiful. No one has ever given me the time of day quite like Leo has, even if he is hired by my father. It still makes me feel cherished. The two of us walk in together, his body still hugging mine. It only changes when he closes the door behind us. That’s when he lets go and says, “Stay right here.”

  “I will,” I respond. My own voice sounds like a stranger’s to my ears. As soon as Leo sees me in place, he turns and makes his way to check out each and every nook and cranny in my room. If I had it my way, I’d be back in my apartment in the lights of the city that overlook the lake. Not in this place where everything has to look a certain way, appear to be in the best form possible. It sucks. Literally, it sucks to be back in my childhood home, where I can’t move about my own business like I once did. I’m not a spoiled princess—I don’t ask for much, and I don’t expect it either. Sure, I go to a good college and have a nice apartment. The college I worked my ass off to get into. The apartment was definitely a hard pill to swallow. After my first year living in a dorm, I knew apartment living was expected of me, not by just the college but by my parents as well. We somehow came to an agreement that I’d live in a one-bedroom apartment by the school, so I could either walk or drive there if the weather was bad. It took us months to find a place my parents could agree on. I didn’t care what it looked like, paint, some décor, and it would come a long way. Especially since that’s what I was going to school for anyway, much to their dismay.

  “Is everything okay?” I call out. It’s been several minutes since Leo’s been gone, leaving me unsure if everything is okay.

  “Were you worried?” he asks. Leo didn’t come back the way he went, a testament to how big my room is here at home. The sitting area is as big as some homes, not to mention the bedroom and bathroom that are attached to this wing. If only it had a kitchen, I’d never have to be sociable. That would be the life.

  “Maybe.” We’re both playing a game of cat and mouse.

  “It’s perfectly safe in here. I’ll see you in the morning.” His fingers slide against my midriff before he leaves me in a state of breathlessness and replaying every moment we spent together today.



  “Yo,” Slade answers after the second ring. I’m back in my room that’s next to Tinsley’s wing. Dumb and Dumber, Matt and David, still are sight unseen.

  “Hey, might have a situation on our hands. You didn’t mention Sutton was going to have two dingbats attempt to play bodyguard, leaving our client unattended non-fucking-stop.”

  “You fucking kidding me? You’re the only one I can leave out there, and we’re already spread thin. What are your thoughts about leaving the property and staying with her elsewhere?” Slade asks. I already knew there were no other viable options. Everyone back home has a family, though from what Drake told me, they’re looking at bringing on a few more people. I pinch the bridge of my nose because there is no other option. Keeping Tinsley safe and secure is my number-one mission, and that shit is not going to happen here in a place this big.

  “Yeah, we’ll have to. Not too sure how the father will take the news when you tell him that though. He’s an arrogant prick who thinks he knows everything yet has no common sense when it comes to behind the scenes. He’s a real class act, I’ll give him that,” I respond.

  “No kidding. Sorry I sent you out there, but he was a friend of a friend. She has an apartment, right? We can relocate you there or to another place, but it’s off the grid, and I’d like to hold off if we don’t need to use it or have anyone else know about it.” He’s talking about the safe house we have in the middle of no man’s land, North Dakota. Fuc
k, I thought it got cold here. I’d really freeze my dick off if we went out that way.

  “Yeah, you want me to let Sutton know, or will you?” I offer.

  “Na, I’ll call him first thing in the morning and go from there. Stay safe, Leo,” he replies.

  “You too.” We hang up. Nothing else left to say. My whole family is back in Virginia, a place that’s been home my whole life. It’s a place I thought would be easy to come and go as I pleased. I’m finding out that’s not the case the older I get.

  I throw my phone on the bed, strip down to my boxers before getting ready for bed. My body is functioning on about four hours of sleep in the past forty-eight hours, and I’m about killed from it. I slide beneath the sheets. A hot shower will be in my future once I get a few hours of much-needed sleep. When I left Tinsley’s room, I made sure her door was locked. At least no one would be dumb enough to go in there while she’s asleep. Unless they have a death wish, that is. My eyes droop, my mind shutting off from the bullshit that’s been piling up for the past few weeks. I still can’t fucking believe the way Robert and Cynthia Sutton are handling things. In fact, I think if it weren’t for his investment, he probably wouldn’t have called in a favor to his friend. His image seems to be the only thing he cares about, not that his daughter is smart, beautiful, and has a bright future in front of her. My last thoughts before drifting off are of Tinsley, how she felt pressed up against my body, the way she sank into me, and I don’t care that she’s trouble. She’s worth it.


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