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Only His (Nighthawk Secruity Book 4)

Page 5

by Tory Baker

  “No kidding,” I reply. Tinsley puts her seatbelt on. I do the same, then I shift the Suburban in Drive, and we drive more miles than I ever thought possible in a day and half the freaking night.



  Last night, when we made it to the hotel that we reserved, it was dark, like black as midnight. If it weren’t for Leo, there was no way I would have gotten out of his vehicle. It was so dark you couldn’t see if anything was lurking around the corners. That promise I gave Leo, yeah, it didn’t happen. We showered together, not alone like I suggested so he could get some much-needed rest. Leo wasn’t having any of that though. So, we both quickly washed off before piling into bed. I was snuggled under the covers when Leo’s stomach rumbled. We looked at each other, seeing who would blame whom for the ravenous hunger running through it.

  Then came the debate of what we should eat. I didn’t care as long as neither of us had to leave. We chose pizza, both of us devouring it as soon as it was cool enough to eat. I told Leo once while we were still in Seattle how much I loved hot sauce on my pizza. He somehow had it delivered with our food. That man, he knows the way to my pizza-obsessed heart.

  We passed out shortly after we ate. I snuggled into his side, my legs tangled with his, my head on his chest while feeling him play with the strands of my hair. It lulled me to sleep faster than a newborn being rocked to sleep. How he’s able to keep his eyes open this morning, I have no idea.

  “Ready to be in Virginia?” he asks me as he takes a sip of his black coffee at the pit stop we just made for food. How anyone can drink black coffee floors me. It’s so flavorless.

  “Definitely. Are you sure you’ll be okay to drive the rest of the way today?” I won’t say I’ve nagged him during this trip, but I definitely have voiced my fears of him doing too much.

  “Oh yeah, it’ll be worth it to be at my place. Not to mention I’m going to have to give the guys a briefing, and vice versa. It’s part of the reason Slade and I aren’t communicating right now. We didn’t want anyone to have a lead on where we are. So, your schoolwork will have to be put on pause for the day.” He’s leaning on the inside of the open door while the gas tank is being filled with fuel.

  “I’m okay with that. Did something else happen besides the thing that shall not be discussed?” I quip, causing him to chuckle.

  “No, sweetheart. Staying cautious until I can get you safe and at home with me.” He sets his coffee down in the cup holder before turning around to remove the nozzle from the gas tank so we can get on the road again.

  “I love that, you know,” I say as he sits in the driver’s seat and starts up the vehicle.

  “What’s that?”

  “Being at home with you.” The way his throat works, the swallow he takes, the way Leo’s eyes devour me whole, I know he likes what I’ve just laid out for him.

  “Me fucking too. It’s hard not to worry, but I’ll say it again. I promise everything will be okay, but we do need to get back on the road. I’ll feel better when we’re home, where there are other people around us and we have more of a game plan.”

  “Not to mention it’s still my turn, you know?” I say to lighten the tone.

  “Oh, I’m more than ready for that. There’s no doubt about that.” His voice is dripping with desire. It causes my core to clench and my legs to rub together to ease the need inside me.

  We settle in for the long haul. Luckily, the Suburban he rented is comfortable, and when we stop for gas along the way, it also lets me stock up on snacks and run to the bathroom. How my body is handling the long car ride, I have no idea, but it’s probably due to the fear of the unknown and what my father is capable of.

  “You think things will be normal after you guys get on the same page?” I ask. My mind is reeling. I told Leo I’d wait to find out what is really happening, but I’m on pins and needles waiting just the same.

  “I think they will. It might take some skillful tactics and picking your brain, especially with what your grandfather told you. I’m going to go out on a limb and say there’s more that we haven’t figured out yet. Especially the money situation and your trust,” he mutters. Leo handles the car as if he was born to drive, no matter the traffic or the other drivers on the road, and believe me, I was on the edge of my seat some of this trip with the crazy way some were weaving in and out of traffic. I’m thankful that Leo told me all about Lodgeview, the small-town feel, no interstate in your backyard, and there are even areas where you’re surrounded by nothing but trees and grass. The way he described his home is something I’ve been visualizing, the small community-like feel in Drake’s subdivision but further in the back, so there’s still distance between them, but both can visit whenever. From the sound of it, Leo is trying to work on their relationship. Those years he was fighting, apparently, he wasn’t in a good place mentally or emotionally when it came to his family. It’s something that has raged a war inside of him, but he’s still mending the fences he broke years ago. A piece of me knows it’s misplaced guilt. From the way he’s talked about everybody, how they were willing to drop everything to help me in a time of need, there’s no way Leo is anything but loved. People make mistakes—some choose to learn from them, some choose to wallow in it. Leo isn’t wallowing in it by any means. I think he just needs to work it out in his own time.

  “That’s good. I’m willing to help in any way I can. My laptop holds a lot of the information that you might be looking for.” I point to my bag that’s placed besides his in the back seat.

  “Good to know. We may need Easton to take a look at it. You can use my laptop while he’s working on yours. He’s a mastermind when it comes to reading between the lines.” I hum quietly to the music playing in the background, trying not to dance in my seat about being in Leo’s bed tonight instead of another hotel room. Even with it only being two nights, it’s not the same. They don’t smell like your own home, or in this case, they don’t smell like Leo. His scent is that of autumn on a crisp day, the subtle scent of nutmeg and black currant. And he feels like warmth when you’re cold to the bone. That’s what Leo does for me—he’s my warmth on a cold day. That’s something I don’t ever want to disappear either.



  A sigh of relief leaves me as we pull into my driveway. It’s three o’clock in the morning, but I’ve never felt this sense of peace as I do right now with Tinsley. She’s safe here. Fuck, for that matter, so am I.

  “Home sweet home,” I whisper into Tinsley’s ear. She tried her best to stay awake the entire trip today, but two hours ago, she couldn’t fight sleep any longer. The emotional toll this is having on her is probably as much stress as it’s giving me.

  “We’re home?” Her voice is raspy from sleep. Fuck, that ache in my chest when she calls this place home. It was never that before her, just a house made of brick and mortar.

  “We are. I’ll grab our bags. Then we can pile into bed. Tomorrow is when the real shit happens. Not too early though.”

  “Oh joy,” she says with sarcasm. Tinsley grabs her purse and laptop bag. I roll my eyes. Damn woman doesn’t listen and is always willing to help.

  “It won’t be too bad. The guys will just want to go over everything with a fine-tooth comb. They’ll see it from an outsider’s point of view, whereas all I can see is red when it comes to your parents,” I state.

  “I can see that,” Tinsley says as I grab our duffle bags and my laptop bag. When we pulled up, I couldn’t park in the garage because my work and personal vehicle were already parked there. It fucking sucks and doesn’t make me happy, but there’s nothing I can do. Drake sent a text earlier today saying he was stopping by to make sure everything was secure. Of course, he also said the fridge was restocked and Raelynn brought by a cheesecake.

  “Are you hungry or ready to shower and sleep?” I ask her as we make our way into the house.

  “Wait, did you just unlock the door with your thumbprint? That is so cool,” Tinsley geeks
out, something I wasn’t expecting but am happy about just the same.

  “Yeah, I’ll get yours added tomorrow, along with the rest of the doors. Come here. I want you to see how the alarm works, just in case.” I proceed to show her the code, how to arm and unarm it before we head upstairs, bypassing the rest of the house. My only thoughts are getting Tinsley naked and in bed beside me, in whatever order that happens.

  “I wish it were light out and my body weren’t begging for a shower and sleep. I’m not sure how you’re still even standing. Feel like conserving water with me?” Tinsley asks when we make our way upstairs and into the master suite.

  “Not this time.” I drop the bags on the floor, kiss her softly on her lips. My hands hold her hips, so she doesn’t start something we are both too fucking tired to finish.

  “Okay.” I hear the dejectedness in her voice.

  “Tomorrow we will. I have a few things to do. Namely putting that cash in the gun safe. I’ll put your prints on it tomorrow too. Then I want to make sure the security system is working. Even though Drake checked it out, I want to be sure.”

  “Do you think you can go ahead and tell me what Slade said while we were on the car ride?”

  “Come sit with me for a minute. You’ll need to be sitting down for this,” I tell her, sitting on the bed before bringing her down into my lap.

  “You’re kind of scaring me, Leo. Again,” she says, but her body sinks into me.

  “It might scare you. I won’t lie to you, it’s not pretty, and you may hate your parents for this even more. Your mom, your father, and any other kin were cut off when your grandaddy passed away. You grandpa left a smaller inheritance with strict rules. It’s to go to your school and for you to live off of. With it coming up on your twenty-first birthday, you’d have access to it, freely.” I take a gulp of air before I wreck Tinsley’s world.

  “Okay, but I knew that. I mean, my parents may not have though. What does this all mean?”

  “It means your dad put a hit on you. The trust fund reverts back to your parents if you pass away.” I let her digest the words before saying anything else.

  “How?” Her chest is heaving as she cries, ripping me apart at the seams as she sobs in the crook of my neck. There’s nothing I can do for her right now, except this.

  I slide us back, holding my woman as she cries. No, she doesn’t cry—she breaks the fuck down, and I vow in this very moment that Robert Sutton is a dead man walking. He has no idea what my hands are capable of, but he’s going to find out before too long. Slade, Drake, Bridger, Easton, and Travis won’t be able to stop me from ripping him apart like he’s ripped Tinsley tonight.

  I sooth Tinsley, slowly cooing and whispering softly in her ears, that she’s safe and her home is here with me, now and always. I hold her till well after she’s cried herself to sleep, and as much as I hate to unwrap myself from her body, I need to. There’s too much cash sitting around in plain sight, and I need to make sure everything is safe and secure for the night. Then I’ll get Tinsley up, shower with her, and never let her go.



  Last night sucked, that’s all there is to it. Leo was with me every step of the way. When he woke me up to shower after my crying jag, it was like I was a robot. He never wavered. He held me, washed my body and my hair, not in a sexual manner but in the most tender way possible. That’s probably why I’m now wide awake, my chin resting on my hand that’s on his chest, Leo’s heart beating steadily beneath me. He’s still asleep, not that it surprises me. He has to be exhausted. Hell, I still am, and I didn’t even drive. Sometime between getting out of the shower and Leo dressing me in one of his shirts, I found peace in knowing my parents aren’t parents. They never nurtured or loved me like grandaddy did, so this really shouldn’t have come as a surprise to me. It just hit me hard and at a vulnerable time.

  “You’re thinking awfully hard right now, beautiful. I can even see the smoke coming out of your ears.” Leo’s voice knocks me out of my thoughts. A slow smile plays on his face. I scoot up, wanting his lips on mine.

  “Good morning.” My mouth finds his, giving him a small kiss until his hands tangle in my hair and he deepens the kiss. When his other hand tightens around my waist, I move to straddle him.

  “Morning. I thought you were still asleep,” I mumble in between the slow sips of our kisses.

  “Nah, I felt you move.” Leo’s hands move to my hips, gliding my bare center across his cock. There’s something to be said about Leo sleeping naked. Last night, he dressed me in his shirt. It gave me the comfort I needed, but now that I’ve processed and semi come to terms with the actions of my parents, I’m feeling better if still a little raw. A piece of me knew they were money hungry, but this is way more than I could ever forgive.

  “I was going to let you sleep. I wasn’t trying to be a creeper and stare at you all morning.” I move along his length. The underside of his cock slides between the lips of my pussy.

  “I wouldn’t have been happy if I had to go find you if you left.” He groans. Leo’s helping me the entire time. I lift my hands off his firm chest, finding the edge of the shirt I’m wearing, pulling it up and over my head. My hair, which I’m sure is a rat’s nest from falling asleep with it uncombed and wet, falls down, some of the tendrils covering my breasts. Leo rectifies that quickly. His fingertips slide from my hips to the ends of my hair, causing my body to shiver in their wake.

  “Leo, please. No more holding back. I want this. No, I need this.” My chest drops, wanting to move my body closer to his. Leo’s hands are holding on to my breasts, the weight of them in his palms. The heated skin against my own makes my breathing hitch.

  “Yeah, you feel that. How wet you are just from this.” His voice hitches as my pussy meets the head of his cock. He’s almost inside me.

  Leo’s does an ab curl, causing him to slide inside me. He doesn’t go slow either. Oh no, this man takes me completely. When his mouth latches onto my most sensitive spot, the one he seems to always have his lips on, it only heightens my need for him.

  “You gonna ride me, Tinsley? Take me there with you. Your pussy squeezing me so tight you’ll make me forget to pull out?” Leo questions. We’ve talked about this while driving to Virginia. I’m not on birth control, but we both felt the overwhelming need to be skin on skin. So, here we are, aware that there could be consequences but not caring. Leo’s my everything, and if it means a baby happens or doesn’t, we’re okay with that. In fact, I know he would probably do cartwheels if I did fall pregnant.

  My pussy tightens on his length. “Leo, you can’t say things like that, or I won’t want you to leave me,” I plead. He grasps my shoulders, his hold firm as he thrusts up, causing my back to arch, my long locks of hair touching his thighs. It’s an overwhelming sensation, Leo surrounding me, body, heart, and soul. There isn’t a part of me he isn’t touching. It doesn’t have to be physical either. That’s what he does to me. He consumes me, much like I do him.

  Our bodies are slick with sweat, our need so deep for one another, when we do come, I know it’ll be us climaxing together, and I don’t know if I’ll be strong enough to let him go.

  “I can imagine it, Tinsley. Fucking my cum deep inside of you.” Another ripple of pleasure overtakes me.

  “I’m going to come.” My hands fist his hair, our mouths meeting. When my body starts to shake, Leo pulls me off of his cock. Two thick fingers sink inside me, the palm of his hand giving me the friction I need on my clit. He’s making sure I don’t lose my orgasm, all while he’s fisting his firm length. I have the sense of mind to place my hand over his. There’s no way I wouldn’t be a part of this. If he can’t come inside of me yet, then both of us working each other to tip over the edge is what I want.

  “Come for me, Tinsley,” Leo demands. I look down at us, and when I do, I know why he wants me to come. My man is already on his way. I grind down on his fingers, my pussy convulsing. It’s an indescribable feeling. Something that
’s never happened to my body, and Leo and I have tried a lot during our trek across the States.

  “Fuck yeah, keep bearing down. I promise, baby. I have you,” Leo pleads with me. I give myself over to him.

  “Oh God, Leo.” My body shatters, and that’s when I feel it. My body quakes, and when Leo’s cum hits my breasts and abdomen, it only makes me pulse harder.

  “You look so pretty. I can feel everything you gave me.” That’s when I feel how wet I am. Even Leo’s stomach is coated.

  “What was that?” I question.

  “You want the clinical term for it or the technical term?” Leo responds. He grabs my shirt that I discarded. My whole body is sensitive, like I’m a pile of goo.

  “Both?” I wince when I say that.

  “Nothing to be embarrassed about. It’s when your G-spot and clit are stimulated at the same time. And, Tinsley?”

  “Yes?” I’m trying to play this in my head, more than likely overthinking the entire freaking process.

  “It was beautiful to watch.” Leo smirks, as if he’s proud of himself. If he were a peacock, his feathers would be out and swaying, as peacocks do when they walk.

  “Thank you. What’s the technical term, then?”

  “It’s not a pretty word. You’ll probably never let me do that to you again if I tell you,” Leo tries to get away without an explanation.


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