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The Castes and the OutCastes: The Complete Trilogy

Page 158

by Davis Ashura

  He smiled in wonder, but once more thought and questions had swiftly grown too taxing. He put away his vision, and his mind stilled.

  The sun burned dimly from high in the sky. Its light barely lit the murky water in which he found himself.

  Rukh—lightning swept through him.

  His name was Rukh Shektan. More memories overflowed his thoughts. His childhood. His family. A woman with a heart-shaped face and lovely lips curved into a smile. Jessira. Love filled him. His Jivatma, an ocean of purity, pulsed. From an inestimable distance away he heard a singing light.

  The water around Rukh shifted and swayed. It glowed in time to the pulsing blue motes that were his essence. More memories came. The Withering Knife and horrific pain. The battle with Suwraith and victory. Any elation he might have felt at the notion of the Sorrow Bringer's demise was quickly washed away. Pain came. Jessira's death. Before Rukh had ended Her life, the Queen had struck Jessira down.

  Rukh's mind grew weary once more. His thoughts became as still as the surrounding silence. So it went possibly for days, weeks, months, or maybe even longer.

  Strength returned and Rukh rose from the murky waters of Lake Corruption. The setting sun met his emergence. Frogs croaked, and a warm breeze, heavy with humidity and the smell of swamp, rippled the water. In all directions, nothing other than nature stirred.

  He floated above the lake, utterly alone. A sense of desolation, of loss and hurt that would never heal poured pain into his heart. He'd come to accept Jessira's absence even as he knew he would never grow used to it. His heart and soul ached at her death. They had yet to heal and perhaps never would.

  A green glow emanated from somewhere close by. It was barely visible through the murky water, barely alive.

  A tremulous spike of hope shot through Rukh. “Jessira?”

  Silence met his hopeful query. “Is that my name?” came a question from the green glow. “I'm tired.”

  Silence resumed, but Rukh didn't care. His heart overflowed with joy. Jessira's cinnamon-scented presence lived in his mind. She existed. He could sense her down below, weak and faint, but she lived. She would Heal just as he had.

  Days later, with halting conversations to mark Jessira's returning strength and memory, she ascended from Lake Corruption in a glory of verdant light filled with the glow of life. She grinned when she saw him. “You thought I wouldn't come?” she asked.

  Rukh didn't answer. He swept her into his essence and laughed. Glowing blue tendrils shifted about her green form. He breathed in her cinnamon scent, the scent of her spirit. “Never leave me again,” he pleaded.

  “I won't.” Jessira held still in his presence. “I take it we won,” she said more than asked.

  “We won,” Rukh confirmed. “The Queen is gone from this world.” He swept her into his embrace once again and laughed. Jessira lived.

  She smiled at his joy. “Good,” she said. “I'd hate to have to fight Her again.”

  “We never will,” Rukh promised, still holding onto Jessira and unwilling to let her go.

  She settled into him. “How is it that I can sense your thoughts, your presence, even more than I could when we were Human?” Jessira asked.

  “You already have the answers,” Rukh told her.

  He felt her shift. “Why don't you just tell me,” she said with a smile. “I just came back to life, after all.”

  “We were already growing close when I brought you to Ashoka the first time,” Rukh said. “We became closer when Aia gave me your knowledge of Healing. What the Kesarins do is a type of Annex.”

  “And since Healing forms a bridge between patient and Healer, and we had just shared a kind of Annex, our thoughts grew even closer.”

  “I thought you wanted me to tell you what happened?” Rukh asked.

  Jessira laughed. “Go ahead, then.”

  “We grew even closer,” Rukh confirmed, “and we might have only been another couple who were exceptionally close except for Linder Val Maharj, the First Father. When I read The Book of First Movement, He experienced my life just as much as I experienced His. And when the Sorrow Bringer came after us later that night, we linked our Blends, and Linder took the opportunity to give us another type of Annex. It was one He and His wife shared.”

  “And that's why we could so easily tell what the other was thinking or feeling?”

  “And why we always knew where the other one was.”

  Jessira chuckled. “I don't mind that Linder did what He did without asking us since things worked out in the end.”

  Rukh grinned. “Yes, they did.”

  Jessira cupped his essence. “Let's go see how Ashoka's doing,” she suggested.

  “Race you home?”

  “You'll lose,” Jessira said.

  “I've never lost a race to you,” Rukh reminded her.

  “That was when you were a Kumma. Now, you've become something else. I've become something else, and your Kumma Talents won't help you anymore.”

  Rukh figuratively blinked. She was right. He was no longer a Kumma, and she was no longer an OutCaste. They were no longer Human.

  “So what are we?” Jessira asked.

  “We've become Elementals,” Rukh told her. “That's what Suwraith said.”

  “Elementals,” Jessira said as though tasting the word. “It's as good a name as any.” She kissed Rukh, a warm sensation of her green motes pressing deeply against him. “And Rukh . . .”

  He could hardly think after that kiss.

  “Go,” Jessira whispered before darting away.

  It took him a while to figure out where she was flying off to in such a hurry, but eventually he remembered. The race. He'd challenged Jessira a race back to Ashoka.

  Rukh conducted Jivatma and took off after her. As he sped along, it became easier to allow his form to disperse, to become the cloud-like shape he'd so often associated with the Queen. The world below spread out like the finest map as it blurred beneath his speed. Clouds misted against him like fine dew. Birds called out from far below. He arrowed toward the ground, racing along the course of a river. Spray marked his passage. He pulled up, going higher and higher to where the air was thin and cold.

  The sensations didn't touch him. He was impervious to them. He was an Elemental. He laughed with sheer joy.

  The winds blew harder, and Rukh climbed above them. He went to a place where there was hardly any air. The curve of Arisa became apparent, and darkest blackness beckoned beyond the world's globe. It was an emptiness unlike anything he could have ever imagined. He briefly wondered if even a being such as himself could survive such a void. He wasn't sure, and he didn't want to test his strength.

  Just then, he sensed the scrutiny of another and paused to look about. Deep in that vast darkness, somewhere too far away to measure, a pinpoint beam reached for the singing light and then bent away. It was a rainbow, and someone—a man—rode it.

  Rukh frowned in uncertainty, and when he looked again, the man and the rainbow were gone.

  Rukh shrugged and returned to studying Arisa. He smiled as his regard returned to Jessira. Even from high up here, he could sense her presence. She was nearing the Sickle Sea, far ahead of him, but not too far. She still wore her womanly raiment. It was a much slower mode of travel.

  Rukh smiled. He could still beat her to Ashoka.

  He plunged downward at an angle. He picked up speed, faster and faster. The wind howled past him, an angry wail. Clouds were shredded as he ripped through them. His glowing blue motes became shot through with lightning.

  In the end, Jessira was right. His Kumma Talents did him no good in catching up with her, but nevertheless, he still did catch her. The cloud shape was simply that much faster. Rukh adjusted his angle and straightened his flight and ended up passing Jessira somewhere over the Sickle Sea. She squawked in outrage as he swept past her and goosed her with lightning.

  He grinned and kept up the speed. There was no chance she would win this race.

  As he neared Ashoka,
Rukh could see the damage the city had suffered, and his smile faded. The wrecks of many buildings—entire districts—still littered the streets. He would help the city clean up and rebuild, but first, there was somewhere else he needed to be. He needed to go home.

  As he approached closer, he sensed the Oasis, rigid and firm once more, shielding the city. It extended all the way to the Outer Wall, and while he could have easily battered it aside, there was an easier way. Once again, Linder's knowledge proved invaluable. Rukh adjusted his form and eased his way through the Oasis.

  He waited as Jessira entered Ashoka moments after him. “You could have gone on,” she said. “You didn't have to wait for me.”

  Rukh grinned, pleased that he'd beaten her home. “I know, but . . .”

  He trailed off when Jessira blasted past him. “The race was to your home,” she said. “That would be the Shektan House Seat, not just Ashoka. You haven't won yet.”

  Rukh gaped. Then he cursed. Then he chuckled. Jessira could still surprise him.

  When he arrived at the House Seat, it was to find Jessira floating above the grounds, wearing a smug smile of triumph.

  “Congratulations,” he said.

  *Rukh?* Aia called out. She stood on the patio outside Nanna's study. With her was Shon.

  Rukh and Jessira let out a glad shout and descended. Without discussion, they both shifted and took on the appearance of a man and a woman.

  *Your family lives,* Aia said, sounding as excited as Rukh had ever heard. *All of them. And some of those different Humans, the Maharajs, came home shortly after you left. Your sister and everyone else are inside.*

  *My sister,* Rukh repeated, feeling stupid.

  *Your sister,* Aia confirmed. She almost seemed to bounce from the joy she was emanating. *She said that after she saw you battling the Demon Wind, she and many of the others knew they had to return to Ashoka and help repair the city.*

  *What if we'd lost to the Queen?* Rukh asked, aghast. *They would have all died. Everything we did for them would have been for naught.*

  *I said some of the Maharajs returned, not all of them,* Aia corrected as she gave off an air of smug superiority. *Besides, you are my Human. Your sister knew, almost as well as I, that the Demon Wind would not survive your might.*

  *Especially as my Human was there to help you as well,* Shon said, shoving his nose past Aia. He apparently wanted to get a word in. *And Li-Choke and his Nobeasts and a whole, big glaring of other Nobeasts serve the city as well.*

  Aia edged Shon aside. *Our nanna, the Kezin of the Hungrove Glaring, brought a number of Kesarins to Ashoka,* she said. *All of them can speak to your kind, and they all wanted Humans of their own.* She blinked. *It's been a very exciting time since you left.* She blinked again. *My chin itches,* she noted, her tone demanding.

  Rukh laughed again, overwhelmed by everything Aia and Shon had told him.

  Jessira laughed with him and took his hand. She kissed him again. “Welcome home.”

  The End


  Note: Most Arisan scholars use a dating system based on the fall of the First World. Thus:

  BF: Before the Fall of the First World.

  AF: After the Fall of the First World.

  Adamantine Cliffs: White cliffs, about two hundred feet tall, that form the southern border of Dryad Park.

  Advent Trial: An annual competition held in the spring that involves all four military academies in Ashoka.

  Ahura Temple, the: One of the schools of song in Ashoka. Open only to Sentyas.

  Aia: A young Shylow/Kesarin. Bonded to Rukh Shektan.

  Alminius College of Medicine: One of the two Shiyen schools of medicine in Ashoka.

  Aqua Oilhue: Caste Cherid. Born AF 2031. Murdered by Hal'El Wrestiva with the Withering Knife.

  Arbiter, the: The administrative judge of the Chamber of Lords, interpreting the various rules and points of etiquette. Typically, he is an older Kumma chosen by the 'Els for his wisdom and knowledge. Upon his election, he gives up his House name and takes on the surname of 'Kumma'. The position is a largely ceremonial one, and his vote is only offered in the case of a tie. His social standing is that of a ruling 'El. Current Arbiter is Lin'El Kumma.

  Ashok: Caste Unknown. Historical figure who is the reputed author of the Compact and Binding, the constitutional basis of all governments in Arisa.

  Ashokan Guard, the: A reserve unit of about 25,000 warriors meant to support the High Army in times of crisis. It is composed of veteran Kummas, Murans, and Rahails. A few Duriahs have also joined the Guard over the years.

  Attayya: Mother-in-law.

  Baels: The commanders of the Fan Lor Kum. They are feared for their intelligence and unwavering commitment to Humanity's destruction as well as their imposing size, chained whips, and tridents. By convention, they are always given a hyphenated name in which Li- makes the first part.

  Book of All Souls, the: Sacred text dating from the First World. Author unknown, but said to be Devesh Himself. Over time since the fall of the First World, it has taken on secondary importance to The Word and the Deed in the religious life of most people.

  Brand Wall: Caste Rahail. Born AF 2041 to Trudire and Simala Wall. Survivor of the Trial between Ashoka and Nestle. Later on was killed by Kesarins.

  Bree Shektan: Caste Kumma. House Shektan. Born AF 2044 to Dar'El and Satha Shektan.

  Brit Hule: Caste Rahail. Born 2027. He is the youngest Patriarch in living memory as well as the youngest Magistrate in the Magisterium.

  Cal Dune: OutCaste. Born AF 2011. Colonel of the Home Army of Stronghold. He was the highest-ranking officer in the Army and only answered only to the Governor-General.

  Caravan: Trade expedition meant to maintain contact between the cities. Protection of the caravan—a Trial—has come to be seen as a holy duty, for only through the free exchange of knowledge can Humanity hope to survive Suwraith's unending madness.

  Castes, the: The social, moral, and economic organization of all cities on Arisa.

  Kumma: The warrior Caste. They are involved in all aspects of defense, supplying the vast majority of warriors to the Ashokan military and the caravans. Their Talents are especially suited for battle.

  Sentya: Known for their accounting acumen and their skill with musical instruments and compositions. The finest musicians and composers are always Sentya. They possess the Talent of Lucency, which allows them to think with near utter clarity. In such a state, emotions are distant. They can also project this ability onto others.

  Duriah: Born to build, they are thick and stocky. Their Talent is to Cohese: the ability to take various objects and substances, and from them, forge something different and more useful. Rare individuals can DeCohese, which is the ability to break any object down to its basic components. A master craftsman is known as a Cohesor.

  Rahail: They maintain the Oasis, sensing where it is growing thin and working to repair and renew it. It is done through their Talent of Sharing wherein they literally give their Jivatma, letting it seep into an Oasis and keep it strong. It is an ability they can use but don't really understand, even two thousand years after it first manifested. Their Caste is structured entirely around this Talent, although some join the caravans or the Ashokan Guard.

  Muran: Traditionally, they are farmers, although some join the caravans or the Ashokan Guard. Their Talent allows them to bring even a desert to flower. However, the pride of the Caste is their singers.

  Cherid: Physically they are the smallest of all the Castes, but Cherids are generally the leaders of a city as a result of their natural intelligence and cunning, as well as their Talent. They possess the ability of Synthesis: they can combine Jivatmas and share it out amongst others. Thus, a Rahail can maintain the city's Oasis, not simply with the strength of his own Caste, but that of all Castes if need be.

  Shiyen: They all possess the ability to Heal to a certain extent, but only the most gifted amongst them are chosen for one of Ashoka's two medical colleges. The rest
are generally craftsmen and merchants.

  Cedar Grey: OutCaste. Born AF 2039 to Sateesh and Crena Grey. Lieutenant in the Stronghold Home Guard as a member of the Silversun scouts before his death.

  Chamber of Lords: Kumma ruling Council. It consists of all the ruling 'Els and is presided over by the Arbiter. It is involved in decision-making that will affect the Caste as a whole. The Chamber also renders judgment for those charged with being Unworthy or thought to be traitors.

  Chak-Soon: A young jaguar-spotted Tigon. He is the first of his kind to learn of fraternity and accept it.

  Chimeras, the: Suwraith's created forces who comprise the Fan Lor Kum. There are seven species of Chimeras: Baels, Tigons, Braids, Ur-Fels, Bovars, Balants, and Pheds. All species of Chimeras have some degree of intelligence except for Pheds and Bovars. Pheds are simply a meat source, grown only to feed the Fan Lor Kum. Bovars are beasts of burden, much like oxen, but it is from them that the most intelligent of all Chimeras were birthed: the Baels. The Chimeras are marsupial and born in groups of five, what they label a crèche, and mature to full adulthood within a few years, although the Baels take slightly longer.

  City Watch, the: Peacekeeping unit of about three hundred warriors, called upon to maintain the peace and investigate crime in Ashoka.

  Compact and Binding: The constitution by which all cities on Arisa are organized. Dated to just after the Night of Sorrows.

  Conn Mercur: Caste Shiyen. Born AF 2005. He is the dean of the Verchow College of Medicine.

  Constrainers: Leather vambraces used in training or tournaments as a means to suppress the expression of an individual's Jivatma.

  Council of Rule: Ruling Council of the Sil Lor Kum. It is comprised of the SuDin and the six MalDin.

  Court Deep: OutCaste. Born AF 2040. Cousin to Cedar and Jessira Grey and brother to Sign Deep. Died shortly after Stronghold was destroyed.

  Crena Grey: OutCaste. Born AF 2007. Married to Sateesh Grey and amma to Kart, Cedar, Jessira, and Lure. Adopted Court and Sign Deep.


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