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Her New Boss: A Hotwife Novel

Page 5

by Lexi Archer

  "So you think you could automate more?"

  "Oh there's no doubt of that sir," I stopped and blushed as a grimace of mock horror worked its way across his face. "Sorry, Ryan."

  "Okay, so what would you need from me to get that done?"

  "Oh I don't know." I waved a hand in the air and sighed. I figured I might as well tell the truth. It's not like I was going to get anything anyways. "How about a thirty percent pay raise since I'm basically doing Johnson's job as it is, an assistant, and a promise that I'll start getting out of here at a reasonable hour? Do all that and I'm yours."

  "You're mine?" He raised an inquisitive eyebrow and smiled.

  Damn it. He was doing it again. We were in HR! He should know that saying that sort of thing was wildly inappropriate. And I shouldn’t feel a tingle running through my body like I was a giddy schoolgirl with a crush. Why was I blushing? I hadn't lost it like this since high school. Control, Kristi. Keep control.

  "You know what I mean."

  Of course never in a hundred years would they actually approve any of that. Especially for a new manager who hadn't been around long enough to get any clout. Or any dirt on anyone for that matter. It was a sad fact of life that getting ahead in this corporate world was all about how good your golf game was or how much you had on your peers.

  But he stood there thinking for a moment and finally nodded.

  "Okay. That sounds fair. I'll have the paperwork done tonight."

  "Excuse me?"

  "All that stuff you said? It seems reasonable considering."

  "But you can't just do that?"

  "I can't? Aren't I your boss?"

  "But all the paperwork. What if they don't approve it?"

  "Oh I'm pretty sure this will get approved."

  "But how?"

  Ryan moved around and finally took a seat in that ridiculously expensive looking chair. I wondered if that thing was strong enough to hold the weight of two people. Derek and I learned the hard way in college that the crappy office furniture from the local office supply store didn't. That particular memory brought another blush to my face.

  Ryan reached down and rummaged in a drawer. "Kristi. I'd like you to have a look at something I don't plan on showing off around here much."

  If anything the flush from those old college memories grew tenfold. My mind raced and rational thought took a back seat as I imagined just what he might be about to show me. My nipples pressed out against my bra and I could feel moisture between my legs and what the hell was wrong with me?

  Damn it. I needed to stop acting like a horny college girl! I got myself under control by trying to decide whether or not I was going to tell Derek about any of this. On the one hand it would drive him wild, but on the other hand I’d made it clear to him that his fantasy was staying in the realm of fantasy and telling him about my new boss might just encourage him.

  Of course as I looked Ryan up and down I figured it might be fun to get a little encouragement from Derek. See how far he wanted to take things.

  Damn did I need that cold shower.

  To my relief, and partial disappointment, Ryan didn't pull out any of the more salacious or interesting things running through my mind. Instead he placed a small triangular name plate on the desk in front of him. The fake wood backing faced me with the metal nameplate facing towards Ryan. He stared at it for a moment with the same intensity he'd reserved for me just moments ago. What on earth was so special about a company name plate?

  Then the intensity was gone and the smile was back, though I couldn't forget that intense stare.

  "Go ahead and take a look," Ryan said.

  I lowered my head and raised an eyebrow. Did he really expect me to get up and grab his stupid name plate? He returned my raised eyebrow with that cocky smile and made a gesture as though to say "go get it."

  Letting out a sigh, I leaned forward to grab the plate. It was only after I was stretched across his massive desk that I realized his eyes were no longer on my face. Instead they were focused squarely on my tits which were clearly visible from that angle thanks to a combination of gravity and a loose blouse. That intensity was back and I felt a thrill as his eyes ran across my body. Hey, I spent a lot of time in the gym every morning and it was nice to be noticed by a guy as good looking as he was. By a guy who was easily as good looking as my husband, as guilty as that thought made me feel.

  Still, it wasn't at all appropriate even if Derek would probably love that this was getting me worked up. I snatched the nameplate and retreated to my chair. I resisted the urge to adjust my shirt. And why were my nipples pressing so hard against the inside of my bra? He was ogling my tits!

  Hey, that's right. This sculpted cocky god was ogling me. Go Kristi.

  Damn it! That sort of thinking was not helping this situation in the least!

  I focused my attention on the nameplate. Anything to take my mind off the fantasy of throwing myself across that desk and smacking him. Or the other fantasies of him throwing me across his desk and taking me right there in the middle of his office.

  "So? It says your name is Ryan Arnold. Is that supposed to impress me?"

  "What's the name of the company?"

  "Arnold Finance. So what? You have the same name as the owner. There are probably a hundred Arnolds working here."

  "Yeah, and you have the same last name as the richest family in the city, hell in the country, but that doesn’t mean there’s any relation. Lots of Thomases out there. Lots of Arnolds out there too, but in this case you might say my last name is exactly the same as the owners." That cocky smile was wider than ever.

  I very nearly dropped the name plate as everything came together.

  "Oh my god. You're the kid off at college?"

  "Well I'm not "off at college" anymore. I finished up my MBA awhile back and just got back from a little victory celebration tour of Europe."

  "But why'd they put you HR of all places?"

  "My old man said something about getting to know the company from the ground up, and where better start that HR where I'll deal with the whole company?" His casual shrug indicated that maybe didn't agree entirely with his father's reasoning, but I had to admit it had a certain elegant logic to it.

  "Besides. Dad had a feeling something was going on down here and he's been looking for an excuse to make your former boss your former boss for awhile now. Me graduating was a convenient excuse to railroad Johnson into a late retirement."

  My mouth was hanging open. Management knew about what Johnson was up to down here? I'd suffered for the past year because the CEO was holding a position for his kid? The pricks.

  Still, it wasn't Ryan's fault.

  "I'm supposed to clean up this place," he said. He held his hand up in the shape of a gun and made a couple of little "pow" noises as he shot at the air. "A new sheriff town and all that crap."

  I couldn't help but giggle at that ridiculous display. The juxtaposition of that perfectly sculpted body, the expensive suit, and the playfulness was too much. I was actually enjoying myself at work for the first time since being introduced to Johnson. It was a weird feeling.

  "So why the big production?" I asked. "Am I supposed to be impressed or something?"

  If he thought I was going to be impressed by a rich boy then he had another thing coming. I’d been there and done that and it’d never held any allure for me despite where I’d ended up in life. No, he was going to have to come up with something a lot more impressive than family money to impress me. Like actually cleaning up this damned department.

  The smile disappeared instantly and he leaned forward, serious and all business once again.

  "I'm not telling you who I am to impress you. I'm telling you this because I need people I can trust and I think you can be my girl."

  I had to stifle a laugh as I considered just what might be involved in being his girl even though I'm sure he was talking purely in work terms.


  Ryan made a sweeping gesture out the
door that took in the entire floor of cubicles that HR occupied. "As far as the people out here are concerned I'm just Mr. Smith. Another middle manager fresh out of college. But if you're going to help me turn this department around I need you to know I can get things done."

  The intensity was back and it made me want to lean back in my chair. That intensity made me want to leap across the desk and grab that tousled hair and pull him in for a kiss. Oh what the hell? If he was going to keep inspiring naughty little fantasies then I might as well indulge.

  "Besides," he said. "I always get what I want once I decide I want it."

  I shifted in my seat and felt a familiar tingling that started in my stomach and shot straight down between my legs. My hair stood on end as though charged by electricity that arced between us as he looked me up and down leading me to believe that once again he wasn't just talking about the job anymore.

  "And I always move fast when I decide I want," he said.

  Ryan smiled and the intensity was gone. I fought the urge to put a hand to my chest to help still my rapid breathing. I needed to be professional on the outside even if I was on fire inside.

  "Is there anything else you need?" I asked.

  Ryan leaned back and put his arms behind his head. "No, I think we're good for now. Do you want to hire an assistant or did you have someone in mind?"

  I'd already gotten this far. Might as well try it again. The worst he could say is no, right?

  "Pam. And I want a 20 percent raise for her too."

  "Done. Would you like anything else? Maybe keys to the executive bathroom?" He reached down and rummaged through his pocket. "I'm pretty sure dad gave me one at some point."

  I smiled. "No. That's enough for now."

  "Glad to hear it. Dad gives me some leeway, but he might've raised an eyebrow if you asked for much more."

  I stood and turned towards the door. On my way out I suddenly felt that old feeling of being watched.

  "Oh, one more thing Kristi."

  I turned. And once again fought down the urge to throw myself across that expensive desk. No, that old feeling of being watched definitely true. It was a feeling I hadn't felt since right after graduating college, the summer before this job took away any social life and pulled me away from the clubs. That intense gaze was there for the briefest of moments when I turned around, but this time it was mixed with a hunger and longing. Then it was gone and his face was schooled by that old cocky grin.

  I suspected that grin was a mask to cover up that true intensity bubbling just below the surface.

  "I was thinking," he said. "If you're going to be getting off at normal hours from now on then maybe you'd consider having dinner with me sometime?"

  Oh my god. I felt lightheaded. Was he asking me out? I had to fight back a laugh. Asking out a married woman. Scandalous. He was going to cause trouble if he kept that up, but then again if he was going to cause that kind of trouble then there was no better place to be than at the head of HR I suppose. I allowed myself a momentary longing and appreciative gaze across that beautiful scruffy face and broad shoulders. He really was pretty. Pity.

  "I'm sorry Ryan. I really am. But I’m married and besides going on a date with my new boss would be ridiculously inappropriate whether or not I had a ring on my finger.”

  Ryan raised his eyebrows. I got the feeling he wasn't used to girls turning him down.

  "I admire your principles Kristi," he said after a moment's pause. "Just remember that I have mine as well, and I take them very seriously."

  It wasn't until the office door closed behind me that I realized exactly what principles he was talking about.

  "I always get what I want."

  7: Worked Up

  I was positively buzzing with a strange energy as I made my way home that night. It was difficult to describe. Part of it was sheer excitement at the prospect of finally getting to take control of my own destiny at work. All my worries about being saddled with another glorified middle manager like Johnson had been thrown out the window.

  I still couldn't believe my luck. I still couldn't believe my good fortune! To think that all of my fears had been ridiculous. Not only did I have a new boss who wanted change, but I had a new boss who had a direct line to the CEO and could actually make things happen.

  Fucking incredible!

  Of course there was a different sort of energy that was buzzing around inside me as well. An energy I was reluctant to admit to. Yet at the same time it was an energy that I absolutely couldn't deny.

  I was turned on. Really turned on. And it galled me that I was so turned on. It galled me that every time I thought of Ryan, every time I thought of that cocky smarmy smile on his face, that I felt a tingle in the pit of my stomach that ran down to my pussy.

  More than anything it galled me that I was starting to see the merit in Derek's fantasy. That I was starting to wonder how serious he was about it. That wasn't the kind of girl that I was, damn it!

  Perhaps the most annoying thing was that these feelings were hitting me so close on the heels of me telling him this exact scenario was staying firmly in the realm of fantasy. I was turned on, I wanted to pour all of that sexual energy into my husband who was going to be one lucky son of a bitch tonight if I played my cards right, and yet at the same time I didn't want to let on exactly why I was so turned on.

  I knew I was being silly, that I was being petty, but there was a part of me that felt if I let him know exactly what was going through my head that he might think that meant I was actually considering indulging in the fantasy.

  Heck, as worked up as I was right now I was tempted to indulge it.

  I shook my head. No. I was happily married. Not to mention that this guy was my boss. He was my colleague. The last thing I needed to be doing right now was hopping in bed with him! Or, to spin a phrase that more accurately matched the images dancing through my mind, the last thing I needed was to have him bend me over that mahogany desk and pound me sending my tits bouncing up and down on his desk.

  I shook my head again. Damn it. It happened again! I really needed to get control of my thoughts.

  I pulled into the garage and paused to catch my breath. I paused to get myself under control. I was aroused, but I could handle this. I was still in control of the situation. I needed to stop thinking about my sexy boss. I needed to stop thinking about his muscular body. I definitely needed to stop thinking about him bending me over and having his way with me in that office. That was the office of the enemy. That was the office of Mister Johnson. It was not a place I needed to be fantasizing about!

  Once I thought I was under control I turned off the car and made my way inside.

  I opened the door to the kitchen and Derek was standing right there. My nostrils flared, my nipples pressed out into my bra, and I felt moisture gathering between my legs. Well, adding to the wetness that was already gathered down there.

  Derek stood at the kitchen sink washing his hands. Again. From the splatters on his white T-shirt it looked like he'd had a productive a day in the studio. I thought he had a charity thing he had to take care of this morning, but apparently he'd gotten home with enough time to go back to the studio and do some more work. He was prepping for a big show, after all.

  Normally I'd be annoyed that he was washing his hands off in the sink. I definitely didn't like him getting paint and paint thinner in the same sink I used to wash dishes that we ate off of. Only I didn't care about any of that crap right now. No, all I cared about was how incredible he looked in his tight white T-shirt splattered with paint. All I cared about was his muscles which looked so delicious. Which I was imagining wrapped around me.

  And even as I was looking at my husband's muscles, his body so strong and powerful, I was thinking of another man with a strong and powerful well muscled body. It annoyed me that I was thinking of Ryan even as I looked at Derek, but I couldn't help myself. What can I say? I had a thing for the strong powerful types, and my husband and Ryan were both my type.
r />   I didn't care that he was washing his hands off in the sink and probably getting paint and paint thinner all over the place. I didn't care that I was about to get paint all over my work clothes again and I'd probably have to go out and buy a couple of new sets over the weekend because it was a pain in the ass to try and get paint stains out of my clothes. No, all I cared about was that I needed to have him.

  I leapt across the room and jumped on him. He barely managed to catch me, barely managed to encircle me in his arms, and then I was wrapping my arms around his neck and peppering his face with kisses.

  He pulled back and looked down at me, surprise written plainly on his face. "What brought this on baby?"

  Only I didn't give him an answer. No, I was too fucking turned on. My sex drive was roaring after my meeting with my new boss. Ryan and my husband were all I could think about.

  I started grinding my pussy against his cock, rock hard through his jeans. God I loved the feel of his cock, and I needed to feel that thing inside me! I moved my hands down and pulled up on his shirt, revealed his delicious six pack abs and then his pecs. His arms went up and I pulled the shirt over his head. It was a little difficult maintaining my balance with my legs wrapped around him, but we were able to do some acrobatics as I pulled his shirt off and tossed it over to the kitchen table. A moment later he twirled me around and was fumbling at the buttons on my blouse.

  "Just rip it open!" I gasped. "It's ruined anyways because of the paint!"

  I didn't have to tell him twice. I heard a tear and then a pop and buttons went flying everywhere. I gasped as he moved down and started kissing along my shoulder, but I needed more than that. I needed him inside me, and now.

  "No time for that shit," I gasped. "Fuck me."

  He raised an eyebrow. "Where?"

  "I don't care! Just fuck me!"

  I was acting like a woman possessed. I was acting like a complete slut. I had to have my husband. I had to feel his cock buried inside me.

  Derek carried me across the kitchen. He sat me down on the table. Luckily it was a sturdy model because it was going to have to hold up my weight and handle one hell of a pounding here in a moment.


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