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Campione 10

Page 24

by War God of the Lance

  His entire body could feel that distinct touch of the [Sword] he had felt in his hand so many times before.

  Compared to metal, it felt more similar to stone. Since it was not meant to carry passengers, he had to grip with all his might to avoid falling off.

  The snake continued to fly at high speed, subjecting him to horrifying wind pressure.

  Godou's head, shoulder, arms and back were being struck by masses of air as he endured the heavy pressure. Even so, he did not fall off, perhaps because the [Sword] protected him.

  Regardless, the [Snake] moved according to Godou's orders.

  The squadron of knights in spindle formation -- was the target as the snake flew rapidly to devour the remaining knights. In response, the knights forcibly switched directions in an effort to pierce the [Snake]'s tail with their lances.

  In any case, both sides were trying to catch each other's tails.

  On one side was the snake of light, and on the other, the spindle shaped squadron of knights. But from a distance, it looked like two flying serpents trying to swallow each other's tail, tracing out a ring shape in the air.

  Godou glanced down below.

  On the nearby sea surface, Lancelot was pointing her lance tip at him, targeting Kusanagi Godou as he rode the [Snake]'s head.

  "Well, this is turning out to be endless repetition..."

  At the moment, Godou and Lancelot's subordinates were entangled in mutual pursuit. If Lancelot used Excalibur to attack recklessly, her irreplaceable companions would likely be caught up in the attack--

  But this type of worry most likely never crossed Lancelot's mind.

  Because she was the knight able to use the mind's eye to see through divine speed.

  Hence, Godou did not expect her to hesitate. On the other hand, he was expecting something else while he prepared a splendid finishing blow for Lancelot. If Erica and Liliana successfully find an opening, it should be possible--

  "O Blade which destroys heaven, earth, and the stars. In place of your proper master, this Knight is your current wielder. Exhibit sacred annihilation and slaughter!"

  As expected, Lancelot fearlessly chanted spell words. In order to strike a blow using Excalibur.

  The white star released lightning which would probably destroy Godou and the [Snake] alone while avoiding the dark gray knights. However, if it was those two girls, definitely...!

  "Manifesting justice in this world through these spell words of mine! Divine might indeed resides in my oratory incantation!"

  Godou chanted the spell words in firm belief. Rather than defend against Excalibur's attack, he infused the snake-shaped [Sword] with the maximum amount of magical power, for the purpose of obliterating Lancelot's squadron of knights.

  "O Sword, shine with brilliance for the sake of my victory and justice!"

  "O Sword, manifesting the light of salvation, bring balance to this world!"

  God-slayer and war god chanted and immediately, several completely different things happened at the same time.

  First was Excalibur whose lance tip was thrust forwards, causing the star of the white sword to release lightning.

  Next, a flashing arrow of blue light was shot from the sailing ship, splendidly striking the tip of the divine lance. This resulted in the divine lance tip's deflection by a few dozen centimeters.

  Furthermore, Godou had infused the [Snake] with abundant magical power.

  The snake of light instantly accelerated in pursuit of the squadron of dark gray knights, devouring them from behind, tearing apart the spindle formation.

  Lightning came attacking from Excalibur, but its trajectory had been perturbed greatly.

  The light which should have pierced Godou and the [Sword] like a thread through the head of a needle, the divine lighting of destruction passed over Godou's head in the distance instead.

  Finally, surrounded in red light, the blonde knight flew in the air like a comet.

  Swinging the magic sword of the lion, she sliced through empty space. This void was located right in between Lancelot du Lac and the divine lance Excalibur that she was wielding.

  Erica should have simply sliced through air, but a cataclysmic change came over Excalibur.

  The lance's shaft gave off platinum-colored sparks as it jumped out from Lancelot's hand as if rejecting her, falling into the sea below.

  All thanks to Erica, Yuri and Liliana's full efforts, Godou was saved.

  Since the [Snake] had greatly weakened after the devastating strike against the squadron of dark gray knights, Godou ordered it to return to the Floating Island. The sword blades had been reduced greatly, both in number and sharpness, so it was best to stop fighting in the air.

  Godou once again landed on the shore of the Floating Island.

  By this time, the [Snake]'s length was down to ten meters or so. Godou released the snake shape and allowed it to return to its original form of spheres. Thirty or forty spheres of light were shining as they hovered over Godou's head.

  "It's called Excalibur, right? That lance doesn't seem like it can be used any further."

  "Hmm. It was dear sir's subordinates' doing."

  Spurring the white divine horse to fly in approach, Lancelot responded to Godou.

  The divine lance with the platinum blade had disappeared from her hands. However, the war god and the warrior queen of equestrian tribes seemed to be smiling with joy.

  "Indeed because of this, only the beloved horse remains by this Knight's side. Even as a horse, this is the premier vassal who overcame innumerable battlefields alongside this Knight, and no less worthy than those subordinates who serve dear sir."

  "They're not subordinates. Those girls are my important companions."

  "Hohoho, what a subtle manner of calling them. In that case, allow this Knight to correct oneself. This divine horse is one's irreplaceable dear friend. Even intimate as one's bond with dear sir may be, it cannot surpass that between Knight and steed. Now is the time for the final conclusion!"

  A cavalry lance suddenly manifested in Lancelot's hand.

  This was the weapon she had also used during the battle against Athena. She must have saved it expressly instead of turning it into knights. Yes, for the sake of delivering the final blow.

  "Yeah, got it -- that's all I want to say. I've already seen how terrifying that thing can be. The attack that even Athena could not stop. It's finally time for me to experience it for myself!"

  Saying that, Godou issued attacking orders to the [Sword].

  The blades of spell words hovering over him began rushing towards Lancelot. There was no longer any steel protecting her body. Neither was there any squadron of dark gray knights for defense -- however.

  "Do not sound so cold and distant. This Knight truly wishes for dear sir to endure against one's full powered charge at maximum speed. Given this mist of one's immortality... Even dear sir's [Sword] will be unable to slice through. Prepare yourself well."

  Lancelot's figure disappeared as the Floating Island was covered by thick mist.

  Visibility became so low that it was impossible to see a few meters ahead. However, Godou recalled the previous battle and focused his mind on finding Lancelot's presence... She's there, attack with the [Sword] immediately!

  Nevertheless, there was no reaction and it seemed like nothing had been cut.

  "Hoho, this mist is a blessing this Knight borrowed from one's great grandmother and water goddess. The spell words for cutting Lancelot du Lac will not work against it. There is nothing you can do but prepare for one's return!"

  Her voice sounded as if she was smiling.

  Godou understood. This was similar to the time when he had been unable to sever Medusa's divine power. Due to defense from a different deity's power, the [Sword] was rendered ineffective.

  Lancelot did not make a further sound. She must be charging up for a full gallop.

  "Well, I knew this was gonna happen."

  Muttering to himself, Godou took a deep breath.
  Last time, in order to resist Lancelot's Excalibur, Godou had relied on Athena to create the blade that could open up heaven and earth. Both sides had been using borrowed power.

  In their next duel perhaps, that should not be repeated--

  That was what Godou could not help but wish for. Neither Lancelot nor Kusanagi Godou were the type to enjoy a battle undertaken with borrowed power.

  "As the one who holds all victory in my hands, I am the strongest... All enemies, all who harbor enmity will be vanquished!"

  Standing surrounded by the mist, Godou chanted the sacred verses of Verethragna to raise magical power.

  With the [Sword] no longer needed, Godou decided to use a different power. That said, which incarnation should he use? In actual fact, Lancelot was not a perpetrator of sinful crimes or the like and therefore not a target of the [White Stallion] or the [Goat].

  What could he use to strike down the lightning comet...

  No other way. At a time like this, only that guy could be used after all.

  Godou drew a certain image in his mind. Having done that, a certain incarnation could now be released at will. However, would that guy's power alone be enough to defeat Lancelot's galloping charge...?

  As he pondered, Godou heard a soft voice saying "Let me participate as well."

  Godou immediately nodded. If the enemy was going full speed at maximum power, he had to respond with full force in turn!

  Then he waited. Seconds, minutes, or even dozens of minutes passed.

  Even though the passage of time was unclear, the mist finally cleared up after a long wait.

  However, the sky was not clear. Black thunderclouds filled the sky above. These had been summoned by Lancelot for the sake of gathering the essence of lightning.

  "This Knight is Lancelot du Lac indeed. Commonly known as the Knight of the Lake. This Knight infuses this lance with all of one's authority and spirit, charge forth! Kusanagi Godou, dear sir shall gamble everything to stop this Knight!"

  Carrying these fierce words, a white light began to shine amidst the thunderclouds.

  Immediately, the knight flew out at lightning speed with meteoric destructive power.

  Her skin clad only in sheer fabric, the beautiful war god Lancelot was charging with a cavalry lance--

  And then, Godou unleashed Verethragna's fifth incarnation, the [Boar].

  "The one unblunted and unapproachable! Oath-breaking sinners be purged by the iron hammer of justice!"

  The one most capable of charging with astounding force and embodying tyranny itself, the incarnation of destruction.

  The black [Boar] flew out from the sea like a torpedo, rushing towards Lancelot and the divine horse.

  It was a frontal clash between the white meteor and the black gigantic beast.


  The [Boar]'s ferocious howls reverberated across the ocean. Nevertheless, even if this intimidating creature was a sacred beast, it was merely a wild animal by itself. Facing against the lance-wielding war god, having a weapon was imperative.

  Hence, Godou continued chanting spell words.

  "It was here at this place, that Susanoo led a thousand unruly deities in rebellion."

  These were the sacred verses of Susanoo. The song for summoning the partner residing in his right arm.

  "A thousand swords standing upon the earth, used as city walls to defend against the enemies."

  Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi was used to absorb Godou's authority, in order to produce a newly synthesized power.

  Combining with Verethragna's [Goat] allowed the use of a railgun while adding the [Warrior] made it possible to damage a divine artifact. And this time was a combination with the [Boar], naturally.

  'Here! Namely, the Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi! The steel that breaks a thousand blades!'

  The divine sword Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi announced its name with a thunderous voice resounding throughout the vicinity.

  The divine sword's power was applied towards the furry hide which covered the [Boar]'s musculature.

  The shiny fur instantly changed in nature, producing a body forged from jet-black [Steel]. This was no longer fur but armor.

  In addition, the two long tusks that protruded from the corners of the boar's mouth had been converted into sharpened blades.

  Like lances for penetrating all existence. The amalgamation of Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi and the [Boar], was an incarnation of the divine sword in boar's form.

  'Hahahahaha! War god Lancelot, as fellow [Steel] originating from the most primitive source, I announce my arrival! Try stopping these great swords of ours!'


  Ama no Murakumo and the [Boar] seemed to be in exceptionally high spirits.

  Like fish in water, they ascended rapidly like a torpedo shot from a submerged submarine, clashing intensely with the white meteor.

  "Hoo... Most befitting of this Knight's destined one! Such power, such intensity, one can hardly bear it!"

  Lancelot spoke softly, licking her lips.

  Enveloped in white lightning, she and her beloved horse were descending swiftly towards the little island in Tokyo Bay. Halting their descent, was of course, the black metallic [Boar].

  Using her beautiful right arm, Lancelot made a thrust with her cavalry lance. The [Boar] blocked the blade with its snout. Having been turned into steel, it was not sliced apart.

  Equally matched, neither could gain the upper hand.

  The war god in rapid descent from the sky, and the black metallic beast flying out from the sea to block her path.

  The two's violent clash swung alternately in each other's favor. However--

  The balance was slowly eroding. Gradually, the white master and subordinate were gaining ground.

  The [Boar]'s position reached a peak and began to be pushed down as Lancelot and the divine horse advanced towards the ground.

  The beautiful war deity did not seem to possess any flashy authorities and existed purely as an especially powerful charging knight. So it turned out even the [Boar] could not keep up with someone who specialized purely in this one attack.

  "Hohohoho, Kusanagi Godou, please be patient a little while longer. This Knight shall be over by your side presently. Accept one's fervent passion when the time comes, and be annihilated! The time of destiny approaches!"

  Convinced of her victory, Lancelot yelled out from the sky above.

  Spoken with passionate tones like a confession of love. Nevertheless, there was no room for sweet romance to blossom between Godou and her. If the [Boar] were to be blown away, Kusanagi Godou would be wiped off the face of the earth...!

  Godou infused all his magical power into the black gigantic beast.

  Not good enough. Power should have been increased, but it was not sufficient to reverse Lancelot's descent. This level of power was nowhere enough.

  What about a surprise attack? The [Boar] had two tusks growing out of its mouth like spears. Without warning, one of them was shot out as a long range weapon to send Lancelot flying. It's going to hit -- that was what it seemed like.

  However, Lancelot and the divine horse managed to dodge the sharp tusk's surprise attack. Against a user of the mind's eye who could even discern divine speed, it was too reckless even as a surprise attack. It would be bad if the situation remained unchanged...!

  Godou watched with anxious eyes as the battle between black and white continued in the air.

  "Lancelot currently holds the advantage... However, there still seems to be some leeway for a reversal. Kusanagi Godou, if you really wish for it at all costs, it's not like I can't offer you some help? Even someone like me feels that it is not a bad idea to have a Campione owe me a favor."

  A calm voice was suddenly heard during the intense battle.

  A quick glance found Alexandre Gascoigne to be standing somewhere close without Godou noticing earlier. He must have flown here as lightning after eliminating Guinevere.r />
  "I refuse. If I owe you a favor, who knows what kind of price I'll have to pay in the future? If I took that kind of gamble, it would be utter stupidity."

  Responding coldly, Godou again focused his gaze at the meteor in the sky.

  Concealing his anxiety, he glared sharply at the descent of the goddess and the divine horse. Right. In front of this man -- the only man other than Salvatore Doni who had been able to provoke a sense of hostility from Kusanagi Godou, he could not allow himself to be embarrassed by a shameful battle.

  This inexplicably intense emotion made Godou burn with great intensity of will.

  Lancelot must be defeated, in order to avenge Athena. But what else could be done now!?

  --Yes. Even in this situation, an effective weapon remained. Ironically, it was Alec's appearance which reminded him of it.

  Godou suppressed the impulse to curse out loud and yelled at the partner in the air.

  "Ama no Murakumo, the horse! Use Gascoigne's thingy!"

  The divine sword also possessed the ability to emulate enemy powers.

  In the earlier battle against Alec, Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi had emulated "divine speed" at Godou's behest.

  Lancelot would likely defend successfully again if a normal attack was used. However, if Black Prince Alec's divine speed was used to execute an attack, perhaps -- !

  In response to Godou's orders, the [Boar], assimilated with Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi, fired off its tusk.

  There were two tusks growing out of the corners of the [Boar]'s mouth. One had been fired as a weapon just now but was defended against. Lancelot's divine horse was again approached by a projectile fired at close range, this time the remaining tusk.

  "Hmm -- !?"

  The beautiful war god's face turned pale. If the surprise attack had been aimed at Lancelot directly, she probably would have evaded it using the mind's eye. However, her beloved horse did not possess such a skill. It was too late for the rider to give directions for evasion.

  Flying with divine speed, the massive tusk struck the white divine horse squarely. Or rather, the white divine horse was sent flying.

  The tusk of steel continued flying towards the distant ends of the sky.


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