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Love Undercover_A Romance Compilation

Page 45

by Amy Brent

  I didn’t even have time to breathe before he started pounding into me again.

  His curls raked across my clit as his tongue met mine. Our lips collided as fire ignited in my toes, flexing my thighs and rendering me speechless. His cock kept growing. Pulsing against my walls and splitting me apart. His throat swallowed my desperate moans as his sweat began dripping onto my body.

  “Don’t stop. Chris. Don’t stop—oh yes. Fuck. Shit. Oh, make me cum. Make me cum, Chris. Do it. Please.”

  His balls smacked against my ass as he stood up onto his feet. He grabbed my ankles and crossed my legs, tightening my pussy around his cock. My jaw unhinged with pleasure as drones of ecstasy fell from my lips.

  My back arched off the bed as another orgasm crashed over my body.

  I kept pulling his cock in. Pulling it deeper into my dripping pussy. My eyes were screwed shut and my toes were curled. My thighs were shaking and my body was contracting. I curled my nails into his thighs as he knelt onto the bed, sliding into me one last time.

  Then his face fell into the crook of my neck as he coated my walls with his cum.

  “Jessi. My sweet girl. Fuck, you feel so good. Like home. Sweet girl. Oh—holy shit.”

  I threw my arms around his body and held him as close as I could. My legs felt like Jell-O and my head was spinning, but none of that mattered. All that mattered was that he stayed. He fell asleep against my body and kept me warm for the night. I peppered his naked shoulder with kisses as his forehead soaked the crook of my neck. His muscles twitched against me, sending shivers of pride up my spine.

  “Stay with me,” I said, breathlessly.

  And I smiled with joy when I felt him nod.

  Chapter 32


  I woke up with Jessi in my arms again and I smiled. Gazing into her beautiful face was the highlight of my time with her. I felt her leg tense around my hips, thrown over me during a dream she had last night. I tightened my grasp around her and pulled her close to me, then planted a soft kiss onto her forehead.

  It stirred her from her slumber and the sight of her sleepy smile tugged at my heart.

  “Care for some coffee?” I asked.

  “Gimme a sec and I’ll get up,” Jessi said.

  “Nope. You stay here. I’m sure I can work your coffee maker.”

  I slid from her grasp and searched for my boxers. I pulled them on before reaching for my pants, then walked out into the kitchen. I made us a pot of coffee and started searching her cabinets, looking for a couple of mugs for us to use.

  “The cabinet next to the fridge,” Jessi said. “I’ll get the creamer.”

  We danced around one another, a soft rhythm we had become accustomed to. We made our coffee and sat down at the kitchen table, my eyes scanning the pieces of skin still showing from underneath her robe. Her neck was red from my little bites and her chest was flushed with a deep crimson color. Her eyes were dancing along my bare chest, taking in the chiseled muscles I kept tight for my career.

  I loved the fact that she enjoyed my body.



  “Could we talk?” Jessi asked.

  My eyes connected with hers and I felt my heart speed up a bit.

  “Sure,” I said. “What’s up?”

  “There’s something I need to get off my chest. But I want you to listen. Just—listen.”

  “Okay,” I said.

  But I already knew what was coming.

  I already knew the bomb she was about to drop.

  “When I got pregnant, it was devastating to me. I just knew it would ruin the career I was gunning for, but I also knew I could never tell my family who Caleb’s father was. I knew if they found out, it would cause so much turmoil and heartache. People would be angry and disappointed, and I was carrying enough of that around already.”

  I took a sip of my coffee, my hand gripping the mug tighter with every word she spoke.

  “I kept telling people I didn’t know who the father was, and every time I said that my father got angrier. We had so many fights about it. So many fights my mother had to referee. My brother kept begging me to tell him who it was and my mother tried to smooth everything over. She offered for me to stay with them so they could help me raise Caleb, but my father and I had a massive fight.”

  “Over what?” I asked.

  “He called me a whore. Said I was never really serious about my career if it was so easy for me to go out and get pregnant. I knew he didn’t mean any of it. He was angry because I wouldn’t tell him who the father was. But it was a bad fight. It’s what prompted me to move out and get this place, and ever since Caleb was born things have been tense.”

  “Things don’t seem tense when I’m around your family,” I said.

  “They’re getting better, but they’re not the best. Justin comes around a few times a month to see Caleb. But the reason why I was so reluctant to give Caleb to my mother last night was because of all this tension in the family. They know I know who the father is and they’re angry that I won’t tell. So, I finally broke down and told Justin.”

  “The day he confronted you on your porch,” I said.

  “And his reaction is the exact reason why I never told anyone,” she said.

  “What are you saying, Jessi?”


  I watched tears well in her eyes as she cast her gaze into her coffee.

  “You’re Caleb’s father, Chris.”

  It was whispered. Quiet. Like a desperate prayer or a secret she still wasn’t ready to give up. And even though I knew it was coming and knew in the pit of my gut that I was Caleb’s father, it still hit me like a brick. It still stopped my heart and robbed me of my breath. Uttering it out loud— having verbal confirmation of my theory—made it real.

  I was a fucking father.

  “I had my suspicions,” I said. “Especially after Roxy’s comment.”

  “I’m so sorry, Chris,” Jessi said. “I never meant to—”

  “You had your time to talk, and now it’s my turn.”

  Her watery gaze whipped up to me and I threw up my wall. I couldn’t let those puppy dog eyes get to me. I couldn’t allow myself to feel sorry for her. She had dug this hole for herself. No matter her reasoning, I had missed out on the majority of my son’s first year of life. I had been back in town for over a month, and she hadn’t come out and told me until this very moment. She had kept this secret from her family. Her friends. Her brother, for fuck’s sake.

  “I’ve been in town for over a month,” I said.

  “I know, Chris, I—”

  “Let me speak,” I said. “And in all that time, it never occurred to you to tell me I had a son?”

  “I thought you were going to leave after the runway show. I figured you’d disappear like you did and then things would go back to the way they were. I didn’t think you were here to stay.”

  “That was still three weeks ago, Jessi.”

  “This isn’t all my fault, Chris. Even if I had wanted to tell you, I had no way of getting in touch with you. And if we hadn’t had that runway show together, would you have actually thought to have called me? Justin, sure. You guys are ass buddies. But did you even once consider the fact that you had no intention of calling me once you got back into town?” she asked.

  “I would’ve contacted you,” I said.


  “You intentionally hid this from me. I’m a father, and it didn’t occur to you to tell me until just now.”

  “You don’t get to pin all of this on me. You’re just as responsible for all of this as I am,” she said.

  I was having a hard time wrapping my head around things. It felt like the walls were closing in and Jessi’s voice was getting angrier. This was not how I saw this morning going and I knew Caleb couldn’t come home to all of this tension between us.

  Between his mother and his fucking father.

  “I need some time to think,” I sa

  “You were gone for a year and a half and now you want time to think?” Jessi asked.

  “You don’t get to keep throwing that in my face!” I said. “You have no idea why the hell I left town. All of the bullshit I went through and how it almost cost me my career. You know nothing!”

  “Then tell me!” she said.

  “Like you told me about Caleb!?”

  Tears were streaming down her face and part of me wanted to wrap her up in my arms. Hold her close and soothe her fears away. But part of me was angry. Angry at the circumstance and angry at my family. Angry for being chased away by my fucking mother and angry at missing my son’s first year of life. Angry that Jessi hadn’t tried harder—or at all—to track me down, and angry that she was trying to blame her family’s circumstance on me.

  “I have to go,” I said.

  Jessi was talking in the background, but I couldn’t hear her words. I dug my keys out of my pocket and left her apartment, shirtless and gunning for my car. I slammed into my car and skidded out of the parking lot, my hands gripping the steering wheel as tightly as I could.

  I had to call Justin.

  I had to figure out why the fuck my best friend didn’t tell me when he found out.


  “What the fuck?” I asked.


  “Why the hell didn’t you tell me when you found out?” I asked.

  “Chris, where are you?” Justin asked.

  “Answer my fucking question!”

  “Because she’s my sister, dude. And she begged me not to tell you because she wanted to do it on her own time. I take it she told you?”

  “Yeah she fucking told me. Why the hell was this kept from me?”

  “In her defense, you sort of bailed for a year and a half,” he said.

  “So you’re taking her side?”

  “Yes, because she’s my sister and the mother of my nephew,” he said.

  “So who the fuck’s taking my side? Huh? The side of the man who didn’t know he was a father until just now?”

  “I’m on your side, too. But you can’t be upset with me over this. That’s my sister, and the shit storm she weathered to keep this a secret from my parents was unprecedented. My father called her a whore, man.”

  “So she told me.”

  “And you’re still angry with her?” he asked.

  “I’ve missed out on most of my son’s first year of life!”

  “And whose fault is that?”

  I knew Justin was right. And I knew Jessi was partially right as well. But I wasn’t ready to hear that. What I wanted was for someone to be angry along with me. What I wanted was someone in my corner. Like Jessi had people in hers. I hung up the phone and tossed it to the floorboard of my car, then raced back to my beach house. I stormed in and found a shirt, ripping it over my head.

  I needed a damn shirt if I was going to get into work.

  My phone kept ringing on the floorboard of my car and I knew who it was. Jessi was gonna blow me the fuck up all day. Justin probably called her and told her what we had talked about. Probably told her I was screaming like a crazy fucking person or some shit. But I wasn’t ready to talk to her. I wasn’t ready to talk to anyone.

  The only thing I was ready to do was be angry.

  Even if I didn’t have a reason to be.

  Chapter 33


  “Knock knock. You there, Jessi? I’ve been standing here for, like, five minutes.”

  Megan’s voice ripped me from my trance and I stood up from my couch. Caleb was fast asleep and I had been staring at a blank television screen. I had completely forgotten that Megan was coming over. I pulled my robe around my body and walked to my front door, then unlocked it so Megan could get in.

  “What gives?” she asked.

  “Help yourself to some coffee,” I said.

  I shuffled back to the living room and flopped down on the couch. Megan came in a few minutes later with coffee that was laden with sugar and creamer. She sat beside me, her eyes studying me closely. I was sure I looked like hell, but I didn’t really care at this point.

  “Have you showered today?” Megan asked.


  “Any reason why?” she asked.

  “Not working today,” I said.

  “Never stopped you from putting on a full face of makeup before.”

  “I didn’t feel like it getting up this morning.”

  “Uh huh. And why didn’t you feel like it?” she asked.

  “Because I didn’t, Megan.”

  “Let’s calm the attitude and talk like adults,” she said. “What’s going on?”

  I sighed and closed my eyes as I brought my coffee to my lips. I took a large sip, allowing the hot liquid to burn my throat going down. It was the only thing keeping me awake. Keeping me from slipping into sleep alongside Caleb and dreaming about him.

  Thinking about how he had left.


  “I told Chris,” I said.

  “Oh shit,” Megan said. “When did this happen?”

  “Yesterday morning,” I said.

  “Uh huh. And he’s not here because—?”

  “Because he needed time to think.”

  “About what?” she asked.

  “Well, I don’t know Megan. Maybe about whether or not he wants to be a father. Like I told you he would.”

  “That doesn’t make any sense. He’s been around you for days hanging out with you and Caleb. What changed?”

  “He found out Caleb was his, that’s what changed. It rooted him to a spot and he’s not that kind of guy.”

  “Why isn’t he that kind of guy?” she asked.

  “Do you people keep forgetting he up and left for a year and a half?” I asked.

  “Okay, I admit—that was a dumb question. But—have you heard from him at all?”


  “Have you tried calling him?”


  “And he’s not picking up?”

  “Nope,” I said.

  “What a fuckwad.”

  “Yep,” I said.

  “I mean, you did hide this from him.”

  “Whose side are you on, anyway?” I asked.

  “It’s true! The man’s been back in town for over a month and you’re just now telling him.”

  “Megan, okay. I’m going to lay it out for you like this. I stumbled upon the fact that Chris was back in town. When I saw him at that fashion show rehearsal, do you know how long he had already been in town?”

  “Uh oh.”

  “Two fucking weeks. That man had been back for two weeks. Justin knew he was back before I did. And I asked Chris yesterday if he ever had any intentions of finding me when he got back into town. Like, at all.”

  “What did he say?” she asked.

  “He said he would have eventually.”


  “Yep. Eventually. So you guys can blame this shit on me all you want, but that asshole had no intention of finding me when he got back into town. You guys think that the second I laid eyes on him I was supposed to spill all of my secrets simply because he knocked me up, but that isn’t how this works. That man had been in town for two weeks before we haphazardly ran into one another. I was convenient for him, and he couldn’t ignore me because of my past. And you think this is all my fault?”

  “I’m saying you both have fault in it, Jessi. I think you should’ve told him sooner. The moment things started getting hairy with you and Justin, you should’ve talked to him. Hell, the moment you started enjoying your time with him again, you should’ve talked to him. But now that he knows, he’s going to need time to digest and adjust. He’s going to have to come to terms with the fact that he’s missed out on the majority of his son’s first year of life because of his own stupid actions. And that’s going to come with anger he’ll have to resolve on his own.”

  “Then why won’t he talk to me?” I asked. “
Why won’t he take my calls?”

  “Because he’s angry. Or maybe he’s scared. Or feeling guilty. Or a mixture of all of it. When you found out you were pregnant, what did you do?”

  “I bucked up and took responsibility,” I said.

  “After three weeks of wallowing in your own self-pity. I had to come bang down your bedroom door to drag you out as I recall. You were in shock and you felt betrayed. Think of this from Chris’s perspective. Not only did you know and not tell him, but his best friend knew and didn’t tell him.”

  “He’s my brother. Of course he’s taking my side.”

  “Yes, but that’s not the point. The point is people he cares about knew he had a son and didn’t tell him until the last possible second. That’s all he’s seeing right now. And as he digests all this, he’ll see everything else. But you needed three weeks to wrap your mind around it all. He’s going to need that same amount of time.”

  “He needs to grow a pair,” I said.

  “And he will. Like you did. After the news sinks in.”

  “You know, when I first started seeing him I had this whole plan.”

  “To make him fall for you so you could break his heart,” she said.

  I panned my gaze over to Megan as my jaw unhinged with shock.

  “You knew?” I asked.

  “I’ve gotten good at reading between the lines with you. I’m pissed I have to do it as your best friend of however many years, but I’m getting good at it. It’s a shit plan, by the way. Revenge gets you nothing.”

  “I think I’m falling for him,” I said.

  “I know you are,” she said. “Only Chris could put that big of a smile on your face before plunging you into such a state where you don’t even bathe.”

  “I’ll take a damn shower,” I said.

  “You’ve always had feelings for him, Jessi. I know you better than that. You grieved over the loss of him, but you never got over him. Those are two different processes. I always sensed you were hanging onto him somehow. And now that you’re tangled up in this terrible plan of yours, you’re using your plan as an excuse to spend more time with him. So you don’t have to admit that you’re still in love.”

  “I don’t love him.”

  “Then you’re dang close to it. It’s time you put on your big girl panties, Jessi. You’ve got it bad for Chris. And if you care about him the way I know you do, then you’ll give him time with all of this. If he wants to be a part of you and Caleb’s life, then let him. If he doesn’t, then get Justin to beat his face in. You know he’ll do it.”


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