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Love Undercover_A Romance Compilation

Page 62

by Amy Brent

  “Hey, buddy,” I greeted the dog who lifted his head off the arm of the couch when I came in. “You’ll have to share the couch with me after all.”

  The dog didn’t look impressed. I added another log to the fire before curling up on the couch. The dog wasn’t going to move, which meant I had about half the couch to sleep on. I pulled the blanket over me and closed my eyes. I missed the warmth of Jake’s body, but it was better if I didn’t end up with a black eye.

  When I woke up next, it was to find the sunlight streaming through the window and Jake staring at me.

  “Hi,” I said, my voice a little raspy.

  I rubbed my eyes, blinked and tried to focus on the man backlit by the sun. When I was finally able to focus, I could see the scowl on his face. He was not in a good mood. I should have woken him up with sex.

  “Why are you out here?”

  I sat up and rubbed a hand over my face. I had a feeling my hair was probably sticking up and out in a million different directions and tried to smooth it down.

  He walked to the kitchen and came back with a cup of coffee.

  “Thank you,” I said taking it, swallowing down the hot liquid, hoping the caffeine would remove the cobwebs that seemed to be clinging to my brain.

  “Why’d you sleep out here?” he asked again.

  I shrugged a shoulder, “I didn’t want a black eye.”

  “What?” he asked, his face growing pale.

  “You were having a bad dream. There were hands and elbows flying. I didn’t want to get hit,” I explained, hoping to keep it light.

  “Why didn’t you wake me up?” he asked.

  “I tried. You were really out, and I didn’t want to wake you up mid-swing. I knew how exhausted you had to be after the day you had and felt it was better if I slept out here. I didn’t mind,” I added, hoping to make him feel better.

  He rubbed his beard, looking lost in thought before he walked back to the window and stared out. I stayed put, drinking my coffee. The caffeine spread through my body, waking up the little nerves that had been in a deep sleep. Gradually, I felt a bit more alive and ready for a new day.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, turning to look at me again.

  “It’s okay, really. I wasn’t afraid or anything like that.”

  He nodded but didn’t look convinced.

  “It’s not okay. I’m really sorry.”

  He put the coffee cup on the counter and disappeared down the hall again. I noticed he was already dressed for the day.

  “How long have you been up?” I asked. “And what time is it?”

  “It’s after eight. I get up at five most of the time,” he said, not meeting my eyes.

  “Wow. So, the sun’s out, does that mean the storm is over?”

  “I haven’t checked the weather station. Gabe had told me we were supposed to get hit with another storm. Just because it looks bright and clear out that window doesn’t mean there aren’t some nasty storm clouds coming in from the east.”

  “The weather station?” I asked.

  He nodded. “On the radio. I usually leave it on to get updates. I’ll turn it on now.”

  I waited, expecting to hear something. “Is it broke?”

  He scoffed. “It’s not a radio, radio. They’ll transmit once an hour usually, unless there are more updates.”

  “Oh, got it. Can I make you breakfast?” I asked.

  I was starving. I knew we’d had a big meal last night, but that was more than twelve hours ago and there had been a lot of activity between then and now.

  “I’m not hungry. You can make oatmeal if you want.”

  Standing, I stretched out all the muscles that had been given a very thorough workout last night. I could see him watching me out of the corner of my eye.

  I sauntered towards him, a sexy smile on my face and my best come hither look. “I could make breakfast, or we could do something else,” I said, reaching out a hand to rub his broad chest.

  He stared down at me as if I had completely lost my mind. I dropped my hand. Soldier Jake was back. The hot lover from a few hours ago was gone. I guess I would have to be satisfied with what I’d gotten, even though I was already craving more. I looked down at his crotch, looking for signs of an erection. Nothing. I looked back at him. He raised an eyebrow, challenging me.

  “Okay, oatmeal it is,” I turned, and walked into the kitchen.

  I wasn’t going to beg. Yet. When he wanted me, he knew right where I was.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  It had been a long time since I’d had a nightmare. Of all nights for it to happen! I couldn’t believe it! My mind raced thinking of all the things that could have happened. It was a miracle she hadn’t been seriously hurt. I would never be able to forgive myself if I’d actually left her with a black eye or bruises.

  “Dammit,” I mumbled under my breath.

  I’d really been hoping all of that was behind me. The damn nightmares were one of the many reasons I avoided sleepovers or let anyone too close, and if I was having nightmares again, it was definitely time to end this with Calla. I couldn’t sleep with her. I couldn’t let her get too close.

  It was just too dangerous. I didn’t want to hurt her, and the only real choice was to keep my distance.

  “I need to get some stuff done outside,” I said, abruptly dropping my coffee mug and pulling on my snow gear.

  I couldn’t be in the same house as her right now. It would drive me mad. All I wanted was her all over again. I couldn’t though. The more sex we had, the harder it was going to be when she left, and she was leaving. Her life was in the city. We had great sex, but that didn’t make a great relationship.

  “I know what you’re going to say, but is there anything I can do to help?” she asked, hopefully.

  I shook my head. “No. I got it. I’m going to split some wood and then do what I can to remove some of the fallen trees across my driveway.”

  “By yourself?” she asked with shock on her face.

  “Yes, by myself. This isn’t my first snowstorm. I’ve got to clear my driveway if I ever want to leave, or if you want the team to get you. They can’t run the snowmobiles over the downed trees,” I said, tersely.

  I felt a little guilty for snapping at her.

  “Okay. I understand,” she said, softly. “I’ll make another pot of coffee. You’ll need to warm up when you’re done.”

  I heaved a heavy sigh. “I’ll be fine. I do this every day.”

  “I don’t though, and I need to do something. I’m going a little stir-crazy here.”

  Of course I understood how she felt, but for very different reasons. I would’ve been just fine hanging out in my cabin all day, all alone with nothing but my dog, a good book and an even better bottle of whiskey. But there was no way I could stay in my cabin today with her in it—not if I wanted to keep my dick in my pants like I’d promised myself.

  Taking one last look at her, I wished things were different. I just wasn’t fit for a woman like her and there was no point trying to pretend otherwise. The sooner I got that road cleared, the sooner the team would be fetching her and ripping her out of my life for good.

  “Let’s go, Casper,” I barked at the dog.

  Casper stood, stretched and then ran for the door.

  The second I pulled open the door, a feeling of dread washed over me.

  “Shit,” I groaned.

  “What is it? What’s the matter?” Calla asked.

  “Nothing. Just a little cold,” I said, understating the truth.

  It was freezing. Literally freezing. The sun was shining now, but that made it all the more dangerous. At some point during the night, the second storm had come through, but it didn’t bring snow. It brought freezing rain. Looking out over the landscape, I could see everything glistening. The freezing temperatures meant we were going to be covered in ice for at least a day or two. There was nothing shoveling or plowing could do to get rid of the ice.

hit,” I muttered again. “This isn’t good, Casper. We’re going to be stuck with her a lot longer than I thought.”

  The dog stared into the trees a few seconds before taking the plunge and bounding down the steps. The crunch as the dog’s heavy weight hit the snow confirmed what I had feared—it was a sheet of ice. The thick crust held the large dog in some areas, but other places he sank into the deep snow.

  “Son of a bitch,” I muttered, gingerly taking the first step and discovering it was slick under my feet. Everything was covered in a layer of ice.

  This was not the time for sunshine. The sun heated the ice just enough to make it extremely slick. I stared at the path I shoveled and could see the compacted snow glistening. That was a fall waiting to happen. Experience told me that. I took the safest option and walked along the edge, half in the deep snow and half on the icy path.

  I turned my face up to the sky. “Seriously? Is this your idea of funny?” I cursed the entity in the sky.

  The likelihood of the lodge team getting here this morning was now slim to none. It would be absolutely treacherous on the roads. Nothing motorized would be safe to run over this ice. Once I was in the clearing in front of my cabin, I looked up and around. Sure enough, there were dark clouds to the east. There was another round of wet weather coming in.

  “We better get this done before it’s start snowing or raining or whatever Mother Nature has in mind,” I bitched at the dog, who was obviously not going to be helping.

  I began the tedious task of splitting one log after another. The bitter cold was biting at my nose and fingers, even though both were covered. I wouldn’t be able to stay outside for long. I guesstimated it was hovering in the single digits.

  With a good pile ready to burn, I figured I better at least take a look at my driveway. The ice would have brought down more trees and branches. There was no way the team could use the paths through the trees. It would be far too dangerous.

  “Casper!” I hollered, when I realized I hadn’t seen the dog in a while.

  I stood in front of the cabin and looked around, waiting for him to emerge from the trees. I yelled his name a few more times.

  “He’s in here,” Calla shouted from the open door of the cabin.

  “Of course, he is,” I growled. “Okay!” I yelled back.

  Damn dog had me worried. I should have known he would puss out and go running to the woman inside to be rescued from the cold. My mood continued to go downhill as I trudged down the driveway, moving branches to the side as much as I could. Some were frozen solid to the crusty layer over the snow.

  “Fuck it!” I said, kicking a branch.

  If the team wanted to get up here, they could weave in and out around the fallen limbs. I wasn’t going to walk the full driveway, grooming the perfect trail. I was freezing my ass off.

  I needed to get the chopped wood to the porch, then I could go inside, I told myself. Just a little longer. I loaded up a pile and gingerly walked across the icy path and dropped the wood in the rack I had built on the porch. I bent over to grab more logs from the pile and felt something hit me in the back.

  I dropped the logs I had in my hand and spun around. “What the hell?” I grunted, seeing Calla standing about twenty feet from me. “What the fuck are you doing?” I glared at her.

  She had the audacity to smile a split second before she launched another snowball my way, hitting me squarely in the mouth that was thankfully covered by my scarf.

  “What the hell!” I shouted again. Had the woman lost her fucking mind?

  Her giggle quickly erased my anger and irritation. I reached down and picked up a handful of snow, packed it into a snowball and launched it at her.

  “Ow!” she yelled when it hit her in the center of her chest.

  I stood, waiting to see if she was truly hurt, but got my answer when she broke into laughter and began to form another snowball.

  Springing into action, I began lobbing snowballs at her. She covered her head, blocking my main target. The woman was rapid firing snowballs at me as she walked closer, sliding on the ice as she moved.

  “You better be careful,” I warned her. “It’s slippery as hell and you are going to fall on that beautiful ass of yours.”

  She giggled again. “I have extra padding. I’ll be okay.”

  Snowballs flew between us as we walked towards each other. “Watch out!” I yelled a split second too late.

  Her arms flailed, and her feet started sliding every which way. I reached out to catch her and failed. I ended up toppling into her and knocking her into the pile of snow I had shoveled out yesterday.

  “Oh shit. Are you okay?” I asked, pulling my scarf away from my face.

  I tried to maneuver to get off the woman, but it wasn’t easy with the snow and ice.

  She was looking at me and grinning ear to ear. “I’m fine. I had a soft landing.”

  Her body was pushed into the snow with my own weight pressing her deeper. I looked at her for several seconds. She wiggled below me. Despite the layers of clothing between us, it was enough contact to cause an erection.

  Staring into her eyes, I saw the very second her mood changed from fun and carefree to hot and sultry.

  My lips slammed over hers, taking in the coolness of her lips. I knew I was crushing her with my weight, but she didn’t seem to mind. Her body seemed to mold to fit mine as our mouths opened wider, devouring each other as if we had been starving. I couldn’t feel her luscious body through all the layers, making me a little crazy and desperate to get her naked.

  After a mind-blowing kiss and a rock-hard erection, I managed to pull my mouth away from hers. The cold air cooling my wet lips.

  I opened my eyes to see her staring back at me with those gorgeous green eyes that sucked me into the wildest fantasy imaginable. I wanted her naked and writhing below me. I wanted to taste her, to drink from her pussy. My mind was mush and it had nothing to do with the cold weather.

  “Sorry,” I muttered. “I can’t get enough of you. You’re like the most addictive drug in the world. You intoxicate me to the point I can’t see straight. All I can think of is fucking you.”

  It wasn’t the most eloquent apology, but it was all true. A quote from John Mayer floated through my mind. Something about napalm. I completely understood what he meant. I wanted Calla more than I wanted the very air I breathed.

  “Good. That works for me,” she breathed out, a little cloud of steam forming as she spoke. “Now, I’m freezing!” she shrieked and shoved me off.

  The woman managed to wiggle out from under my body and was doing her best to run across the icy pathway towards the cabin.

  Scrambling to my feet, I gave chase. The idea of chasing the woman I wanted to fuck until my dick was limp from exhaustion gave me superior strength and agility. I stomped through the heavy snow, avoiding the ice before I launched myself at the bottom step of the porch.

  She could run, but I would catch her. And when I did, the woman was going to know how seriously addicted to her I was.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  As I scrambled across the snow-covered yard, all I could think about were his words. He thought I was a drug. It was the strangest, but most flattering compliment I had ever been given. I loved that he thought I was addicting. I realized I was becoming addicted to him as well. Why though? I couldn’t quite put my finger on what drew me to him. All I knew for sure is I wanted him in the worst way. The snow play had done little to cool the fire burning between my legs. I was hot as hell and desperate to have his touch.

  I heard the stomp of a heavy, booted footstep behind me and squealed.

  My hand had just managed to close over the door handle when his body slammed against mine.

  We burst through the open door, barely getting inside before he spun me around to face him. Jake’s mouth slammed over mine, his tongue pushing my lips open before plunging deep inside.

  “Ohhh, God, I’m so hot for you, Jake,” I moaned when his m
outh pulled away from mine.

  His hands were on the zipper of my jacket. He yanked it down and pushed the coat over my shoulders. “I have to get inside you. Now!”

  I nodded, doing what I could to speed along the process of stripping off layers of clothing.

  “Dammit!” I groaned, when my pants got stuck around my ankles because of the damn boots.

  “Leave them!” he shouted pushing his own pants down his hips.

  His mouth was on mine again. My body was forced backwards under the assault. I felt the wooden door against my bare ass and used it to gain purchase. I reached down to grab his cock, grasping it in my hand. He was so big. I couldn’t get enough of his dick. I was desperate.

  “Jake, please,” I demanded.

  He shucked off his flannel shirt, his t-shirt still on. I was still wearing the t-shirt he had lent me, but had put on my bra.

  “Too many damned clothes,” he cursed.

  My hand worked up and down his cock, the motion making me wet as I imagined it buried inside me.

  “Fuck me, Jake. Now,” I demanded.

  He growled low in his throat before spinning my body around. My breasts pushed against the hard wooden door. I felt his large body behind me and held my breath, waiting for him to push inside. His hand ran over my butt and a second later I could feel the head of his cock running between my legs. One of his large hands was pushed against my shoulder, holding me tight against the door.

  The strength of his body made me even hotter as I felt his dick slowly pushing inside. The fit was tight, too tight.

  “Oh fuck, Calla. My God, you’re so hot. Open up for me, baby. Come on. Let me in.”

  I whimpered against the door doing my best to open my legs another inch. The stupid pants around my ankles made it impossible.

  “Just push in,” I begged, desperate to be filled.

  A hiss of breath escaped as he pushed in higher, his dick stretching my pussy. There was a pinch of pain that made the pleasure even greater. When he was in deep, I released a long breath. My body began to relax around the invasion and I could feel the tiny little spasms sucking his dick in deeper.


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