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The Music Fairies Collection

Page 10

by Daisy Meadows

  “And now for our first band,” called the emcee. “It’s Green Factory!”

  “Here we go!” Courtney held her saxophone out to Kirsty. “Would you hold this for me until we’re finished?”

  Kirsty nodded, taking the saxophone.

  “Good luck!” she and Rachel said together.

  Courtney and the other girls hurried to the center of the stage. Rachel and Kirsty slipped out of the wings and rejoined the audience just as Green Factory launched into their song, “School Days.”

  “This is great!” Rachel said enthusiastically to Kirsty after the first few bars.

  “I never realized Courtney was so talented!” Kirsty replied.

  “It’s lucky the other six instruments are back in Fairyland,” Rachel added. “It means that music everywhere is almost back to normal now, so Green Factory’s talent can still shine through!”

  The band finished their song, and the audience cheered loudly. The Green Factory musicians took a bow and then hurried into the stage wings. Rachel was still applauding, but Kirsty was staring down at Courtney’s saxophone, looking puzzled.

  “Rachel!” Kirsty nudged her friend as the emcee announced the next band. “Look at the saxophone!”

  Rachel glanced down. To her amazement, the shiny golden sax was bouncing around in Kirsty’s hands as if it had a life of its own!

  “It’s like magic!” Rachel said, in complete awe. “It can’t be Sadie’s saxophone. Courtney said it sounded awful, and the magic instruments always play beautifully!”

  Kirsty peeked into the open end of the saxophone.

  “Rachel, I can see glitter!” she whispered.

  Rachel peeked in, too. There was a tiny burst of dazzling glitter inside the saxophone!

  “It’s me, girls,” said a small voice. “Sadie the Saxophone Fairy!”

  Kirsty and Rachel grinned at each other. Quickly, they moved away from the crowd and hid behind a display of tall plants in clay pots.

  “You can come out now, Sadie!” Rachel whispered. “It’s safe.”

  Immediately, Sadie the Saxophone Fairy burst out of the saxophone in a mist of pale blue sparkles!

  “Oh, girls! Jack Frost is here at the competition!” Sadie cried, floating down to land on Kirsty’s shoulder. She wore a green-and-blue ruffled dress with a glittery sweater around her shoulders, sparkly blue knee-high boots, and a matching headband. “We have to stop him from winning first place. Everyone in Fairyland is depending on us!”

  “We’ll do our best, Sadie!” Rachel assured her.

  “I’d better give Courtney her saxophone back first,” Kirsty said.

  Sadie zoomed into Kirsty’s pocket and the girls hurried backstage to find Courtney. She and her band were busy packing their instruments away.

  “Green Factory was great, Courtney!” Kirsty said, handing over the saxophone.

  “You’ll definitely make it to the finals,” Rachel added.

  “Oh, I hope so!” Courtney replied. “See you later. Thanks for holding on to my saxophone!”

  “We’d better go and look for Frosty and his Gobolicious Band!” Kirsty whispered to Rachel as Courtney and the rest of Green Factory headed off to the dressing room area.

  The girls hurried back to the audience. The band that had performed after Green Factory, a group of four teenage girls, was just finishing its song.

  “We haven’t seen any goblins at all yet,” Rachel remarked. “There weren’t even any backstage.”

  “They’re probably hiding so we don’t have a chance of getting Sadie’s saxophone back!” Kirsty replied.

  The next performer was a rock group. They were followed by six other bands, performing songs ranging from hip-hop to jazz. But there was no sign at all of Frosty and his Gobolicious Band. Sadie and the girls couldn’t understand it.

  “Where are Jack Frost and the goblins?” Sadie whispered, peeking over the top of Kirsty’s pocket.

  “Thank you, Red Socks!” the emcee announced as the jazz band left the stage. “We’re coming to the end of the show now. If any other bands would like to take part, you’ll have to act fast. The auditions will be closed after the next act!”

  “This has to be Jack Frost,” Rachel murmured to Kirsty.

  “Now for our final band before we find out which lucky four will perform in tonight’s live show,” the emcee said with a smile. “Please welcome — Mountain Snow!”

  Rachel, Kirsty, and Sadie watched eagerly, expecting to see Jack Frost and his goblins appear onstage. But they were surprised when a trio of older ladies walked out and began to yodel a pop song.

  “They definitely aren’t goblins!” Rachel whispered, confused.

  “Maybe Jack Frost decided not to enter the competition at all after losing the other six magic instruments,” Kirsty suggested.

  “Then how will I ever find my saxophone?” Sadie sighed.

  The yodeling song finished, and the crowd began to murmur in anticipation of hearing the winners be announced.

  But suddenly, the emcee rushed onstage again.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, we have a last-minute entry!” he shouted. “I’m happy to introduce — Frosty and his Gobolicious Band!”

  Rachel gasped. “So Jack Frost and his goblins are here!”

  Jack Frost strutted onto the stage, waving at the audience. He was accompanied by a group of twelve grinning goblins.

  “Look at the goblin at the end of the line!” Sadie said excitedly.

  The girls saw that the last goblin was holding a golden saxophone. The saxophone was the only instrument onstage, and it seemed to give off a magical shimmer.

  “That’s mine!” Sadie shouted, but her words were completely drowned out as Jack Frost picked up the microphone. The crowd broke into spontaneous applause.

  “Hey, that lead singer’s wearing such a cool costume!” said a boy standing next to Rachel.

  “Yeah, all those fake icicles look awesome!” his friend agreed.

  “Listen up!” shouted Jack Frost. He launched into a rap as the saxophone goblin began to play.

  “I’m Jack Frost

  And you’d better know

  That I’m the king

  Of ice and snow.

  Don’t mess with me

  You’d better be nice,

  Or I’ll zap you with

  My wand of ice!”

  Rachel, Kirsty, and Sadie couldn’t believe their ears. The saxophonist goblin was playing his heart out, and his catchy tune, swooping from high to low, somehow matched perfectly with Jack Frost’s rapping. The goblins had divided into two groups — one group was performing backup vocals while the others were clapping, whistling, and snapping their fingers in time to the music.

  “Jack Frost and the goblins sound amazing!” Rachel whispered to Kirsty.

  The audience thought so, too. When Jack Frost finished his rap, they burst into thunderous applause. Looking smug, Jack Frost and his goblins took a sweeping bow. As they went off into the wings, Jack Frost waved graciously at the audience.

  “What are we going to do?” Sadie asked the girls anxiously. “Frosty and his Gobolicious Band are sure to be finalists if the audience’s reaction is anything to go by!”

  “Here’s the emcee to announce the results,” said Kirsty. “I guess we just have to see what happens.”

  The emcee had been talking with the judges, but now he was back onstage again.

  “I can now announce the four finalists for tonight’s show!” he began, beaming broadly. “The first band to go to the finals is … Green Factory!”

  “Oh, good!” Kirsty exclaimed. “I’m so happy for Courtney.”

  “And our next finalist —” The emcee paused for a moment. “Frosty and his Gobolicious Band!”

  This time the audience clapped even more loudly. Rachel, Kirsty, and Sadie looked at each other in dismay.

  “Everyone loves Jack Frost and his goblins!” Rachel exclaimed. “They must be the favorite to win the competition tonight!”
br />   Sadie nodded. “And the only way we can stop him,” she said solemnly, “is to get my saxophone back before the finals!”

  Sadie ducked out of sight into Kirsty’s pocket again, and the girls immediately rushed backstage to find the goblin with the saxophone. But when they arrived, they were frustrated to see a large group of people crowded around Jack Frost. Everyone wanted his autograph!

  “One at a time, please!” Jack Frost was saying loudly.

  “Jack Frost is already acting like a star, and he hasn’t even won the competition yet!” Rachel murmured.

  “There’s Sadie’s saxophone!” Kirsty whispered suddenly.

  The saxophone-playing goblin was polishing the instrument with a cloth.

  As the girls watched, he carefully put it away in its case.

  “Let’s get a little closer to him,” Rachel murmured. “But we have to be careful. We don’t want Jack Frost or the goblins to recognize us!”

  The girls began edging their way toward the goblin with the saxophone.

  “I have to go to my dressing room and rest now,” Jack Frost announced suddenly. “It’s hard work being famous!”

  He pointed to the tallest goblin.

  “Keep an eye out for pesky girls and fairies!” Jack Frost ordered. “We can’t risk losing the magic saxophone now. We need it for the finals.”

  The tall goblin nodded.

  “Now let’s go,” Jack Frost snapped.

  Immediately, the other goblins cleared a path through the crowd. Jack Frost and the saxophone goblin swept through.

  “Don’t let them get away, girls!” Sadie whispered.

  Rachel and Kirsty followed Jack Frost and the goblins toward the dressing rooms, but they had to keep their distance. The tall goblin kept looking around suspiciously.

  “Get me something to eat and drink,” Jack Frost demanded as they reached his dressing room. “Being a celebrity is hot and hungry work!” He grabbed the saxophone case from the goblin and marched inside, slamming the door behind him.

  The girls watched as the goblins ran off to do Jack Frost’s bidding. Meanwhile, the tallest goblin stationed himself outside the dressing room door.

  “We have to find a way into that dressing room!” Kirsty whispered.

  “But how are we going to get past the goblin bodyguard?” Rachel asked.

  “Hello! Are you girls part of the makeup team?” said a voice behind them.

  Rachel and Kirsty turned and saw three teenage girls. They were carrying large wicker baskets full of beauty products!

  “Um — yes,” Rachel blurted out, glancing at Kirsty. What a perfect way to get into Jack Frost’s dressing room!

  “Oh, great,” said one of the girls gratefully, handing Rachel a basket. “Is there a particular act you’d like to work with?”

  “Frosty and his Gobolicious Band!” Kirsty and Rachel said eagerly.

  The three girls laughed.

  “You’d better get started, then,” one of the others remarked. “From the looks of that band, their makeup might take a while!”

  “Good thinking, Rachel!” Sadie whispered, as the three girls walked away. She fluttered out of Kirsty’s pocket and quickly dove into the basket, hiding among the containers of makeup. “I’ll try to grab my saxophone if I get the chance!”

  Rachel and Kirsty hurried over to the goblin bodyguard at the dressing room door.

  “We’re here to do Jack Frost’s makeup,” Kirsty explained.

  The bodyguard stared at them suspiciously for a moment.

  “OK,” he scowled, opening the door. “But no monkey business!”

  With that, Rachel and Kirsty went inside. Jack Frost was sitting at the dressing table, staring at his reflection in an illuminated mirror. The open saxophone case was on a table at the side of the room. The golden instrument glinted in the bright lights.

  “What do you want?” Jack Frost snapped.

  “We’re here to do your makeup,” Rachel said quickly.

  “We’ll make you look like a star!” Kirsty added.

  Jack Frost smirked. “I like the sound of that!” he said.

  Rachel put the basket of beauty products on the table next to the instrument case. Sadie peeked out and grinned, spotting her saxophone nearby.

  “Let’s start with your hair,” Rachel said, grabbing a tube of hair gel.

  She and Kirsty began applying gel to Jack Frost’s icicles, making them stand up straight. The whole time, Jack Frost admired himself in the mirror.

  Kirsty glanced over her shoulder. Sadie had managed to sneak silently out of the makeup basket and was hovering above her saxophone.

  But just then, the door burst open — and the goblins charged in!

  “It’s not fair!” one of the goblins roared. “I want to play the saxophone next time!”

  “No, it’s my turn!” yelled another.

  “SILENCE!” Jack Frost shouted.

  The goblins immediately went quiet.

  “The goblin who played today is the ONLY one who’s allowed to touch the saxophone,” Jack Frost snapped. “That’s because he is the ONLY goblin who has managed to hang on to his magic musical instrument!”

  The other goblins hung their heads in shame. Meanwhile, Jack Frost turned to the saxophone-playing goblin.

  “Make sure you polish the magic saxophone before the finals tonight,” he ordered loudly. “I want it to look nice and shiny!”

  Kirsty and Rachel glanced at each other.

  “It’s a good thing that we’re the makeup girls who are here,” Kirsty whispered. “What would the other girls think, hearing Jack Frost talking about magic?”

  “He obviously doesn’t care about keeping Fairyland a secret at all!” Rachel replied.

  One of the goblins rushed forward to hand Jack Frost the drink he had requested, but his boss waved him away impatiently.

  “I’m not hungry or thirsty anymore,” Jack Frost said with an air of importance. “I’m going to meet my fans and sign more autographs!”

  Jack Frost strutted out of the dressing room, his goblins scampering after him. Only the saxophone player stayed behind. He took the instrument out of the case. Sitting down at the dressing table, he began polishing it again.

  “Any ideas, girls?” Sadie whispered as Kirsty and Rachel pretended to organize the makeup basket. “Is there any way we can get my saxophone?”

  “I don’t think the goblin is going to put it down any time soon,” Rachel said under her breath. “He’s polishing so hard, he’ll make it disappear if he’s not careful!”

  Kirsty grinned. “You just gave me an idea!” she exclaimed. “Sadie, could you use your magic to create a polishing cloth that will make the saxophone invisible? Then we might be able to get it away from him!”

  “I sure can!” Sadie agreed. She twirled her wand, and a glittery pink cloth appeared in a cloud of fairy sparkles.

  “You switch the cloths, Kirsty,” Rachel whispered, as Sadie jumped into Kirsty’s pocket. “I’ll distract the goblin by doing his makeup!”

  The goblin was still busy polishing, but he looked up suspiciously as Rachel went over to him.

  “I’m here to do your makeup,” she announced.

  The goblin looked pleased. He put the cloth down, but held onto the saxophone.

  Rachel opened a box of face powder and began to dab it onto the goblin’s face with a big pad.

  “Oh, that tickles!” The goblin laughed as he was surrounded by a cloud of white powder.

  Meanwhile, Kirsty crept over, whisked away the polishing cloth, and put the magic one in its place.

  “Hey!” The goblin blinked at her through the mist of powder. “What are you doing?”

  “I thought you might like a clean cloth,” Kirsty said quickly. “Look, some powder spilled onto your saxophone.”

  The goblin grabbed the magic cloth, laid the saxophone on his lap, and began polishing. Kirsty, Rachel, and Sadie watched eagerly.

  “Jack Frost thinks he’s the star o
f the band, but I’m the real star!” the goblin boasted.

  Kirsty nudged Rachel as the mouthpiece of the saxophone began to disappear. But the goblin was too busy bragging to notice. Within seconds, the entire instrument had vanished!

  Suddenly, the door flew open and Jack Frost and his goblins burst in.

  “Why are you girls still here?” Jack Frost demanded furiously. “Get out! We need time to practice before tonight!” He glanced at the empty music case, then at the goblin sitting at the dressing table. “Where’s the magic saxophone?”

  The goblin looked down — and his eyes almost popped out of his head.

  “It was here a minute ago,” he mumbled, jumping up.

  “Ow!” Jack Frost roared. “Something just fell on my foot!”

  “The invisible saxophone!” Rachel whispered to Kirsty. The girls tried hard not to laugh.

  As Jack Frost yelled at the goblin, Kirsty quietly bent down and felt around on the floor. Her hand closed over the invisible instrument.

  “Someone stole the saxophone!” Jack Frost yelled.

  He glanced suspiciously at Rachel and Kirsty, but, of course, he couldn’t see the saxophone in Kirsty’s hand at all!

  “Find the magic saxophone!” Jack Frost shouted at his goblins. “Or our performance in the finals will be ruined!”

  With that, they all dashed out of the dressing room again.

  Immediately, Sadie zoomed over to the girls.

  “Great work, you two!” She laughed, waving her wand over Kirsty’s hand. The golden saxophone instantly appeared in a swirl of fairy dust, shrinking down to its Fairyland size.

  “Thank you so —” Sadie began, clutching her saxophone tightly.


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