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Everlasting Nora

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by Marie Miranda Cruz

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  To Nellie and Ed, the best parents a girl can have


  This book is very special to me because it is the first novel I ever wrote. It began as a tiny wish in my heart and has become the fulfillment of my dreams.

  Many thanks a thousand times over to my lovely agent, Paula Munier, who never stopped believing in me as a writer, who loved and supported my work, and who never tired in her pursuit to find a home for my books.

  I am ever grateful to my editor, Diana M. Pho, for sharing her wisdom. Her excellent vision guided me as I worked to shape this book you have in your hands today. Thank you so much for making my first foray into publishing an experience I will never forget and one I’ve learned so much from.

  To Zohra Ashpari, thank you for your insightful feedback, for your unrelenting support, and for welcoming me to New York City with cookies. They were delicious!

  To the entire Tor team, thank you for the many months of care and hard work you’ve put into making this author’s dream come true.

  To my sensitivity readers, Day Cabuhat, Ruby Kalaw, and Joanna Fabicon, you have my heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for your time and discerning comments.

  To my critique partners past and present, Stephanie Denise Brown, Carlynn Whitt, Edith Cohn, Erin Fry, Rosa Leyva, Emily Allen, and Nicole Popel, thank you for your years of friendship, commiserating cups of coffee, and astute feedback. I couldn’t have asked for better writers to take this journey with.

  To my friends at SCBWI, many thanks for the camaraderie and supportive community. You know who you are.

  To Nova Ren Suma and my Djerassi sisters—you are all amazing women and authors! You have become such wonderful friends. I feel so honored and blessed to be in your company. Thank you for all the conversations and glasses of wine over the years.

  Many thanks to Rosemary King for taking the time to answer my questions about garment industry labor practices in the Philippines.

  To my mother, Nellie Miranda; my mother-in-law, Ely Cruz; Marissa Jew; and May Oropesa, thank you for all the memories you’ve shared and for being on hand when I needed clarification about all things Filipino.

  To my children, Gabe and Abi, thank you for being the perfect sounding boards for my seemingly endless parade of story ideas and plot questions. It is you whose opinion I valued most in all things, you who encouraged me when I wanted to give up, you who helped make dinner when I was on deadline. You are the loves of my life!!

  Finally, to my husband, my Jedi Knight, my rock, Obi Cruz, who puts up with my many books, my baskets of yarn, and my notebook collection, who takes me to historic libraries, who patiently waits while I browse through a bookstore for hours, who fills in for me at home when I need time to write, who carries me through tough times and celebrates with me through good ones—thank you, my love!

  Chapter One

  If someone were to ask me to describe a home, I would tell them this.

  A home never floods during a typhoon.

  A home has a kitchen with a stove for cooking rice.

  A home does not have dead people inside it.

  These thoughts bounced around in my head while I walked home through the North Cemetery. It was the largest one in the city of Manila, maybe in the entire archipelago of the Philippine Islands.

  I’d spent the day selling garlands of dried flowers—everlasting daisies—on a street corner in front of the cemetery gates. On the way home, I’d stopped at a food stand to buy dinner: steamed rice and dried salted fish. While I was there, a pebble had lodged itself in a hole at the bottom of my rubber slippers, and it now poked my heel with every step. But I didn’t stop to take it out. I kept moving to keep myself from staring too long at the cemetery visitors and comparing my T-shirt and faded pink shorts with their nice clothes, my dirty slippers with their shiny shoes, and the darkness of my skin with their pale complexions.

  Squatter. The unspoken word stabbed me as keenly as the pebble under my foot.

  I walked deeper into the sementeryo. The grave houses in this part of the cemetery were smaller and shabbier. There were small children playing hide-and-seek between the tombs. Some kids were standing on top of them, tossing a ball made of old newspapers wrapped in twine. There were men and women, either sweeping out mausoleums or fetching buckets of water for drinking or washing. Others carried whatever food they could buy that day. These people weren’t visitors. They lived here.

  Like me.

  Up ahead, I saw Efren Pena and his pushcart classroom on the corner. He waved a book in the air when he saw me. A wide smile dimpled his cheek. He called out, “Nora, join us! We’re doing math today.”

  I waved back at him. A surge of excitement filled me. Last week, we’d learned about Andres Bonifacio and the Philippine Revolution of 1896. Working on math would be fun. Papa had always said I was good with numbers.

  Kuya Efren had recently cut his hair. What used to be thick, black, and wavy was now so short it stuck out all over his head. The cart had a blackboard on one side with math problems written in chalk. On the other, it said Outreach Education on Wheels in bright blue letters. I called him Kuya, which means “older brother.” It was a way to show him respect.

  A few boys and girls were already sitting on plastic mats Kuya had brought, studying the math problems on the blackboard. Kuya Efren beckoned me over. He came to the cemetery a few times a week to teach children whose parents couldn’t even afford to send them to public school. They were squatter kids like me who had no money for uniforms and school supplies.

  Yes, it would be nice to sit a while and pretend I was back in school. And I could finally pick that small rock out from the bottom of my slipper.

  A few more kids arrived. Kuya Efren handed out a workbook, each of us receiving a different color, depending on how much we already knew. I loved solving word problems because they had been my father’s favorite. I did three of them. My favorite one was:

  Pedro bought 8 ball caps, one for each of his eight friends, for 8 pesos each. The cashier charged him an additional 12 pesos and 7 centavos in sales tax. He left the store with 5 pesos and 93 centavos. How much money did Pedro start with?

  The answer was so easy.

  Papa used to help me with my homework every night. Remembering him made me wish I hadn’t been so lazy when I used to go to a real school. Back then, I hadn’t enjoyed math. It was a class I had to get through until it was time to work in our school garden. I closed my eyes. It had been a year since I left school. More than a year since the fire.

  I finished the section of math problems and handed the book to Kuya Efren to check. Sitting on the mat next to me was a little boy nam
ed Ernie, who lived in a grave house close to mine. I hadn’t noticed him at first, because he’d had his back to me. Now he turned and nudged me with his elbow; his dark eyes looked large in his thin face.

  “Hey, Nora, how did you finish so fast? I’ve been sitting here for hours!” He scratched his head with his pencil, pointing to a page in his workbook. “I hate adding and subtracting.”

  I peered over his shoulder. Ernie had worked through most of the addition problems. I nudged him back and said, “You’re almost done! And stop complaining. You have to learn so you can count money. Do you want people to cheat you?”

  “I guess not. Real school must be terrible. I’m glad my mother doesn’t make me do this every day.” He sighed, then bent over his page.

  “Real school can be fun too. At my old school, we studied math, grammar, and history, and we also learned how to plant vegetables and fruit.”

  “Growing plants sounds boring.” He scowled, using his fingers to count.

  “Well, we also made baskets and played games outside.” I nudged him again with my elbow.

  He looked at me, his face scrunched up. “Ow! Your elbows are sharp!”

  “Oh, stop being a baby!” I leaned in and whispered, “Sometimes, our teacher would give us something special if we got all our spelling words correct. If you do your problems right, Kuya Efren might give you a prize.”

  Ernie’s eyes widened. He mouthed, Really?

  I nodded. This was only the third time he’d sat down to do schoolwork with the pushcart classroom. He used to watch from a distance, perched on top of a tomb, biting his nails. He had been sitting too far away to see Kuya hand his students a piece of candy every time they completed a math or reading exercise.

  “So did you have a lot of friends at school?” Ernie asked, putting down his pencil to use all his fingers to count this time.

  “Not a lot. I did have a best friend named Evelyn. We both loved fried bananas so much that we would sneak out of our school during recess so we could buy banana-que. The street vendor was an old woman with no teeth.” I still remembered her baskets of fried saba bananas crusted with melted brown sugar on barbecue sticks, and salty fried peanuts with garlic.

  Ernie licked his lips as if he could taste it. “Hmm, my favorite!”

  “We would buy our snack and eat it fast so we wouldn’t get caught. Sometimes, we would sneak back to school with crumbs of fried brown sugar on our uniform ties and get into trouble anyway.”

  The memory always made me smile. I wondered if Evelyn would recognize me if she saw me now. My hair was longer. My skin had darkened from standing in the sun selling everlasting-daisy garlands. I didn’t think she would. And that was fine. I missed her, but I didn’t want her to see me or ask me where I lived or where I went to school.

  Kuya Efren tapped me on the shoulder. “Good work, Nora. Would you like to continue with the next page?”

  “Salamat, Kuya, but I should go. I have to go home and make more garlands.” I picked up the bag that held my dinner. I hadn’t eaten since breakfast and thinking about food made my mouth water. “I’ll be back next week.”

  I stood to go and was about to say goodbye when Kuya handed me a battered book of Filipino folktales and a piece of candy wrapped in bright orange paper. I was tempted to eat it then and there, but I resisted. I wanted to save it for something special.

  “We are going to practice reading comprehension next week. Read this so you can answer questions about the stories when you come back.” Kuya smiled and then turned to help Ernie with his math.

  I clutched the book to my chest. It felt good to hold one again. I missed going to a real school. I missed the smell of chalk. Most of all, I missed my best friend. If I saved enough money I could buy a couple of secondhand uniforms, some notebooks, and pencils. I would go back to school next year. I’d have to repeat sixth grade, but that was okay.

  Soon. I patted the bump in my pocket. I ran the rest of the way home, wondering if Mama was already there, if she’d brought home anything good to eat. It was a Sunday, after all, which meant it was time for our once-a-week treat of something sweet, like a nice, ripe mango or a slice of biko, a kind of sticky rice cake topped with caramelized coconut cream frosting wrapped in a banana leaf.

  But she wasn’t home yet. My grave house was empty. It wasn’t a real house, of course, but a mausoleum. It had three walls and a roof made of concrete like a house. The fourth wall was made of iron bars and covered the front of the grave house where the middle opened like a gate. The roof had a square hole covered with glass to let in natural light. I sighed. Papa had loved sunny places. Golden sunlight flickered across his resting place.

  Papa’s tomb was a large cement rectangle, painted white, that stood in the middle of the grave house. The grave marker had his name, the year he was born, and the year he died. He had been thirty-five years old. Carved beneath his name were my grandparents’ names. Their bones had been buried in a special compartment under Papa’s coffin. Sometimes, Mama and I had to hang our wash over the tomb to dry when it rained. It didn’t seem like a nice thing to do, so we whispered, “Sorry, Papa,” every time.

  I pulled a key out of my shorts. It hung on a cord made of tightly braided cloth. The small padlock on the gate was flimsy but it kept out other squatters. Mama bought one after a neighbor “borrowed” our broom while we were out and never gave it back. After pushing the gate open, I propped my rubber slippers at the bottom of the step and went inside, closing the gate behind me. Everything was just as I’d left it this morning. Stretched across Papa’s tomb hung a string of sampaguita, a small, fragrant jasmine flower that filled the entire grave house with sweetness.

  Mama and I slept on one side of the mausoleum. Propped against the wall were sheets of cardboard to cushion our backs from the concrete floor. There was also a basket that held a kulambo, or mosquito net, as well as a pair of thin blankets and pillows. Hidden inside the blanket was our only luxury, a flashlight. Mama always made sure the batteries were fresh. She said it was important to have, in case someone tried to come into our grave house at night. Other baskets held some clothes, mostly hand-me-downs, a small cracked mirror, a comb, and toothbrushes.

  The other side of the tomb had a small plastic table we’d found at a trash heap and a woven mat where Mama and I sat to eat. Above the table hung a small wind chime made with three strands of capiz shells. They tinkled softly in the afternoon breeze. In the corner stood an altar made out of a small plastic crate I’d found behind a bakery, turned on its side. Mama had draped an old slip edged with lace over it. On top of the satiny cloth sat our Santo Niño, a statue of baby Jesus dressed in gold-and-red felt. It had a gold plastic crown on its head. It had been a gift from Papa’s aunt, back when she was kind to us. At its feet lay a pile of small white sampaguita flowers I’d picked from a bush near the cemetery gates.

  I pulled out the piece of candy Kuya Efren had given me and placed it in front of our Santo Niño. Papa used to come home from work with candy in his pocket for me. He’d let me eat only one and save the rest to make daily offerings to the statue. I’d asked him if baby Jesus took the sweets, because they disappeared every day. Now I knew better. Papa had eaten the candy when I wasn’t looking. These days, Mama and I made offerings to our Santo Niño every time she went out to play mahjong, for blessings of both safety and luck. Then after a couple of days I would eat the candy, hoping for a never-be-hungry-again blessing.

  Next to the gate stood a bucket I had found in a trash heap. Inside was a small sweet potato plant. At first, Mama wouldn’t let me keep it inside the grave house. She had insisted that I keep it in the back, where we fetched water and did our washing. Then someone had stolen the sweet potatoes, and the leaves, which are also edible, before I had a chance to harvest them. After that, Mama let me keep it inside.

  I pulled a sheet hanging from a stretch of wire across the bars. It was what we used when the season was dry. When it rained, we covered the bars with tarps that carpen
ters sometimes discarded after a construction job. I set my small bag of rice and fish on the table.

  In the back of the grave house, behind the tomb, I pried open a loose tile that shielded my secret hiding place. Inside, covered with dust and spider webs, was an old shoebox. I emptied my pocket of coins and bills into it, my eyes straying to my father’s watch and the picture inside the box. It was of me, Mama, and Papa, taken in front of our apartment several years before the fire destroyed our lives. Mama’s cheeks were still round; her eyes looked bright and happy. She had long hair then and it draped thick over one shoulder. Papa was smiling big, his eyes disappearing into crinkles of skin. I was standing between them in my new school uniform, my hair in pigtails, ready for kindergarten. Papa had been so proud that day because I would be going to his old school, Joseph Luna Elementary School in Sampaloc, Manila.

  I held the watch against my ear, listening to it count the seconds. It was almost like being a little girl again, when I used to press my ear to Papa’s chest and listen to his heart. I kissed the watch face and turned the winding button three times.

  * * *

  The first time I held Papa’s watch was during a surprise trip to Luneta Park. I had been a talkative kid and got in trouble a lot. When I saw Papa instead of Mama waiting for me after school, I wondered if he was there to talk to my teacher. But he smiled and took my hand.

  “Why did you pick me up, Papa? Where’s Mama?”

  He kissed my forehead and said, “Remember Aling Lily from next door? Mama had to take her to the doctor, so she called me and asked if I could pick you up. So I thought, since I’m here, I can take you to Luneta Park like I promised.”

  “Really? Thank you, thank you, Papa!”

  We rode a jeepney, a kind of jeep that’s extra long in the back and works like a shared taxi. It can fit at least sixteen people, eight on each side. It took a long time to get to the park because of traffic. I fell asleep on Papa’s shoulder for what seemed like seconds, and then Papa patted my cheek to wake me. We had arrived.


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