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Roman: A Zambrano Family Novel (Miami Mafia Series Book 1)

Page 4

by Olivia Deici

  His stare was unwavering as his lips broadened into a smile. He took the hand that was around my neck and bopped me on the head.

  “We'll see.”

  “You gotta back up the thank yous with something tangible, you know what I'm saying?”

  He bopped my head again, something only he could ever get away with, and we walked to our cars. I was just getting inside mine when I heard quickened steps approach me. I turned and saw Diego running towards me. He stopped and didn't say anything. He didn't need to, it was all there in his eyes for all to see. A minute later, he hugged me. We stood like that for a few minutes, a middle brother hugging a younger brother. We separated and he jogged back to my parent's car.

  I climbed into my Maserati. I was on a high, and I needed the power of this machine more than I ever did. I popped down the convertible top, and exercised my toy. Taking a detour due to nighttime roadwork, I saw a kid running on the sidewalk. He had a backpack strapped on, and his legs barely touched the ground. For as fast as he was, it wouldn't matter. This was no place for anyone, let alone a teenager, to be running at this time. I pulled over. My eyes were drawn to the car a distance behind him.

  How old was this kid?

  I climbed out of the car and headed him off.

  “Hey, you need a ride?”

  The teen stopped suddenly and his head whipped back. His head tilted a bit more to see me from under the baseball cap.

  Shock registered on both of our faces.

  The roll of her eyes would've made my lips turn up if I wasn't so annoyed that she was running in a bad part of town.


  She had the gall to raise her hand in dismissal and start running again.

  “Dr. Laurenti!”

  The annoying little woman continued running as if the end of her journey would greet her with a world record and gold medal.

  Fuck this.


  She literally stopped so abruptly, it looked like she'd been lassoed by a cowboy. She turned and raised annoyed eyes at me.

  “Alright. Bella?”

  Her eyes narrowed and I could've sworn I saw steam escape her ears. I chuckled and her lips pursed so tightly, they had a tinge of white.

  “Izzy, then?”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. With every attempt to find her a nickname, I came paces closer.

  “What the hell do you wish to be called then?”


  My sigh had an edge, and I found myself mere feet from her. How the fuck could I have mistaken her tight hot body for that of a teen boy? She was petite, but her breasts were more than generous handfuls for my large paws. Her ass was plump and round.

  So this was what she hid under her medical coat.

  Her eyes were gorgeous. She didn’t have her glasses on. I had called them hazel before, but they weren’t. Under the lamplight, they were a lush green, a color I had never seen before in eyes.

  My focus returned back to the outrage I felt.

  “Are you crazy, or do you lack all sense?” My index finger pointed to my head.


  I looked up for a moment. “What the hell are you doing?”

  She looked pointedly at her car and back at me. “I decided my car needed the night off, so I pulled over and began running home.”

  I stepped closer to her and leaned in, maintaining at least a ruler's length away.

  “Do you not know where you are?”

  Sighing, she placed a hand on her hip. “Listen, I've had a long day, no thanks to you. Now, goodnight to you, Mr. Zambrano.”

  She turned to leave, but I grabbed her arm.

  “I cannot allow you to run wherever it is you're going, alone.”

  She bristled as her eyes snapped to the hold I had on her arm. She looked at it as if a bird had shit on her arm. I let loose a smile on my face.


  I raised an eyebrow at her.

  “I don't have time for this shit.”

  Both of my eyebrows rose at her curse.

  “I've had a shit day, which ended with speaking to an irritating and condescending rich ass prick, and then my car died. I have an early day tomorrow, so excuse me if I don't feel like shooting the shit with you again.” She snapped her arm out of my hold.

  “I'm trying to help you.”

  “Help me? Isn't that what you think you do in your self-righteous patriarchal way?”

  My eyes rounded. Jesus, she was a tiny little thing but held more dynamite than a condemned building set for demolition, and spat more curse words than a sailor.

  She reminded me of a Chihuahua- little, but a temper that belied her size.

  And maybe her bitching reminded me of their annoying little yelp, too.

  I'd keep that analogy to myself, though.

  “Did I run over your fucking dog or something?”

  Her eyebrows rose. She must be surprised that I know curse words, too.

  “What does that mean?” She rested her right hand on her right hip.

  “What the fuck is your problem with me? I didn't push myself into your office after hours and demand to speak to you without an appointment while I got some damn security guard fired because of my own selfish needs.”

  Her mouth opened.

  Oh yea. I can be a dick, man.

  “I just want you to leave me the fuck alone. Leave my building alone. Leave my life alone. Leave me alone.”

  Her voice was flat, low, and even.

  “I can't do that.” I stopped talking when she released an annoyed breath. “Look, we're not going to agree to anything right now except that we disagree on this. Let that rest for the moment, and let me help you with your car.”

  She crossed her arms and studied me for a minute. She nodded her head.

  “Thanks, but I doubt you can. It's probably the radiator. I've been Hail Marying it for too long now.”

  I nodded, but I still wanted to take a look. I didn't want to step on her toes, though.

  “Do you mind if a take a look? I trust your diagnosis, Doc, but maybe I can temporarily put a fix.”

  She grimaced in thought, and my dick twitched.

  She was a bossy, but beautiful, bit of goods.

  “Ok. I'll humor you.”

  I laughed. “What? You don't think I know about cars?”

  Finally, she smirked. “You're a pretty boy. And a rich one. I'm not sure.”


  “So pretty boys don't know anything about cars except where to take them to get cleaned and detailed. You're a pretty boy.”

  I placed a hand over my chest. “Pretty, huh? Do you find me attractive, Izzy?”

  She rolled her eyes.

  “It's the dimples, isn't it? They drive the ladies crazy.”

  She snorted, turned, and began running back to the car.

  I stood there, and it was like fire ignited in my veins. Did she think she could beat me?

  I loved a challenge.

  I took off in a sprint and passed her. I looked back with a smirk at the surprised look on her face. She was on my heels, but I still beat her. I leaned over her car and laughed.

  God, it felt good.

  For months, I'd been a tight coil of stress. Diego's case shaved years off my life, I'm convinced.

  “You give a good challenge.”

  A smile hid on her face wanting to be let out.

  “You know, smiles are free.”

  She studied me as that smile continued to play on her face. She walked around me and unlocked her car. Popping the hood, she slammed the door shut. I rolled up my sleeves, and secured the hood open. I could feel the heat emanating from the engine. I shared a look with her.

  “Told you.”

  I reached in but her words stopped me. “Don't get dirty, pretty boy. I’m not paying for dry cleaning.”

  I smirked, reached in, and said, “I like to get dirty.”

  I managed to shock her. Her open mouth went from agape, t
o upturning in a laugh.

  “You are special, aren't you?”

  My smile broadened. “Anytime you want to find out just how special I am, let me know.”

  She laughed again, and I found myself liking its light sexy cadence.

  “Cocky, too.”

  “You have no idea.” I held up my index fingers indicating length.

  She rolled her eyes with a playful smile.

  “Does anyone ever stand a chance against you? Do you charm everyone our of their anger?”

  I shrugged and flashed a smile. Her eyes flew to my dimples.

  “That's not the only thing I charm them out of.”

  Her eyes snapped to mine, wide. I let loose a laugh.

  “Do you want me to call a tow?”

  She shook her head. “I have Triple A, I just don't want to wait around right now. I'll call in the morning. I've been pushing the repairs off for a long time now. I just haven't had the time, money, or patience to deal with it.”

  “Let me give you a ride.”

  “No, I need the physical exertion. I've been under a lot of stress.”

  I nodded in understanding. “Sick patients? Tough schedule?'

  “All of the above, and add to that financial problems, and annoying corporations who want to offer and/or threaten you so they can buy your building.”

  The smile melted off my face. “Wait. What other corporations are contacting you.”


  I cursed and I knew she was taken aback by the sudden change in me. I fucking hated those Russians.

  Problem-causing motherfuckers.

  They were dangerous. We all were, really, but these assholes had no honor. They didn't live by the Code, any code.


  “Yes, why?”

  I shook my head dismissively.

  “I find it hard to believe. They don't ask for things. They take what they want unapologetically, and when they've taken that, they look for more.”

  She crossed my arms. “Are you calling me a liar?”

  I studied her for a moment with eyes that belonged to a sharp business man and lawyer. I shook my head again.

  “I'm not. You're not. What I'm saying is you need to be extra careful.”

  She blew air out of frustrated lips.

  “Why? Because you want me to back off their offer and only consider yours? You forget, Mr. Zambrano, you are not a disinterested party here. You gain from me listening to your advice and turning them away.”

  I clenched my jaw.

  “I hear that. It's smart that you think like that. Truth be told, though, I'm not pushing you away from them because I want your building. I'm telling you these Russians are not to be trusted. They are underhanded. They wouldn't present you an offer.”

  My cell rang again. I looked at the number and sent it to voicemail.

  What I said to her gave her pause. She was weighing what I was saying.

  “What would they do?”

  “Terrorize you. Threaten you.”

  She inhaled sharply and looked sideways.

  “Do not interact with them. If they threaten you, come to me.”

  “For what? I’ve known you for all of five minutes. Why would you help, and what would you do?”

  I knew my features were hard. I fucking hated the Russians and that poured out of me whenever I discussed them.

  “I'll take care of it.”

  “Got a history with them?”

  I always got the impressions that she wasn't innocent to the mafia life. That made me beyond curious.

  “You could say that. Look, Izzy, don't deal with them. Don’t interact with them.”

  She looked at me, amused.

  “Izzy, huh?”

  I wasn't going to let her change the subject. The Semenovs were fucking dangerous.

  “Look, seriously-”

  “Because you want my building.”

  “Back to this again.”

  “That’s all that this,” she swept her hand between us, “is. You want my building.”

  “Damn it, no. Yes. Yes, we do. But that's not the reason I'm telling you to stay away from them. They're dangerous. Unethical. Cutthroats.” Literally.

  “Everyone can be.”

  “No, they’re a special kind of dangerous.”

  Her reaction was dry, with an eye roll and a twist of her lips.

  “You mean your kind, of special kind, of danger?”

  My eyes didn't waver from hers. I've never been coy, and I wasn't going to start now. She wasn't naive, and she knew more than most about the underground that ruled this city, apparently.


  “I can handle myself, Mr. Zambrano.”


  She sighed. “I've been on my own for almost half my life. Thank you, but truly, I can take care of myself.”

  She began closing the hood and locking her car up.

  “I need to get going.”

  “Let me give you a ride.”

  She shook her damn head again. “No. I need a run. I'm only three miles away.” She turned and was going to start up, but turned back to me abruptly. “I doubt this will be the last we see of one another.”

  She sprinted away, fast like a lightning bolt. Chivalry demanded that I accompany her.

  My dick demanded that I accompany her.

  Izzy fucking lit my fire like no other woman had in a damn long ass time. I looked down at my business dress shoes, suit pants, and business shirt. I shrugged and took off after her.

  The chase invigorated me.

  She turned when she heard me approaching. I caught the quick look of fear in her eyes before recognition dawned in them. Her eyes widened and she smiled in challenge. She kicked up her pace and I laughed.

  I was an ironman. Three miles? That was barely a warm up for me. I didn't give a fuck about my shoes. I'd make these into the Nikes I needed them to be.

  My legs stretched wider and moved faster, and we ran parallel for the majority of our run. When I looked over at her and saw her eyes focused on the building up ahead, I was taken aback.

  That was the building.

  She lived here?

  Izzy looked over at me. Was there embarrassment in her eyes? Whatever it was, it was gone in a second and so was she.

  I busted out laughing and sprinted. As I passed her, I looked back and grinned. She laughed and sprinted harder. I made it to the front of her building first, but she was literally on my heels.


  We stood outside the front door I'd gone to, as we both breathed hard from our exertion.

  “Couldn't let a lady run home alone.”

  She rolled her eyes, and I was finding it endearing now. I loved the open way with which she expressed her emotions. I hated coyness in women.

  “I don't have a ride back to offer you.”

  I shrugged and shook my head. “It's been a while since I've been able to run. Felt good. It'll feel good on the return.”

  She looked down. “Your feet may object tomorrow when you wake up. Those are definitely not good shoes to run in.”

  “And I still beat you.”

  Her eyes narrowed, but a smile played on her lips.

  “Just barely.”

  There was a moment of silence.

  “Did you win your case?”

  I exhaled a pent up breath. “Yea.”

  “Important case?”

  She studied me.

  “The most important case of my life.”

  “Congratulations, then.”

  I watched her turn and walk to the side of the building. There were no freaking lights on the outside of the building. The only light came from some streetlights.

  What. The. Fuck.

  “Where are you going?”

  She turned. “To my side door that leads to my apartment. I'd invite you up, but I only do that with people I like.”

  I laughed. She was saucy and I liked it.

  “You must
never have anyone over, then.”

  Her laugh was hearty.

  “Night, Izzy.”

  I waited until she opened her door before turning to run.


  Her voice was soft and damn if it didn't cause spirals of electricity to shoot throughout my body.

  And my dick.

  My name had never sounded better on any other pair of lips.

  It commanded me to turn back to her.

  “Thanks. And goodnight.”

  I smirked at her and tipped my invisible hat. Her eyes moved to my dimples. Those were one of my secret weapons. The other secret weapon was starting to salute like a soldier. My eyes glided down her body. Even dewy with sweat from her run, she was a fine ass woman.

  “See ya 'round, Izzy.”

  Chapter 5


  I'd literally fallen asleep as soon as I got home, despite the way both the run and Roman had fired my blood. I was freaking exhausted. It had been close to 2:00AM. I had a seminar in the morning at eight, and no car. I’d groaned, knowing that in the morning, I wouldn't have my car. I'd have to get up earlier, and Uber there.

  When I woke up, I got ready. I literally dragged my ass around my apartment. As I put on mascara, I thought about Roman.

  Really? I'm lying to myself, now?

  The truth is, I hadn't stopped thinking about him since last night. He was infuriating, charming, annoying, sexy, an asshole, and smart. He was like a statue over me in my mind, tall and solid.

  He was unexpected, in so many ways.

  And damn if I wasn't attracted to him.

  A fucking Zambrano.

  Their reputation was one that caused even the toughest men to quake. You didn't cross them, and if you did, there'd be literal hell to pay. They had legitimate companies, sure. Their reputation was for both the legit and illegal businesses.

  You didn't cross a Zambrano and keep breathing.

  I should know. If he only knew who I was. If he only knew my real last name, I'm not sure I'd be treated the same. They'd probably go for my jugular. As it was, I knew they took it easy on me. I was a doctor of a struggling clinic for the poor. If they knew who I really was? I could forget about the lures of four times my building's worth.

  I'd be lucky to come away with my head attached.

  He’d called me Izzy, and I laughed just now, because I hadn’t ever been called that before him. No one ever dared. I was a prickly person, kind of like a coiled snake. I’d been called Iza, Belle, or Bella. But Izzy?


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