Lonely Vigil
Page 31
B. Gen. L. G. Saunders, USAAF (Ret.)—
rescued U.S. flyer, Vella Lavella
Joe Sciarra—Marine Raider patrols, New
Jesse Scott, Jr.—rescued U.S. flyer, Mono Loren A. Sherman—Helena
Philip Shuh—Helena
D. Lyle Sly—AIF detachment, Bougainville Capt. Archibald M. Smith, Jr., USMCR
(Ret.)—rescued U.S. flyer, Santa Isabel Robert E. Smith—Helena
John R. Scott—rescued U.S. flyer, Choiseul Lt. J. F. Sutherland—Enterprise and
Henderson Field
Toshio Suzuki—229th Infantry Regiment,
James Raymond Swanbeck—Gato
B. H. Swanson—AIF detachment,
Rear Adm. John D. Sweeney, USN (Ret.)—
Helena rescue mission
Col. James E. Swett, USMC (Ret.)—rescued
U.S. flyer, New Georgia
Job Tamana—Coastwatcher network, New
Capt. Henry Tamblyn—RAAF Catalina
supply missions
Capt. LeRoy Taylor, USN (Ret.)—PT-boats,
Capt. Donald B. Thomson—Liaison Pilot,
37th Infantry Division, Bougainville
Oremo J. Tonarelli—Helena
Rear Adm. George van Deurs, USN (Ret.)—
Chief of Staff, COMAIRSOPAC
Sir Alexander Waddell—Coastwatcher,
Rear Adm. Norvell G. Ward, USN (Ret.)—
William H. Warden—rescued U.S. flyer,
Arthur B. Wells—rescued U.S. flyer,
Capt. Irving E. Wetmore, USN (Ret.)—
C. D. Williams—Helena
Hal M. Winner—Nautilus
Col. Michael R. Yunck, USMC (Ret.)—
rescued U.S. flyer,
Santa Isabel
Satoru Yunoki—Staff intelligence officer,
8th Combined Special Naval Landing Force, Munda
A | B | C | D | E
F | G | H | I | J
K | L | M | N | O
P | Q | R | S | T
U | V | W | Y | Z
Abia River, 148
Adam, Bert, 203
A.I.F.commandos. See Australian Imperial Force commandos
Ainsworth, Rear Adm. W. L., 189, 192, 206-207, 212
Aita River, 156, 157-58
Aita village, 149, 150, 153, 155
Alalu village, 104
Alexander, Capt. C. S., 191
Allied Intelligence Bureau, 71
Allotte, Father, 115, 125
Alton, Sister M. Irene, 107, 109-10, 111, 118, 119, 123
Amagiri (destroyer), 215, 217, 218
American Legion (transport), 32
Andresen, Andy, 25, 26, 102
Anea (native), 17
Aola village, 5, 7, 10, 11-12, 13-14, 16-17, 23, 26, 129
Aravia village, 39, 40, 87
Archer, Fred, 125
Asitavi mission, 109, 111, 119
Astoria (cruiser), 44
Atkinson, MM2/c R. G., 204
Atsinima Bay, 165
Aubin, Bishop Jean Marie, 18, 24, 57, 60, 65
Aubin, Sister M. Isabelle, 107, 109, 111, 126
Auki, control station at, 9, 26, 29
Australia (cruiser), 39, 42
Australian Imperial Force (A.I.F.) commandos, 4, 10, 11, 36, 40, 119, 120, 149-59, 160-65
Ayabe, Major Gen., 127 Azumasan Maru (transport), 13
Babbage, Max, 117, 119
Bagga Island, 95, 142
Bairoko, Japanese post at, 189, 231
Baka Baka, Japanese post at, 206
Ballale Island, 145, 209
Bamboo Creek, 11
Barougo village, 68, 89
“Barracudas” (jungle fighters), 185, 186
Batuea Mission, 140
Bausewine, Ensign George, 193, 194, 196, 200, 206, 207, 208
Bechtel, Ensign Don, 201
Bedkober, Lt. Douglas M., 152, 153, 155, 158, 159-60, 238
Belana village, 62
Belanger, Sister M. Celestine, 107, 109, 111
Beni (native), 76
Bennett, William Billy, 169, 172, 173-74, 180
Berande plantation, 7, 9-11, 13
Bilua mission, 77, 90, 92, 99, 139
Bingiti (scout), 15, 28, 33
Bisili, Alesasa, 97
Blackett Strait, 92, 213, 214, 215, 220, 222, 223, 225
Blahnik, Coxswain Ted, 211 Blanche Channel, 168, 177, 178, 180, 186, 189
Blanche Harbor, 241 Bloody Ridge, 54, 244
Bogese, George, 14, 16, 22, 130-31
Boles, Lt.Comdr. Warren, 193, 197, 201-202, 207-208, 210-11
Bombedea village, 25, 27, 33
Bougainville, 2, 3, 7, 9, 35-43, 52, 68, 69, 71, 78-79, 87, 89, 93, 102, 104, 142, 145, 148-67, 185, 232, 238-12, 243, 248
American landings on, 244
New Year’s Eve evacuation (1942), 106-27
Bougainville Strait, 68, 80
Bowers, Lt. Richard H., 165
Boyd, Capt. Clay, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 189
Brantingham, Lt. Henry, 214, 215-217
Brisbane, 67, 70, 72, 106
Broadfoot, Sgt. H. J., 149
Brockman, Lt. Comdr. William H., Jr., 106, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125-126, 127, 151
Brooksbank, Walter H., 69-70
Brugmans, Father, 65
Buckley, Lt. Col. Edmond J., 70, 86
Buin, 37, 38, 78-79, 94, 145, 151, 153, 160
Buka Island, 2, 4, 9, 36, 40, 98, 107-109, 110, 113, 146, 160, 167
Buka Passage, 67-68, 87, 107, 111, 243
Japanese landings at, 40
Bukobuko Island, 99
Burns Philp (trading firm), 7-9, 185, 198, 219, 226
CACTUS (code name), 31
“CACTUS Air Force,” 69, 78, 89, 100, 102, 128, 139, 143, 146, 244
Cairns, 37
Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Claude I. H., 113-14, 116, 117, 118, 120, 122, 123-24
Campbell, F. M., 24, 25-26, 33
Campbell, Jack and Pat, 24, 25-26, 33
Canberra (cruiser), 44
Cape Esperance, 65, 79, 81, 142
Cape Hunter, 58, 83, 85
Cape Torokina, 241
Carlson, Lt. Col. Evans, 100-101, 106
Catalinas, 11, 12, 148-49, 248-49. See also PBYs; supply drops
Cecil, Capt. Charles P., 193
Chabai village, 112
Chan Cheong (storekeeper), 134, 136
Chennault, Ensign David, 196
CHERRYBLOSSOM, 232, 239, 243
Chew, Lt. Comdr. John L., 192-94, 195-205, 206, 207-208, 211-212
Chicago (cruiser), 44
Chimi (scout), 18
Choiseul Bay, 130, 240
Choiseul Island, 2, 3, 10, 68, 69, 70, 75-77, 80, 102, 138, 140-41, 142-144, 172, 239-40, 241, 245
Chokai (cruiser), 44
Chung, Sam, 201, 202, 207
CINCPAC, 38, 79, 89, 145
Ciunguin, Lt. Eli, 200, 206
Claire, Sister, 112, 118
Clark, Flight Lt. W. J., 149-50, 248, 249
Clemens, Martin, 4-5, 7, 10, 11-18, 19-29, 33, 34, 42-45, 49-51, 247
Code-breaking, U.S., 14, 31, 79, 89, 145-46, 214
Coffeen, Staff Sgt. William I., 143, 144, 145
Colhoun (destroyer), 69
COMSOPAC, 107, 206, 207
Cook, Capt. James, 15
Coral Sea, 30, 84
Battle of the Coral Sea, 13-14, 37
Corrigan, Flying Officer J. A., 139, 248, 249
Costello, PFC Tommy, 135
Coultas, Lt. William P., 175, 176, 177-78
Countermeasures, Japanese
Bougainville, 68, 87, 104, 142, 154-67
Choiseul, 1
45, 240
Guadalcanal, 14, 21-22, 23-24, 25, 26, 27
Rendova, 186-88
Santa Isabel, 147
Segi, 179-84
Vella Lavella, 197-200, 205-206
Cowan, Sgt. Bert, 232-33
Craig, Comdr. J. R., 72-73
Crown Prince Range, 68, 160
Currin, Col. Michael, 183-84
Dahl, Dale, 236
Dariai camp, 151, 153, 154, 155
Davis, Ensign George, 106, 107, 122, 124
de Blanc, First Lt. Jefferson J., 139, 140
de Klerk, Father Emery, 56-66, 83-86, 101, 104, 142
DEL (call letters), 80, 144, 145, 239
Deneo, ridge at, 94
Dent (destroyer-transport), 183, 186, 209-11, 212
Deuro Range, 68
Dinn, First Lt. Wallace L., 137
Dolby, Sgt. Bill, 120, 122
Dovu (scout), 21
Dubonami village, 160
Dumbo missions, 140-41, 144-45, 182-83
Dundavata (schooner), 172-74
Dunn, Flying Officer, C. S., 149-50, 159
Dupay, CWO William, 206, 207, 208
Ebery, Tom, 104
Eckert, Lt. Phil, 107, 126
Edmée, Sister, 63, 64, 101
Edson, Col. Merritt, 54, 244
Efate Island, 241
Eisenhower, Brig. Gen. Dwight D., 30
Eldridge, Lt. Comdr. John, 136
Elie, Sister, 115, 119
Emperor Range, 164
Empress Augusta Bay, 155, 164, 241, 243
Ena, Constable, 156
Enogai, Japanese post at, 179, 189
Enterprise (carrier), 32, 55, 90, 133
Espiritu Santo Island, 70, 90, 134, 241
Estep, Chauncey Junior, 236-37
Evans, Sub-Lt. Arthur Reginald, 218-20, 221-24, 225, 227, 228-232, 247
Ewoldt, Lt. Leonard, 16
Faisi, 89, 129, 142
Falkner, Mrs. Chris, 117, 119-20, 122, 123
Falls, Signalman Alan, 156, 158
Farland, Merle, 91-92, 96-97, 99-100, 104, 130, 147
Farnam, Second Lt. E. H., 63
Feldt, Lt. Comdr. Eric, 6, 7, 9, 20, 24, 26, 28, 36, 38, 40, 47, 71, 79, 87, 103, 113, 114, 142, 153, 219, 246, 247, 248
Feliton, Staff Sgt. James A., 139-40
Fenwick, Corp. L, 150, 159
“Ferdinand,” 7, 168-69, 171, 239, 240
Ferguson Passage, 214, 223-29
Fernandez, Billy, 126
Ferncomb, Capt., 39
Firebaugh, Lt. Gordon E., 133-34
Firth, Sub-Lt. Robert, 198, 200, 247
Fletcher, Rear Adm. Frank Jack, 14, 32, 43
Florance, Sgt. W. V., 154
Florida Islands, 3, 42
Foley, Lt. Comdr. Robert J., 151-5
Forwood, ARM/2c E. L., 136-37
Furner, Sgt. Frank, 161, 166
Gari dialect, 56, 58
Gasa, Biuku, 223-24, 225, 226, 227
Gato (submarine), 151-52, 153, 165, 242
Geneva Convention, 147, 205
George F. Elliot (transport), 42
Ghormley, Vice Adm. Robert L., 31-32, 70
Gina, Belshazzar, 181-82
Gizo Island, 5, 143, 215, 223, 224, 227, 231, 239
Gold Ridge, 9-12, 14, 17, 18, 19-20, 22, 23, 24-26, 28, 30, 33, 62-64, 101
Gomu Island, 222, 227-29, 231-32
Good, Percy, 109
Grampus (submarine), 67, 70, 71-73, 74, 75, 77
Gregor, Brother, 115
Griswold, Major Gen.Oscar W., 212
Grow, Second Lt. Douglas, 84, 85-86
Grumman “Wildcat” fighters, 38, 53, 96, 132, 244
Grunstad, Coxswain Chesleigh, 197, 211
GSE (call letters), 219
Guadalcanal, 3, 5, 7-9, 10, 11, 13, 16, 17-18, 38, 41, 77, 78, 133, 137, 239
Coastwatcher hide-outs, 19-27
code name for, 31
Japanese evacuation of, 127, 128, 141-42
landing of U.S. Marines on, 39
Ramada rescue mission, 65-66, 67
Tangarare mission, 56-66, 83-86, 101, 104
Guardfish (submarine), 165-67, 241
Guidone, Sgt. Frank, 175, 176, 177-178, 179, 189
Guillette, Pvt., 103
Gumz, Lt. Comdr. Don, 182, 183
Gwin (destroyer), 212
Hakau plantation, 117, 118
Halavo Beach, 28
Halsey, Vice Adm. William F., 80, 89, 105, 107, 114, 116, 174, 175, 179, 244
Hamikaze (destroyer), 142
Hanahan mission, 107-109
Hanami, Comdr. Kohai, 215, 217, 218
Hara, Major Masao, 180, 183-84, 238
Harmon, Major Gen. “Miff,” 105
Hart, Liddell, 32
Hartman, Corp. J. E., 138
Havea, John, 235
Hawthorne Sound, 99
Hay, Kenneth Dalrymple, 9-11, 13, 18, 20, 22, 25-26, 45, 63, 64, 101-102
Helena (cruiser), 192-94, 197, 198, 201-204, 206-207, 208, 245, 247
Henderson Field, xi, 48, 52, 54, 62, 67, 69, 80, 86, 100, 135, 136-37, 138, 141, 143, 221, 238, 244
First Japanese attempt to retake, 50-51
Second Japanese attempt to retake, 54
Third Japanese attempt to retake, 78-80
Fourth Japanese attempt to retake, 88-90
Hennessy, Father James T., 109
Henrietta, Sister, 112, 115, 118
Hersey, John, 247
Hester, Major Gen. John H., 189, 212
Hitu, Solomon, 97
Hollandsworth, Ensign Keith, 140
Honolulu (cruiser), 212
Horton, D. C. “Dick,” 5, 65, 66, 86, 103, 104, 142, 177-78, 185-88, 219, 248
HUG (call letters), 48
Huson, Mrs. Edie, 113, 117, 119, 122
Hyakutake, Lt. Gen. Harukichi, 78, 79, 88, 90, 100, 141
Hylavo River, 24, 27, 29, 63
Iamulu, Constable, 157
Ichiki, Col. Kyono, 50, 51
Ilala, Sgt., 232
Imamura, Lt. Gen. Hitoshi, 141, 190, 231
Inus plantation, 36, 149
Iringila, Japanese post at, 77, 78, 94, 146, 198
Iron Bottom Sound, xi
Isea (native king), 103
Ishimoto, T., 13, 21-22, 23, 24, 26, 58
Islands Coastwatching Service, formation of, 5-7
Ito, Capt., 111
Jaeger, Sister M. Hedda, 107, 109, 111, 118, 124
James, Gunner Jim, 175, 177
Jane’s Fighting Ships, 89
Jarvis, C. C., 7
Jarvis (destroyer), 42
Java village, 200
JER (call letters), 41
Joan (cutter), 131-33, 134
Josselyn, Henry, 5, 70-71, 72, 73-75, 77, 78, 80, 90, 91-97, 139, 142-43, 146, 198-200, 202, 206, 207, 208, 210-12, 245
Kahili, 69, 98, 209
Kavieng, 35
Kawaguchi, Major Gen. Kiyotaki, 51, 54, 137
Kawanisi flying boats, 4, 10, 74, 76
KE, Operation, 141-42
Keenan, John, 71, 72, 73-75, 77, 78, 80, 90, 94, 95, 96, 139-40, 152, 153, 154, 158, 160, 164, 165, 198, 241, 243
Kelly, Major Bernard T., 193, 194-197, 202-206, 207-208, 211
KEN (call letters), 48 19, 52, 63, 65, 68, 75, 79, 80, 90, 93, 95, 97, 98, 102, 118, 139, 142, 155, 160, 162, 165, 185, 191, 198, 213, 219-23, 227, 231, 239, 244, 245
Kennedy, Donald, 68, 77, 91-93, 97, 98-100, 129-31, 135, 140, 168-91, 213, 219, 221, 238, 245, 247-48
Kennedy, Lt. (j.g.) John F., 213-230, 247
Kereaka, 162, 164
Kesa (native chief), 83-84
Kevu, Ben, 227-28, 229
Kieta, 37, 40, 109, 153
Kila Kila, supply depot at, 198
Killgore, CMM Moe, 121, 122, 124
“Kilokaka hiding place,” 132
Kimisi, Andrew, 241
King, Second Lt. Benjamin, 236
King, Adm. Ernest J., 30, 31, 32
br /> King, Second Lt. John Henry, 137
Kissane, Jack, 213
Klaucke, John, 130
Knox, Secretary of the Navy Frank, 145
Koilo, supply cache at, 10
Koimate (scout), 17
Kolare Island, 131
Koli Point, 241
Kolombangara Island, 99, 139, 142, 143, 192, 195, 196, 206, 209, 212, 215, 218-22, 223, 227, 231, 232, 239
Komimbo village, 141
Koro Island, 32
Kovaks (pilot), 138
Krulak, Lt. Col. Victor H., 239-41
Kula Gulf, 93, 192-94, 198
Kumana, Eroni, 223-27
Kundurumbangara Point, 206
Kunua plantation, 167
Kuper, Geoffrey, 129-35, 136-39, 146-47, 247
Kuper, Gordon Henry, 147
Kuper, Henry, 129
Kuper, Linda, 129, 130, 133, 135, 147
Kuraio mission, 242
Kusaka, Vice Adm. Jinichi, 141, 186, 188, 190, 231
Lake Tungano, 183
Lambeti plantation, 98
Lambu Lambu Cove, 200-201, 206, 207, 210
Lambu Lambu River, 207
Lamparan village, 163
Langebaea, Andrew, 15, 17, 26
Laverty, Corp. Robert C., 175, 177
Lavoro plantation, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 63, 101
Layton, Pharmacist’s Mate Red, 203
Leander (cruiser), 212
Lebel, Father Albert, 40, 117-18, 120, 122-23, 152
Leone, Sister, 66
Leslie, Second Lt. Dale M., 81-86
Lever Brothers (trading firm), 9, 45, 186
Levi, Lt. Nelson, 95, 96
Lexington (carrier), 14
Lezatuni, Silas, 77, 95
Liebenow, Lt. (j.g.) William F., Jr., 229
Little, Corp. A. R., 154
Liversedge, Lt. Col. Henry, 189
Lomae, Pelope, 187
Long, Alf, 117, 119
Long, Comdr. R. B. M., 6
Lotikena, John, 238
Lowrey, Lt. (j.g.) John R., 217
Lua Point, 233
Luluai River, 161
Lunga plain, 19, 25, 28, 30-33, 50, 65, 89, 101
Lynch, Lt. Richard B. “Ozzie,” 121, 122-23, 124-25
MacFarland, Pay Lt. Donald S., 7, 9-10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 24-25, 27-30, 34, 44-46, 62, 63, 64, 247
Machalinski, Radioman Ray, 16
Mackenzie, Lt. Comdr. Hugh, 47-49, 53, 65, 68, 69, 70, 79, 80, 90, 102, 103, 104, 139, 162, 219, 221
Mackie, Lt. John H., 36-37, 40, 52, 118, 119, 120, 123, 151, 152, 160, 241
MacLeod, Corp. N. L., 154
Maguire, Radioman 2/c John E., 214